Donald Trump kicks out Reporter! Nice. lol

The reporter kicked Trump's butt last night. Trump lost. The reporter won. Only the delusional dopey fans see it the other way around.
Reporters report. he clearly was trying to make news, that's what activists do. The asshole got escorted out, you have an odd definition of winning.
He was not making a speech. He was simply not allowing Trump to deflect away from the question being asked. Trump has a tactic and method of deviating from the question asked. He changes the subject. Ramos was pushing Trump into answering the question that has been continuously asked about Trump's claim that the changing of the 14th Amendment would not take a constitutional repel or amendment, but could be done through legislation. Trump was trying to avoid answering the question so Ramos persisted and would not allow Trump to deflect. In the end Trump made a gaffe due to Ramos's persistence. Trump said many great constitutional scholars agreed his concept was wrong. He quickly added that many thought he was right. The problem is that fact checkers have been judging his claim of many great constitutional scholars support his concept. Only a handful give some partial support for his ideas about the 14th Amendment. The overwhelming majority disagree with him. Overwhelming meaning, all of them except three of four in the entire group of persons recognized as constitutional scholars, conservative, liberal and neutral alike.
You all KNOW if that had been a Fox news reporter interrupting Hillary that way...

they be all up in arms wailing sexist, thug, hang em from the highest three.

but SINCE it was done to a Republican. their two faces shines.

no honor or standing on their Principles. because they don't have any

how sad is that
Maybe these so called "reporters" want to start thinking about their actions and interfering in the CITIZENS elections going on right now. This Jorge jerk should be banned from any other republicans event.

Breaking: Reporter, photographer shot to death on live TV in VA; Update: McAuliffe says “disgruntled former employee”?
posted at 9:21 am on August 26, 2015 by Ed Morrissey

Two journalists from WDBJ have been killed in a shooting that was captured on live television this morning. Alison Parker was in the middle of an interview airing live when a gunman shot her to death, and photographer Adam Ward was then shot and killed as well. No one has been arrested as of yet:

Police are searching for a person who they say shot at multiple people Wednesday morning, killing WDBJ7’s reporter Alison Parker, 24, and photojournalist Adam Ward, 27, at the Bridgewater Plaza near Smith Mountain Lake. …

Members with Bedford, Franklin County and Virginia State Police are on scene. Sgt. Ryan Young with the Virginia Dept. of Game and Inland Fisheries confirmed half a dozen of their department are on scene searching the shoreline and surrounding area.

Police say they continue to look for the shooter at this time and are hoping to get a description out to the public shortly. This incident remains under investigation.

WDBJ has pictures of both slain journalists up on their site, along with brief bios that emphasize their connection to the local community:

ALL of it here:
Breaking: Reporter, photographer shot to death on live TV in VA; Update: McAuliffe says "disgruntled former employee"?
The reporter kicked Trump's butt last night. Trump lost. The reporter won. Only the delusional dopey fans see it the other way around.
Reporters report. he clearly was trying to make news, that's what activists do. The asshole got escorted out, you have an odd definition of winning.
He was not making a speech. He was simply not allowing Trump to deflect away from the question being asked. Trump has a tactic and method of deviating from the question asked. He changes the subject.
So do a lot of candidates. You can ask a few times, we get that, but he was grand standing and interrupting, like a petulant child. Most of us learn better by the time we are 10.
Der Fuhrer will not tolerate..

It's just that Trump insists upon managing his press appearances...

Note that he let the guy back in, later, and let him ask a couple of pointed questions from the Univision agenda...

What you saw was Trump merely demonstrating who was Top Dog in the room, and controlling the pace and sequencing of the questions, not their content...

Frankly, Trump letting that Univision twerp back into the room, on Trump's terms, was a perfect foil and counter to any such charges...

Regardless of whether it was Trump's idea, or that of one of his people, it was frickkin' brilliant, as an antidote to such accusations...

Better luck next time...
Der Fuhrer will not tolerate..

It's just that Trump insists upon managing his press appearances...

Note that he let the guy back in, later, and let him ask a couple of pointed questions from the Univision agenda...

What you saw was Trump merely demonstrating who was Top Dog in the room, and controlling the pace and sequencing of the questions, not their content...

Frankly, Trump letting that Univision twerp back into the room, on Trump's terms, was a perfect foil and counter to any such charges...

Regardless of whether it was Trump's idea, or that of one of his people, it was frickkin' brilliant, as an antidote to such accusations...

Better luck next time...
To bad you don't understand German..
Donald Trump is the mirror of how ugly the GOP has become in recent years.

Yes, we can paint lips on a pig

Time for America to be the sledge hammer again

We don't want their kind around anymore.

Criminals must be prosecuted like Her Thighness Klinton will soon find out

Obama will give her a pardon with the Thanksgiving turkey


"Their kind"? You mean Brown People? Are you "polishing your gun" when you think about that?

Okay, let's get real here, guy.

Our problems are not caused by some brown people coming up here taking poverty wage jobs you and I would never want to work.

Our problems are caused by rich people who have most of the wealth and still don't think they have enough.

Rich people like Donald Trump, who is probably snickering when he thinks about people like you supporting his pretend Presidential Run.
Our problems are legion.

Illegal Immigration is merely one of several.

But it's as good a place as any to start.

The presence of 12,000,000 invaders, present upon US soil, depressing the wage-levels in the Construction trade, and others, and taking American jobs, and, worst of all, setting an example encouraging yet millions MORE to try the same thing in future, because this latest tidal wave successfully beat our system, is enough of a problem to rally around.

Even if we do nothing more than to beat-back this latest wave of Invaders, and discourage others from trying the same thing in the future, it will have been worthwhile.
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Der Fuhrer will not tolerate..

It's just that Trump insists upon managing his press appearances...

Note that he let the guy back in, later, and let him ask a couple of pointed questions from the Univision agenda...

What you saw was Trump merely demonstrating who was Top Dog in the room, and controlling the pace and sequencing of the questions, not their content...

Frankly, Trump letting that Univision twerp back into the room, on Trump's terms, was a perfect foil and counter to any such charges...

Regardless of whether it was Trump's idea, or that of one of his people, it was frickkin' brilliant, as an antidote to such accusations...

Better luck next time...
To bad you don't understand German..
Your counter, here, like your earlier one, are entirely inadequate to the task at-hand. Your problem, not mine.
Trump's campaign is being fed by bigotry and hatred, regardless of how much his supporters want to deny that. With this kind of constant rhetoric coming from conservatives, it's really quite mind boggling how they can't figure out why even legal Hispanics won't support their party.

The trump supporters are going to jump on this and claim he's a victim of political correctness. *sigh*
I saw a report that Ramos's daughter was a Hillary Clinton staffer....

Link below is by way of Drudge...

Jorge Ramos, the amnesty activist moonlighting as a Univision and Fusion journalist, revealed in June that his daughter is an employee of the Hillary Clinton campaign.

Credit: Instagram/Jorge Ramos

In a statement on the Fusion website, Ramos wrote:

As journalists the most important thing we have is our credibility and integrity. We maintain that, in part, through transparency with our audience, our colleagues and our critics. That is why I am disclosing that my daughter, Paola, has accepted a position working with Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

SURPRISE! Jorge Ramos’s daughter works for Hillary campaign
I've been told that "most" legal immigrants agree with Trump's positions on immigration.

I wonder if they also support being told to "get out of my country"?

Been trying to locate those "most" and so far I haven't found any of them in the polls.

T-Rump turned Ramos into a hero by throwing him out of the press conference, having him insulted in the corridor, having to allow him back in and then not providing any substantial responses to the questions.

Overall this is only going to hurt the GOP with the Hispanic voters IMO.

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