Donald Trump the real deal or the Trojan Horse of the Republican Party?


"tea bagger"?

..your latency is leaking through again.
If I may....

Trump is, at this point, the only hope we have to regain the Republic. Good conservatives are not constituted such that they can do what is necessary to return the Constitution to the head of the Republic. It requires a dictator to do that because the reality now is that we have a real dictatorship as Congress has ceded its powers to the President and the Court has concurred.

A good Constitutionalist like Cruz most likely won't be able to do it because he would preside as a good conservative should do, rather than rule and would be swamped by the Communists and the Subversives. Electing Trump may just give us a classic Mussolini but electing Cruz will be giving us a Washington. Trump may use the force of his personality to bring back the Republic or he may be Octavian, but he is the only one who appears to be capable of it. He is the Man On Horseback that appears as a great nation collapses into chaos. The history of such does not provide much reason for optimism.

I think the best chance we have is a President Trump with a Vice President and chief theoretician Cruz. I do not say there is any certainty that even with that combination, we can shake off the dictatorship and return to the Constitution but it is, at this point at least, visibly the best available shot, as the 2 would certainly compliment and at the same time restrain each other.

One may say, "Work hard and get real Conservatives to Congress to take back those relinquished powers," but we have seen in two congressional elections how that works, many talk a good fight but are overcome once they get to D.C. by The RINO we really need more of the "BONER" and "Bitch Mitch"?

great post.

Actually it's plagiarized from another site where it was posted this morning by a guy named "Arthurus". 9:58:23 this morning to be exact.

Pissyante's not capable of complete sentences without diaper rash. But it is an interesting use of the pronoun "I" in the third person. You don't see that a lot.

Trump appeals to the dumbest among us.

No way....he's not going to get any votes from "progressives" and anti whites...

Or blacks or Hispanics...

There is no doubt anymore, you are the dumbest, old squaw on the internet... Stand up and take a bow!

See, that's more like it.
There are writing styles, and there are obvious ripoffs.
If I may....

Trump is, at this point, the only hope we have to regain the Republic. Good conservatives are not constituted such that they can do what is necessary to return the Constitution to the head of the Republic. It requires a dictator to do that because the reality now is that we have a real dictatorship as Congress has ceded its powers to the President and the Court has concurred.

A good Constitutionalist like Cruz most likely won't be able to do it because he would preside as a good conservative should do, rather than rule and would be swamped by the Communists and the Subversives. Electing Trump may just give us a classic Mussolini but electing Cruz will be giving us a Washington. Trump may use the force of his personality to bring back the Republic or he may be Octavian, but he is the only one who appears to be capable of it. He is the Man On Horseback that appears as a great nation collapses into chaos. The history of such does not provide much reason for optimism.

I think the best chance we have is a President Trump with a Vice President and chief theoretician Cruz. I do not say there is any certainty that even with that combination, we can shake off the dictatorship and return to the Constitution but it is, at this point at least, visibly the best available shot, as the 2 would certainly compliment and at the same time restrain each other.

One may say, "Work hard and get real Conservatives to Congress to take back those relinquished powers," but we have seen in two congressional elections how that works, many talk a good fight but are overcome once they get to D.C. by The RINO we really need more of the "BONER" and "Bitch Mitch"?

great post.

Actually it's plagiarized from another site where it was posted this morning by a guy named "Arthurus". 9:58:23 this morning to be exact.

Pissyante's not capable of complete sentences without diaper rash. But it is an interesting use of the pronoun "I" in the third person. You don't see that a lot.

still a great post whoever the author was/is.
Got it... you're voting for another career politician....maybe it'll somehow turn out differently this time, right?

Trump profits from running his companies into debt and screw the creditors. Substitute government for companies and taxpayers for creditors. No difference, no remorse. He simply has attitude that bailouts are smart.
Got it... you're voting for another career politician....maybe it'll somehow turn out differently this time, right?

Trump profits from running his companies into debt and screw the creditors. Substitute government for companies and taxpayers for creditors. No difference, no remorse. He simply has attitude that bailouts are smart.

I you create these elaborate fantasies and pretend they're facts.
Good luck with your career politicians.
Many americans have had enough of that and are more alert and involved now.
I you create these elaborate fantasies and pretend they're facts.
Good luck with your career politicians.
Many americans have had enough of that and are more alert and involved now.

Fantasy? That seems to be the world you're living in....

"First things first: Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts. He has never filed for personal bankruptcy — an important distinction when considering his ability to emerge relatively unscathed, at least financially."

Fourth Time's A Charm: How Donald Trump Made Bankruptcy Work For Him
I you create these elaborate fantasies and pretend they're facts.
Good luck with your career politicians.
Many americans have had enough of that and are more alert and involved now.

Fantasy? That seems to be the world you're living in....

"First things first: Donald Trump has filed for corporate bankruptcy four times, in 1991, 1992, 2004 and 2009. All of these bankruptcies were connected to over-leveraged casino and hotel properties in Atlantic City, all of which are now operated under the banner of Trump Entertainment Resorts. He has never filed for personal bankruptcy — an important distinction when considering his ability to emerge relatively unscathed, at least financially."

Fourth Time's A Charm: How Donald Trump Made Bankruptcy Work For Him
That's already been discussed.You're way behind.....try to keep up if you insist on looking for openings to insert your insults and snark...
This theory is going around quickly, and I am not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this one is worth mentioning--simply because this puzzle makes more sense than most.

1. What conservative or Republican do you know that would actually donate to Hillary Clinton's campaign fund?
2. What candidate do you know received a phone call from Bill Clinton just prior to announcing their running for the GOP nomination?
3. Donald not pledging to support the chosen nominee, and threatening a 3rd party run.

The narrative of this--comes from the G.H.W. Bush 1 election versus Bill Clinton. If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

So I have to ask all these Trump supporters, are you absolutely certain that Donald Trump is the real deal or is he the Trojan Horse of the Republican Party?

Well we would be saying hilliery who ?? If not for a big eared rich guy.
Trump appeals to the dumbest among us.

No way....he's not going to get any votes from "progressives" and anti whites...

Or blacks or Hispanics...

it is a sad day in America when a campaign depends on whether or not they have the minority vote, instead of on the quality of the candidate.

The blacks and the browns couldn't care less who the president is so long as they are not white.
There is no point reaching out to them because they will not understand. Racial revenge is their goal.
They will vote for whatever furthers their own people, ultimately working against the white race.
Whatever they vote for, as we have seen for the past 60 years, all it does is bring the USA closer to a third world country.
Or...the Republicans could put together a policy platform that appeals to them more than the Democrats.
Just a crazy thought...
Trump appeals to the dumbest among us.

No way....he's not going to get any votes from "progressives" and anti whites...

Or blacks or Hispanics...

it is a sad day in America when a campaign depends on whether or not they have the minority vote, instead of on the quality of the candidate.

The blacks and the browns couldn't care less who the president is so long as they are not white.
There is no point reaching out to them because they will not understand. Racial revenge is their goal.
They will vote for whatever furthers their own people, ultimately working against the white race.
Whatever they vote for, as we have seen for the past 60 years, all it does is bring the USA closer to a third world country.
Or...the Republicans could put together a policy platform that appeals to them more than the Democrats.
Just a crazy thought...

The object isn't to appeal to minorities. We've been doing that for the past 60 isn't working. They're only interested in racial revenge politics.
The object is to put america first...not pander to minorities
Trump appeals to the dumbest among us.

No way....he's not going to get any votes from "progressives" and anti whites...

Or blacks or Hispanics...

it is a sad day in America when a campaign depends on whether or not they have the minority vote, instead of on the quality of the candidate.

The blacks and the browns couldn't care less who the president is so long as they are not white.
There is no point reaching out to them because they will not understand. Racial revenge is their goal.
They will vote for whatever furthers their own people, ultimately working against the white race.
Whatever they vote for, as we have seen for the past 60 years, all it does is bring the USA closer to a third world country.
Or...the Republicans could put together a policy platform that appeals to them more than the Democrats.
Just a crazy thought...

The object isn't to appeal to minorities. We've been doing that for the past 60 isn't working. They're only interested in racial revenge politics.
The object is to put america first...not pander to minorities
Who said anything about pandering?
To win the presidency you simply have to convince the majority of voters that your policies are the best for them.
Trump is the American version of North Korea's Kim Jung-un, spouting unrealistic rhetoric and having a bad haircut.
LMAO..another bitter dem. takes a swing.

No, I'm a Republican who isn't a damn fool to trust another amateur in the White House.

Ah...a RINO variety Republican, or as with the JakeAss, a veritable Manchurian Republican! I am sure Bush, or Christie, or even a KasicK would do for you!

So now you're voting for an entertainer? That's what Donald Trump is and represents. The Beauty Pageant--the "you're FIRED show"---casino's lots of gambling. You actually believe he would be a good President?

Look the mask is coming off. Donald can spew out the rhetoric, & can get his supporters all excited and emotional, but his detailed immigration plan is hysterical--it won't work. All he has done is pissed off millions of LEGAL voting Latino's in this country, and they're not going to vote for him.

The most popular Pinata in Mexico today--Top seller is a Donald Trump Pinata--he's insulted them so much. The problem is they have millions of legal family members in the states that are hammering away at the Donald Trump Penata.


The Donald Trump Penata--LOL This one is full of candy--not B.S.
Then vote for the same old, same old shit, and lose again!
If I may....

Trump is, at this point, the only hope we have to regain the Republic. Good conservatives are not constituted such that they can do what is necessary to return the Constitution to the head of the Republic. It requires a dictator to do that because the reality now is that we have a real dictatorship as Congress has ceded its powers to the President and the Court has concurred.

A good Constitutionalist like Cruz most likely won't be able to do it because he would preside as a good conservative should do, rather than rule and would be swamped by the Communists and the Subversives. Electing Trump may just give us a classic Mussolini but electing Cruz will be giving us a Washington. Trump may use the force of his personality to bring back the Republic or he may be Octavian, but he is the only one who appears to be capable of it. He is the Man On Horseback that appears as a great nation collapses into chaos. The history of such does not provide much reason for optimism.

I think the best chance we have is a President Trump with a Vice President and chief theoretician Cruz. I do not say there is any certainty that even with that combination, we can shake off the dictatorship and return to the Constitution but it is, at this point at least, visibly the best available shot, as the 2 would certainly compliment and at the same time restrain each other.

One may say, "Work hard and get real Conservatives to Congress to take back those relinquished powers," but we have seen in two congressional elections how that works, many talk a good fight but are overcome once they get to D.C. by The RINO we really need more of the "BONER" and "Bitch Mitch"?

great post.

Actually it's plagiarized from another site where it was posted this morning by a guy named "Arthurus". 9:58:23 this morning to be exact.

Pissyante's not capable of complete sentences without diaper rash. But it is an interesting use of the pronoun "I" in the third person. You don't see that a lot.

Trump appeals to the dumbest among us.

No way....he's not going to get any votes from "progressives" and anti whites...

Or blacks or Hispanics...

There is no doubt anymore, you are the dumbest, old squaw on the internet... Stand up and take a bow!

See, that's more like it.
There are writing styles, and there are obvious ripoffs.

How about that! Makes it easy so you can call me Joe Biden! ROTFLMFAO!!!
But I knew the KKK was formed by Southern Democrats, and that Hillary LIED about being named after Sir Edmund Hillary! You didn't, Now THAT'S FUNNY!
Last edited:
Got it... you're voting for another career politician....maybe it'll somehow turn out differently this time, right?

Trump profits from running his companies into debt and screw the creditors. Substitute government for companies and taxpayers for creditors. No difference, no remorse. He simply has attitude that bailouts are smart.

Yup, you're a Republican that has 2 NeoCommunists agreeing with you! TOO FUCKING FUNNY!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
The object isn't to appeal to minorities. We've been doing that for the past 60 isn't working. They're only interested in racial revenge politics.
The object is to put america first...not pander to minorities

Trump is pandering to idiots. But feel free, it's entertaining.
The object isn't to appeal to minorities. We've been doing that for the past 60 isn't working. They're only interested in racial revenge politics.
The object is to put america first...not pander to minorities

Trump is pandering to idiots. But feel free, it's entertaining.

That's how Obama got elected. Trump is appealing to real Americans who are fed up with politics as usual.
LOTS of Idiots out there, perhaps enough to take out the trash that infects the White House!

(Rasmussen Poll) Voters Want to Build A Wall, Deport Felon Illegal Immigrants

Rasmussen Reports ^ | August 19, 2015 | Scott Rasmussen
As far as voters are concerned – and not just Republicans - Donald Trump has a winning formula for fighting illegal immigration. [Snip] Among all likely voters, 51% favor building a wall on the border; 37% disagree, and 12% are not sure. Eighty percent (80%) support the deportation of all illegal immigrants convicted of a felony; only 11% are opposed. [Snip] Just 34% favor President Obama’s plan to protect up to five million illegal immigrants from deportation. Most voters continue to think instead that the United States is not aggressive enough in deporting those who are here illegally.
This theory is going around quickly, and I am not much of a conspiracy theorist, but this one is worth mentioning--simply because this puzzle makes more sense than most.

1. What conservative or Republican do you know that would actually donate to Hillary Clinton's campaign fund?
2. What candidate do you know received a phone call from Bill Clinton just prior to announcing their running for the GOP nomination?
3. Donald not pledging to support the chosen nominee, and threatening a 3rd party run.

The narrative of this--comes from the G.H.W. Bush 1 election versus Bill Clinton. If you're old enough to remember Ross Perot started a 3rd party run, and gained lots of support. Of course it split the GOP in half. BUT just 4 days prior to the election, Ross Perot dropped out of the race. It was too late, his name was still on the ballot, and millions voted for him, and of course, which secured a win for Bill Clinton.

So I have to ask all these Trump supporters, are you absolutely certain that Donald Trump is the real deal or is he the Trojan Horse of the Republican Party?

You make very good points, oreo. But there is one more factor to consider. He is hammering away at Hillary in his stump speeches. Would he do that if he wanted her to win?

Is it possible that his explanation from Trump was the truth about the phone call? He called Bill to get Roger Ailles to be fair with him during the debate. Trump knew Kelly was likely to trounce on him because of interviews she had done with him. We know now, that was a fruitless phone call, or was it? What did good ol' Bill really say in that phone call?

Could it Trump thought he might have help from Bill but actually, it was the opposite. I don't know.

I guess time will tell about his allegiances. What will he be saying in his speeches. Another aspect to consider is that Trump is going heavily against Bush, Rubio and Walker. Hasn't touched Fiorna. Maybe that is to be expected.

We'll have to see.

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