Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million

There is a record of Visa-overstay in two countries. We must know who is Illegal in Jail on Probation or Await trial. Phase 1. seems possible. easier than the rest. This is "reportedly" about 1/2 the problem.
You fail to understand. If a Border patrol agent violates someone's constitutional rights, his ass will be fired, and his cases thrown out of federal court. If Trump violates someone's civil rights, the federal courts will vacate his illegal orders.

That pesky constitution always seems to get in the way of authoritarian fascists.
. In the meantime, his border jumping illegal Mexican ass will be sitting in a cantina SOUTH of the Rio Grand and Donald will make sure he stays on that side of the border.

You made it sound that BP just sleeping and let illegals crossing the border. About 200 Mexicans die each year trying to migrate to US.... The border crossings is almost zero that I can assure you. If I'm wrong you need to tell me how many illegals cross the border this year. You are smelling too much of Trump bean gas.
There won't be a need to round them "ALL" up. All Trump has to do is cut off all the freebies to illegals and start fining any business that hires them, and they'll leave on their own.

Job well done, illegals gone, we get our country back, and no more dem presidents for 100 years.

And that is why I'm voting for Trump.

Which "freebies"?
What a stupid question.

Can't answer?
There won't be a need to round them "ALL" up. All Trump has to do is cut off all the freebies to illegals and start fining any business that hires them, and they'll leave on their own.

Job well done, illegals gone, we get our country back, and no more dem presidents for 100 years.

And that is why I'm voting for Trump.

Which "freebies"?
What a stupid question.

Can't answer?
Doubling down on stupid?
You made it sound that BP just sleeping and let illegals crossing the border. About 200 Mexicans die each year trying to migrate to US.... The border crossings is almost zero that I can assure you. If I'm wrong you need to tell me how many illegals cross the border this year. You are smelling too much of Trump bean gas.

Quit making us work. these are only the apprehensions. How many not caught? you find it.

The numbers began to dip before Obama’s first term. In 2007, the Border Patrol apprehended 876,704 people. That figure dropped over the next four years, but there was an uptick starting in 2012, with border apprehensions hitting 420,789 in 2013.





Source: U.S. Border Patrol
It was good enough for Eisenhower and Truman. It can be done again. They kicked out 6 million.
Another DittoTard moron mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie.

Donald Trump said that President Dwight D. Eisenhower had forced out 1.5 million immigrants who were in the country illegally. The federal government claimed it was 1.3 million under Eisenhower, but historians say that’s exaggerated, and based on the official historical tables, that more than 127,000 were formally deported under Truman.

Of course you know nothing, EdTheLiar, Truman deported over 2 million illegals!
  1. Other presidents deported illegal immigrants |...
    Sep 25, 2013 · Harry Truman deported over TWO MILLION illegal aliens after WWII to ... Other presidents deported illegal immigrants. What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, ...

Agree Truman, Eisenhower andHoover deported illegals.... But you are talking at least 50 to 60 years ago. What stopped them from making a U turn? Today is 2015 things had changed. They are now fully imbedded in our society. To dislodge these people you need more than marines to corral these people. I don't think American people will let you do that.
You made it sound that BP just sleeping and let illegals crossing the border. About 200 Mexicans die each year trying to migrate to US.... The border crossings is almost zero that I can assure you. If I'm wrong you need to tell me how many illegals cross the border this year. You are smelling too much of Trump bean gas.

Quit making us work. these are only the apprehensions. How many not caught? you find it.

The numbers began to dip before Obama’s first term. In 2007, the Border Patrol apprehended 876,704 people. That figure dropped over the next four years, but there was an uptick starting in 2012, with border apprehensions hitting 420,789 in 2013.





Source: U.S. Border Patrol

Provide a link... Not just from your number.
Trump's Official Deportation Plan


Quick, easy and cheap.....just point 'em south....

Yeah right... Exactly what I'm talking about a joke just like Trump.
I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -

No need to depart all those people, fraud, although we can certainly round up the illegal scumbag criminals the rest we just make it hard for them to work and live here. To quote Romany "they'll self deport". prosecute employers who employ them no, benefits, no drivers licenses'd be easy actually. Quit being a dumb ass,. although I think that's your natural state fake Jew :slap:
I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up

Is this to occur before, after, or simultaneously with building the Great Big Wall? How much revenue does he need to squeeze out of middle-class taxpayers to fund his New Reich?

He'll just take over for the current moron in charge.
There won't be a need to round them "ALL" up. All Trump has to do is cut off all the freebies to illegals and start fining any business that hires them, and they'll leave on their own.

Job well done, illegals gone, we get our country back, and no more dem presidents for 100 years.

And that is why I'm voting for Trump.

Which "freebies"?
What a stupid question.

Can't answer?
Doubling down on stupid?

I didn't think you could answer. I was right.
I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -
Can you say vote getting rhetoric? I knew you could........

The main obstacle to immigration reform is the Democratic Party, which views this as a political issue to be demagouged rather than a national problem to be solved. In doing so, they have defined this issue by terms like "wall" and "deportation" rather than border security and visa control.

In frustration, the GOP has hardened its bargaining position by characterizing all illegal aliens as criminals who should be immediately deported and prosecuted if they return. In reality, there is a middle ground that most American would support if it was given a chance.

First, however, the history of dishonest dealings (e.g., amnesty) must be addressed. Whether it is labeled a wall or a fence or some other mechanism, an effective means of preventing future illegal entry into the U.S. must be implemented. Is this really too much to ask?

Essentially the biggest problem in the US is the Republican and Democrat Parties.

Why do people keep voting for the biggest problem?
"Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million"

Further evidence that Trump is an idiot, along with those who agree with him – not that any further evidence was needed, of course.

In fact, Trump's idea is so idiotic that some fellow republicans were forced to tell him his immigration position is silly.

Rubio is cowardly quiet not saying anything but actually him and Paul Ryan (now speaker of the house) co sponsored a bill for amnesty a pathway to citizenships for illegals.. This is the bipartisan bill that the Republican law makers that put it on hold. Obama amnesty is not even a pathway to citizenship and he got butchered.

Immigration | Paul Ryan
There won't be a need to round them "ALL" up. All Trump has to do is cut off all the freebies to illegals and start fining any business that hires them, and they'll leave on their own.

Job well done, illegals gone, we get our country back, and no more dem presidents for 100 years.

And that is why I'm voting for Trump.

No more dem prezdents for 100 years? And who will be there to make things right when republicans screw things up? Like unto the 1930's economic collapse after 12 years of republican presidents, FDR made things right, and 2008 after 8 years of a bush president, Obama made things right. Since then, no economy collapsing, no terrorist planes crashing into tall buildings. Republican egos are like the flea floating down the river on a leaf with a hard on, yelling to hurry and raise the draw bridge.
I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -
Can you say vote getting rhetoric? I knew you could........

The main obstacle to immigration reform is the Democratic Party, which views this as a political issue to be demagouged rather than a national problem to be solved. In doing so, they have defined this issue by terms like "wall" and "deportation" rather than border security and visa control.

In frustration, the GOP has hardened its bargaining position by characterizing all illegal aliens as criminals who should be immediately deported and prosecuted if they return. In reality, there is a middle ground that most American would support if it was given a chance.

First, however, the history of dishonest dealings (e.g., amnesty) must be addressed. Whether it is labeled a wall or a fence or some other mechanism, an effective means of preventing future illegal entry into the U.S. must be implemented. Is this really too much to ask?

Essentially the biggest problem in the US is the Republican and Democrat Parties.

Why do people keep voting for the biggest problem?

Cause it's a two party system, bought and paid for by big money.
Provide a link... Not just from your number.

Again: number I posted said Apphrehended. how many get thru?

Obama says illegal border crossing attempts are at lowest point since 1970s

Numbers are Apprehended.. How many get thru? YOU have to answer that.
Borders are dotted with thousands of sensors. They added 1,800 border agents and they are currently hiring another 700 till end of this year. From your link I can't seem to find out where these illegals was apprehended in Texas border or Arizona border.

Current Openings | U.S. Customs and Border Protection
I am sure he will have a lot of people ready to put on the brown shirts and man the cattle cars for the round up


Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to move 11M -
Can you say vote getting rhetoric? I knew you could........

The main obstacle to immigration reform is the Democratic Party, which views this as a political issue to be demagouged rather than a national problem to be solved. In doing so, they have defined this issue by terms like "wall" and "deportation" rather than border security and visa control.

In frustration, the GOP has hardened its bargaining position by characterizing all illegal aliens as criminals who should be immediately deported and prosecuted if they return. In reality, there is a middle ground that most American would support if it was given a chance.

First, however, the history of dishonest dealings (e.g., amnesty) must be addressed. Whether it is labeled a wall or a fence or some other mechanism, an effective means of preventing future illegal entry into the U.S. must be implemented. Is this really too much to ask?

Essentially the biggest problem in the US is the Republican and Democrat Parties.

Why do people keep voting for the biggest problem?

Cause it's a two party system, bought and paid for by big money.

It's a two party system because the voters make it a two party system.

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