Donald Trump has a unique and sickening ability to resurface women’s memories of abuse and trauma.

Oh bite me. This is ridiculous. Didn't any of them get triggered by Juanita? Or Kathleen? Or Paula? Or Kathleen Shelton who was raped at the age of 12 and was blamed by Hillary for her very own rape?

Only Donald triggers.


Since this tape came out, I've remembered all of the times I've been groped or grabbed. I was 11 or 12 the first time - at the public swimming pool. The last time was some anonymous perv on the subway.

So yeah, it appears I'm not the only one it's had this effect on.
When Trump was young, such incidents were very common. Unless you were black and the women was white, there was rarely any charges filed. Trump was right in one respect. Those with money and position such as Trump could pretty well do whatever they chose. Thankfully things are changing because more women are speaking up and saying hell no, to the likes of Trump.
Apologies for the above post. For some reason I can't edit it.

Good for you. You're evolving.

I'm an old time feminist. When we weren't classed as feminazis. I've always held my own with men and never batted an eye on laying down the law and boundaries. I can smell bullshit a mile away though. You don't go thru 30 years and never report a celebrity like Donald Trump who's been a star for years until two weeks before a Presidential campaign comes to a close.

This was a hit. Aldred was ready. There's a red flag. This shit happens almost every election where the D's lay down some sexual misconduct on the part of the R candidate. It's part of the D handbook.

The gentleman from Britain just slayed the 70 plus woman he was sitting across from in the plane who claimed Trumped groped her. She's a liar. Another woman was taken out by two good friends not letting her get away with a lie she told about being in a restaurant and Trump and a modelling agent were supposedly making the girls walk on the restaurant table so they could look up their skirts.

I mean give me a freaking break. Others would have flipped in that restaurant. Another girl midwest I believe got taken out by her family. She lied and said he kept trying to kiss her.

I haven't bothered with the rest because it's a fairy tale. What really pisses me off about this scenario especially now that the ladies tales are coming unglued is that it diminishes and tarnishes true incidences.

Between Duke and the fake Rolling Stone article "A Rape on Campus" it puts young girls on campus at a huge disadvantage now who do honestly get date raped. They aren't going to want to come forward.

That's a sin and a direct result of lies told. At least in Britain if you make a false accusation you're going to jail for doing so. We need that here. To protect young men as well.

But 15 minutes of fame based on a lie crap has to stop.

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