Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

Trump is a legitimate candidate repreenting the marginalized whites on the far right of the party who have been fighting the culture wars since the 1960s.

This is the last hurrah before they lose and die out.

Many are of my parents' Greatest Generation, and I honor what they did to save the world from militarism and imperialism and to hold back communism until it imploded.

But those days of yore have gone and are no more. Join the great majority that have gone ahead with our thanks.
Okay. Does this mean you think Trump is part of the Far Right?
Aren't Trump's mannerisms really a lot like Benito Mussolini's?


It is our problem since criminals here illegally have no respect for law and order

They need to learn the first lesson to be American

Obey laws

Really? Seems to me a lot of laws were broken by rich Republicans in causing the last recession, but I didn't see a one of them go to jail.

Also, rich people who HIRE illegals are also breaking the laws, but I don't see you guys getting too keen on prosecuting them.

Because they're white.

Silly Darkie. Rights are for White People.

you're projecting your own racism onto others...
How many of you Libtards even know who Jorge Ramos is? Or have ever heard/seen him "report" the news?

Well, I have and he leaves no doubt that he further left than Obama and does everything he can to praise the administration and Democrats in general.

The Donald knows this and was not going to let Ramos interrupt his press conference. They very fact that he let him back in and gave him more questions than anyone shows he's not afraid to stand up to a leftist reporter.
Feral white racists like you, Rota, when called out for their racism, immediately counter charge with baseless charges of racism. It is like you being called a criminal (which you are) so you called the other person a criminal for notifying the world what you are really.

Trumps’ security will not touch Ramos or his men. You know it, I know it.

The days of feral whites like you running anything, even a news conference, are long over.

So you think Trump cant have someone who is disruptive thrown out of his own press conference? Dont be stupid,he can bar anyone he wants to.
Or he could just rope em off like hilary.

What he can't decide is whether this media outlet then decides to just be anti-Trump.

If he annoys EVERYONE then people won't like him.

Your first sentence is gibberish.
Latino TV Star Escorted Out of Trump Press Conference

Jorge Ramos of Univision thinks he's a real big shot and is clearly pro-Obama and Democrats. So, when he stands up and shouts at Trump, The Donald simply has him escorted from the room. And you can be sure he''s gonna make a big deal to the Hispanic viewing audience at every chance.

And, after being removed once, he goes back


And now Ted Cruz goes after Fox' Megyn Kelly w/video @ Cruz Accuses Megyn Kelly of Asking 'Mainstream Media Liberal' Question - Breitbart

I think she would be perfect on a panel with Colmes, Juan Williams, and Geraldo And here's an interesting story about her rise at FoxNews @ Megyn Kelly Affair, Fox News's "Research Division" and The Loving The Party Problem - GotNews
The reporter wasn't being politically correct! :cool-45:
the reporter tried to disrupt a news conference to shift the focus to HIM. He was rude and out of order. If he had waited, he would have been called on...but no..he wanted to just stand up and start shouting at trump...good for donald.
If Hillary or Obama had done the same, you'd be calling them dictators. My comment stands, PC isn't just or liberals anymore. The Donald won't stand for anyone interfering with his coronation.

"coronation"'ve come completely unhinged now...we have elections in america...
Feral white racists like you, Rota, when called out for their racism, immediately counter charge with baseless charges of racism. It is like you being called a criminal (which you are) so you called the other person a criminal for notifying the world what you are really.

Trumps’ security will not touch Ramos or his men. You know it, I know it.

The days of feral whites like you running anything, even a news conference, are long over.

So you think Trump cant have someone who is disruptive thrown out of his own press conference? Dont be stupid,he can bar anyone he wants to.
Or he could just rope em off like hilary.

What he can't decide is whether this media outlet then decides to just be anti-Trump.

If he annoys EVERYONE then people won't like him.

we know both parties are corrupt and all three branches of gvt are corrupt...we know the media is biased and corrupt..

and here's a candidate that calls ALL of them on it...and you don't like that.
They don't like it either..they know he can upset all their apple carts if patriotic americans get behind him.
Feral white racists like you, Rota, when called out for their racism, immediately counter charge with baseless charges of racism. It is like you being called a criminal (which you are) so you called the other person a criminal for notifying the world what you are really.

Trumps’ security will not touch Ramos or his men. You know it, I know it.

The days of feral whites like you running anything, even a news conference, are long over.

So you think Trump cant have someone who is disruptive thrown out of his own press conference? Dont be stupid,he can bar anyone he wants to.
Or he could just rope em off like hilary.

What he can't decide is whether this media outlet then decides to just be anti-Trump.

If he annoys EVERYONE then people won't like him.

Your first sentence is gibberish.

You can't read? Jeez.
Feral white racists like you, Rota, when called out for their racism, immediately counter charge with baseless charges of racism. It is like you being called a criminal (which you are) so you called the other person a criminal for notifying the world what you are really.

Trumps’ security will not touch Ramos or his men. You know it, I know it.

The days of feral whites like you running anything, even a news conference, are long over.

So you think Trump cant have someone who is disruptive thrown out of his own press conference? Dont be stupid,he can bar anyone he wants to.
Or he could just rope em off like hilary.

What he can't decide is whether this media outlet then decides to just be anti-Trump.

If he annoys EVERYONE then people won't like him.

Your first sentence is gibberish.

You can't read? Jeez.

Oh I can read just fine. Which is why I can tell your first sentence is gibberish.
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Feral white racists like you, Rota, when called out for their racism, immediately counter charge with baseless charges of racism. It is like you being called a criminal (which you are) so you called the other person a criminal for notifying the world what you are really.

Trumps’ security will not touch Ramos or his men. You know it, I know it.

The days of feral whites like you running anything, even a news conference, are long over.

you've completely lost "touch" :) with reality.

no one of ANY race should (or WILL) be allowed to disrupt a function...what's the problem? guys are ridiculous..
Imagine what Big Ears would do to a reporter who did that at one of his lying speeches.

Remember what he did to Major Garrett? And Major is a state owned CBS reporter.
Feral white racists like you, Rota, when called out for their racism, immediately counter charge with baseless charges of racism. It is like you being called a criminal (which you are) so you called the other person a criminal for notifying the world what you are really.

Trumps’ security will not touch Ramos or his men. You know it, I know it.

The days of feral whites like you running anything, even a news conference, are long over.

So you think Trump cant have someone who is disruptive thrown out of his own press conference? Dont be stupid,he can bar anyone he wants to.
Or he could just rope em off like hilary.

What he can't decide is whether this media outlet then decides to just be anti-Trump.

If he annoys EVERYONE then people won't like him.

we know both parties are corrupt and all three branches of gvt are corrupt...we know the media is biased and corrupt..

and here's a candidate that calls ALL of them on it...and you don't like that.
They don't like it either..they know he can upset all their apple carts if patriotic americans get behind him.

Yeah, both parties are corrupt. Not sure how the media is corrupt. Biased yes. Then again the media as a whole has lots of different biases so people could figure stuff out of they wanted to.

I don't like Trump because he's not going to make things better. He's entertainment. He's doing stuff other parties around the world have done and they get nowhere. If they get into power they'll just become what they claimed they didn't like. A lot of hot air.

A party called UKIP in the UK was soooooooo non-PC and everyone loved them for it. Until it came to non-PC people criticising UKIP and then all of a sudden UKIP were hammering these people for being non-PC but without using the term "non-PC" and dropped the whole PC opposition thing altogether.

If there were a REAL opposition to the main parties, I'd be all for it. Trump isn't. Sorry. He's a fraud. An entertainer.
Donald Trump is the mirror of how ugly the GOP has become in recent years.

Yes, we can paint lips on a pig

Time for America to be the sledge hammer again

We don't want their kind around anymore.

Criminals must be prosecuted like Her Thighness Klinton will soon find out

Obama will give her a pardon with the Thanksgiving turkey


"Their kind"? You mean Brown People? Are you "polishing your gun" when you think about that?

Okay, let's get real here, guy.

Our problems are not caused by some brown people coming up here taking poverty wage jobs you and I would never want to work.

Our problems are caused by rich people who have most of the wealth and still don't think they have enough.

Rich people like Donald Trump, who is probably snickering when he thinks about people like you supporting his pretend Presidential Run.
No, just liberal reporters that lost all credibility kissing Obama's ass. I like Trump more everyday!
Feral white racists like you, Rota, when called out for their racism, immediately counter charge with baseless charges of racism. It is like you being called a criminal (which you are) so you called the other person a criminal for notifying the world what you are really.

Trumps’ security will not touch Ramos or his men. You know it, I know it.

The days of feral whites like you running anything, even a news conference, are long over.

So you think Trump cant have someone who is disruptive thrown out of his own press conference? Dont be stupid,he can bar anyone he wants to.
Or he could just rope em off like hilary.

What he can't decide is whether this media outlet then decides to just be anti-Trump.

If he annoys EVERYONE then people won't like him.

Your first sentence is gibberish.

You can't read? Jeez.

Oh I can read just fine. Which is why I can tell you first sentence is gibberish.

Then again I went back and re-read it. It makes perfect sense, both grammatically and in what I wanted to say. So I asked if you couldn't read, but it actually makes sense. Your lose if you can't read it, don't come bitching to me.

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