Donald Trump the real deal or the Trojan Horse of the Republican Party?

Got it... you're voting for another career politician....maybe it'll somehow turn out differently this time, right?

Trump profits from running his companies into debt and screw the creditors. Substitute government for companies and taxpayers for creditors. No difference, no remorse. He simply has attitude that bailouts are smart.

I you create these elaborate fantasies and pretend they're facts.
Good luck with your career politicians.
Many americans have had enough of that and are more alert and involved now.

I think everyone is tired of the political class--but it's no excuse to support someone--that really can't answer the real questions--and lashes out with answers that are soo out of this world--then even most of his supporters know it can't be done, or that his solutions and statements are even close to being realistic.

Especially when they have Carly Fiorina in this race that is also not of the political class--that can slice and dice--and actually ANSWER questions and makes sense!

This theory is going around quickly, and I am not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this one is worth mentioning--simply because this puzzle makes more sense than most.

1. What conservative or Republican do you know that would actually donate to Hillary Clinton's campaign fund?
2. What candidate do you know received a phone call from Bill Clinton just prior to announcing their running for the GOP nomination?
3. Donald not pledging to support the chosen nominee, and threatening a 3rd party run.

The narrative of this--comes from the G.H.W. Bush 1 election versus Bill Clinton. If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

So I have to ask all these Trump supporters, are you absolutely certain that Donald Trump is the real deal or is he the Trojan Horse of the Republican Party?


Uhm, no. Perot dropped out of the race after the Democratic Convention and then RE-ENTERED the race about 7 weeks later in 1992.

Learn to read.
trump isn't nearly as "stupid" or clueless as people like to pretend....they are scared of him because he can't be bought and he's a REAL outsider who knows how politicians "work" and he sees the corruption and incompetence and wants to end it.
He's taking on BOTH parties AND the mainstream propaganda machine (media) and hammering them every time they try the same old political okey doke BS..
He calls them on it and exposes them and it makes them REAL uncomfortable because if the american people get behind a real patriot, the jig is up for them
He knows how to get things done and who to put in place to effectively run a successful business...

but let them laugh it him names and mock every move he just proves how scared they are....we'll see.
trump isn't nearly as "stupid" or clueless as people like to pretend....they are scared of him because he can't be bought and he's a REAL outsider who knows how politicians "work" and he sees the corruption and incompetence and wants to end it.
He's taking on BOTH parties AND the mainstream propaganda machine (media) and hammering them every time they try the same old political okey doke BS..
He calls them on it and exposes them and it makes them REAL uncomfortable because if the american people get behind a real patriot, the jig is up for them
He knows how to get things done and who to put in place to effectively run a successful business...

but let them laugh it him names and mock every move he just proves how scared they are....we'll see.

Anyone can expose the politicians and the media. But the guy is full of Bull shit on any solutions. What he doesn't know--he just makes up--LOL We can all rant and rave all day long about what this politician did or didn't do--but to be President you had better dam well have some "realistic" solutions to fix the problems.

Donald Trump doesn't--and what he has said about building a fence and obliterating the 14th amendment is laughable. IOW--it only works on STUPID PEOPLE. Unfortunately stupid people are allowed to vote in this country!

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This theory is going around quickly, and I am not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this one is worth mentioning--simply because this puzzle makes more sense than most.

1. What conservative or Republican do you know that would actually donate to Hillary Clinton's campaign fund?
2. What candidate do you know received a phone call from Bill Clinton just prior to announcing their running for the GOP nomination?
3. Donald not pledging to support the chosen nominee, and threatening a 3rd party run.

The narrative of this--comes from the G.H.W. Bush 1 election versus Bill Clinton. If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

So I have to ask all these Trump supporters, are you absolutely certain that Donald Trump is the real deal or is he the Trojan Horse of the Republican Party?


Uhm, no. Perot dropped out of the race after the Democratic Convention and then RE-ENTERED the race about 7 weeks later in 1992.

Learn to read.

No Ross Perot dropped out of the race 4 days prior to the election insuring a Clinton win. Try some reading comprehension classes--maybe they'll help.

Ross Perot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well you can bet your last nickle that Donald Trump doesn't want Republicans in the White House. He doesn't want it either.

The Clinton (Trojan horse) is working perfectly--he's already chased millions of LEGAL voting Hispanics into Hillary's column. His ignorant supporters don't have a clue as to what he is up too--they're in it for all the babble and B.S.

Donald has made an economic improvement in Mexico though. The below pinata is the number 1 top seller in Mexico today.


Only this one is full of candy--not B.S.
The narrative of this--comes from the G.H.W. Bush 1 election versus Bill Clinton. If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

i think you are a little confused. Ross Perot dropped out during the summer of 1992, then got back in (his followers were still doing the work to put his name on the ballot in all 50 states). he told some cock and bull story about how the Bush family was planning to ruin his daughter's wedding.

It's also kind of doubtful that Perot "split the GOP". Polls taken at the time without Perot on the ballot showed his voters splitting evenly between Bush and Clinton. People were pissed at Bush, he messed up the economy.
David Duke, a former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan and self-described “racial realist,” says Donald Trump is the best Republican candidate for president because he “understands the real sentiment of America.”

[David] Duke, who unsuccessfully ran for president as a Democrat in 1988 and later served in the Louisiana House of Representatives, noted Trump’s experience as a salesman and his “great sense” of what people want to buy.

“I praise the fact that he’s come out on the immigration issue. I’m beginning to get the idea that he’s a good salesman. That he’s an entrepreneur and he has a good sense of what people want to hear what they want to buy,” said [David] Duke on his radio program last week after noting that he had previously been critical of Trump’s run.

“And I think he realizes that his path to popularity toward power in the Republican Party is talking about the immigration issue. And he has really said some incredibly great things recently. So whatever his motivation, I don’t give a damn. I really like the fact that he’s speaking out on this greatest immediate threat to the American people.”

David Duke On Trump: He's "Certainly The Best Of The Lot" Running For President

I think what could be said about Trump is that he's the Mephistopheles to the GOP's Faustian Bargain.

40 years ago, Nixon employed hte Southern Strategy to take in all the disaffected White Males who felt threatened by Civil Rights, Immigration and Feminism. Now that has turned ugly on them.
The narrative of this--comes from the G.H.W. Bush 1 election versus Bill Clinton. If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

i think you are a little confused. Ross Perot dropped out during the summer of 1992, then got back in (his followers were still doing the work to put his name on the ballot in all 50 states). he told some cock and bull story about how the Bush family was planning to ruin his daughter's wedding.

It's also kind of doubtful that Perot "split the GOP". Polls taken at the time without Perot on the ballot showed his voters splitting evenly between Bush and Clinton. People were pissed at Bush, he messed up the economy.
He is very confused. Perot did not drop out 4 days before the '92 election. In fact, two days before, he campaigned through Pittsburgh and Youngstown. I shook his hand in Youngstown. On election eve, the final CNN/ORC poll showed Clinton 43/ Bush 38 / Perot 19, almost perfectly in line with the actual results. The same CNN poll showed Clinton 55 / Bush 45 in a hypothetical 2 man race. In no way did Perot swing the '92 election for Clinton. If anything, he cut Clinton's winning margin almost in half. Anything else is RWNJ wet -dream nonsense.

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