Donald Jr Is An American Hero

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How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.
Hillary has taken millions from Russian businessmen and politicians.

How much has Trump jr accepted?

Oh, thats right NOTHING!

Fuck off, moron.

The fact is that Trump has long had financial ties to Russia. In 2008, Donald Trump Jr bragged that the money was pouring in from Russia.
Well Lookie Here=> Russian Lawyer Veselnitskaya is Pictured with Obama Ambassador to Russia - 8 Days After Trump Jr. Mtg.

Oh sure. I'm sure that she was part of a Democrat conspiracy to defeat herself.

Not to defeat herself, have no idea what you're talking about.
To help out dems who are willing to help her with child trafficking..which is what her shit is about.
As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.

How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.

Your delusional because you listen to Rachel Maddow, and watch CNN , oh that explains it.

You are delusional and a cracked looney tune to boot. All you care about is protecting der fuehrer. You don't give a damn about the country.

The people elected Trump because of the corruption in both parties.
So I'd say yes they do care.

They did not. They elected Trump because they hated him least.

As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.

How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.

Your delusional because you listen to Rachel Maddow, and watch CNN , oh that explains it.

You are delusional and a cracked looney tune to boot. All you care about is protecting der fuehrer. You don't give a damn about the country.

The people elected Trump because of the corruption in both parties.
So I'd say yes they do care.

They did not. They elected Trump because they hated him least.
Nope. We elected him because we liked him.

And he's doing exactly what we elected him to do.

You don't understand, that's why you lost the election and will continue to lose.
Trump et al are commie lovers. Where the hell is McCarthy when you need him?
Psttt! Cold War is over comrade! Russia is capitalist not communist....time to move along.

still hasn't stopped journalists from being killed, or magnitsky....
Not my problem and Magnitsky is in retaliation of US aggression.

you've got bigger problems to worry about little doggie. me thinx you need a distemper shot.
Trump et al are commie lovers. Where the hell is McCarthy when you need him?
Psttt! Cold War is over comrade! Russia is capitalist not communist....time to move along.

still hasn't stopped journalists from being killed, or magnitsky....
Not my problem and Magnitsky is in retaliation of US aggression.

you've got bigger problems to worry about little doggie. me thinx you need a distemper shot.
I have no problems other than having to figure out how much to laugh at the leftist clowns.
Trump et al are commie lovers. Where the hell is McCarthy when you need him?
Psttt! Cold War is over comrade! Russia is capitalist not communist....time to move along.

still hasn't stopped journalists from being killed, or magnitsky....
Not my problem and Magnitsky is in retaliation of US aggression.

you've got bigger problems to worry about little doggie. me thinx you need a distemper shot.
I have no problems other than having to figure out how much to laugh at the leftist clowns.

remind me again how you believe podesta was involved in a child sex ring again.....
This shit would've never happened with liberals. Liberals pull the plug on their leaders when they see their leaders doing things that harm the country. Conservatives, on the other hand, will follow their leaders over a cliff.

alex jones?????????? the same alex jones who said that hillary & obama smelled like sulfur? the same alex jones that thinks there are child slaves on mars? THAT alex jones? :lmao:

That only ones who think that are TROLLS and those whose head are still stuck up Obama's ass and they haven't pulled them out yet.

If you haven't noticed the lies on MSM that totally explains why you are still a dumbass who knows nothing other than what MSM tells you .

What'a Hero you are.
This shit would've never happened with liberals. Liberals pull the plug on their leaders when they see their leaders doing things that harm the country.
Ya, like the time Clinton lied about shooting his load on some chick at the White House
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