Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million

I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

Good for him. Hope he can get it done if elected.

Illegal immigrants are on a lot of peoples mines. People who want them out of America.
There won't be a need to round them "ALL" up. All Trump has to do is cut off all the freebies to illegals and start fining any business that hires them, and they'll leave on their own.

Job well done, illegals gone, we get our country back, and no more dem presidents for 100 years.

And that is why I'm voting for Trump.

Which "freebies"?
What a stupid question.

Can't answer?
Doubling down on stupid?

I didn't think you could answer. I was right.
I knew you would beat that stupid question until you finally exposed yourself as the retarded, mouth breathing hack you are.
Right, like the business community is going to give up it's source of cheap labor.
Trump no longer knows the difference between his own fantasy world and his pandering rhetoric. The fact that what he talks about is flagrantly unconstitutional does not faze him at all. Since he is enjoying the support of a significant percentage of the GOP, one can only come to the conclusion that these same people are perfectly OK with shredding the constitution.Worse, since Trump clearly can not do what he says he would do, leads one to the conclusion that his supporters have also lost any connection to the real world.

Isn't that the very problem republican voters state they have with republicans they voted for in the past? They get in office and not do what they promised to do? Seems like supporting Trump would only continue that cycle of disappointment.
Can you say vote getting rhetoric? I knew you could........
Can you say BIG government GROWING rhetoric? I knew you could......
Can you say you missed my point? I knew you could........
Can you say you had no point? I knew you could........
Can you say clueless, yes of course you can, you are but that's to be expected from you 1stRambo...... Uummmm wait a minute. What was your name again?
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There won't be a need to round them "ALL" up. All Trump has to do is cut off all the freebies to illegals and start fining any business that hires them, and they'll leave on their own.

Job well done, illegals gone, we get our country back, and no more dem presidents for 100 years.

And that is why I'm voting for Trump.

No more dem prezdents for 100 years? And who will be there to make things right when republicans screw things up? Like unto the 1930's economic collapse after 12 years of republican presidents, FDR made things right, and 2008 after 8 years of a bush president, Obama made things right. Since then, no economy collapsing, no terrorist planes crashing into tall buildings. Republican egos are like the flea floating down the river on a leaf with a hard on, yelling to hurry and raise the draw bridge.

What a load of horseshit.

FDR prolonged the Great Depression.

Everything he did prolonged the depression. WWII is what pulled us out of it.

Do a little research before you make yourself look like a bigger idiot than you are.
I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

No need to depart all those people, fraud, although we can certainly round up the illegal scumbag criminals the rest we just make it hard for them to work and live here. To quote Romany "they'll self deport". prosecute employers who employ them no, benefits, no drivers licenses'd be easy actually. Quit being a dumb ass,. although I think that's your natural state fake Jew :slap:

Can you care to explain how are you going to round up 11 millions?
1. How do you know which one are illegals?
2. Are you going to issue a national ID to ALL people in US?
3. There are asians, middle easterners, european, indians that are ILLEGALS. You have to check those too.
4. I know you have kids maybe adults. If they drag you and your spouse out from your house. What do you think your kids would do? Courtesy by NRA.
5. From #3 Are you going to raid and check ALL barrios, houses, churches, malls, streets, airports etc.?
6. Anchor babies with illegal parents. How are you going to separate them? Deport US citizens?
7. Since there are nothing for them on the other side. No food, no land, no education, no future. Nothing. What made you think they will self deport?
8. Since you cannot deport anchor babies. I guarantee you 99% they will leave their kids behind. Who will feed and care for them when parents are deported? You and me.
9. What are you going to do with their properties? Just garnished them and we take over their houses?
10. Ignore the dirty jobs and the contributions to the economy?
So tell me. What is your logistical plan in accomplishing all of these?
Trump no longer knows the difference between his own fantasy world and his pandering rhetoric. The fact that what he talks about is flagrantly unconstitutional does not faze him at all. Since he is enjoying the support of a significant percentage of the GOP, one can only come to the conclusion that these same people are perfectly OK with shredding the constitution.Worse, since Trump clearly can not do what he says he would do, leads one to the conclusion that his supporters have also lost any connection to the real world.

Isn't that the very problem republican voters state they have with republicans they voted for in the past? They get in office and not do what they promised to do? Seems like supporting Trump would only continue that cycle of disappointment.

Yes. look at the avatar. Think John Boner..........they not stop anything the lunatic left dumps on USA. They are in on it. Need to get all of them out. Fill it up with patriots not treasonous..
What is your logistical plan in accomplishing all of these?

Get started on it now. Big job ahead. Not impossible. Anchor baby crap off retroactively. No more games with lawbreakers. Yeah we can find a way to keep good honest working taxpayers.

All you people do is say "impossible" no matter how many facts layed out for you. Give it a rest.
You do know that the Federal Government has deportation officers currently on the books working in DHS who are mostly idle since this Administration has virtually stopped deporting people.

So as far as a "deportation force," it already exists. It just needs to be used.
You do know that the Federal Government has deportation officers currently on the books working in DHS who are mostly idle since this Administration has virtually stopped deporting people.

So as far as a "deportation force," it already exists. It just needs to be used.

False. Here in Tucson, there is a federal court that does absolutely nothing else, except prosecute illegals and deport them. They process 70 every working day of the year. There are 12 other courts in the border states doing exactly the same thing.

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