Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

So should you. You want to line me up against the wall for my opinions.
You're projecting again. I'm just disagreeing with you; not putting you 'up against the wall.' Maybe you have just hit your own wall and are blaming me for it.
Here we are in the 21st century when the American left considers the 1st Amendment freedom of religion in a display of the Ten Commandments to be an "indoctrination" of religious beliefs. Meanwhile the left prevents parents from interfering in the state's agenda to castrate their kids. Go figure.
You need more than clarification, dummy. Read Stone v Graham.


I disagree, but then I’m not the court..

However..take note of the wording of the majority opinion:

Majority: "This is not a case in which the Ten Commandments are integrated into the school curriculum, where the Bible may constitutionally be used in an appropriate study of history, civilization, ethics, comparative religion, or the like. [See Abington School District v. Schempp.] Posting of religious texts on the wall serves no such educational function

By their opinion…there are a LOT of thing that wouldn’t be allowed in the classroom……..


Here we are in the 21st century when the American left considers the 1st Amendment freedom of religion in a display of the Ten Commandments to be an "indoctrination" of religious beliefs. Meanwhile the left prevents parents from interfering in the state's agenda to castrate their kids. Go figure.
Don't look over here, because it offends me personally. Look over there instead. :rolleyes: Fucking poseur.
Putting up a poster does not violate anyone's rights. No one has the right not to be offended.

The Constitution guarantees the right to practice religion, and putting up the Ten Commandments in schools is not violating anyone's right to believe and practice as they wish or not.

As perhaps an analogous example, the government can pay for military chaplains who conduct religious service. This enables a significant number of people to practice their religion.

But if you disagree, please explain. No one has a right not to see a poster with some nice words on it.
You’re inviting the “commandments” of any religion to be posted.

You're projecting again. I'm just disagreeing with you; not putting you 'up against the wall.' Maybe you have just hit your own wall and are blaming me for it.
Nope. Anything you got, feel free to bring it. I'm happy to smash it to pieces anytime.
Putting up a poster does not violate anyone's rights. No one has the right not to be offended.
Then you wouldn’t be offended by the posting of a Satanist statement of principles?

BTW, how is this not establishment as set out in the Constitution, when it directly contradicts the beliefs of polytheists, atheists and graven image fans?

Sure, let’s look at that:

I agree with this 100%. All laws made in pursuance (carrying out the plan of) the constitution are the supreme law of the land.

This means any law made that is within the scope of the cotus is the law of the land and takes priority over the states.

So then:

You have this:

What this is saying is that, any law that Congress can make that is authorized for them to make, in the supreme law of the land. What is authorized? Those things that are delegated for Congress to do

I know you all want to think that the federal government has supreme authority in all things, but it just isn’t so…we as citizens have let government get way too big and way too powerful that they have nearly become a dictatorial body. And then dems come along and want to give them MORE power

The federal government was never supposed to be what it is today
in terms of the First Amendment the Constitution is supreme

States cannot make their own rules
Good, I'm glad to hear it. Especially since it's California we're talking about. AKA Leftist Loopyland. (I'm not talking about you specifically for that one but politics in California is WAY out of control in my opinion so I'm glad it's not interfering with their teaching. I'm glad for both sides it isn't actually since education shouldn't be politically based.

Funny, I don't remember that commandment. 😆

What about other religious schools since I don't think that Catholic is the only kind.

It was an example.

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