Donald Trump says he will sue those who accuse him of sexual misconduct after the elections


Now libs don't know the meaning of the word "liar".

It's not hard. If you call someone a liar, it's AN ATTACK ON THE OTHER PERSON. Almost everyone is a liar, it's human nature to lie. He can call these people liars, he might not be saying they're lying about this affair though. Just put doubt into people's minds.

Come on, you're trying to tell me that Trump said he didn't do. If he said it, you'd be able to find it and show me. If he didn't say he didn't do it, you won't be able to find it. Therefore if you don't show me, then I'm going to assume it's because he didn't say it.

I mean, this is your argument that he did say it. So, come on, quotes, sources, you know?

That little game, that you just suggested he played? Where he called them liars, but was, in his mind referring to OTHER statements the women in question might have said at other times?

Yeah. That type of sophist bullshit is something that you on the left do. No one on the Right does that.

If nothing else, the corrupt partisan media would not help them pull off their lies.

Actually this is something I've seen from the right.

Don't play the bullshit game of attacking me by saying "the left would do that" and then provide no evidence.

I've seen the BNP, the British National Party literally set out that they were going to misrepresent what they were saying to convince people they were something else.

“There's a difference between setting out your ideas and selling your ideas and the British National Party isn't about setting out its ideas, which are **** ideas too, but we are determined now to sell them, but that means basically to use the same old words, as I say, freedom, security, identity, democracy, nobody can criticise them, nobody can come at you and attack you on those ideas, they are saleable. Perhaps one day, once, by being rather more subtle, we've got ourselves in a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their mind and say yes, every last one of them must go, perhaps they will one day. But if you hold that out as you sole aim to start with, you're going to get absolutly nowhere. So, instead of talking about racial purity, you talk about identity.”

David Duke was listening to this. Griffin, who made this speech, was a part of the international network of racists, white supremacists. He invited Preston Wigginton, David Duke and Stephen "Don" Black to the UK. The latter runs Stormfront which is where these kind of ideas are swapped with all the different groups around Europe and America and South Africa.

When the BNP said "British" they meant "white", for example. When they said all law abiding Muslims would be able to stay in the UK, they meant they'd make all Muslims illegal, they'd kick out all preachers, close all mosques, ban anything and everything from their religion and force them out.

UKIP also did similar things. The party that pushed for the UK to leave the EU. UKIP said the UK would save money leaving the EU. Any time anyone pointed out it was wrong they simply denied it.

I've seen this happen. I'm not saying people on the left don't do it, but you're coming out with partisan bullshit that's not backed up by anything as a simple attack so you don't have to face the questions.

great video. Love it

Well it was taken in 2001, at the beginning of Griffin's reign as successful leader of the BNP. He eventually got kicked out because what the far right hate more than blacks, Muslims and Jews, is each other.

However you can go through their stuff, like manifestos and speeches and the like, and you can see what they did, see how they appealed to the racists, while appealing to the non-racists at the same time.

Now the BNP is like the dinosaur. There are a few creatures like sharks and crocodiles still left, but most of them got wiped out. Well, they went and formed a hundred different racist parties. Fragmented they are nothing.

wasnt it 2004
Donald Trump says he will sue those who accuse him of sexual misconduct after the elections - full article
Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct in recent weeks.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," Trump said during remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

These women are screwed if someone as rich and powerful as Trump decides to sue them
trump will win
It's not hard. If you call someone a liar, it's AN ATTACK ON THE OTHER PERSON. Almost everyone is a liar, it's human nature to lie. He can call these people liars, he might not be saying they're lying about this affair though. Just put doubt into people's minds.

Come on, you're trying to tell me that Trump said he didn't do. If he said it, you'd be able to find it and show me. If he didn't say he didn't do it, you won't be able to find it. Therefore if you don't show me, then I'm going to assume it's because he didn't say it.

I mean, this is your argument that he did say it. So, come on, quotes, sources, you know?

That little game, that you just suggested he played? Where he called them liars, but was, in his mind referring to OTHER statements the women in question might have said at other times?

Yeah. That type of sophist bullshit is something that you on the left do. No one on the Right does that.

If nothing else, the corrupt partisan media would not help them pull off their lies.

Actually this is something I've seen from the right.

Don't play the bullshit game of attacking me by saying "the left would do that" and then provide no evidence.

I've seen the BNP, the British National Party literally set out that they were going to misrepresent what they were saying to convince people they were something else.

“There's a difference between setting out your ideas and selling your ideas and the British National Party isn't about setting out its ideas, which are **** ideas too, but we are determined now to sell them, but that means basically to use the same old words, as I say, freedom, security, identity, democracy, nobody can criticise them, nobody can come at you and attack you on those ideas, they are saleable. Perhaps one day, once, by being rather more subtle, we've got ourselves in a position where we control the British broadcasting media, then perhaps one day the British people might change their mind and say yes, every last one of them must go, perhaps they will one day. But if you hold that out as you sole aim to start with, you're going to get absolutly nowhere. So, instead of talking about racial purity, you talk about identity.”

David Duke was listening to this. Griffin, who made this speech, was a part of the international network of racists, white supremacists. He invited Preston Wigginton, David Duke and Stephen "Don" Black to the UK. The latter runs Stormfront which is where these kind of ideas are swapped with all the different groups around Europe and America and South Africa.

When the BNP said "British" they meant "white", for example. When they said all law abiding Muslims would be able to stay in the UK, they meant they'd make all Muslims illegal, they'd kick out all preachers, close all mosques, ban anything and everything from their religion and force them out.

UKIP also did similar things. The party that pushed for the UK to leave the EU. UKIP said the UK would save money leaving the EU. Any time anyone pointed out it was wrong they simply denied it.

I've seen this happen. I'm not saying people on the left don't do it, but you're coming out with partisan bullshit that's not backed up by anything as a simple attack so you don't have to face the questions.

great video. Love it

Well it was taken in 2001, at the beginning of Griffin's reign as successful leader of the BNP. He eventually got kicked out because what the far right hate more than blacks, Muslims and Jews, is each other.

However you can go through their stuff, like manifestos and speeches and the like, and you can see what they did, see how they appealed to the racists, while appealing to the non-racists at the same time.

Now the BNP is like the dinosaur. There are a few creatures like sharks and crocodiles still left, but most of them got wiped out. Well, they went and formed a hundred different racist parties. Fragmented they are nothing.

wasnt it 2004

I think it's 2001, it wasn't 2011 that's for certain.
Those women, Trump is going to sue, will probably be guest speakers on the new Trump TV news show.
Donald Trump says he will sue those who accuse him of sexual misconduct after the elections - full article
Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct in recent weeks.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," Trump said during remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

These women are screwed if someone as rich and powerful as Trump decides to sue them
he'll make lots of cash
Donald Trump says he will sue those who accuse him of sexual misconduct after the elections - full article
Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct in recent weeks.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," Trump said during remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

These women are screwed if someone as rich and powerful as Trump decides to sue them

This is nothing new. Trump is going to sue this country when he loses. Most likely the Republican party. This guy lives in a courtroom. He has 3500 civil laws suits going on, mostly over non payment to small business contractors, Trump University is coming up, and the New York State attorney generals office just ordered a cease & desist into the Trump Foundation, and an investigation is starting over that.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

I imagine this woman will be the first witness for the plaintiff over Trump University.

Donald Trump says he will sue those who accuse him of sexual misconduct after the elections - full article
Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct in recent weeks.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," Trump said during remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

These women are screwed if someone as rich and powerful as Trump decides to sue them

This is nothing new. Trump is going to sue this country when he loses. Most likely the Republican party. This guy lives in a courtroom. He has 3500 civil laws suits going on, mostly over non payment to small business contractors, Trump University is coming up, and the New York State attorney generals office just ordered a cease & desist into the Trump Foundation, and an investigation is starting over that.
USA TODAY exclusive: Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills
'I've never encountered anything so brazen': Report details shocking new revelations about Trump Foundation

I imagine this woman will be the first witness for the plaintiff over Trump University.

yeah the Trump University was a big time fraud/scam. Really hurt his image
Donald Trump says he will sue those who accuse him of sexual misconduct after the elections - full article
Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct in recent weeks.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," Trump said during remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

These women are screwed if someone as rich and powerful as Trump decides to sue them
good presentation man
Donald Trump says he will sue those who accuse him of sexual misconduct after the elections - full article
Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct in recent weeks.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," Trump said during remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

These women are screwed if someone as rich and powerful as Trump decides to sue them
they will go bankrupt for real
That's his right if you falsely accuse someone of something you might get sued. No I'm not saying the accusations are false before anyone ask that will be for the courts to decide if gets that far.
While I completely agree with you, as we saw with the OJ trial, "he who has the most money wins". That's not what our country's values should be about.
agreed with this
Donald Trump says he will sue those who accuse him of sexual misconduct after the elections - full article
Donald Trump vowed Saturday to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct in recent weeks.

"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," Trump said during remarks in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. "Total fabrication. The events never happened. Never. All of these liars will be sued after the election is over."

These women are screwed if someone as rich and powerful as Trump decides to sue them
hes being very sexually inappropriate
This turd needs to be allowed to slip down the pipes and into the sewer. How does the US produce such puss.
Waaaaaaa Trump should just let his name be dragged through the mud by attention seeking whores who got paid by the DNC and Hillary campaign Waaaaaaaa

Trump is the ultimate attention seeking whore.

But he's likely going to be very busy fighting lawsuits from his campaign staff who are unlikely to be paid when he loses. Donald doesn't pay if they don't go a good job.
This turd needs to be allowed to slip down the pipes and into the sewer. How does the US produce such puss.
Waaaaaaa Trump should just let his name be dragged through the mud by attention seeking whores who got paid by the DNC and Hillary campaign Waaaaaaaa

Trump is the ultimate attention seeking whore.

But he's likely going to be very busy fighting lawsuits from his campaign staff who are unlikely to be paid when he loses. Donald doesn't pay if they don't go a good job.
if you want to be President you need to gain attention
Trump is the ultimate attention seeking whore.

But he's likely going to be very busy fighting lawsuits from his campaign staff who are unlikely to be paid when he loses. Donald doesn't pay if they don't go a good job.
Agreed on attention seeking whore, but disagreed about paying staffers. He will continue to seek attention throughout the Clinton administration and/or his life. Stiffing his staffers would cost him politically. He'll collect donations, pay them off and continue to be a loud-mouthed thorn in Hillary's side for the next four years.

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