Donald Trump rolled the dice on Biden and Burism and lost ... Biden is surging

Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
Hillary Clinton started the Birther Movement, and You are a Racist.
Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
I disagree

but hey, if a canadian wants to hate the republican party it makes no difference to me

Here's a clue for you. Expressly an opinion that you disagree with a party or its policies, is not "hating on" anyone or anything. This ridiculous notion that partisans on this board have that a criticism of an idea stems from hatred shows an ignorance of political discourse.

Republicans have no reasonable policies to run on. Their policies have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10%, leaving working Americans, increasingly poor and desperate. All they are promising is more financial instability for the poor and working class. All they have to run on is lies about Democrats, and pitting one faction of voters against the other.

Running on fiscal incompetence or crashing the economy won't work.
The Democrat Party is Racist, Oppressive, Totalitarian, Godless, and Communist.
Two words... BARR, DURHAM.

Yep, that CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION has YET to come out.

Biden will sink like the Titanic.
As the effort to / investigation of Bruisma and the Bidens go forward, pressure from the Left to protect Biden, very similarly to the desire to protect Hillary in 2016 when she was the DNC's choice...
They got caught in a "Drug Deal". Everyone knows it. The world knows it.
You keep clinging to that, Booboo. Meanwhile, here's something for you to chew on.

That's Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out. That will help Biden get elected.

I keep hearing that from you freaks. Tell us exactly how the prosecutor was corrupt and why Biden wanted him fired.

Because he wouldn't prosecute oligarchs who were committing crimes. Zlochevsky being one of them.

So again I ask: Why not clear it all up with an investigation? If there's nothing to hide, Joe should welcome the opportunity to clear his name and his drug addicted son who was receiving $83,000 a month from the company daddy didn't want investigated.

It is being investigated. Who said it shouldn't be?
Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
Hillary Clinton started the Birther Movement, and You are a Racist.
You're deranged, Stumpy. :cuckoo:
They got caught in a "Drug Deal". Everyone knows it. The world knows it.
You keep clinging to that, Booboo. Meanwhile, here's something for you to chew on.

That's Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out. That will help Biden get elected.

Trumpers know that Faun. The hoax is the lie that Trumpers promulgate that it was something more insidious. They know the truth. Disinformation is the Trumpist only way to victory in November.

Then what do you have to fear from an investigation? If Joe has nothing to hide, he should welcome it, instead he is fighting it. What's he afraid of...the truth?

You mean like Donald Trump is fighting every attempt to expose his financial records and taxes? "What's he afraid of...the truth?"

Only we're not talking about Trump's taxes are we? Obviously you have no answer or you wouldn't be trying to divert attention from Biden and his crimes.
You keep clinging to that, Booboo. Meanwhile, here's something for you to chew on.

That's Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out. That will help Biden get elected.

I keep hearing that from you freaks. Tell us exactly how the prosecutor was corrupt and why Biden wanted him fired.

Because he wouldn't prosecute oligarchs who were committing crimes. Zlochevsky being one of them.

So again I ask: Why not clear it all up with an investigation? If there's nothing to hide, Joe should welcome the opportunity to clear his name and his drug addicted son who was receiving $83,000 a month from the company daddy didn't want investigated.

It is being investigated. Who said it shouldn't be?

Joe Biden (and every OTHER Democrat).
That's Biden bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor thrown out. That will help Biden get elected.
I keep hearing that from you freaks. Tell us exactly how the prosecutor was corrupt and why Biden wanted him fired.
Because he wouldn't prosecute oligarchs who were committing crimes. Zlochevsky being one of them.
So again I ask: Why not clear it all up with an investigation? If there's nothing to hide, Joe should welcome the opportunity to clear his name and his drug addicted son who was receiving $83,000 a month from the company daddy didn't want investigated.
It is being investigated. Who said it shouldn't be?
Joe Biden (and every OTHER Democrat).
You lie. I'm a Democrat and I never said he shouldn't be investigated.
More indications that there should be government mandated PTSD therapy for the radical left. When are they going to let go of the fantasy and wake up and smell the coffee? Only a fool would think that the doddering old democrat could win the election. It ain't over yet though. Warren is still whining about sexism and Bernie ain't dead (yet).
I keep hearing that from you freaks. Tell us exactly how the prosecutor was corrupt and why Biden wanted him fired.
Because he wouldn't prosecute oligarchs who were committing crimes. Zlochevsky being one of them.
So again I ask: Why not clear it all up with an investigation? If there's nothing to hide, Joe should welcome the opportunity to clear his name and his drug addicted son who was receiving $83,000 a month from the company daddy didn't want investigated.
It is being investigated. Who said it shouldn't be?
Joe Biden (and every OTHER Democrat).
You lie. I'm a Democrat and I never said he shouldn't be investigated.
I'm talking about Democrats that matter. You're just a troll on a message board.
Really? You're "fine" with the worst president in history who doubled our debt, killed millions, ruined healthcare, spied on people, cheated to steal an election and was the most scandal-laden lying president ever?

I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Yup, pretty much. All opposition to Obama was racism.

For a guy who claims to be so smart you sure got that wrong

obama and his consort were white haters with a giant chip on their shoulder

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
Hillary Clinton started the Birther Movement, and You are a Racist.
You're deranged, Stumpy. :cuckoo:
He’s right

hillary dug up the dirt on obama first
I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
I disagree

but hey, if a canadian wants to hate the republican party it makes no difference to me

Here's a clue for you. Expressly an opinion that you disagree with a party or its policies, is not "hating on" anyone or anything. This ridiculous notion that partisans on this board have that a criticism of an idea stems from hatred shows an ignorance of political discourse.

Republicans have no reasonable policies to run on. Their policies have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10%, leaving working Americans, increasingly poor and desperate. All they are promising is more financial instability for the poor and working class. All they have to run on is lies about Democrats, and pitting one faction of voters against the other.

Running on fiscal incompetence or crashing the economy won't work.
The Democrat Party is Racist, Oppressive, Totalitarian, Godless, and Communist.
they are the kkk
I think you need psychological help. Killed millions? When did this happen?

Thanks for proving my point.
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
Hillary Clinton started the Birther Movement, and You are a Racist.
You're deranged, Stumpy. :cuckoo:
He’s right

hillary dug up the dirt on obama first
She didn't start the birther shit. That was started on a rightwing site.
My point is that you guys saw a Black Guy in the White House, and you went absolutely apeshit. To the point where you even opposed your own ideas.
Obama saw himself as a black guy and clearly one with an anti white chip on his shoulder

LOL!!!! what? he's anti white? he's 1/2 white ... his kids have caucasion blood.
so what's with his connection to the black lives matter then? you're merely confused because you're following talking points. there you go.


“I know that there’s some who have criticized even the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ as if the notion is as if other lives don’t matter. We get ‘All Lives Matter’ or ‘Blue Lives Matter.’ I understand the point they’re trying to make. I think it’s also important for us to understand that the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ simply refers to the notion that there’s a specific vulnerability for African-Americans that needs to be addressed. It’s not meant to suggest that other lives don’t matter. It’s to suggest that other folks aren’t experiencing this particular vulnerability and so we shouldn’t get too caught up somehow in this notion that people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow automatically anti-police or trying to only look out for black lives as opposed to others. I think we have to be careful about playing that game because, obviously, that’s not what is intended.” ~ obama.

steven miller? steve bannon? jeff sessions? david duke's endorsement...

kkk is a demofk prize. Don't forget it, here let me remind you.

ya ya ya they were. no doubt. but the parties flipped in the 60s after LBJ. now the KKK is allllllllllllllll about the right. the alt right. the torch bearers & it's those that vote for donny that are in favor of keeping them thar monuments & CONfed flag flying proudly.
Because he wouldn't prosecute oligarchs who were committing crimes. Zlochevsky being one of them.
So again I ask: Why not clear it all up with an investigation? If there's nothing to hide, Joe should welcome the opportunity to clear his name and his drug addicted son who was receiving $83,000 a month from the company daddy didn't want investigated.
It is being investigated. Who said it shouldn't be?
Joe Biden (and every OTHER Democrat).
You lie. I'm a Democrat and I never said he shouldn't be investigated.
I'm talking about Democrats that matter. You're just a troll on a message board.
Great, quote Pelosi saying Biden shouldn't be investigated...
Your point is that ANY opposition to obama is racism in the mind of liberals

you put him on a pedestal

The bald faced reality is that MUCH of the opposition to Obama by Republicans, IS racism. The entire "birth movement", which is 30% of Republicans, is HIGHLY racist. The Republican Party bases much of their platform on the idea that social spending is giving "free shit" to lazy inner city minorities who are lawless, lazy and undeserving.

Since Ronald Reagan, the party has railed against "welfare queens", and the "war on poverty", which saw the poverty rate fall from 35% to 20% during the years race has been a focal point. Republicans created the rural/urban divide as well as the white/minority divide, because it is in their best interests to keep low income Americans from joining forces and voting for the best interests of ALL low income Americans, regardless of race or zip code.

White Americans have lapped up that message with a fork and spoon, witness the rise of a flagrant white supremacist such at Donald Trump. The Republican Party has now lost so many members that there are now more registered independents than there are registered Republicans.

Republicans are bending themselves into pretzels attempting to rationize voting for Trump's economic policies while decrying his less savoury behaviour but Trump's inherent racism is at the root of his fiscal policies, and preserving white privilege is a HUGE part of it. For Trump, the world is divided in winners and losers, and he's always been on the side of the big guy bullying the little guy out of his lunch, because he can.
I disagree

but hey, if a canadian wants to hate the republican party it makes no difference to me

Here's a clue for you. Expressly an opinion that you disagree with a party or its policies, is not "hating on" anyone or anything. This ridiculous notion that partisans on this board have that a criticism of an idea stems from hatred shows an ignorance of political discourse.

Republicans have no reasonable policies to run on. Their policies have transferred the wealth of the nation to the top 10%, leaving working Americans, increasingly poor and desperate. All they are promising is more financial instability for the poor and working class. All they have to run on is lies about Democrats, and pitting one faction of voters against the other.

Running on fiscal incompetence or crashing the economy won't work.
The Democrat Party is Racist, Oppressive, Totalitarian, Godless, and Communist.
they are the kkk

"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

By Libby Nelson@libbyanelson Updated Aug 12, 2017, 3:16pm EDT

David Duke, the former KKK grand wizard, is unambiguous about what Saturday’s alt-right and neo-Nazi rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, means to him: It’s the fulfillment of President Donald Trump’s vision for America.

“We are determined to take our country back,” Duke said from the rally, calling it a “turning point.” “We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That’s what we believed in. That’s why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he’s going to take our country back.”

David Duke now here in #charlottesville for #altright #unitetheright rally @USATODAY @RbtKing

— Mykal McEldowney (@mykalmphoto) August 12, 2017
The Charlottesville rally is nominally about the removal of a statue of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee rather than anything in the Trump administration. But Duke was an enthusiastic supporter of Trump as far back as the Republican primary in 2016, and Trump’s reluctance to disavow that support was, briefly, a big issue.

Duke has remained a faithful Trump supporter since then, insisting that the president-elect’s policies line up with the former KKK leader’s vision for America.

He was less happy with Trump’s vague tweet condemning the violence later Saturday afternoon:

I would recommend you take a good look in the mirror & remember it was White Americans who put you in the presidency, not radical leftists. Donald J. Trump on Twitter

— David Duke (@DrDavidDuke) August 12, 2017
"Why we voted for Donald Trump": David Duke explains the white supremacist Charlottesville protests

Donald Trump lost his shirt and walked away morally bankrupt and impeached for his roll of the dice on Biden and Burisma.

Donald Trump laid his bets too early and could have upset the applecart for Biden if he had waited until November.

Now the Biden-Burisma play is dead and Donald Trump's own family and Jared Kushner are open to being used as political Pinatas for their profiting from Trump's presidency.

Biden is surging and is stealing Trump's oxygen which portends bad news for Donald Trump in November.

Even the political slut Nikki Haley won't rescue Donald Trump and she could end up being Trump's Sarah Palin.

Burisma is just beginning.....and it seems wherever Biden went as Vice President, his family followed and scooped up cash....a billion from China, and millions in other countries....

This is just starting and his only defense will be his dementia...
Obama saw himself as a black guy and clearly one with an anti white chip on his shoulder

LOL!!!! what? he's anti white? he's 1/2 white ... his kids have caucasion blood.
so what's with his connection to the black lives matter then? you're merely confused because you're following talking points. there you go.


“I know that there’s some who have criticized even the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ as if the notion is as if other lives don’t matter. We get ‘All Lives Matter’ or ‘Blue Lives Matter.’ I understand the point they’re trying to make. I think it’s also important for us to understand that the phrase ‘Black Lives Matter’ simply refers to the notion that there’s a specific vulnerability for African-Americans that needs to be addressed. It’s not meant to suggest that other lives don’t matter. It’s to suggest that other folks aren’t experiencing this particular vulnerability and so we shouldn’t get too caught up somehow in this notion that people who are asking for fair treatment are somehow automatically anti-police or trying to only look out for black lives as opposed to others. I think we have to be careful about playing that game because, obviously, that’s not what is intended.” ~ obama.

steven miller? steve bannon? jeff sessions? david duke's endorsement...

kkk is a demofk prize. Don't forget it, here let me remind you.

ya ya ya they were. no doubt. but the parties flipped in the 60s after LBJ. now the KKK is allllllllllllllll about the right. the alt right. the torch bearers & it's those that vote for donny that are in favor of keeping them thar monuments & CONfed flag flying proudly.

The parties didnt shift

black voters walked away from the “ones who brung them” for no apparent reason

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