DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion

It's such a shame all you pro death people weren't aborted. I'm agnostic, this has nothing to do with religion, but it does require one to have morals, ethics, and principles, which all of you seem to be missing from your genetic code!

How many zygotes per month in this country do you suppose on average do not attach to the uterus wall naturally and are flushed out during the next menstrual cycle?

Lots and Lots whats your point??

There is nothing unethical about using birth control pills.
Willful harm to another that has no opportunity to flee the situation.

Sounds exactly like a parent spanking their child to me. Are you equating that to so "slavery" too?

You equate spanking to DEATH, there is something mentally wrong with you...oh, that's right you're LIBERAL, a mental disorder! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Thank you for admitting that you cannot substantiate your ludicrous allegation and have no option but to resort to puerile name calling instead.
And what would you have us do with people that would willingly murder? Incarcerate them for life, perhaps? You're so easy to slap around, matter of fact all you pro death people are.:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

This is entertaining, watching the heathens try to justify what is wrong morally!


Why would someone who allegedly doesn't believe in God use a term like "heathens"?



HEATHENS of or relating to heathens, their religions, or their customs

referring to the OR definition!

Want to try again to make yourself look stupid? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Ironic given that you have to resort to squirming semantics instead of dealing with your own transparent dishonesty.
How many zygotes per month in this country do you suppose on average do not attach to the uterus wall naturally and are flushed out during the next menstrual cycle?

Lots and Lots whats your point??

Let me try to help BLIND (not you!) . He's trying to equate what NATURE does naturally is the EQUAL of what man does to a woman MEDICALLY.... They all believe that shit, that what happens naturally THEY AND THE ABORTIONIST should be able to do BECAUSE THEY CAN! I see that some of these morons are now promoting that you can KILL a born baby up to 3 days after birth! Watch the video, it's barbaric, as are BABY KILLERS!

Post Birth Abortion: Planned Parenthood Rep Claims Right to Kill Babies After Birth!!!!!

Post Birth Abortion: Planned Parenthood Rep Claims Right to Kill Babies After Birth | FrontPage Magazine

It's just not allowing the seed to be planted in the garden and letting the seed be washed away like so many others.

And my support of this makes me a "Baby Killer"?
A zygote is not a living human. So not allowing them to develop via birth control is not nor will it ever be murder in this country.

According to our 2004 LAW against violence to the unborn, it is, and almost every scientist states life begins at conception, but don't let those facts get in the way of your unethical rants, and thinking!

So God is murdering over half of use before we even get the chance to develop into living breathing organism? Or is it just by nature that most of the zygotes never attach to the uterus and never develop into a living breathing human being? Why should you care if a woman elects to augment her biology to prevent a zygote from developing in her?

I couldn't possibly say GOD murders, for the fact I don't know if there is a GOD, besides only MAN murders, other animals simply kill, they can NOT be taken to court, or arrested for their actions, only man can!

It's natures call, NOT MANS ,if a zygote attaches or is passed. It's mans INTERFERENCE with nature, a WILLING KILLING of a zygote, as we have no idea if it will be passed or not. Again to bring up that pesky 2004 law stating that "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb. Below is a zygote in the womb, by LAW, this is HUMAN, according to the 2004 law!


If that means nothing to you, than logically, so does Roe!:eusa_clap:
According to our 2004 LAW against violence to the unborn, it is, and almost every scientist states life begins at conception, but don't let those facts get in the way of your unethical rants, and thinking!

So God is murdering over half of use before we even get the chance to develop into living breathing organism? Or is it just by nature that most of the zygotes never attach to the uterus and never develop into a living breathing human being? Why should you care if a woman elects to augment her biology to prevent a zygote from developing in her?

I couldn't possibly say GOD murders, for the fact I don't know if there is a GOD, besides only MAN murders, other animals simply kill, they can NOT be taken to court, or arrested for their actions, only man can!

It's natures call, NOT MANS ,if a zygote attaches or is passed. It's mans INTERFERENCE with nature, a WILLING KILLING of a zygote, as we have no idea if it will be passed or not. Again to bring up that pesky 2004 law stating that "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb. Below is a zygote in the womb, by LAW, this is HUMAN, according to the 2004 law!


If that means nothing to you, than logically, so does Roe!:eusa_clap:

Who told you only man murders? I've seen dogs murder other dogs, cats, etc. You dont know what you are talking about......again.
How many zygotes per month in this country do you suppose on average do not attach to the uterus wall naturally and are flushed out during the next menstrual cycle?

Lots and Lots whats your point??

There is nothing unethical about using birth control pills.

To me, no it's not unethical, as birth control pills, or oral contraceptives, contain hormones that suppress ovulation. During ovulation an egg is released from the ovaries, without ovulation there is no egg to be fertilized and pregnancy cannot occur.BUT to strongly religious people it is, and forcing them to pay for other peoples contraceptive, is Unconstitutional, as you are forcing them to deny the tenets of their religion. They are not forcing their religion on you, but you and the gov't are forcing your beliefs, that are NOT religious, on their RELIGIOUS beliefs!
Sounds exactly like a parent spanking their child to me. Are you equating that to so "slavery" too?

You equate spanking to DEATH, there is something mentally wrong with you...oh, that's right you're LIBERAL, a mental disorder! :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Thank you for admitting that you cannot substantiate your ludicrous allegation and have no option but to resort to puerile name calling instead.

So you lost that debate with a totally ridiculous example, as I stated, and I truly believe, you have a mental disorder!

Why would someone who allegedly doesn't believe in God use a term like "heathens"?



HEATHENS of or relating to heathens, their religions, or their customs

referring to the OR definition!

Want to try again to make yourself look stupid? :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:

Ironic given that you have to resort to squirming semantics instead of dealing with your own transparent dishonesty.

Words MEAN something, apparently you have little command of the language!
Lots and Lots whats your point??

Let me try to help BLIND (not you!) . He's trying to equate what NATURE does naturally is the EQUAL of what man does to a woman MEDICALLY.... They all believe that shit, that what happens naturally THEY AND THE ABORTIONIST should be able to do BECAUSE THEY CAN! I see that some of these morons are now promoting that you can KILL a born baby up to 3 days after birth! Watch the video, it's barbaric, as are BABY KILLERS!

Post Birth Abortion: Planned Parenthood Rep Claims Right to Kill Babies After Birth!!!!!

Post Birth Abortion: Planned Parenthood Rep Claims Right to Kill Babies After Birth | FrontPage Magazine

It's just not allowing the seed to be planted in the garden and letting the seed be washed away like so many others.

And my support of this makes me a "Baby Killer"?

So you actually believe in the laws definition of murder, killing after birth....thanks for letting everyone know how truly sick some of you are!
what baby?

If it's not a baby then why is your kind against ultra sounds before an abortion? I mean if it's just a lump of cells why does it matter?

What "kind" are you speaking of and why would you have an ultra sound before an abortion? Is it to make sure you guilt trip yourself to the extreme?

Excellent description, did you happen to watch that small 3 min. video I posted of the Planned Parenthood worker that had an abortion? Look at her face, here the QUIVER in her voice as she TRIES DESPARATELY to show that her killing her baby didn't affect her. Anyone with a few working brain cells can tell just how much it did concern her!...Do you have any working brain cells?
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So God is murdering over half of use before we even get the chance to develop into living breathing organism? Or is it just by nature that most of the zygotes never attach to the uterus and never develop into a living breathing human being? Why should you care if a woman elects to augment her biology to prevent a zygote from developing in her?

I couldn't possibly say GOD murders, for the fact I don't know if there is a GOD, besides only MAN murders, other animals simply kill, they can NOT be taken to court, or arrested for their actions, only man can!

It's natures call, NOT MANS ,if a zygote attaches or is passed. It's mans INTERFERENCE with nature, a WILLING KILLING of a zygote, as we have no idea if it will be passed or not. Again to bring up that pesky 2004 law stating that "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb. Below is a zygote in the womb, by LAW, this is HUMAN, according to the 2004 law!


If that means nothing to you, than logically, so does Roe!:eusa_clap:

Who told you only man murders? I've seen dogs murder other dogs, cats, etc. You dont know what you are talking about......again.

No dear, dogs KILL, man murders. Animals kill on the spur of the moment, or they hunt for victims for their survival, they kill to protect their territory, and (well how about this) TO PROTECT THEIR YOUNG. They don't spend days or weeks THINKING about killing what's inside them, they PROTECT, to the best of their ability the YOUNG that they carry! That's NATURES WAY!

Only man murders is indeed a FACT!
If it's not a baby then why is your kind against ultra sounds before an abortion? I mean if it's just a lump of cells why does it matter?

What "kind" are you speaking of and why would you have an ultra sound before an abortion? Is it to make sure you guilt trip yourself to the extreme?

Excellent description, did you happen to watch that small 3 min. video I posted of the Planned Parenthood worker that had an abortion? Look at her face, here the QUIVER in her voice as she TRIES DESPARANTLY to show that her killing her baby didn't affect her. Anyone with a few working brain cells can tell just how much it did concern her!...Do you have any working brain cells?

I dont usually watch videos posted by retards unless they are relevant. Your comment is not. Are you saying they should have an ultra sound to put them in further turmoil? You are one sick fuck if thats your position.
I couldn't possibly say GOD murders, for the fact I don't know if there is a GOD, besides only MAN murders, other animals simply kill, they can NOT be taken to court, or arrested for their actions, only man can!

It's natures call, NOT MANS ,if a zygote attaches or is passed. It's mans INTERFERENCE with nature, a WILLING KILLING of a zygote, as we have no idea if it will be passed or not. Again to bring up that pesky 2004 law stating that "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb. Below is a zygote in the womb, by LAW, this is HUMAN, according to the 2004 law!


If that means nothing to you, than logically, so does Roe!:eusa_clap:

Who told you only man murders? I've seen dogs murder other dogs, cats, etc. You dont know what you are talking about......again.

No dear, dogs KILL, man murders. Animals kill on the spur of the moment, or they hunt for victims for their survival, they kill to protect their territory, and (well how about this) TO PROTECT THEIR YOUNG. They don't spend days or weeks THINKING about killing what's inside them, they PROTECT, to the best of their ability the YOUNG that they carry! That's NATURES WAY!

Only man murders is indeed a FACT!

You must have never had a dog or a cat in your life. They do plot to kill other animals. Its not a spur of the moment thing. Sometimes animals kill their own young as soon as they are born. What a retard you are turning out to be. :lol:
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Who told you only man murders? I've seen dogs murder other dogs, cats, etc. You dont know what you are talking about......again.

No dear, dogs KILL, man murders. Animals kill on the spur of the moment, or they hunt for victims for their survival, they kill to protect their territory, and (well how about this) TO PROTECT THEIR YOUNG. They don't spend days or weeks THINKING about killing what's inside them, they PROTECT, to the best of their ability the YOUNG that they carry! That's NATURES WAY!

Only man murders is indeed a FACT!

You must have never had a dog or a cat in your life. They do plot to kill other animals. Its not a spur of the moment thing. Sometimes animals kill their own young as soon as they are born. What a retard you are turning out to be. :lol:

ROTFLMFAO.... Bullshit! they have the IQ to PLOT to kill without it being for FOOD, or protection! They have basic instincts, .... If they had the IQ to plot killing us, then they should be at the top of the food chain! Few animals kill their young, even CATS don't kill their young, if their young are defective, they simply leave them to die NATURALLY. I've rescued more than a few handful of problem kittens that were abandoned. A male lion will kill a females cubs, IF he recognizes that the young aren't his but another male lions offspring,! Talk about RETARDS, yes, spelled with capitals to indicate you are one hell of a retard! :badgrin::badgrin::eusa_clap:
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

The woman is not pregnant until the egg implants into her uterus. Therefore, preventing the implantation is not an abortion.
Well what the fuck is it Holder? I know, just a bunch of cells...that becomes what each and everyone of us are, a human being! The cruelty and degradation of humanity is startling!

The U.S. Justice Department is telling the Supreme Court that killing a human embryo by preventing the embryo from implanting in his or her mother’s uterus is not an “abortion” and, thus, drugs that kill embryos this way are not “abortion-inducing” drugs. On Tuesday, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the case of Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. The crux of the administration’s argument in this case is that when Christians form a corporation they give up the right to freely exercise their religion—n.b. live according to their Christian beliefs—in the way they run their business.....

DOJ to Supreme Court: Killing Human Embryo in Womb is Not Abortion | CNS News

The woman is not pregnant until the egg implants into her uterus. Therefore, preventing the implantation is not an abortion.

We are not talking being pregnant we are talking when life begins. There is an uncertain period of time between when a separate human life has begun, and a woman becomes pregnant. Preventing the joining of a sperm and an egg, to many of us is OK, as no separate life form has been made, one with a separate DNA.

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