Donald Trump promises 'deportation force' to remove 11 million

. Just like Obama, he'll just do it. Hang the law. How's that?

Unsucessful diversion on your part.

No federal court is going to declare anyone an 'Illegal alien" if the defense demonstrates that his rights have been violated. Trump can not deport anyone who has not been found guilty of being an illegal alien.

Deal with it.
The Constutuion is not a suicide pact. trump will bounce their asses out.

You fail to understand. If a Border patrol agent violates someone's constitutional rights, his ass will be fired, and his cases thrown out of federal court. If Trump violates someone's civil rights, the federal courts will vacate his illegal orders.

That pesky constitution always seems to get in the way of authoritarian fascists.

Yes, we see how well that worked with the Manchurian muslim.... Who can stop the Executive?... Does the court or Congress have a Dept. of Justice, the military or Federal police under their control?..... IF the Executive wants to, he can disregard EVERYTHING in the Constitution, and you tell us, who can stop him?
The American people...
:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...... You seem to think that we are Europe and will rise up in hundreds of thousands..... Europe knows hard times, we don't!
  • EU presses African nations to accept migrants back
    Associated Press ^ | Nov 11, 2015 4:31 PM EST | Lorne Cook and Eldar Emric
    The European Union pressed African leaders on Wednesday to take back thousands of people who do not qualify for asylum, as overwhelmed Slovenia began building a razor-wire border fence to keep migrants at bay, raising tensions with neighboring Croatia. Sweden, struggling to manage the influx too, became the latest EU nation to announce the introduction of temporary border controls, as of Thursday. According to the International Organization for Migration, almost 800,000 people have entered Europe by sea this year. The EU predicts that three million more could arrive by 2017. ...
Unsucessful diversion on your part.

No federal court is going to declare anyone an 'Illegal alien" if the defense demonstrates that his rights have been violated. Trump can not deport anyone who has not been found guilty of being an illegal alie
Deal with it.
The Constutuion is not a suicide pact. trump will bounce their asses out.

You fail to understand. If a Border patrol agent violates someone's constitutional rights, his ass will be fired, and his cases thrown out of federal court. If Trump violates someone's civil rights, the federal courts will vacate his illegal orders.

That pesky constitution always seems to get in the way of authoritarian fascists.

Yes, we see how well that worked with the Manchurian muslim.... Who can stop the Executive?... Does the court or Congress have a Dept. of Justice, the military or Federal police under their control?..... IF the Executive wants to, he can disregard EVERYTHING in the Constitution, and you tell us, who can stop him?
The American people...
:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...... You seem to think that we are Europe and will rise up in hundreds of thousands..... Europe knows hard times, we don't!
We haven't needed to, and the closest we got was Nixon, who backed down. Trump isn't worthy to polish Nixon's shoes.
The Constutuion is not a suicide pact. trump will bounce their asses out.

You fail to understand. If a Border patrol agent violates someone's constitutional rights, his ass will be fired, and his cases thrown out of federal court. If Trump violates someone's civil rights, the federal courts will vacate his illegal orders.

That pesky constitution always seems to get in the way of authoritarian fascists.

Yes, we see how well that worked with the Manchurian muslim.... Who can stop the Executive?... Does the court or Congress have a Dept. of Justice, the military or Federal police under their control?..... IF the Executive wants to, he can disregard EVERYTHING in the Constitution, and you tell us, who can stop him?
The American people...
:ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:...... You seem to think that we are Europe and will rise up in hundreds of thousands..... Europe knows hard times, we don't!
We haven't needed to, and the closest we got was Nixon, who backed down. Trump isn't worthy to polish Nixon's shoes.

That is because until now, we did have men with at least some ethics as president, the Mulatto, has taqiyya, it's all one has to know!
It was good enough for Eisenhower and Truman. It can be done again. They kicked out 6 million.
Another DittoTard moron mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie.

Donald Trump said that President Dwight D. Eisenhower had forced out 1.5 million immigrants who were in the country illegally. The federal government claimed it was 1.3 million under Eisenhower, but historians say that’s exaggerated, and based on the official historical tables, that more than 127,000 were formally deported under Truman.
You fail to understand. If a Border patrol agent violates someone's constitutional rights, his ass will be fired, and his cases thrown out of federal court. If Trump violates someone's civil rights, the federal courts will vacate his illegal orders.

That pesky constitution always seems to get in the way of authoritarian fascists.
. In the meantime, his border jumping illegal Mexican ass will be sitting in a cantina SOUTH of the Rio Grand and Donald will make sure he stays on that side of the border.
It was good enough for Eisenhower and Truman. It can be done again. They kicked out 6 million.
Another DittoTard moron mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie.

Donald Trump said that President Dwight D. Eisenhower had forced out 1.5 million immigrants who were in the country illegally. The federal government claimed it was 1.3 million under Eisenhower, but historians say that’s exaggerated, and based on the official historical tables, that more than 127,000 were formally deported under Truman.

Of course you know nothing, EdTheLiar, Truman deported over 2 million illegals!
  1. Other presidents deported illegal immigrants |...
    Sep 25, 2013 · Harry Truman deported over TWO MILLION illegal aliens after WWII to ... Other presidents deported illegal immigrants. What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, ...
You fail to understand. If a Border patrol agent violates someone's constitutional rights, his ass will be fired, and his cases thrown out of federal court. If Trump violates someone's civil rights, the federal courts will vacate his illegal orders.

That pesky constitution always seems to get in the way of authoritarian fascists.
. In the meantime, his border jumping illegal Mexican ass will be sitting in a cantina SOUTH of the Rio Grand and Donald will make sure he stays on that side of the border.

This thread is about Trump deporting 11 million aliens. Trump can not even begin to do that. Federal courts, and the constitution, do not allow him to knock on a person's door and demand to see that person's papers, without probable cause. In short,Trump is lying. I understand why many on the Right don't understand this, but, unlike them, Trump is not stupid. He knows that he can't do it. No problem. He will just lie about it anyway.
You fail to understand. If a Border patrol agent violates someone's constitutional rights, his ass will be fired, and his cases thrown out of federal court. If Trump violates someone's civil rights, the federal courts will vacate his illegal orders.

That pesky constitution always seems to get in the way of authoritarian fascists.
. In the meantime, his border jumping illegal Mexican ass will be sitting in a cantina SOUTH of the Rio Grand and Donald will make sure he stays on that side of the border.

This thread is about Trump deporting 11 million aliens. Trump can not even begin to do that. Federal courts, and the constitution, do not allow him to knock on a person's door and demand to see that person's papers, without probable cause. In short,Trump is lying. I understand why many on the Right don't understand this, but, unlike them, Trump is not stupid. He knows that he can't do it. No problem. He will just lie about it anyway.

Don't have to knock on their door, simply visit an EMPLOYEER, which is perfectly legal under our laws!
It was good enough for Eisenhower and Truman. It can be done again. They kicked out 6 million.
Another DittoTard moron mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie.

Donald Trump said that President Dwight D. Eisenhower had forced out 1.5 million immigrants who were in the country illegally. The federal government claimed it was 1.3 million under Eisenhower, but historians say that’s exaggerated, and based on the official historical tables, that more than 127,000 were formally deported under Truman.

Of course you know nothing, EdTheLiar, Truman deported over 2 million illegals!
  1. Other presidents deported illegal immigrants |...
    Sep 25, 2013 · Harry Truman deported over TWO MILLION illegal aliens after WWII to ... Other presidents deported illegal immigrants. What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, ...
Your link is merely parroting a long debunked internet chain letter that also inflates Eisenhower's 1.3 million to 13 million. Right-wing lying scum don't need no stinking decimal point!

From your link:
In 1954, Dwight Eisenhower deported 13-million illegal aliens to Mexico.

Annual report of the Immigration and Naturalization Service
It was good enough for Eisenhower and Truman. It can be done again. They kicked out 6 million.
Another DittoTard moron mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie.

Donald Trump said that President Dwight D. Eisenhower had forced out 1.5 million immigrants who were in the country illegally. The federal government claimed it was 1.3 million under Eisenhower, but historians say that’s exaggerated, and based on the official historical tables, that more than 127,000 were formally deported under Truman.

Of course you know nothing, EdTheLiar, Truman deported over 2 million illegals!
  1. Other presidents deported illegal immigrants |...
    Sep 25, 2013 · Harry Truman deported over TWO MILLION illegal aliens after WWII to ... Other presidents deported illegal immigrants. What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, ...
Your link is merely parroting a long debunked internet chain letter that also inflates Eisenhower's 1.3 million to 13 million. Right-wing lying scum don't need no stinking decimal point!

From your link:
In 1954, Dwight Eisenhower deported 13-million illegal aliens to Mexico.

Annual report of the Immigration and Naturalization Service

I already stated Ike deported 1.3 million, BUT your DEMOCRAT Truman deported over 2 million, you dumb ass!
It was good enough for Eisenhower and Truman. It can be done again. They kicked out 6 million.
Another DittoTard moron mindlessly parroting their MessiahRushie.

Donald Trump said that President Dwight D. Eisenhower had forced out 1.5 million immigrants who were in the country illegally. The federal government claimed it was 1.3 million under Eisenhower, but historians say that’s exaggerated, and based on the official historical tables, that more than 127,000 were formally deported under Truman.

Of course you know nothing, EdTheLiar, Truman deported over 2 million illegals!
  1. Other presidents deported illegal immigrants |...
    Sep 25, 2013 · Harry Truman deported over TWO MILLION illegal aliens after WWII to ... Other presidents deported illegal immigrants. What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, ...
Your link is merely parroting a long debunked internet chain letter that also inflates Eisenhower's 1.3 million to 13 million. Right-wing lying scum don't need no stinking decimal point!

From your link:
In 1954, Dwight Eisenhower deported 13-million illegal aliens to Mexico.

Annual report of the Immigration and Naturalization Service

I already stated Ike deported 1.3 million, BUT your DEMOCRAT Truman deported over 2 million, you dumb ass!
But the link you supplied to back your lie that Truman deported over 2 million also says that Eisenhower deported 13 million and you have admitted that was a lie, so why should they be believed about the 2 million lie you are clinging to?

I posted the actual Immigration and Naturalization Report totals, and in the report it further breaks down the totals by country of origin which makes your source's 13 million MEXICANS lie even BIGGER!
Trump no longer knows the difference between his own fantasy world and his pandering rhetoric. The fact that what he talks about is flagrantly unconstitutional does not faze him at all. Since he is enjoying the support of a significant percentage of the GOP, one can only come to the conclusion that these same people are perfectly OK with shredding the constitution.Worse, since Trump clearly can not do what he says he would do, leads one to the conclusion that his supporters have also lost any connection to the real world.

Agree. The problem with these people here is I don't think they understand or don't want to understand that this is not possible unless Trump will duplicate what the Nazis did in WW2.
Thus making him the Hitler of the modern world. Pick them up and burst every door of barrios, raid schools, check every streets, churches, malls etch....... He will need more than marines to accomplish that. I have not even heard the logistics how to accomplish that... But hey they believe Adolf Trump.
Trump's Official Deportation Plan


Quick, easy and cheap.....just point 'em south....
There won't be a need to round them "ALL" up. All Trump has to do is cut off all the freebies to illegals and start fining any business that hires them, and they'll leave on their own.

Job well done, illegals gone, we get our country back, and no more dem presidents for 100 years.

And that is why I'm voting for Trump.

Which "freebies"?
What a stupid question.
What part of ILLEGAL do some people not understand. They got to go, they broke our laws.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

This is the part of 'illegal" that I do not understand. How can Trump determine who is "illegal" without demanding proof of citizenship, without probable cause of such person committing a crime...which is, in itself, "illegal? Since, nobody is an "illegal" until convicted in a court of law, and since no court will prosecute anyone whose civil rights have been violated in the process of their prosecution, just how is Trump going to deport anyone legally?

These people are having a hard time understand the reality of what they are talking about. All they know is one thing DEPORT without any knowledge of what they are talking about. I think they are scared the real specifics of how to get this done. That is why they keep giving you general anecdotal statements.
We already have anwers for about 1/2 of the problem in this thread if you read through it. Phase 2 agreed would be much more difficult.

Lets do nothing! since we can't do it all!
There won't be a need to round them "ALL" up. All Trump has to do is cut off all the freebies to illegals and start fining any business that hires them, and they'll leave on their own.

Job well done, illegals gone, we get our country back, and no more dem presidents for 100 years.

And that is why I'm voting for Trump.

What made you think cutting off freebies will made them self deport? That's not long shot but zero shot. Let say as an 007 is an illegal. I cut off all your freebies are you going to deport your self when there is nothing, no food nothing for you on the other side? Would you do that? I don't think so. At least here no matter what you will eat. Correct?
I know your answer... You don't care that is not your problem....But still is your problem because you have not deported anybody.
We already have anwers for about 1/2 of the problem in this thread if you read through it. Phase 2 agreed would be much more difficult.

Lets do nothing! since we can't do it all!

Actually, I think that you have gotten down to the heart of the issue. Vote for Trump. he says that he will deport 11 million illegals. In reality, he will do nothing that isn't being done already, but his supporters will feel better knowing that he WOULD do something....if he could...which he can't..

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