DOMA ruled unconstitutional

It was a lie because you said I was fired.

When there is a right given to gay married we can talk not until about knowing the Constitution.


You yourself have stated that you don't care if police enforce unenforceable laws.

You're a phony. And a bigot.

You're right I am a bigot and damn proud of it. There is no right for anyone to marry the same sex. So they can eat shit.

We can tell you are proud of your ignorance. You keep flaunting it.
Clinton with a Newt G congress. The GOP made him do it so he could some of what he wanted. It's called politics, and it was the GOP that used the statist approach, Nick. See I told you that you could not debate.
The Equal Protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment needs to be abolished.

It is way too vague. I suppose one with brains could use the Equal Protection clause to justify socialism. I'm shocked no politician has tried it - probably because the majority of progressives are too sissy to come out as socialists.
The Equal Protection clause in the Fourteenth Amendment needs to be abolished.

OH, I'm sure you think it should be. :eusa_eh:

It is way too vague. I suppose one with brains could use the Equal Protection clause to justify socialism. I'm shocked no politician has tried it - probably because the majority of progressives are too sissy to come out as socialists.

What is vague about it? Except to a bigot who is unhappy that the government has to treat all its law-abiding, tax-paying citizens equally under the law?
Troll you got your home work move along.

Post your Hitler thread again, please! That is a real laugher.

Hitler was a member of the socialist party who killed off his his political competition to gain power. Why must I keep bitch slapping you over this?

Economically there is really no difference between national socialism and Socialism.

Socialism is an economic model, communism and national socialism are pretty much the same.

I really see no difference between Stalin and Hitler, Stalin attacked specific ethic groups as well, obviously Hitler did the same with the Jews. IMO, Stalin was more evil, his body counts were certainly way higher than Hitler (40,000,000 vs 6,000,000).... Hitler was obviously evil but I don't comprehend why Hitler is a far more looked at as the greater evil.. Because Stalin helped us defeat Nazi Germany????

Then you have guys like Mao and Pol Pot - even Kim Il-Sung and Kim Jong-Il which your typical layman would no nothing about which killed millions and committed mass genocide, yet these same laymen could tell you all about Hitler....

Obviously I'm not attempting to minimize Hitlers evilness - I'm just pointing out a few things I find odd..
Post your Hitler thread again, please! That is a real laugher.

Hitler was a member of the socialist party who killed off his his political competition to gain power. Why must I keep bitch slapping you over this?

Socialist? LOL....what was Socialistic about the Nazis? Tell us.
Socialist is in the name. Like People's Republic of China is neither the people's nor a republic. But distinctions like that are lost on Conservatives who desperately want to equate classically understood Socialism with Fascism.
Post your Hitler thread again, please! That is a real laugher.

Hitler was a member of the socialist party who killed off his his political competition to gain power. Why must I keep bitch slapping you over this?

Socialist? LOL....what was Socialistic about the Nazis? Tell us.
Here's a good read if you really care to understand.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian - George Reisman - Mises Daily
Troll you got your home work move along.

Post your Hitler thread again, please! That is a real laugher.

Hitler was a member of the socialist party who killed off his his political competition to gain power. Why must I keep bitch slapping you over this?

bigrebnc is trying quote what I taught him. and doing it poorly,

I taught him that Hitler was a dictator who killed the socialist, homosexual leadership of the SA.

Anyone who reads Mises will be led astray because the historical terms and definitions are changed to suit a far right political distortion of history.
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Post your Hitler thread again, please! That is a real laugher.

Hitler was a member of the socialist party who killed off his his political competition to gain power. Why must I keep bitch slapping you over this?

bigrebnc is trying quote what I taught him. and doing it poorly,

I taught him that Hitler was a dictator who killed the socialist, homosexual leadership of the SA.

Dreaming again? Why must you openly lie?
Hitler was a member of the socialist party who killed off his his political competition to gain power. Why must I keep bitch slapping you over this?

bigrebnc is trying quote what I taught him. and doing it poorly,

I taught him that Hitler was a dictator who killed the socialist, homosexual leadership of the SA.

Dreaming again? Why must you openly lie?

Anyone can go check the Hitler thread of bigreb's. It is a hoot!

bigrebnc is trying to quote what I taught him. and doing it poorly,

I taught him that Hitler was a dictator who killed the socialist, homosexual leadership of the SA.

Anyone who reads Mises will be led astray because the historical terms and definitions are changed to suit a far right political distortion of history.
bigrebnc is trying quote what I taught him. and doing it poorly,

I taught him that Hitler was a dictator who killed the socialist, homosexual leadership of the SA.

Dreaming again? Why must you openly lie?

Anyone can go check the Hitler thread of bigreb's. It is a hoot!

bigrebnc is trying to quote what I taught him. and doing it poorly,

I taught him that Hitler was a dictator who killed the socialist, homosexual leadership of the SA.

Anyone who reads Mises will be led astray because the historical terms and definitions are changed to suit a far right political distortion of history.
Yes it was a hoot it's were you got bitch slapped.

It's real fuuny that you keep bring that thread up since I made some valid points only an idiot would keep bringing up a thread that got beat up in.
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:lol: I love it when you melt.

Anyone can go check the Hitler thread of bigreb's. It is a hoot!

bigrebnc is trying to quote what I taught him. and doing it poorly,

I taught him that Hitler was a dictator who killed the socialist, homosexual leadership of the SA.

Anyone who reads Mises will be led astray because the historical terms and definitions are changed to suit a far right political distortion of history.
:lol: I love it when you melt.

Anyone can go check the Hitler thread of bigreb's. It is a hoot!

bigrebnc is trying to quote what I taught him. and doing it poorly,

I taught him that Hitler was a dictator who killed the socialist, homosexual leadership of the SA.

Anyone who reads Mises will be led astray because the historical terms and definitions are changed to suit a far right political distortion of history.

And here we go again the milt you feel is the melt coming from you.
Now why would a member of a socialist party with the desire to be the leader want competition around? why not kill them, off So he can become the leader?
Hitler was a member of the socialist party who killed off his his political competition to gain power. Why must I keep bitch slapping you over this?

Socialist? LOL....what was Socialistic about the Nazis? Tell us.
Here's a good read if you really care to understand.

Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian - George Reisman - Mises Daily
Here is the definition of Socialism: Socialism /ˈsoʊʃəlɪzəm/ is an economic system characterised by social ownership and/or control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy,[1] and a political philosophy advocating such a system. "Social ownership" may refer to any one of, or a combination of, the following: cooperative enterprises, common ownership, direct public ownership or autonomous state enterprises.[2] There are many variations of socialism and as such there is no single definition encapsulating all of socialism.[3] They differ in the type of social ownership they advocate, the degree to which they rely on markets versus planning, how management is to be organised within economic enterprises, and the role of the state in constructing socialism.[4]

Tell the Krupps they were under a Socialist system. :lol::lol::lol:

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