Donald Trump is Joseph McCarthy on steroids

Donald Trump is Joseph McCarthy on steroids. Trump will have the same ending as Joseph McCarthy. Trump will be a stain on the history of our country.

Didn't know you were a big fan of Trump, too, Fudd! You know McCarthy was RIGHT. But Trump isn't the stain, he is just fighting the stain from people like you. And it takes a bit of Lye, and Lysol to GET THE STAIN OUT.
Why are there no statues of McCarthy. Freak, give your life purpose and fight for the recognition McCarthy deserves.
Donald Trump is Joseph McCarthy on steroids. McCarthy legacy coined the term McCarthyism in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist activities. Today, the term is used in reference to what are considered demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents.[2]

It is no coincidence Roy Cohn was a strong influence on both. Roy Cohn was a disgusting human being. Probably worse than both McCarthy and Trump.

Trump will have the same ending as Joseph McCarthy. Trump will be a stain on the history of our country; as will all that support Trump.

Ever heard of the Venona papers? Of course you hated McCarthy and Cohn.....they were exposing commies such as yourself.
Dale, Dale, Dale; get help.

Elmer Fudd SEZ????? "Get help and you can become a leftard like me!"

As I have stated numerous times.....I have no use for the Trotsky-ite necons but I especially despise fabian socialists such as yourself. I would gladly slit the throats of those of your ilk before I would ever throw them my support. That is something that you can etch in stone. Do you hear me??????
Donald Trump is Joseph McCarthy on steroids. Trump will have the same ending as Joseph McCarthy. Trump will be a stain on the history of our country.

Didn't know you were a big fan of Trump, too, Fudd! You know McCarthy was RIGHT. But Trump isn't the stain, he is just fighting the stain from people like you. And it takes a bit of Lye, and Lysol to GET THE STAIN OUT.
Why are there no statues of McCarthy.

Why are there no statues of Fritz Zwicky? Do you now need a statue to be proven right? Some of the most "right" people" in history were hated BECAUSE they were right. Political correctness is more important than being right in today's world.
McCarthy died in his 40s of alcoholism and Closeted Cohn died of AIDS.

I'm surprised Trump isn't already dead from STDs. Maybe that's what fucked his brain up.


McCarthy died in his 40s of alcoholism and Closeted Cohn died of AIDS.

So, is it your opinion that there was no commie infiltration back then? Because the Venona papers have validated McCarthy's contentions and communism is rampant in this corporate entity that we call "gubermint". Just like Khrushchev stated...they would feed us small doses of socialism until we became a commie nation. I look at the goals of the American commies and the biggest road block has been taking away the guns and by use of false flags, propaganda and conditioning? They have been pushing it. Leftards want total gun confiscation but are too chickenshit to put themselves out in front. The communist agenda has taken a huge hit due to President Trump and it pisses you shouldn't be...because there are too many like myself that are "awake" that would never surrender to the state.

Get it, now????
The left still think Mccarthy was not vindicated by the Venona Papers.

Turns out McCarthy was right.

That is not the point and that is a different fucking story. The op is not worth a bucket of cold piss. He and his types along with the rest of the fascist fucking pigs on the left are fucking caught. They can all go fuck themselves.

Nothing the OP or his types have claimed have ever been true. Everything the left stands for are lies. All of it. They can all go and they all will burn in hell.

I just wanna point out at your signature....Winston Churchill was behind killing thousands of innocent Africans/Indians and thousands more in other parts of the occupied territories by Britain. Isn't a bit surprising to quote a mass murderer to trash an entire religion?.
Donald Trump is Joseph McCarthy on steroids. McCarthy legacy coined the term McCarthyism in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist activities. Today, the term is used in reference to what are considered demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents.[2]

It is no coincidence Roy Cohn was a strong influence on both. Roy Cohn was a disgusting human being. Probably worse than both McCarthy and Trump.

Trump will have the same ending as Joseph McCarthy. Trump will be a stain on the history of our country; as will all that support Trump.

Ever heard of the Venona papers? Of course you hated McCarthy and Cohn.....they were exposing commies such as yourself.

Let me see if I am picking up what you are throwing down. Are you saying that both McCarthy and Cohn are heros?
Joseph McCarthy did not smear anyone. He was smeared by the left. You need to read M. Stanton Evans' book Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies (2009), the definitive book on the subject. Stanton spent 20 year researching the book. Stanton proves that every substantive criticism of McCarthy is invalid, if not downright fictional in many cases.

Some online research on Senator McCarthy:

Senator Joseph McCarthy and McCarthyism: What Are the Facts
The left still think Mccarthy was not vindicated by the Venona Papers.

Turns out McCarthy was right.

That is not the point and that is a different fucking story. The op is not worth a bucket of cold piss. He and his types along with the rest of the fascist fucking pigs on the left are fucking caught. They can all go fuck themselves.

Nothing the OP or his types have claimed have ever been true. Everything the left stands for are lies. All of it. They can all go and they all will burn in hell.

I just wanna point out at your signature....Winston Churchill was behind killing thousands of innocent Africans/Indians and thousands more in other parts of the occupied territories by Britain. Isn't a bit surprising to quote a mass murderer to trash an entire religion?.
Good for Churchill.
Donald Trump is Joseph McCarthy on steroids. Trump will have the same ending as Joseph McCarthy. Trump will be a stain on the history of our country.

Didn't know you were a big fan of Trump, too, Fudd! You know McCarthy was RIGHT. But Trump isn't the stain, he is just fighting the stain from people like you. And it takes a bit of Lye, and Lysol to GET THE STAIN OUT.
Why are there no statues of McCarthy. Freak, give your life purpose and fight for the recognition McCarthy deserves.
And yet you fuckers have a statue of a confirmed racist che guevara and wear the fuckers T shirts like the fucking loud and proud dipshit morons like Mccarthy claimed you were.

Che statue in NYC.


I have to admit, Che had a pretty good factual point there. Huh....

Aaaand here a stupid typical ignorant smelly blacks wearing Che T shirts.


What a stupid ass rich negro moron. Typical moron. Look at those fucking ugly big lips on his stupid ignorant rich black fucking face.

Elmer, you are a fucking stupid ass ignorant loser.
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Show me the liberal answer to M. Stanton Evans' book Blacklisted By History: The Untold Story of Senator Joe McCarthy and His Fight Against America's Enemies (2009), the definitive work on the subject. Stanton spent 20 years researching the book and unearthed new sources from the National Archives and elsewhere. Stanton proves that every substantive criticism of McCarthy is invalid and that many of the attacks on him are outright fabrications.
Donald Trump is Joseph McCarthy on steroids. McCarthy legacy coined the term McCarthyism in 1950 in reference to McCarthy's practices, was soon applied to similar anti-communist activities. Today, the term is used in reference to what are considered demagogic, reckless, and unsubstantiated accusations, as well as public attacks on the character or patriotism of political opponents.[2]

It is no coincidence Roy Cohn was a strong influence on both. Roy Cohn was a disgusting human being. Probably worse than both McCarthy and Trump.

Trump will have the same ending as Joseph McCarthy. Trump will be a stain on the history of our country; as will all that support Trump.

Ever heard of the Venona papers? Of course you hated McCarthy and Cohn.....they were exposing commies such as yourself.
Dale, Dale, Dale; get help.

Elmer Fudd SEZ????? "Get help and you can become a leftard like me!"

As I have stated numerous times.....I have no use for the Trotsky-ite necons but I especially despise fabian socialists such as yourself. I would gladly slit the throats of those of your ilk before I would ever throw them my support. That is something that you can etch in stone. Do you hear me??????
This response should be turned over to law enforcement. This shows an individual that wants and may kill those who disagree with them. Too many people like this actually take the actions they threaten. This is serious.
Just deceased liberal journalist Nicholas von Hoffman, long-time critic of Joe McCarthy, later concluded he was "closer to the truth about communist infiltration than those who ridiculed him....he may have exaggerated scope of problem but not by much." An honest man to the end.
You used to say he was Hitler. Glad to see you are warming up to the man.
Trump is worse than McCarthy but not as bad as Hitler.
Hitler is one person who makes Trump look good.

On other words, Hitler did nothing wrong?
You are asking if Hitler did anything wrong? If you have asked this question shows your stupidity and explains why you support Trump.

You shallow fuck!

I am not asking, if Hitler did anything wrong.

The question is in relation to your comment that Trump is worse than Hitler, moron.
These stupid Moon Bats are confused about McCarthy.

After the fall of the Soviet Union and the West got see some of the KGB files we found out that McCarthy was mostly right. Just like Trump is right.

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