Donald Trump Makes It Official And Releases His Birth Certificate

actually, bucs is wrong on that.... the announcement of births came from the hawaii bureau of health department....a hospital could not just call the newspaper to add obama..... the GOVERNMENT made the announcements in the newspaper every week, on hawaiian births and hawaiian marriages.

That's right, I forgot about it. Well, there you go, that explains it all. This is obviously a well thought out master plan by the Illuminati to further their goals of establishing a New World Order. I bet the Masons were even involved.
I know the newspaper birth announcement exists. But, that was easily explained as simple as this: Obama was born, brought to Hawaii, and the newspaper was just notified of it and they printed it.

That doesn't explain why the announcement claimed he was born in Hawaii. I guess its possible that they wanted to preserve the opportunity to one day, decades later, initiate a massive conspiracy to illegally install baby Barry as President, so they lied in the announcement.... :eusa_whistle:

actually, bucs is wrong on that.... the announcement of births came from the hawaii bureau of health department....a hospital could not just call the newspaper to add obama..... the GOVERNMENT made the announcements in the newspaper every week, on hawaiian births and hawaiian marriages.
Actually at the time of Obama's birth, if he was born at home, the grandparents could have called it in and that would have triggered the newspaper announcements. Trump is not a idiot. He has people on this. Stay tuned.
So what is this?

And what are these people saying?
When the official documents were questioned, we went looking for more answers. We circled back to the Department of Health, had a newsroom colleague bring in her own Hawaii birth certificate to see if it looks the same (it's identical). But every answer triggered more questions.

And soon enough, after going to every length possible to confirm the birth certificate's authenticity, you start asking, what is reasonable here?

Because if this document is forged, then they all are.

If this document is forged, a U.S. senator and his presidential campaign have perpetrated a vast, long-term fraud. They have done it with conspiring officials at the Hawaii Department of Health, the Cook County (Ill.) Bureau of Vital Statistics, the Illinois Secretary of State's office, the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois and many other government agencies.
PolitiFact | Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter


  • $birthCertObama.jpg
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Yea it does seem like the Obomba could have settled this whole thing a long time ago. He does seem a little less than honest on this. That's just the way it appears to many. He needs to be more forthright and up front. It just looks like evasion to many. He should settle this once and for all...If he can.

Come the 2012 election, when Obama finds himself slightly behind in the polls, he'll pull out his original birth certificate and that will propel him to re-election. Just my theory, but I think he's holding this, his birth certificate, in his back pocket for future use.
Man. What a goofball that guy is.

That's not even a valid birth certificate.

Yeah, like Willy Geist just said Trump throws the document on the table like boom, how do ya like me now..

Turnes out to be fake. :cuckoo:

Why are Republicans always embarrassing themselves?
I know the newspaper birth announcement exists. But, that was easily explained as simple as this: Obama was born, brought to Hawaii, and the newspaper was just notified of it and they printed it.

That doesn't explain why the announcement claimed he was born in Hawaii. I guess its possible that they wanted to preserve the opportunity to one day, decades later, initiate a massive conspiracy to illegally install baby Barry as President, so they lied in the announcement.... :eusa_whistle:

That's right.

And United Airlines flight 93 didn't crash into a Pennsylvania field on September 11, 2001. It just "disappeared."

birfers = twoofers
Yea it does seem like the Obomba could have settled this whole thing a long time ago. He does seem a little less than honest on this. That's just the way it appears to many. He needs to be more forthright and up front. It just looks like evasion to many. He should settle this once and for all...If he can.

He tried. I don't like the guy or his politics, but the people questioning it are so invested in this conspiracy, that no matter what he says or the evidence, they'll go on their merry way spouting their beliefs.
The funny thing is that the birther issue came up....then dwindled away into obscurity, alongside truthers are their ilk. But over the last year or left wingers like Gov Abercrombie have tried, and failed, to stick it to the birthers, this issue has slowly crept back and damn near almost into legitimacy.

I mean seriously, this is becoming weird. I know the newspaper birth announcement exists. But, that was easily explained as simple as this: Obama was born, brought to Hawaii, and the newspaper was just notified of it and they printed it. Gov Abercrombie even discovered that the exact hospital where he was born is now not clear, as they have flip flopped and found falsified records or testimonies from folks at the hospitals.

Something is fishy about this whole deal.

It's very easy. Republican Presidential Primary contenders like Trump grab onto it, not because of any secret info, but to get instant support from a mostly selected group.

This shit happens time and again on both sides. Take or imply some more radical positions to gin up support from the base during primary season, moderate during general election:doubt:

It's not rocket science, it's just embarassing transparent.
I worked with a guy who was born in Jamaica like Trump

He had strange hair also
Man. What a goofball that guy is.

That's not even a valid birth certificate.

Yeah, like Willy Geist just said Trump throws the document on the table like boom, how do ya like me now..

Turnes out to be fake. :cuckoo:

Why are Republicans always embarrassing themselves?

I have a NY State Issued birth certificate

Mine has a seal from the State
It also lists the city and county I was born in as well as my parents names

What is Trump trying to hide?
Man. What a goofball that guy is.

That's not even a valid birth certificate.

Yeah, like Willy Geist just said Trump throws the document on the table like boom, how do ya like me now..

Turnes out to be fake. :cuckoo:

Why are Republicans always embarrassing themselves?

I have a NY State Issued birth certificate

Mine has a seal from the State
It also lists the city and county I was born in as well as my parents names

What is Trump trying to hide?

His bald spot.
He did it after it was revealed this morning on Fox & Friends that George Bush released his birth certificate when he ran. This is something. Trump has a strategy and he is not backing down. He released his actual Certificate Of Birth from 1946 with the doctors signature and gold seal stating he was born at the Jamaica Hospital. This again is bad news for Obama who hasn't released his birth certificate. This is a clever move and I am sure behind the scenes at the White House, the pressure is building. This I believe is the first salvo in a series of calculated moves by Trump to get Obama to release his. If not, this will end bad for Obama as the newly Hawaii Governor Albercrombie predicted.


Donald Trump Birth Certificate Released By Potential Presidential Candidate

Exclusive to Newsmax: Donald Trump's Birth Certificate

That is not a real Birth Certificate

They used to give those out in Woolworths when you bought a pair of shoes
So what is this?

And what are these people saying?
When the official documents were questioned, we went looking for more answers. We circled back to the Department of Health, had a newsroom colleague bring in her own Hawaii birth certificate to see if it looks the same (it's identical). But every answer triggered more questions.

And soon enough, after going to every length possible to confirm the birth certificate's authenticity, you start asking, what is reasonable here?

Because if this document is forged, then they all are.

If this document is forged, a U.S. senator and his presidential campaign have perpetrated a vast, long-term fraud. They have done it with conspiring officials at the Hawaii Department of Health, the Cook County (Ill.) Bureau of Vital Statistics, the Illinois Secretary of State's office, the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois and many other government agencies.
PolitiFact | Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter

This from the PolitiFact link:
On June 13, 2008, Obama's campaign finally released a copy, while launching a fact-check Web site of its own, The site is a direct response to allegations about Obama that won't go away: He's Muslim. He took the oath of office on a Koran. He refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance. PolitiFact has researched all of these accusations and none of them are true.

When the birth certificate arrived from the Obama campaign it confirmed his name as the other documents already showed it. Still, we took an extra step: We e-mailed it to the Hawaii Department of Health, which maintains such records, to ask if it was real.

"It's a valid Hawaii state birth certificate," spokesman Janice Okubo told us.

1. They then go on to list problems that were brought up re: the document


2. The link-article is based on a 2008 'proof' which seemingly evaporated befor Governor of Hawaii Neil Abercrombie could find in this year.

Back to square one.
Trump should release a folical count. When was the last time we had a bald President?
So what is this?

And what are these people saying?
When the official documents were questioned, we went looking for more answers. We circled back to the Department of Health, had a newsroom colleague bring in her own Hawaii birth certificate to see if it looks the same (it's identical). But every answer triggered more questions.

And soon enough, after going to every length possible to confirm the birth certificate's authenticity, you start asking, what is reasonable here?

Because if this document is forged, then they all are.

If this document is forged, a U.S. senator and his presidential campaign have perpetrated a vast, long-term fraud. They have done it with conspiring officials at the Hawaii Department of Health, the Cook County (Ill.) Bureau of Vital Statistics, the Illinois Secretary of State's office, the Attorney Registration & Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of Illinois and many other government agencies.
PolitiFact | Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter

This from the PolitiFact link:
On June 13, 2008, Obama's campaign finally released a copy, while launching a fact-check Web site of its own, The site is a direct response to allegations about Obama that won't go away: He's Muslim. He took the oath of office on a Koran. He refuses to say the Pledge of Allegiance. PolitiFact has researched all of these accusations and none of them are true.

When the birth certificate arrived from the Obama campaign it confirmed his name as the other documents already showed it. Still, we took an extra step: We e-mailed it to the Hawaii Department of Health, which maintains such records, to ask if it was real.

"It's a valid Hawaii state birth certificate," spokesman Janice Okubo told us.

1. They then go on to list problems that were brought up re: the document


2. The link-article is based on a 2008 'proof' which seemingly evaporated befor Governor of Hawaii Neil Abercrombie could find in this year.

Back to square one.

ohhhhhhhhh bull crud PC.....

It's not back to square one.....he provided the state of hawaii birth certificate that they issue.

Verified by the hawaii health department....


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