Donald Jr Is An American Hero

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The Young Turks are disgusting. Who cares that he crashed their set, it was fantastic.
I care because it is rude, probably criminal, and just being a jerk.

I dont like that kind of thing even if it is someone I agree with.
There's nothing criminal about it. And nobody is ruder than the young turks punks.
Trespassing is a criminal offense, and in many states is also a felony depending on the circumstances.
It wasn't trespassing, lol. They were at the Republican Convention, if I recall.
Ya, like the time Clinton lied about shooting his load on some chick at the White House
That didn't harm the country.
Ya, teaching kids it's OK to lie and cheat on your wife was great for America

oh please.... at least slick willy is still with his first wife nor did he ever go on a national radio show & BRAG about bringing both his wife AND his whore on the same aspen ski vacation at the same time.

oh ya....... & he never coordinated with the russians to screw america as long as possible.
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my kind of president!
The only thing Hitler did wrong was embrace progressivism.

If he had just stuck to the whole viking warrior schtick and if he had actually embraced Christianity like he SAID he did to gain support in early days, he would have been fine.

But like all progressives, he was just attaching himself to a system that works, in order to gain power to put some batshit crazy policy into effect.
alex jones?????????? the same alex jones who said that hillary & obama smelled like sulfur? the same alex jones that thinks there are child slaves on mars? THAT alex jones? :lmao:

That only ones who think that are TROLLS and those whose head are still stuck up Obama's ass and they haven't pulled them out yet.

If you haven't noticed the lies on MSM that totally explains why you are still a dumbass who knows nothing other than what MSM tells you .

What'a Hero you are.

it doesn't matter whether trolls think that or not. they think it because of jones saying it on his show..... & it's a fact that those stories DID come frome alex jones is the point.... so if YOU don't believe those stuuuuuuuupid stories..... then why are you defending him 'eh? why would he be allowed anywhere near the whitehouse press room? & why would president tinkles thank him for his support in helping him 'win'?

kook-koo...:cuckoo: koo-koo.... :cuckoo:koo-koooooooo.......... :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

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i have several firearms in my home.

ummm it was the (R)s who had a hissy fit over obama not wearing a flagpin.

i couldn't care less about football.

lol... 'dear leader' ironic since drumph only communicates thru electronic media & lest ye forget ~ thinx that the little piglet over in NK is a 'smart cookie & would be honored to meet him'.

i am a christian.

my husband loves to hunt.

fox news went to court for the right to lie. don't be lazy... look it up.

the constitution is the law of the land. if anybody willingly & knowingly violates it should be exposed & dealt with according to constitution.

why wouldn't *you* want the same thing to happen? i can answer that for you....

you know NOT the meaning of 'patriotism'.


^^^ btw ~ teddy was a republican & founder of the progressive party.

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prove me wrong mindfuck. prove me wrong... you know you are pretty weak in your replies. kinda limp & impotent. c'mon, take that blue pill & show some proof to the CONtrary.
The Young Turks are disgusting. Who cares that he crashed their set, it was fantastic.
I care because it is rude, probably criminal, and just being a jerk.

I dont like that kind of thing even if it is someone I agree with.
There's nothing criminal about it. And nobody is ruder than the young turks punks.
Trespassing is a criminal offense, and in many states is also a felony depending on the circumstances.
It wasn't trespassing, lol. They were at the Republican Convention, if I recall.

they were trespassing in another show's space while they were broadcasting. he was fucking drunk. & you trying to defend the indefensible is both part & parcel of a typical rw nutter..

my kind of president!
The only thing Hitler did wrong was embrace progressivism.

If he had just stuck to the whole viking warrior schtick and if he had actually embraced Christianity like he SAID he did to gain support in early days, he would have been fine.

But like all progressives, he was just attaching himself to a system that works, in order to gain power to put some batshit crazy policy into effect.

" But like all progressives, he was just attaching himself to a system that works, in order to gain power to put some batshit crazy policy into effect."

would you call trump a progressive? lol... because that is what your real god is doing courtesy of the roooooooooooooskies........................
As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.
Except there is a law when you do it with a foreign government.

Donald Jr is going to take it in the ass as someone's cellmate bitch!

I doubt it but if enough minions decide not to take the rap for the trump klan, could happen.

Let's keep a good thought, shall we?


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As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.

How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.
Trump's interests and the country's interests are one and the same, commie.

You are the commie lover. You put Trump's interests above that of the country. You are in-American.

Actually koshergrl is fascist - through and through.

All the best RWNJs are.

I'll never understand why they side against the US. And with Russia.

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debunked. lol..... look it up with the factcheckers b4 you swallow trump's load.
You're stupid

still haven't looked it up? or you did & can't admit it was debunked..

that makes you either lazy or weak. either way, a typical trump supporting (R).

It's Tank. He has no use for facts. Say anything to him three times and he will believe it for life.

And that lie is one of their faves.

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Ya, like the time Clinton lied about shooting his load on some chick at the White House
That didn't harm the country.
Ya, teaching kids it's OK to lie and cheat on your wife was great for America
Must be ok with republicans... I mean, look at Trump. Trophy wife #3, lies all the time.
Don't do crack lololol.
I don't interact with liars, which is why you're going back on ignore.

I had you on ignore before, I hate it when ppl fall off the ignore list.
Ya, like the time Clinton lied about shooting his load on some chick at the White House
That didn't harm the country.
Ya, teaching kids it's OK to lie and cheat on your wife was great for America
Must be ok with republicans... I mean, look at Trump. Trophy wife #3, lies all the time.
Don't do crack lololol.
I don't interact with liars, which is why you're going back on ignore.

I had you on ignore before, I hate it when ppl fall off the ignore list.
Where did I lie?
Ya, like the time Clinton lied about shooting his load on some chick at the White House
That didn't harm the country. Colluding with a foreign entity, is harming the country. Constantly lying to the nation, is harming the country. Declaring the press the enemy of the state, is harming the country.

As much as the left would like this to happen...can it really happen? I ask that, because I heard that it couldn't happen. But wanted to be certain.

Article of Impeachment Introduced Against President Donald Trump
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