Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million

I think I have a problem with someone who doesn't seem to be able to write grammatical sentences telling me I don't know anything.

Yes, I know about the need for documents and that the home country has to accept them back. But, you know, don't you think President Trump will make sure they do?

I don't give a rat ass about Trump. I tried to be nice to you and agreeing but you want to pick a fight. You call yourself a former INS employee and yet you do not about the laws of these illegals. Now you are in the insulting mode.
How about will talk other languages Spanish, Portuguese, Mandarin, Tagalog, French?
How about will talk quantum physics, DNA/genome counting, body chemistry and medical instrumentations?
Take a pick. Let me know.

Wow! you're almost as smart as Obama!! You both lack common sense and advocate law breaking...."quantum psychics":slap:

What law did I make your heart bleed? Rubio, Bush, Kasich, Ryan all support amnesty pathway to citizenship of 11 millions. These GOP must not have common sense. Obama amnesty is only for 5 millions and NOT a pathway to citizenship.
Do you want to take my challenge? If you don't you are a coward. One on one live via conference call at my cost. How about it?

Obama is refusing to enforce immigration law... he contradicts himself, congress writes immigration law not the president. Which is why the court has blocked his amnesty. I really could give a shit what the crony capitalists want...

Correct congress writes immigration law. There is a bipartisan bill to reform immigration sitting in congress for 2 years. How come they refused to passed the bill? The bill was co sponsored by Rubio and Paul Ryan and they got butchered. Do you expect Obama to sit around and wait?

They refused to pass it because it was a lousy bill.
Trump lied about Operation Wetback. He also lied about the fence.
^^ I've seen that show with Trump, it was on the Ophra Show. He didn't say that at all. JS

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