Donald Trump easily makes a chump out of CNN's Anderson Cooper

You liberals really are fucking stupid. This is whole thing is such a ridiculous, desperate grasping at straws. Trump if a fucking idiot and there is plenty to criticize him on. Why you're wasting so much energy on this is beyond me. I guess this is the liberal equivalent of birthers.

The fact that Trump DIDN'T say he checked the certificate of fitness on his subs tells me he's lying. But then again, you'll buy the lie.

The fact that you think a COF has something to do with immigration tells me you're a big fat liar and a blowhard.
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.
Trump will say whatever is need to grab headlines with little regard for the truth. No matter what he says, I doubt he will make it to the primary debates. Frankly, I'm hoping he does. Trump has a lot faults but he is entertaining.
You liberals really are fucking stupid. This is whole thing is such a ridiculous, desperate grasping at straws. Trump if a fucking idiot and there is plenty to criticize him on. Why you're wasting so much energy on this is beyond me. I guess this is the liberal equivalent of birthers.

The fact that Trump DIDN'T say he checked the certificate of fitness on his subs tells me he's lying. But then again, you'll buy the lie.

The fact that you think a COF has something to do with immigration tells me you're a big fat liar and a blowhard.

Again, this is the United States, NOT Canada.
Trump could have worded his statements on illegals less offensively but he knows if he doesn't sound the alarm, no one will.
It has already been shown that he has present and former illegals working for him in his DC construction site today.
No it hasn't, numskull, and having a hissy fit over something that happened 35 years ago is absurd.

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For a presidential candidate, everything he has ever said or done is fair game, Bush's drinking problems, Clinton's "I didn't inhale", Obama's father, John Kerry's combat metals in the Vietnam war, and Reagan's Hollywood scandals.
It has already been shown that he has present and former illegals working for him in his DC construction site today.
No it hasn't, numskull, and having a hissy fit over something that happened 35 years ago is absurd.

Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
For a presidential candidate, everything he has ever said or done is fair game, Bush's drinking problems, Clinton's "I didn't inhale", Obama's father, John Kerry's combat metals in the Vietnam war, and Reagan's Hollywood scandals.

No, only the history of Republican candidates is fair game. With Democrats it's "old news." Democrats have even claimed Benghazi is "old news." Obama's college records are "old news." His relationship with Jeremiah wright is "old news." His relationship with William Ayers was "old news."
a New Mexico drivers license is no longer valid for boarding a plane.

Link? I don't doubt the fraud, but this seems a little incredulous.

I thought so too yet...

the Department of Homeland Security will not recognize licenses from states including New Mexico as ID for getting on a plane or entering federal buildings, for example.

“Because of this policy of giving licenses to illegal immigrants we continue to be non-compliant with the federal guidelines

Link Fraud crackdown sends illegal immigrant licenses plummeting in NM Fox News
Typical leftwing attempt at a got'cha, many illegals are using stolen identities and without the resources of law enforcement it would be virtually impossible to prove it.
Is it just my imagination, or has CNN turned into the Leftie Version of Faux News?

They've been the Commie News Network for a while, they transformed from the Clinton News Network.
More proof the MSM intentionally ignores certain crimes...a young couple was car jacked...the boyfriend was discovered near a set of nearby railroad tracks. He had been bound, blindfolded, gagged, and stripped naked from the waist down. He had been shot in the back of the head, neck, and back, and his body had been set on fire. According to the testimony of the Knox County Acting Medical Examiner Dr. Darinka Mileusnic-Polchan at the trial of Eric Boyd, Newsom was sodomized with an object and raped by a person.

The medical examiner said that Channon (the girlfriend) died after hours of torture, suffering injuries to her vagina, anus, and mouth in repeated sexual assaults. Bleach was poured down her throat and used to scrub her body while she was alive in an attempt by her attackers to remove DNA evidence. She was bound with curtains and strips of bedding, her face covered with a trash bag, and her body stashed in five large trash bags. These were placed inside a residential waste disposal unit and covered with sheets. The medical examiner said there was evidence that Channon slowly suffocated to death.

The victims were both white, the 5 scum convicted of this crime were all black.
You liberals really are fucking stupid. This is whole thing is such a ridiculous, desperate grasping at straws. Trump if a fucking idiot and there is plenty to criticize him on. Why you're wasting so much energy on this is beyond me. I guess this is the liberal equivalent of birthers.

The fact that Trump DIDN'T say he checked the certificate of fitness on his subs tells me he's lying. But then again, you'll buy the lie.

The fact that Fire Safety has nothing to do with anything in this thread tell us all the more so, you are a fraud. Congrats fraud.
Typical leftwing attempt at a got'cha, many illegals are using stolen identities and without the resources of law enforcement it would be virtually impossible to prove it.
Is it just my imagination, or has CNN turned into the Leftie Version of Faux News?

They've been the Commie News Network for a while, they transformed from the Clinton News Network.
Chris Cuomo strikes me as a Leftist political hack, on a par with Cooper, and it's getting to the point where I can't stand Cuomo and his bully-pulpit tactics.

CNN is supposed to be reporting the news, not spinning the news.

Lefties squawk all the time about Fox.

They need to look in the mirror when it comes to CNN.

It's getting just as bad.

Maybe we need to start farming-out our national news to BBC America or sumfin'...
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So in a is the crux of 10 pages of posts:

1) Washington Post asked a handful of workers who look Mexican their legal status (racial profiling)
2) They all said they were legal but say some workers are not
3) The liberals want Trump to shut down the entire project to spend time investigating and finding 2-3 people (originally stated by the Mexican workers) and fire them. Costing $millions and exposing Trump to serious risk of multiple lawsuits.

Really? Gosh I am soo shocked leftist are so hard core on immigration!! Who knew???
Trump will say whatever is need to grab headlines with little regard for the truth. No matter what he says, I doubt he will make it to the primary debates. Frankly, I'm hoping he does. Trump has a lot faults but he is entertaining.

I don't think for 1 millisecond Trump has one iota of a chance, however the value he has is exposing others and exposing the liberal media like he did here.

CNN (New Day program) is reporting this morning, that the RNC Chair called Trump, and told him to "tone it down", when discussing immigration.

Will The Donald tell the RNC Chair to kiss his ass?

If he does, Donald can probably milk that for a huge bump in the polls.

Stay tuned for further developments.

Same Bat-Time... same Bat-Channel.
So in a is the crux of 10 pages of posts:..
Actually, the crux of 10 pages of posts is that Trump made a chump out of CNN's Anderson Cooper, as most folks who have seen it can readily discern.

True that also....but of course leftist will never see this. Cooper tried to go back 35 years to get a gotcha moment - when that failed - he went for this laughably weak attempt to "gotcha" by the Washington Post's weak attempt of interviewing some unknown guys who looked Mexican. I pathetic can you get?
Take a look around Google on everyone's response to this interview.
The left media is spinning this thing like crazy...most saying "Trump gets angry at Anderson Cooper for asking about immigration"...alluding that he lost his temper because Cooper got him good.
Sad thing is of course, the low information leftist will eat it up like candy.
Typical leftwing attempt at a got'cha, many illegals are using stolen identities and without the resources of law enforcement it would be virtually impossible to prove it.
Is it just my imagination, or has CNN turned into the Leftie Version of Faux News?

No, that is certainly NOT your imagination. It works and FOX has ratings to PROVE it.
That was always the problem with FOX – not that they were partisan but that it is so widely successful to be so partisan. MSNBC and CNN are opposite and just as much a collection of hacks. The new ‘news’ model is going to ensure that actual news is a thing of the past.
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...
Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".
Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.
So Trump doesn't know if his sub-contractors hire illegal aliens. When I hire sub-contractors, I require a certificate of fitness, which leads to believe Trump either knows that he hires Illegals, or is purposely kept out of the loop. Either way, Cooper did a good job uncovering that fact.
You liberals really are fucking stupid. This is whole thing is such a ridiculous, desperate grasping at straws. Trump if a fucking idiot and there is plenty to criticize him on. Why you're wasting so much energy on this is beyond me. I guess this is the liberal equivalent of birthers.
Hit the nail on the head
Of course conservative do this a lot too (particularly with Hillary and Obama) but it is always ignorant as fuck. Trump is not even a real contender – he does so much shit that is asinine but THIS is what some choose to criticize about. It amazes me.
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.
Donald Trump, a great American success story. Just goes to show how far you can go in this country with a little bit of hard work, millions of dollars to start with, and several bankruptcies. He's a real inspiration for others to follow.

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