Donald Trump "The Never Mind" President!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Donald Trump is the "Never Mind" President or one could say the "Empty Barrel" President he makes a lot of noise moving around but when it comes to providing substance he's got nothing. The steel tariff issue and the border wall issue provide two clear examples. In the beginning of March President Trump riled up America and the international community announcing plans to impose 25% tariffs on steel imports and 10 % tariffs on aluminum imports giving compelling reasoning to protect these domestic manufacturing industries and the good jobs they provide interestingly some American towns that have been really hurt from their steel mills being idled were excited with hope that their mills would be reopened. Instead President Trump gives waivers to an abundance of countries making the tariff's essentially meaningless, it's like after causing this major international ruckus he announces "never mind everybody". It is understandable he exempted Canada and Mexico (Canada America overall has a trade surplus with and Mexico warrants treading softly because economic shock waves could collapse that country leading to drug gangs taking control) but treating all the countries in the European Union the same Germany should have been treated separately America has a huge trade deficit with that country and excluding Brazil and South Korea America has significant trade deficit with these countries. President Trump acts like an idiot announcing tariffs and then providing so many exemptions that they end up being meaningless!

The Border Wall is the same issue. President Trump created so much conflict in the country and in Mexico with his call for a Border Wall between the U.S. and Mexico and when he has fair deals presented to him to bring it about he rejects them leading to him almost certainly never getting the wall because the expert consensus is Republicans will lose a significant number of Congressional seats this November how many is unclear but considering that Republicans already need Democrat votes to pass anything substantive the problem for Republicans and President Trump just gets worse. The two fair deals was the bi-partisan immigration bill proposed around two months ago which essentially offered construction of the border wall for legalization and a path to citizenship for DACA eligible people and the proposal during the recent budget negotiations the "three for three" proposal meaning continuation of DACA protections for three years for three years of Border Wall funding. President Trump would have had to pay a price for these deals that he would not get the changes he wanted to the legal immigration system but that is what character is making fair compromises. This was to be one of the signature policy issues of his Presidency, construction of the southern border wall would not only stem the serious illegal immigration problem for America but it would hold great and critically important symbolic significance that it would tell the world it is not okay to illeaglally come to America our jobs and resources are for Americans first and then for people we decide to give it to which we bring about through legal immigration!
Left wing hypocrites lived through the 8 stagnant years of the Hussein administration and listened to empty promises like "wean America off fossil fuel" and paybacks to big contributors by using taxpayer funds to prop up solar companies just before the executives retired with golden parachutes and they whine about a freaking wall not being built in Trump's first year while they fought tooth and nail against it? Hussein couldn't handle hurricane "Sandy" and Trump delt with two hurricanes in his first year. The economy is booming and crazy lefties haven't seen unemployment this low in more than a decade. Illegal immigration is down 80% and China is on board with sanctions against N.K. when they were shooting at us on Harry Truman's watch. Crazy hypocrite lefties have convinced themselves that they can reverse the results of the election with cliches and propaganda while they pretend to worry about illegal aliens.

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