Donald Trump All For Putting The Ten Commandments In Schools

Who told you that lovely fairy tale. Neither God nor the 10 Commandments are mentioned in the Constitution. Adultery, murder, lying, steal and honour your parents aren't contained in either the Constitution or the Bill of Rights.

"Written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789, the United States Constitution is the world’s longest surviving written charter of government. Its first three words – “We The People” – affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens. The supremacy of the people through their elected representatives is recognized in Article I, which creates a Congress consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The positioning of Congress at the beginning of the Constitution affirms its status as the “First Branch” of the federal government."

You are a bit of an idiot. The Ten Commandments and the Magna Carta were precursors to the Constitution and are thus venerated by those who espouse the rule of law.
..but not to be displayed, since they are religion-specific and, therefore, unconstitutional.

They are displayed on the Supreme Court building, Dumbass.

Do you ever get tired of getting humiliated for your colossal ignorance?
The way this First Amendment separation of church and state has historically been handled in public places like schools is through a zero tolerance policy of public displays of religion in order to avoid any perception of an entity "favoring" one religion over another.
As soon as one religion is allowed as an exception to this rule then ANY other religion has to be given equal space and visibility for it's own religious symbols/statements.
That's what The U.S. Constitution says.
As soon as a government entity says "NO! We ONLY allow Christian symbology on the premises," then it is in direct violation of The U.S. Constitution's First Amendment prohibition of respecting one religion above others or prohibiting the free excercise thereof.
Most Christians don't even understand that their "freedom of religion" only applies to THEMSELVES and their freedom to practice their OWN faith...but does not include any "right" to push their chosen religion off on other people.
In other words, keep it to yourself and OUT of public places!
And convicted felon Trump of course is too stupid and incompetent to understand anything about the U.S. Constitution so naturally he would pander to the Christian Right and pretend he thinks The Ten Commandments in schools is a "good idea."
Of course then when he speaks to another group he'll say the opposite.
Because that's just how he is.
He doesn't really stand for anything but himself.
The United States was founded on JudeoChristian principles of law. Every student should know that from the study of American history. Posting the Ten Commandments as a symbol of that history requires absolutely no contribution or participation by any student or anybody else other than the one posting it. The students are not requires to read it, believe it, recite it or do anything with it other than understand the influences and thought processes of how the laws of the land came to be.

There has never been a separation of Church and State. That is not at all what the Founders intended. The Founders wisely intended no religious group would be allowed to have any more government power than any other group and they intended government have no power over the beliefs, religious expression, or faith of any citizen. Otherwise those in government can be as religious as they want to be and the religious can be as political as they want to be.

Evenso I think the posting should not be mandatory but should be allowable by any teacher/parents who want them posted.. But either way, it is in no way a violation of the First Amendment.
Evenso I think the posting should not be mandatory but should be allowable by any teacher/parents who want them posted.. But either way, it is in no way a violation of the First Amendment.
Then posting things from other religions should also be allowable.
They are displayed on the Supreme Court building, Dumbass.

Do you ever get tired of getting humiliated for your colossal ignorance?

Was a law passed mandating the display at the Supreme Court

Congress shall pass no laws mandating religion
What were you referring to here?

"I think you need to show some sort greater good for doing so. Whether you believe in God or not the 10 Commandments are a relatively good list of things to live by and they are at the root of our culture whether you like or not. Displaying random verses from the Bible or Quran probably doesn't meet that threshold."

The need to show some sort of greater good, according to you. What exactly is this requirement based on then?
1. The Federal Government shouldn't be involved at all. That goes for all of it. The pride shit, religious, trans, whatever the Fed should be out of it. IMO the Fed should be out of the education business in total but that's a different discussion.

2. Let local schools decide. Require open enrollment, support the creation of private institutions, make the money follow the kid and this is mostly solved. If your local community votes and wants to have "Pride year" that's up to them. If you dont want that for your kid they can go to the school of your choice, the money follows the kid. Dont like the 10 Commandments displayed at your school. It's all good Im sure the Pride year school wont have them up. Etc.

In short stop asking the Federal Government to fix shit the state/local governments as well as freedom of choice will fix faster, better and cheaper.
1. The Federal Government shouldn't be involved at all. That goes for all of it. The pride shit, religious, trans, whatever the Fed should be out of it. IMO the Fed should be out of the education business in total but that's a different discussion.

2. Let local schools decide. Require open enrollment, support the creation of private institutions, make the money follow the kid and this is mostly solved. If your local community votes and wants to have "Pride year" that's up to them. If you dont want that for your kid they can go to the school of your choice, the money follows the kid. Dont like the 10 Commandments displayed at your school. It's all good Im sure the Pride year school wont have them up. Etc.

In short stop asking the Federal Government to fix shit the state/local governments as well as freedom of choice will fix faster, better and cheaper.
You want to let the schools decide but then you also say something about the need to show some sort of greater good, according to you. What exactly is this requirement based on then?
1. The Federal Government shouldn't be involved at all. That goes for all of it. The pride shit, religious, trans, whatever the Fed should be out of it. IMO the Fed should be out of the education business in total but that's a different discussion.

2. Let local schools decide. Require open enrollment, support the creation of private institutions, make the money follow the kid and this is mostly solved. If your local community votes and wants to have "Pride year" that's up to them. If you dont want that for your kid they can go to the school of your choice, the money follows the kid. Dont like the 10 Commandments displayed at your school. It's all good Im sure the Pride year school wont have them up. Etc.

In short stop asking the Federal Government to fix shit the state/local governments as well as freedom of choice will fix faster, better and cheaper.

The Constitution is the prevailing document

States or local schools do not get to supersede it
You want to let the schools decide but then you also say something about the need to show some sort of greater good, according to you. What exactly is this requirement based on then?
That was my OPINION. The "I think" part of the sentence should have clued you in it being an opinion. Quit being so eager to disagree with what Im saying. If you just want to sling shit back and forth with someone Im sure Nostra will be happy to oblige. You two have been doing that for 5-6 pages now.

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