Donald Jr Is An American Hero

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Trump et al are commie lovers. Where the hell is McCarthy when you need him?
Psttt! Cold War is over comrade! Russia is capitalist not communist....time to move along.

Putin hasn't gotten the memo yet. He has interfered in elections in the US, Netherlands, and France, He has backed violent coups in Eastern Europe as well as his invasion of the Crimea. He is working the Islamists in Iran to take over the Middle East.

Russia is communist. Putin is the absolute ruler in Russia. If anyone criticizes him, they land in jail. A female punk rock group was imprisoned for 6 months for singing "Putin go away". Political opponents have been murdered or jailed. Even industrialists have been jailed if Putin wants it.
How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.
Hillary has taken millions from Russian businessmen and politicians.

How much has Trump jr accepted?

Oh, thats right NOTHING!

Fuck off, moron.

The fact is that Trump has long had financial ties to Russia. In 2008, Donald Trump Jr bragged that the money was pouring in from Russia.
Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia - 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg.
As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.

How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.

Your delusional because you listen to Rachel Maddow, and watch CNN , oh that explains it.

You are delusional and a cracked looney tune to boot. All you care about is protecting der fuehrer. You don't give a damn about the country.
How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.
Hillary has taken millions from Russian businessmen and politicians.

How much has Trump jr accepted?

Oh, thats right NOTHING!

Fuck off, moron.

The fact is that Trump has long had financial ties to Russia. In 2008, Donald Trump Jr bragged that the money was pouring in from Russia.
Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia - 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg.

Oh sure. I'm sure that she was part of a Democrat conspiracy to defeat herself.
How ridiculous, the cult is declaring a traitor to be a hero. The cult believes what it is told to believe.
Trump et al are commie lovers. Where the hell is McCarthy when you need him?

Or it's as simple as both are conservative.
The left of our country seems to go off on hissy fits without even objectively looking at the Democratic party. A lot think their party are saints that do no wrong.
Both parties have corruption in them.
Why do you think there are more registered independents now than either party.
As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.

How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.

Your delusional because you listen to Rachel Maddow, and watch CNN , oh that explains it.

You are delusional and a cracked looney tune to boot. All you care about is protecting der fuehrer. You don't give a damn about the country.

The people elected Trump because of the corruption in both parties.
So I'd say yes they do care.
Donald Trump Jr., like his father is a treasonous asshole. He and those with him put their political interests above the good of this nation. Who knows what they promised Putin in exchange for his help in securing the White House? I hope that Mueller can put the lot of them out of office and in prison.
You sure have done a lot of 'hoping' in your 51K posts.
When a single of your ludicrous 'hopes' actually happens you'll have a fucking stroke.
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