DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion

Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

Ignorant nonsense and hyperbole.

If you want to understand the government’s position on the issue, then read its actual court filings, not the lies and spin of a rightwing website.

As the government correctly stated:

And the government’s position as reviewed by SCOTUBlog last week:

The Obama administration’s merits brief in Hobby Lobby focused on the RFRA claim, and its separate brief in the Conestoga case sought to answer claims under both RFRA and the First Amendment.

In each filing, the government made the same basic points: profit-making businesses do not “exercise” religion at all, for purposes of either federal law or the Constitution; the mandate only applies to corporations and not to their owners and, in any event, corporations law treats the business separate from the owner; and, even if the mandate did have to satisfy a compelling government interest, it does so by assuring that female workers have access to an important health benefit as part of a comprehensive health insurance scheme.

The contraceptive coverage requirement, according to the government, is a neutral obligation that applies to profit-making businesses in general, and does not target any religious exercise. The exemptions that have been provided for other businesses — those whose plans are “grandfathered” and thus do not immediately have to obey the mandate — will only exist in a phased sequence, and that alone is not enough to deprive the mandate of its neutral character, the U.S. brief said.

In passing RFRA, the brief contended, Congress did not intend to “uniquely disable the government by working a dramatic expansion” of the claims for exemption based on religious liberty. Besides, it added, there has not been a single decision by the Supreme Court that struck down a federal law — or required an exemption to it — on the theory that that was necessary “to protect the rights of a for-profit corporation or of the owners, managers, or directors of the corporation.”

Argument preview: Religion, rights, and the workplace : SCOTUSblog
Clearly the notion that this provision of the ACA ‘violates’ religious freedom is false, unfounded, and predicated solely on partisanism, where the issue concerns only subjective, unwarranted hostility toward the Obama Administration, having nothing to do whatsoever with the merits of the ACA or facts of law.

They can argue all they want, but killing a living human, whether it's 2 celled or 8 3/4 months old, is murder!

A zygote is not a living human. So not allowing them to develop via birth control is not nor will it ever be murder in this country.
But YOU believe there is a GOD? Yet you believe in killing? I'm undecided on GOD!

You used the term "heathens" therefore you do believe in God because without a God there cannot be any "heathens".

Of course you could always be describing yourself but you alleged that "heathens" lack "morals, ethics and principles" which you so self righteously claim to possess.

Given the above you must believe in God and therefore by your own definition your God must be a "murderer".

Definition of HEATHEN

: of or relating to heathens, their religions, or their customs

: strange, uncivilized

Try to learn the language! :eusa_clap:

1: an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible

2: an uncivilized or irreligious person

Heathen - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The onus is on YOU to prove your allegation about "INCONVENIENCE" but I can understand why you are running away from that whopper of yours!

Why would a woman kill a fetus, seems abortion is a woman's easiest form of birth control, when she acts irresponsibly!

That has to be one of the dumbest statements ever posted! Obviously you have no clue whatsoever as to what an abortion actually entails.

Furthermore you failed to prove your point about "INCONVENIENCE" with that facile response.

If not a vast majority INCONVENIENCE, than what? I don't have to prove anything, it's peoples perception of what some women do! Want to call be a sexist, or anti-woman now? I know you people with little ethics just can't understand that what you kill, an innocent that has done nothing to anyone, is OK....sorry, killing another being, in any state of development isn't ethical.....The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes a child in utero as a legal victim, if he or she is injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines b]

Of course, in the politicians great infamy, they refuse to add abortion to that bill, BUT what is an abortion but a murderous attack on another person. Don't try to give me your peoples bullshit, that it's only tissue, or a LUMP OF CELLS, this 10 year old law states, and wisely so that a "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb".

Because abortion is law now, and had been rightfully, and ethically correct when it wasn't law in this country for decades before Roe, doesn't make it right. It makes it CONVENIENT for irresponsible women to have it her way!
You used the term "heathens" therefore you do believe in God because without a God there cannot be any "heathens".

Of course you could always be describing yourself but you alleged that "heathens" lack "morals, ethics and principles" which you so self righteously claim to possess.

Given the above you must believe in God and therefore by your own definition your God must be a "murderer".

Definition of HEATHEN

: of or relating to heathens, their religions, or their customs

: strange, uncivilized

Try to learn the language! :eusa_clap:

Ironic since you obviously don't comprehend the terms you are flinging around!

Since you so fervently believe in "baby Killing" I would call you a HEATHEN, using the definition of being "STRANGE, and UNCIVILIZED"....IMHO, of course!
Why would a woman kill a fetus, seems abortion is a woman's easiest form of birth control, when she acts irresponsibly!

what a moronic statement.

how about this for the small government MALE idiots ….

it is not government's place to interfere. you wackos don't want sex ed…. you don't want birth control…you want to cut off food for children when they're poor….

and here's the biggie….

you think it's the woman's "responsibility" when last i checked abiogenesis doesn't occur in humans.

worry about your own business and not anyone else's because you have no clue what goes on in someone else's decision-making process.

it's only about men controlling women… which is why 80% of anti-choicers are men…. and why you support the most humiliating, degrading procedures

misogyny at it's best

This coming from HillBillyJilly, the woman who did a whole diatribe about me lying when she writes about Kentucky, and the OP was about Oklahoma.... you have "0" credibility!
You are alleging that your death penalty will be a deterrent to abortion. Thanks for conceding that even you know that will be a miserable failure!

I did? I simply state that women are smarter than men, when faced with death or long term incarceration, most will not opt for that. Many men, on the other hand, have this inability to apply logic to a situation where they may face death. Do you not agree that most violent, knife and gun murders are performed by men, and not women? Men know the penalty, but many have revenge, hatred, or some other basal condition which inhibits them from NOT performing that act!

Thanks for admitting that you are utterly clueless. You are equating the act of first degree cold blooded premeditated murder (as opposed to the 2nd degree examples that you provided) with abortion.

The desperation faced by single women without any means to support a child is why they will resort to abortions. Obviously you are posting from a position of abject ignorance on the subject.

Then give the poor little human to adoption, and preferably a RELIGIOUS organization, as they may be able to place the baby with people that actually have ethics!
Conservatives don’t understand science or the law, where the embryo/fetus is not legally a person, and not entitled to Constitutional protections:

Conservatives also don’t know the meaning of hypocrisy, as privacy rights place limits on the government’s power and authority, while protecting the rights of individuals – so much for the rightist notion of ‘less government, more freedom.’

This has nothing to do with the Constitution, it has to do with morals, ethics, and principles, things sadly lacking in our country today!

You cannot legislate morality. That is what leads to censorship and Jim Crow segregation.

Abortion is a matter of privacy and individual rights which are protected under the Constitution. Most people who were home schooled don't have a good understanding of these principles.

BULLSHIT.... it's just as easy for the SUBVERSIVE schools and SUBVERSIVE teachers to teach children what is ethically correct, as it is to show them how to use a condom!

Ah, back to the Constitution, well perhaps when we actually get a decent person in as president, he can make it an E.O. that ROE is now WAIVERED, and wait the few years required for that to be fought in court! I mean, after all the current poser in the White House has made it LEGAL for the unlimited detention of any citizen HE feels threatening, without due process of law! Don't believe me? Look up the National Defense Authorization Act!
How many zygotes per month in this country do you suppose on average do not attach to the uterus wall naturally and are flushed out during the next menstrual cycle?

What is done NATURALLY is one thing, what man destroys is another!

Man is part of nature. What we do is natural.

So, if I poked out both your eyes, and I'm part of nature, it's OK, because it's natural?

That has to be the dumbest quote in this thread, obviously from someone with an IQ less than the value of a half dollar!
Ignorant nonsense and hyperbole.

If you want to understand the government’s position on the issue, then read its actual court filings, not the lies and spin of a rightwing website.

As the government correctly stated:

And the government’s position as reviewed by SCOTUBlog last week:

Clearly the notion that this provision of the ACA ‘violates’ religious freedom is false, unfounded, and predicated solely on partisanism, where the issue concerns only subjective, unwarranted hostility toward the Obama Administration, having nothing to do whatsoever with the merits of the ACA or facts of law.

They can argue all they want, but killing a living human, whether it's 2 celled or 8 3/4 months old, is murder!

A zygote is not a living human. So not allowing them to develop via birth control is not nor will it ever be murder in this country.

According to our 2004 LAW against violence to the unborn, it is, and almost every scientist states life begins at conception, but don't let those facts get in the way of your unethical rants, and thinking!
You used the term "heathens" therefore you do believe in God because without a God there cannot be any "heathens".

Of course you could always be describing yourself but you alleged that "heathens" lack "morals, ethics and principles" which you so self righteously claim to possess.

Given the above you must believe in God and therefore by your own definition your God must be a "murderer".

Definition of HEATHEN

: of or relating to heathens, their religions, or their customs

: strange, uncivilized

Try to learn the language! :eusa_clap:

1: an unconverted member of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of the Bible

2: an uncivilized or irreligious person

Heathen - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

What do you not understand about the word "OR"?
It's such a shame all you pro death people weren't aborted. I'm agnostic, this has nothing to do with religion, but it does require one to have morals, ethics, and principles, which all of you seem to be missing from your genetic code!

How many zygotes per month in this country do you suppose on average do not attach to the uterus wall naturally and are flushed out during the next menstrual cycle?

Lots and Lots whats your point??
Listen idiots, TRY to put all your vitriolic statements into ONE post, instead of spreading them out for a half dozen or so....You waste bandwidth, and you do get a delayed response. Now, all you "BABY KILLER", please continue to try, and logically defend your statements that HUMAN LIFE DOES NOT starts with a 2 celled being, that IS HUMAN, and as proof, show me a current LIVE human that didn't begin as a 2 celled entity!
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

Based on recent history, I am not sure the DOJ or the Supreme Court even cares if it is killing or not? They surely don't care if we kill the bigger babies in the mother's womb.

This nation is already on death row from what I can surmise.
It's such a shame all you pro death people weren't aborted. I'm agnostic, this has nothing to do with religion, but it does require one to have morals, ethics, and principles, which all of you seem to be missing from your genetic code!

How many zygotes per month in this country do you suppose on average do not attach to the uterus wall naturally and are flushed out during the next menstrual cycle?

Lots and Lots whats your point??

Let me try to help BLIND (not you!) . He's trying to equate what NATURE does naturally is the EQUAL of what man does to a woman MEDICALLY.... They all believe that shit, that what happens naturally THEY AND THE ABORTIONIST should be able to do BECAUSE THEY CAN! I see that some of these morons are now promoting that you can KILL a born baby up to 3 days after birth! Watch the video, it's barbaric, as are BABY KILLERS!

Post Birth Abortion: Planned Parenthood Rep Claims Right to Kill Babies After Birth!!!!!

Post Birth Abortion: Planned Parenthood Rep Claims Right to Kill Babies After Birth | FrontPage Magazine
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Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

Based on recent history, I am not sure the DOJ or the Supreme Court even cares if it is killing or not? They surely don't care if we kill the bigger babies in the mother's womb.

This nation is already on death row from what I can surmise.

This is all part of the SUBVERSIVE left's coordinated effort to destroy this country. The ANTI-GUN nuts, The GAY AGENDA, the PUSH TO LEGALIZE DRUGS, ABORTION, AMNESTY, and other such left wing, subversives agenda's are all done to destroy the very fabric of what our country was based on ...CULTURE, BORDERS, and a COMMON LANGUAGE is what was the cohesive glue that was here through the second World War. WE know ONE person that has stepped up to be a activist for these circumstances, and he gets a PASS from all media, except a few....George Soros..... OMG, I'm now going to be considered a great WING NUT by the left, but the connections of all his foundations, and companies back to these activities is real and if any of the BRAIN DEAD out there took the time to investigate, they'd find out! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

Based on recent history, I am not sure the DOJ or the Supreme Court even cares if it is killing or not? They surely don't care if we kill the bigger babies in the mother's womb.

This nation is already on death row from what I can surmise.

This is all part of the SUBVERSIVE left's coordinated effort to destroy this country. The ANTI-GUN nuts, The GAY AGENDA, the PUSH TO LEGALIZE DRUGS, ABORTION, AMNESTY, and other such left wing, subversives agenda's are all done to destroy the very fabric of what our country was based on ...CULTURE, BORDERS, and a COMMON LANGUAGE is what was the cohesive glue that was here through the second World War. WE know ONE person that has stepped up to be a activist for these circumstances, and he gets a PASS from all media, except a few....George Soros..... OMG, I'm now going to be considered a great WING NUT by the left, but the connections of all his foundations, and companies back to these activities is real and if any of the BRAIN DEAD out there took the time to investigate, they'd find out! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Is it a coordinated effort? I tend to doubt they could be that clever, or even diabolic?

I just see a world that wants to party with impunity. The laws of God keep telling them everything they like is wrong so they become indignant and gang up on God - - and his pesky annoying voices, too, of course. We Christians do have a knack for saying everything the wrong way. There is no humility amongst the activists.

Now you, on the other hand? You really need to work on that agnostic label. :)
Based on recent history, I am not sure the DOJ or the Supreme Court even cares if it is killing or not? They surely don't care if we kill the bigger babies in the mother's womb.

This nation is already on death row from what I can surmise.

This is all part of the SUBVERSIVE left's coordinated effort to destroy this country. The ANTI-GUN nuts, The GAY AGENDA, the PUSH TO LEGALIZE DRUGS, ABORTION, AMNESTY, and other such left wing, subversives agenda's are all done to destroy the very fabric of what our country was based on ...CULTURE, BORDERS, and a COMMON LANGUAGE is what was the cohesive glue that was here through the second World War. WE know ONE person that has stepped up to be a activist for these circumstances, and he gets a PASS from all media, except a few....George Soros..... OMG, I'm now going to be considered a great WING NUT by the left, but the connections of all his foundations, and companies back to these activities is real and if any of the BRAIN DEAD out there took the time to investigate, they'd find out! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Is it a coordinated effort? I tend to doubt they could be that clever, or even diabolic?

I just see a world that wants to party with impunity. The laws of God keep telling them everything they like is wrong so they become indignant and gang up on God - - and his pesky annoying voices, too, of course. We Christians do have a knack for saying everything the wrong way. There is no humility amongst the activists.

Now you, on the other hand? You really need to work on that agnostic label. :)

AS to ethics, and NOT religion I almost always side with religion. It's only common sense.

Take an hour or so to do some research and you'll find all these subversive causes are tied together at the very top! I can only suggest, people do their own investigation, as if I post it, the name calling and subversive TSUNAMI will be on full KILL! :eusa_clap:

‘We shall destroy you from within’ -- Nikita Kruschev
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This is all part of the SUBVERSIVE left's coordinated effort to destroy this country. The ANTI-GUN nuts, The GAY AGENDA, the PUSH TO LEGALIZE DRUGS, ABORTION, AMNESTY, and other such left wing, subversives agenda's are all done to destroy the very fabric of what our country was based on ...CULTURE, BORDERS, and a COMMON LANGUAGE is what was the cohesive glue that was here through the second World War. WE know ONE person that has stepped up to be a activist for these circumstances, and he gets a PASS from all media, except a few....George Soros..... OMG, I'm now going to be considered a great WING NUT by the left, but the connections of all his foundations, and companies back to these activities is real and if any of the BRAIN DEAD out there took the time to investigate, they'd find out! :eusa_clap::eusa_clap::eusa_clap:

Is it a coordinated effort? I tend to doubt they could be that clever, or even diabolic?

I just see a world that wants to party with impunity. The laws of God keep telling them everything they like is wrong so they become indignant and gang up on God - - and his pesky annoying voices, too, of course. We Christians do have a knack for saying everything the wrong way. There is no humility amongst the activists.

Now you, on the other hand? You really need to work on that agnostic label. :)

AS to ethics, and NOT religion I almost always side with religion. It's only common sense.

Take an hour or so to do some research and you'll find all these subversive causes are tied together at the very top! I can only suggest, people do their own investigation, as if I post it, the name calling and subversive TSUNAMI will be on full KILL! :eusa_clap:

‘We shall destroy you from within’ -- Nikita Kruschev

When you say “religion,” I assume we are talking about Judeo-Christian teachings and not Sharia law? Be that as it may, I am not counting you among “the lost” because of your agnosticism, God is very big on charity and lack thereof as a true measure. But you are losing out on some very beneficial graces, IMO.

Honestly, I have no idea who is in charge of this godless, hedonistic, phony-altruistic machine on the left? But do you really think it is that well coordinated? I just think they hate right wing family values, morals and the right’s pretending to be on the side of truth, morality and justice. (Even though given the two’s platforms, you would surely have to say the right is in a far better place, imo). But for me, the only one quarterbacking the left’s push to decadence is the devil himself.
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They can argue all they want, but killing a living human, whether it's 2 celled or 8 3/4 months old, is murder!

A zygote is not a living human. So not allowing them to develop via birth control is not nor will it ever be murder in this country.

According to our 2004 LAW against violence to the unborn, it is, and almost every scientist states life begins at conception, but don't let those facts get in the way of your unethical rants, and thinking!

So God is murdering over half of use before we even get the chance to develop into living breathing organism? Or is it just by nature that most of the zygotes never attach to the uterus and never develop into a living breathing human being? Why should you care if a woman elects to augment her biology to prevent a zygote from developing in her?

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