Donald Trump could have taken AF One to Virginia


Gold Member
Mar 6, 2013
taken a gun and shot the neo-Nazi who killed the woman right between the eyes and the brain dead left wing SFB's would still scream like 10 year old spoiled brats.
Then, they would call him a murderer and try to impeach him (again).

They are trying desperately to start The Revolution, but we still have guns, so deep down, they know it's gonna fail.
Hyperbole. One should not have to bear three days of crushing public pressure before saying what the vast bulk of America expects a decent man to say without even thinking about it. No this may be the worst and most easily avoidable fuckup I have ever seen a president make. It's totally horrifying to now know for a fact that we have a Nazi sympathizer in our White House.
taken a gun and shot the neo-Nazi who killed the woman right between the eyes and the brain dead left wing SFB's would still scream like 10 year old spoiled brats.
They'd either bitch that he didn't get a trial, or that trump used the wrong caliber. But one things for sure they'd bitch. It's all they've done since he's been elected. Its all they'll do while he's president. The only thing that may vary is the amount of attention they can get, depending on what they bitch about.
The good news is that come next election... Folks will have quit listening to their bitching years ago.
Did Trump attend Heather's funeral like Obama would have done?
Oh right. There's golf to be played.
Hyperbole. One should not have to bear three days of crushing public pressure before saying what the vast bulk of America expects a decent man to say without even thinking about it. No this may be the worst and most easily avoidable fuckup I have ever seen a president make. It's totally horrifying to now know for a fact that we have a Nazi sympathizer in our White House.

Liar. Look at the March 16th GOP debate for starters and there have been many other instances on air he denounced David Duke et al.
taken a gun and shot the neo-Nazi who killed the woman right between the eyes and the brain dead left wing SFB's would still scream like 10 year old spoiled brats.

Of course CNN would have un-named sources proving how the Russians are involved. It was on Putin's orders....
Hyperbole. One should not have to bear three days of crushing public pressure before saying what the vast bulk of America expects a decent man to say without even thinking about it. No this may be the worst and most easily avoidable fuckup I have ever seen a president make. It's totally horrifying to now know for a fact that we have a Nazi sympathizer in our White House.
a Nazi sympathizer in our White House
as bad as that is.... I STILL believe he was the best candidate out of the fraudulent flock of foolish fucktards all three parties trotted out on the stage and demanded that we accept as the best America has to offer.
No doubt they would roll out the ......he did it just for the photo op ...... he doesnt really care
taken a gun and shot the neo-Nazi who killed the woman right between the eyes and the brain dead left wing SFB's would still scream like 10 year old spoiled brats.

Virginia State Police admit that The Donald was correct, violence on ALL SIDES.

The Donald made the correct comments, there was violence on ALL SIDES, the Antifa Far Left Fascists and their BLM House Pets were violent AS WELL.

Here it is, from the mouth of Corinne Geller the Virginia State Police Spokeswoman:

"We were hoping that it would not elevate to this level of the violence that we witnessed amongst the participants in the crowds, on all sides. They were throwing bottles, they were throwing soda cans with cement in them,”

Here's the video, the duration is two minutes and six seconds, Corinne Geller says the above comments about the violence being on ALL SIDES begins at the 32 second part.

You know, if Obama was still in office and decided to stay on vacation and play golf like Trump has, the conservatives would be screaming bloody murder.

Shoot, when the terror attack happened in Germany at the end of Obama's term while he was on vacation, they were screaming that Obama needed to get back to work because there was bad stuff going on in the world.

Trump's on vacation and playing golf. Not only is there bad stuff going on in the world, but there is a lot of crap going on in this country as well.
Hyperbole. One should not have to bear three days of crushing public pressure before saying what the vast bulk of America expects a decent man to say without even thinking about it. No this may be the worst and most easily avoidable fuckup I have ever seen a president make. It's totally horrifying to now know for a fact that we have a Nazi sympathizer in our White House.

Liar. Look at the March 16th GOP debate for starters and there have been many other instances on air he denounced David Duke et al.
Too little too late, he knew long ago that he attracted the wrong kind of crowd and has done jack shit to actually discourage them. Every one of those Nazi scum Loves the president, a badge of shame he must now bear.
Hyperbole. One should not have to bear three days of crushing public pressure before saying what the vast bulk of America expects a decent man to say without even thinking about it. No this may be the worst and most easily avoidable fuckup I have ever seen a president make. It's totally horrifying to now know for a fact that we have a Nazi sympathizer in our White House.

Liar. Look at the March 16th GOP debate for starters and there have been many other instances on air he denounced David Duke et al.
Too little too late, he knew long ago that he attracted the wrong kind of crowd and has done jack shit to actually discourage them. Every one of those Nazi scum Loves the president, a badge of shame he must now bear.

Another gutless lie but that is what the left wing nuts are doing. You want to go that route then Obama wears Bill Ayers and his domestic terrorist wife.
taken a gun and shot the neo-Nazi who killed the woman right between the eyes and the brain dead left wing SFB's would still scream like 10 year old spoiled brats.


Obama seemed to think that being president was more about social justice and favoring groups than about representing everyone. He was quick to jump in the middle of what should have been local police matters, such as the Cambridge police situation and the Trayvon Martin shooting. Now libs expect the president to drop everything and get involved in identity politics where any incident that they see as a perfect opportunity to advance their agenda must be treated as a major event and get national news coverage. At the same time, far worse incidents (that hurt their agenda) get buried or they deny it happened.

The local police, maybe with help from the state, needed to handle the protesters. Considering that things were far worse in Baltimore, Ferguson, or Chicago on a typical weekend, this wasn't exactly something that needed interference from the president.

The left's rhetoric remains dangerous and they are likely to incite more violence. Of course, that is exactly what they want. When BLM or other leftwing groups (bussed in by Soros) are the culprits, the media acts like they were provoked and excuses them by granting them victimhood status.

It's all about keeping the chaos in the streets. The master plan literally calls for each and every thing done by the left over the years. It's not grassroots. It's not even genuine. It's the planners creating this through hired thugs, inciting violence and doing so with the help of a willing media that specializes in propaganda. Local people, in fact the majority, do not subscribe to the narrative being pushed by a few hired radicals and the media. It's all an illusion designed to recruit more angry, ignorant people.

They claim to be decrying racism while promising to attack whites and others who disagree with them. And then they act like those who are threatened are in the wrong for not wanting to support them. Hard to support those who vow harm to you.


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