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Does White Identity = White Supremacy?

i consider myself just an average white guy, raised in a relatively poor family and yet was fortunte enough to get a good education via scholarship, pell grant, and co-op job.

so i guess i feel like i'm living the poverbial american dream (i.e. relatively successful with a nice house, two cars in the garage, and enough free time and money to enjoy the good things in life).

i have never, i suppose due to my upbringing, felt "superior" to anyone regardless of race/creed/color/etc - i've been to focused on trying to become the best that i can be and taking full advantage of the blessings and aptitude i've been given.

i do feel empathy for those less fortunate because in many ways, i've been there (i.e. i was the youngest of 4 kids whose father was a wwii pow with ptsd and never made much money - we lived in poverty, but we did get good orderly direction from our parents).

ultimately, i don't understand all the dynamics at play in race relations, but i would like to understand and learn to be part of the solution because in my view, we are all ultimately in this thing together as americans, and its important for us all to learn to live and thrive together.

it is my wish for every child to have and take full advantage of the opportunities i have had to migrate from living in poverty to living the american dream.

The problem is that an entire Political machine exists to convince blacks that they need a hand that they are being held down by evil whitey and that unless they need big brother to take care of them they won't get anywhere.
The whole problem has resolved around the boasters of years ago that claimed the white race will conquer the world and make it better....

Only people coming close to conqueoring the world are olive skinned Muslims. Already conqueored the US by making us too afraid to publicly oppose them.

Pussy. I agree that YOU are conquered. Try making an effort to speaking just for yourself because if you are "white" shut your fucking disgusting pussy ass pie hole when it come to what most white Americans believe.
i consider myself just an average white guy, raised in a relatively poor family and yet was fortunte enough to get a good education via scholarship, pell grant, and co-op job.

so i guess i feel like i'm living the poverbial american dream (i.e. relatively successful with a nice house, two cars in the garage, and enough free time and money to enjoy the good things in life).

i have never, i suppose due to my upbringing, felt "superior" to anyone regardless of race/creed/color/etc - i've been to focused on trying to become the best that i can be and taking full advantage of the blessings and aptitude i've been given.

i do feel empathy for those less fortunate because in many ways, i've been there (i.e. i was the youngest of 4 kids whose father was a wwii pow with ptsd and never made much money - we lived in poverty, but we did get good orderly direction from our parents).

ultimately, i don't understand all the dynamics at play in race relations, but i would like to understand and learn to be part of the solution because in my view, we are all ultimately in this thing together as americans, and its important for us all to learn to live and thrive together.

it is my wish for every child to have and take full advantage of the opportunities i have had to migrate from living in poverty to living the american dream.

The problem is that an entire Political machine exists to convince blacks that they need a hand that they are being held down by evil whitey and that unless they need big brother to take care of them they won't get anywhere.
in my relatively small realm of influence, most of the people i live around and work with are, much like myself, enjoying the all american dream - this includes all races/religions/etc. so i guess i'm rather insulated from the areas where people of any race/color could be influenced by politicians promises for anything.

i was raised in an area that is now considered a dangerous part of town, but i don't ever remember politics having much influence other than the fact that i dad was a disabled amerian veteran, so we lived off government subsistance growing up and i did get a pell grant to go to college after high school.

so in that vein, i guess i believe that just because a familiy is living on government subsistence doesn't mean that the kids can't rise above those conditions (i.e. it's not just blacks that need a hand up).

all of my brothers and my sister rose out of poverty and have had relatively successful lives despite the fact that we grew up in poverty, so I know intuitively it can be done - the question in my mind is how do we help the kids living in that environment to dream big instead of repeating the cycle of dependence.

i hated being poor and wanted to get out of that environment as fast as i could, and i had a guidance counselor who took an interest in me and helped me to see that education is the key. so i focused all my energy in that direction.

to me, focusing on the innocent kids involved is where it's at - how can we reach them and help to show them the way out?
There is no middle ground between "white supremacy" and "total and complete white surrender to political correctness."

That's a shame.

Most whites are nowhere near either pole.

Does White Identity Mean White Supremacy American Renaissance

White racial identity need not be malign at all. Mr. Valizadeh doesn’t seem to realize that the white people who stopped the slave trade, freed their own slaves, forced Africans to give up slavery, and gave black people basic civil rights all thought that blacks, on average, were less intelligent than whites. That was taken for granted until the 1950s–but it never sent them into genocidal frenzy.

watch,, there is NO white race

i consider myself just an average white guy, raised in a relatively poor family and yet was fortunte enough to get a good education via scholarship, pell grant, and co-op job.

so i guess i feel like i'm living the poverbial american dream (i.e. relatively successful with a nice house, two cars in the garage, and enough free time and money to enjoy the good things in life).

i have never, i suppose due to my upbringing, felt "superior" to anyone regardless of race/creed/color/etc - i've been to focused on trying to become the best that i can be and taking full advantage of the blessings and aptitude i've been given.

i do feel empathy for those less fortunate because in many ways, i've been there (i.e. i was the youngest of 4 kids whose father was a wwii pow with ptsd and never made much money - we lived in poverty, but we did get good orderly direction from our parents).

ultimately, i don't understand all the dynamics at play in race relations, but i would like to understand and learn to be part of the solution because in my view, we are all ultimately in this thing together as americans, and its important for us all to learn to live and thrive together.

it is my wish for every child to have and take full advantage of the opportunities i have had to migrate from living in poverty to living the american dream.

The problem is that an entire Political machine exists to convince blacks that they need a hand that they are being held down by evil whitey and that unless they need big brother to take care of them they won't get anywhere.
somehow we've got to find a way to strike into the heart, soul, mind and body of each and every child that absolutely no one can hold them down in this world we live in today unless they allow it (i.e. if you just give up and give in, then yes, there are many people, places and things that will seek to dominate and control you - but you don't have to allow it).

education, education, education.................that is the key to freedom, and no man can prevent another in our society today from satisfying their thirst for knowledge - not a politician, not a political party/machine, not the concept of "evil whitey", not anyone or anything can prevent a person from their individual pursuit of knowledge.

the question is (in my mind at least), how do we get the children born into these toxic environments to realize that they have the power and potential to rise out of that environment via getting a good eduation.
There is no middle ground between "white supremacy" and "total and complete white surrender to political correctness."

That's a shame.

Most whites are nowhere near either pole.

Does White Identity Mean White Supremacy American Renaissance

White racial identity need not be malign at all. Mr. Valizadeh doesn’t seem to realize that the white people who stopped the slave trade, freed their own slaves, forced Africans to give up slavery, and gave black people basic civil rights all thought that blacks, on average, were less intelligent than whites. That was taken for granted until the 1950s–but it never sent them into genocidal frenzy.
Only white pride= white supremacy. White identity just means you know you are white and like it.
Toothless trailer trash, meth heads, ex cons, and angry miltia/redneck types have taken up vicitm status, and it takes that concept in the wrong direction, and that's why these types ar an embarassmernt to white people and humanity. They're almost all just failures in life, and I have no more use for them than I do gang bangers, criminals, and other useless members of what could be a much better society to live in

I sympathize with your rejection of the weirdos who dress up in Klan costumes.

But I don't think every white person with a racial complaint is a "failure in life"... just like I don't think every black person with a complaint is ALWAYS "just blaming whitey".
Every white nationalist, conservative, militia type, or Tea Partier I have ever known in my personal life......who also has racial complaints......is a failure in life.

I don't know about every one of them

you do realize that more than half the country identifies as a conservative, right? you sure do throw out a few racist stereotypes as well
That's absolutely retarded.
Some of my best friends are WHITE. And some of the most profound bigots I ever met were black. Blacks can and ARE haters and commit race based crimes and nobody is supposed to notice. I notice.
Then quit meeting criminals
I grew up with blacks, they are a mixed group. And a lot of them really truly hate whites and are the most vile hateful people I ever had the misfortune to rub elbows with. Not out of choice, out of happenstance and misfortune.
Sounds like you grew up with low life's.

I'm a white male, 50 years old. I am an extreme minority at work. It's 90% women, and probably about 70% minority. 90% minority if I include Asians

I find absolutely no correlation between race, sex, and job performance. I also see no difference in the way people treat each other based on race or sex.

In my personal life, my best friends have the last name Kantor, Villneuva, Hillstrom, Liston, and Williams. In our group there is one Beaner, a Jew, an Irish/Scandanavian, a redneck, and another white guy. There are two black guys in our circle of friends, and they always joke about being relieved when we get together, if the other one is there.

I live in an environment that Stormfronters wish did not exist. An example of the long term effects of successful integration. In 1979, they integrated my high school, and since then, the railroad tracks no longer separate the Latinos from the Whites. I have friends with the last name Martinez, Alvarado, Pena, and so goes the list. If someone asked me what the differences between myself and them are...I'd probably say they're Catholics, and make great Tamales at Xmas time.

When I hear about people who grew up fearing blacks, or whoever...and they think the whole race is inferior now...I'm pretty damn sure they're failures in life. Another thing that happened when my high school was integrated...all the low life's, from both sides, started hanging out, doing drugs, and causing trouble.

If somebody declares white people superior, they're no better than black gang bangers. They're all of our problem.

Anybody who wants a white nationalist nation, and if they would ever have one, which they won't...it would be the biggest meth infested trailer park in the world. And the cream of the crop would be ignorant rednecks who've never left their own state, or been to school.

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