Donald Trump easily makes a chump out of CNN's Anderson Cooper

So what you detractors are saying that not only should Trump interview and check status of employees of everyone his company does business with - but go beyond that and even if they have legal status - because they look Mexican, make sure they never were illegal.
Yeah makes perfect sense.
And even if he did do that - you all would be calling him a racist profiler.
The media made Dump Truck aware that his contractor was currently using illegals and Trump did not fire the contractor because a compliant contractor would cost him more money. So Trump can't play the dumb card, he knows illegals are building his DC hotel.
Or because there is no contractor that can fill that job that does not have illegals working at it.
As Trump pointed out – with MILLIONS of illegal workers and construction being one of the most commo0n jobs for illegals there is ZERO chance for him to get business done without illegal immigrants being hired. It is beyond idiotic to be upset at this FACT when the legal framework necessitates it. Leave it to the liberal to create the situation and then get upset ate someone else because of it. Fucking stupid.
Further, in ANY major construction project there are contractual agreements. IOW, he cannot fire shit because he has signed a contract for the work.
So Trump doesn't know if his sub-contractors hire illegal aliens. When I hire sub-contractors, I require a certificate of fitness, which leads to believe Trump either knows that he hires Illegals, or is purposely kept out of the loop. Either way, Cooper did a good job uncovering that fact.
I doubt you ever hire anyone for anything considering how ignorant you actaulloy are in the process. One wonders what CoF you are talking about:
Certificate of Fitness The City of Portland Oregon
Certificate of Fitness
Libertyville IL - Official Site - Certificate of Fitness Registration

Or maybe this one that actually does include citizenship:

Of course that works with singular contractors that might come over to your hose but has nothing to do with commercial contracting. Not everyone would need to be licensed or have the CoF (you have stockers, demo, cleanup crew etc.) on a commercial job site.

No matter what one you were referring to, the entire statement was ignorant.
Trump worshipers are living in bubble of delusion. It's great to watch.

Please enlighten us of who, in this thread, is ‘worshipping trump of what bubble of delusion is affecting in this case.
Trump worshipers are living in bubble of delusion. It's great to watch.

Please enlighten us of who, in this thread, is ‘worshipping trump of what bubble of delusion is affecting in this case.
Folks who believe the thread title and OP.

I do and am in no way ‘Trump worshipper.’
Again, you have failed to establish that the OP is not correct. The only people to argue this thus far have been shown to be both incorrect and ignorant. How about you do more than blankly insulting people and present an actual argument.
Trump worshipers are living in bubble of delusion. It's great to watch.

Please enlighten us of who, in this thread, is ‘worshipping trump of what bubble of delusion is affecting in this case.
Folks who believe the thread title and OP.
Trump doesn't care anything about illegal immigration, any more than any other Republican politician. If we ever hear these assholes talk about illegal employers, then we'll know they're serious.
What probability do you estimate that Trump will win the nomination? That he'll win the Presidency?

The GOP doesn't want the White House. The GOP can do more damage to the middle class in Congress than the POTUS. The biggest idiot will be nominated, ie; Palin and whats his name.

So to be clear, you think that the GOP nominee will not be Bush, Walker, Rubio, or Paul? Can you give a probability estimate for that?
As Trump pointed out – with MILLIONS of illegal workers and construction being one of the most commo0n jobs for illegals there is ZERO chance for him to get business done without illegal immigrants being hired.
Yeah, just as sure as there is no other country that can make his overpriced clothing line other than China. Dump Truck can charge extra for his name on his clothes but not for his clothes being made in America by Americans.
Trump worshipers are living in bubble of delusion. It's great to watch.

Please enlighten us of who, in this thread, is ‘worshipping trump of what bubble of delusion is affecting in this case.
Folks who believe the thread title and OP.

I do and am in no way ‘Trump worshipper.’
Again, you have failed to establish that the OP is not correct. The only people to argue this thus far have been shown to be both incorrect and ignorant. How about you do more than blankly insulting people and present an actual argument.
I offered an opinion that those viewing the interview in question are delusional if they think Trump looked good in the interview. He portrayed the exact persona his opponents and critics are challenging him on. Arrogant, bossy, foolish, evasive in a huckster way and just plain uninformed. How many times did he say "Tell me their names" about the immigrants that talked to the press? That is huckster evasiveness. The huckster asks questions that he knows will not be answered. The employee would have been fired if the name was given out.
The interview showed the shallowness and hypocrisy of Trump. Illegals come to America for work. Guys like Trump help provide jobs and work for illegals. He brags about being so smart and so rich while he evades the fact that he is not smart enough or rich enough to keep illegals from working on his job sites, or he is smart enough and rich enough but doesn't really care because to ignore the situation is profitable. It is someone else's fault.
Trump worshipers are living in bubble of delusion. It's great to watch.

Please enlighten us of who, in this thread, is ‘worshipping trump of what bubble of delusion is affecting in this case.
Folks who believe the thread title and OP.

So you watched the interview? I am not a Trump fan but Cooper was taken down and it was very obvious.

Please tell us why you think Cooper got the better of Trump.
Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

So Trump doesn't know if his sub-contractors hire illegal aliens. When I hire sub-contractors, I require a certificate of fitness, which leads to believe Trump either knows that he hires Illegals, or is purposely kept out of the loop. Either way, Cooper did a good job uncovering that fact.
He didn't uncover shit. This is the point. If Cooper is the best you have, the media is going to be Trump's bitch this entire campaign.
Trump worshipers are living in bubble of delusion. It's great to watch.

Please enlighten us of who, in this thread, is ‘worshipping trump of what bubble of delusion is affecting in this case.
Folks who believe the thread title and OP.

So you watched the interview? I am not a Trump fan but Cooper was taken down and it was very obvious.

Please tell us why you think Cooper got the better of Trump.
This does not look like a victory for Trump to me. It looks like he is being squeezed into mumbling out excuses. In the end, the point is made that Trump has a history of hiring illegals, probably all the way up to the present, and while he accepts that in the end he is in charge, he continues to blame the "contractors". Plus, by repeatedly asking for the names of the workers who would probably get fired, he comes across as a huckster. His solution to his hiring illegals problem is to rat out the ones who get caught so he can fire them. This is the guy who spends big bucks looking to prove Obama was not born in the USA, but he can't figure out a way to investigate illegals workers on his job sited.

Might be a problem with the end of the youtube vid, so I posted the cnn one also. Plus it gives other segments of the interview.
Last edited:
Trump will say whatever is need to grab headlines with little regard for the truth. No matter what he says, I doubt he will make it to the primary debates. Frankly, I'm hoping he does. Trump has a lot faults but he is entertaining.

I don't think for 1 millisecond Trump has one iota of a chance, however the value he has is exposing others and exposing the liberal media like he did here.
The only thing Trump is exposing is his inability to actually engage in any productive dialog or propose any realist solution to the nation's problems. To solve the illegal immigration problem he said, “I will build a great, great wall on our southern border and I will make Mexico pay for that wall.” To defeat ISIS, he said he would "bomb the hell out of their source of income", middle east oil fields. This bar room talk, is something no one really takes seriously, not even Trump. You know, he actually compares himself to P.T. Barnum.


President Trump

Hopefully there will be a clip of this somewhere...

Anderson Cooper brings up a large construction project that built one of Trumps properties that is now known to have illegal immigrants working on it. A union official made a lawsuit against Trumps company at that time. Cooper asks Trump isn't this hypocritical of him?
Trump says he remembers something about the case, and that it was a sub contractor of a sub contractor of the contracting firm he hired. But then he makes the great point - "you know the fact you guys had to go back 35 years to find something on me is ridiculous, I mean really?".
Cooper quickly changes the topic.
Then Cooper asked Trump "are there any illegals working in any of your companies"? Trump tells Cooper about the steps his company makes to ensure everyone is legal. Anderson asks "can you guarantee there are no illegal immigrants anywhere in your company?" Trumps says - "How could anyone make that guarantee? There are 34 million in this country now. Of course I can't guarantee it, we work hard to prevent it but with 34,000,000 of them here now how could anyone possibly make that statement".
Then Cooper did the typical media trick "some are saying"...somebody (unknown) said that they asked workers building the hotel and several said (ends up it is 2 or 3) that they came into the country illegal but have since became legal. Cooper asks id THAT is hypocritical of Trump. (How dumb is that really)
Trump responds "I read that "report" yes" - of course it mentions no names, not even the person who asked it, you ask me if it is hypocritical on a report that no one knows if it is even true - give me the names, I would love to know who it is supposed to be".

Anderson is an idiot. Nowhere near the mental prowess of Trump.
Trump is an egotistical jack ass....but exponentially smarter than Cooper.

Stop, just stop...

You come off looking stupid...
Don't worry that's how you look on every post you do.
The fact that Fire Safety has nothing to do with anything in this thread tell us all the more so, you are a fraud. Congrats fraud.

Oh no, not another Canadian!

Fire Department inspectors sign-off and Certificates of Occupancy are issued by building departments.

A Certificate of Fitness is required by my insurance when I hire a sub-contractor.
So what you detractors are saying that not only should Trump interview and check status of employees of everyone his company does business with - but go beyond that and even if they have legal status - because they look Mexican, make sure they never were illegal.

Yeah makes perfect sense. :cuckoo:
And even if he did do that - you all would be calling him a racist profiler.
The media made Dump Truck aware that his contractor was currently using illegals and Trump did not fire the contractor because a compliant contractor would cost him more money. So Trump can't play the dumb card, he knows illegals are building his DC hotel.
So he should fire the contractor on a multiple million dollar job? Yeah you have never ran a business. That would be a total nightmare for everyone.
So in a is the crux of 10 pages of posts:

1) Washington Post asked a handful of workers who look Mexican their legal status (racial profiling)
2) They all said they were legal but say some workers are not
3) The liberals want Trump to shut down the entire project to spend time investigating and finding 2-3 people (originally stated by the Mexican workers) and fire them. Costing $millions and exposing Trump to serious risk of multiple lawsuits.

Really? Gosh I am soo shocked leftist are so hard core on immigration!! Who knew???

What I've exposed is Trump is a liar, which doesn't matter for two reasons:

1) Trump is going to do his usual BK on his subs leaving them holding a worthless contract.

2) It keeps the ignorant happy and not asking the hard questions.

'$millions' has shown you as a Canadian. Damn! How many are you on a United States Message Board?
True that also....but of course leftist will never see this. Cooper tried to go back 35 years to get a gotcha moment - when that failed - he went for this laughably weak attempt to "gotcha" by the Washington Post's weak attempt of interviewing some unknown guys who looked Mexican. I pathetic can you get?

All the media has to do is interview anyone that has worked for or done business with Trump.

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