Donald Trump Makes It Official And Releases His Birth Certificate

Trump released his Long Form BC a few hours ago, as ABC reports.

Take Two: Donald Trump Releases Official Birth Certificate - The Note

And he still fucks it up:

"A 'birth certificate' and a 'certificate of live birth' are in no way the same thing, even though in some cases they use some of the same words," wrote Trump staffer Thuy Colayco in a message to ABC News. "One officially confirms and records a newborn child’s identity and details of his or her birth, while the other only confirms that someone reported the birth of a child. Also, a 'certificate of live birth' is very easy to get because the standards are much lower, while a 'birth certificate' is only gotten through a long and detailed process wherein identity must be proved beyond any doubt. If you had only a certificate of live birth, you would not be able to get a proper passport from the Post Office or a driver’s license from the Department of Motor Vehicles. Therefore, there is very significant difference between a 'certificate of live birth' and a 'birth certificate' and one should never be confused with the other."

:lol: Oh Donald. That spot on your head you keep combing over is making your brain soft.

I got a drivers license, marriage license and a passport with a COLB. The one I have has even less information than Obama's
That's exactly the problem Donald has, and which will again make him the laughing stock.

Millions of Americans have a Certification of Live Birth,
very similar to what Obama showed an image of, from their own state, and have used that Certification of Live Birth to obtain Passports, Enroll in School, obtain Drivers Licenses, etc. etc, etc., for either themselves or their children,
It happens every day.

Hell, even his own HR department could have told him that.

The man who keeps telling us "what a smart guy he is, " is really pretty damn dumb, when it comes to knowledge about Birth Certificates at least.
Donald: If you're going to purport to know **** about this, and play this media ride for all it's worth, it really helps if you know what hell you're talking about.

Damn. lol.
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In the 1980s, Timothy Leary and G. Gordon Liddy did a tour (promoted by the Hells' Angel' Charlie Magoo Productions, no less) in which they debated a number of topics. Very entertaining.

Trump should join Charlie Sheen's "Volcano of Truth Tour" for a debate segment.

When I enlisted in the US Navy back in 1982, I was asked to produce a birth certificate.

It was the one that is on the official records, the COLB.
Let's see.........

Trump releases the UNOFFICIAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE and touts that as "proof".

He then states that if Obama was born in Hawaii, someone would remember him "because after all, he is the President of the United States". Got news for the Trumpster........back when Obama was born, he was just another kid. Go ahead......ask the doctor who delivered YOU if they remember who you were.

Chances are, if it's a big hospital, they won't.

These birthers are straight up crazy.

He isn't even a birther, he's a pandering opportunist. He wants the teaparty to back him.
Let's see.........

Trump releases the UNOFFICIAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE and touts that as "proof".

He then states that if Obama was born in Hawaii, someone would remember him "because after all, he is the President of the United States". Got news for the Trumpster........back when Obama was born, he was just another kid. Go ahead......ask the doctor who delivered YOU if they remember who you were.

Chances are, if it's a big hospital, they won't.

These birthers are straight up crazy.

He isn't even a birther, he's a pandering opportunist. He wants the teaparty to back him.

He would have to get in line behind Palin and Bachmann
Donald Trump's mother was BORN in Scotland?!

In light of this and the phony birf certificate Trump tried to sluff off on the masses how can Trump's lawyer say he doesn't think anyone is going to question whether or not he was actually born in New York?

What are they trying to hide?

Donald Trump's lawyer on birth certificate controversy: No one doubts where Trump was born - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Well according to multiple threadws last week from our OP last week, if EITHER of your parents was born in another country you are not eligible to be President.
All one has to do is read about the Donald Trump/ Marla Maples shenanegans and you would realize why Trump could never be President
Donald Trump's mother was BORN in Scotland?!

In light of this and the phony birf certificate Trump tried to sluff off on the masses how can Trump's lawyer say he doesn't think anyone is going to question whether or not he was actually born in New York?

What are they trying to hide?

Donald Trump's lawyer on birth certificate controversy: No one doubts where Trump was born - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Well according to multiple threads last week from our OP last week, if EITHER of your parents was born in another country you are not eligible to be President.
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Donald Trump's mother was BORN in Scotland?!

In light of this and the phony birf certificate Trump tried to sluff off on the masses how can Trump's lawyer say he doesn't think anyone is going to question whether or not he was actually born in New York?

What are they trying to hide?

Donald Trump's lawyer on birth certificate controversy: No one doubts where Trump was born - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Well according to multiple threadws last week from our OP last week, if EITHER of your parents was born in another country you are not eligible to be President.

If Trump gets elected will he make everyone wear a kilt?
All one has to do is read up on the Donald Trump/Marla Maples shenanegans to realize why Trump will never be President

Donald Trump's mother was BORN in Scotland?!

In light of this and the phony birf certificate Trump tried to sluff off on the masses how can Trump's lawyer say he doesn't think anyone is going to question whether or not he was actually born in New York?

What are they trying to hide?

Donald Trump's lawyer on birth certificate controversy: No one doubts where Trump was born - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Well according to multiple threadws last week from our OP last week, if EITHER of your parents was born in another country you are not eligible to be President.

If Trump gets elected will he make everyone wear a kilt?

No, but our national hat is gonna be a blonde toupee.

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