Donald Trump Ruthlessly Mocked for 'Major Announcement'

All the draft-dodging and divorces, the business failures and bankruptcies, the sexual assaults and rapes, right up to the two impeachments, failed reelection bid, and criminal convictions of his companies – just for $99.

Too funny.
Hey! You might be on to something! Trump trading cards....the Democratic version. I bet you would sell millions. Special impeachment sets.
Jan/ 6 special edition.
So how many can we put you down for now. You do support him still…right?

Say it with words or prove it with cash.
If you look though my posts you will see I'm no Trump cheerleader. Some of his policies were fine, but his spending like a drunken Democrat is a deal killer for a fiscal Conservative like myself. Unlike you partisan hacks I don't kiss ass just because a few things align with my beliefs.
The White House responded today by releasing a limited edition set of Joe Biden trading cards.

We disagree, of course. I imagine that he can agree on one thing though..Trump will never be reelected President...never.
America can handle evil..or deranged...or comatose.
But not someone selling trading cards. Grrrrr

Politicians selling access, by asking people to pay $250 a seat for a luncheon that they speak at, that's ok, but selling trading cards is where we draw the line.

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