Donald Trump the real deal or the Trojan Horse of the Republican Party?

Trump is giving it to these phoney politicans and media hacks. Is it the right thing to elect him into office of the president of the United states? I don't know, but I'm willing to vote for him anyway, I'm stick of career politicans and they have had more than enough time running the country. I'm ready to let a successful buisness man who speaks frankly have an opportunity. I'm guess he will figure everything out while he's in office.

I'm sure he will. Not like that community agitator puppet of the Progressives, Muslims, Iran, and anyone else who happens to an enemy of ours
Trump is giving it to these phoney politicans and media hacks. Is it the right thing to elect him into office of the president of the United states? I don't know, but I'm willing to vote for him anyway, I'm stick of career politicans and they have had more than enough time running the country. I'm ready to let a successful buisness man who speaks frankly have an opportunity. I'm guess he will figure everything out while he's in office.

I'm sure he will. Not like that community agitator puppet of the Progressives, Muslims, Iran, and anyone else who happens to an enemy of ours
"Making it up as you go along" is a brilliant strategy for the leader of a country.
Watching the excuses and attacks of the NeoCommunists, and the RINO'S in here certainly is entertaining... make note that he is now within 6 points of being TIED with the NeoCommunists fucking murderous scum bag bitch The Hildebeasty and almost TWICE as popular as any other Republican candidate. Seems the Manchurian muslim didn't get this much VETTING even until today.... Damn, Trump should be BLACK and QUEER and he might be able to cut a break, as those that support him, could claim that all others are RACIST PIGS as they did with the Mulatto prince in the White House.

Hey we could always vote for this guy when the hildebeast gets indicted!
what frikken conspiracy theory ISN'T going around about Trump

just wow. You would think the Democrats has NO ONE running

well ok, they do have a bunch OLD WHITE FOGIES running

Trump is an old white fogie.

not as old as the old gray mare, Hillary. and the 100 year old Bernie.
He's certainly accomplished much more than all FOUR of them running, besides being a Career Politician who's been SUCKING a living off us taxpayers until they wheel them out on a gurney.

Dump is older than Hillary. You could look it up.
Trump is giving it to these phoney politicans and media hacks. Is it the right thing to elect him into office of the president of the United states? I don't know, but I'm willing to vote for him anyway, I'm stick of career politicans and they have had more than enough time running the country. I'm ready to let a successful buisness man who speaks frankly have an opportunity. I'm guess he will figure everything out while he's in office.

I'm sure he will. Not like that community agitator puppet of the Progressives, Muslims, Iran, and anyone else who happens to an enemy of ours
"Making it up as you go along" is a brilliant strategy for the leader of a country.
Not as good as "shaking your dick at the world" though. That's what I need in my President. :thup:
"Blow Me" on every bumper sticker. :thup:
what frikken conspiracy theory ISN'T going around about Trump

just wow. You would think the Democrats has NO ONE running

well ok, they do have a bunch OLD WHITE FOGIES running

Trump is an old white fogie.

not as old as the old gray mare, Hillary. and the 100 year old Bernie.
He's certainly accomplished much more than all FOUR of them running, besides being a Career Politician who's been SUCKING a living off us taxpayers until they wheel them out on a gurney.

Dump is older than Hillary. You could look it up.

Yes ONE year 4 months, about the time it takes for you to understand how pathetic your attempted hit posts are!
Can't make this here stuff up..... just when you thought Rump couldn't go any harder for the Stupid vote:

Donald T. Rump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

He's correct...Trump clashed with Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday night over the part of his immigration plan that would take away citizenship from the children of ILLEGAL ALIENS.... the 14th amendment was NEVER meant for that, it was all about slavery, PERIOD! Because some scumbag liberal judges decided that the 14th took in sexual perversion as well as undocumented DemocRATS, and there is NO FIGHTBACK from feckless Republicans, it will take an E.O. by President Trump to fix it. Since the Mulatto Prince has decided he can waiver prosecution of our laws, the Donald can also waiver a SCOTUS decision.... and who could challenge him? Who has the power of the MILITARY and Justice Dept. under his thumb...SCOTUS, Congress?..... Perhaps a group of FAGS and ILLEGALS could RIOT... but unlike Ferguson and Baltimore, the police would be taking orders to put down the insurrection! Think about that!

Also think about the FACT that The Donald is EFFECTIVELY KILLING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS... if not so, why does his polls continue to rise? It's NOT the man, it's the RETAKING our culture, traditions, and civil society!
Watching the excuses and attacks of the NeoCommunists, and the RINO'S in here certainly is entertaining... make note that he is now within 6 points of being TIED with the NeoCommunists fucking murderous scum bag bitch The Hildebeasty and almost TWICE as popular as any other Republican candidate. Seems the Manchurian muslim didn't get this much VETTING even until today.... Damn, Trump should be BLACK and QUEER and he might be able to cut a break, as those that support him, could claim that all others are RACIST PIGS as they did with the Mulatto prince in the White House.

Hey we could always vote for this guy when the hildebeast gets indicted!

Just Another worthless CAREER politician. who's always brought up the rear for someone else. Yesem master, I'm here for your wishes.
just what we need.
Can't make this here stuff up..... just when you thought Rump couldn't go any harder for the Stupid vote:

Donald T. Rump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

Actually that is made up. He said no such thing.

Not in that term but he does say it "won't hold up in court".

When a case goes to SCOTUS, that Court uses the Constitution as its basis. A law either conforms to the Constitution, or does not.

But this isn't a law -- it's an Amendment. Which means it's part of the Constitution itself.

No one can rule a part of the Constitution is unconstitutional. That defies the laws of existence.
Can't make this here stuff up..... just when you thought Rump couldn't go any harder for the Stupid vote:

Donald T. Rump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

He's correct...Trump clashed with Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday night over the part of his immigration plan that would take away citizenship from the children of ILLEGAL ALIENS.... the 14th amendment was NEVER meant for that, it was all about slavery, PERIOD! Because some scumbag liberal judges decided that the 14th took in sexual perversion as well as undocumented DemocRATS, and there is NO FIGHTBACK from feckless Republicans, it will take an E.O. by President Trump to fix it. Since the Mulatto Prince has decided he can waiver prosecution of our laws, the Donald can also waiver a SCOTUS decision.... and who could challenge him? Who has the power of the MILITARY and Justice Dept. under his thumb...SCOTUS, Congress?..... Perhaps a group of FAGS and ILLEGALS could RIOT... but unlike Ferguson and Baltimore, the police would be taking orders to put down the insurrection! Think about that!

Also think about the FACT that The Donald is EFFECTIVELY KILLING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS... if not so, why does his polls continue to rise? It's NOT the man, it's the RETAKING our culture, traditions, and civil society!

That's not the point--everyone knows that Donald Trump is killing political correctness--BUT the point of this thread is--is he a TROJAN HORSE that could very well give us Hillary Clinton as the POTUS.

Yes, the entertainment is great--but are you willing to take that risk--by voting for him in your caucus or primary? And you using your brain or your emotions to cast a vote for Donald Trump?
Can't make this here stuff up..... just when you thought Rump couldn't go any harder for the Stupid vote:

Donald T. Rump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

He's correct...Trump clashed with Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday night over the part of his immigration plan that would take away citizenship from the children of ILLEGAL ALIENS.... the 14th amendment was NEVER meant for that, it was all about slavery, PERIOD! Because some scumbag liberal judges decided that the 14th took in sexual perversion as well as undocumented DemocRATS, and there is NO FIGHTBACK from feckless Republicans, it will take an E.O. by President Trump to fix it. Since the Mulatto Prince has decided he can waiver prosecution of our laws, the Donald can also waiver a SCOTUS decision.... and who could challenge him? Who has the power of the MILITARY and Justice Dept. under his thumb...SCOTUS, Congress?..... Perhaps a group of FAGS and ILLEGALS could RIOT... but unlike Ferguson and Baltimore, the police would be taking orders to put down the insurrection! Think about that!

Also think about the FACT that The Donald is EFFECTIVELY KILLING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS... if not so, why does his polls continue to rise? It's NOT the man, it's the RETAKING our culture, traditions, and civil society!

That's not the point--everyone knows that Donald Trump is killing political correctness--BUT the point of this thread is--is he a TROJAN HORSE that could very well give us Hillary Clinton as the POTUS.

Yes, the entertainment is great--but are you willing to take that risk--by voting for him in your caucus or primary? And you using your brain or your emotions to cast a vote for Donald Trump?

If he were really a Trojan Horse dem he wouldn't be attacking Hilary every chance he gets. Take your tin foil hat off.
Can't make this here stuff up..... just when you thought Rump couldn't go any harder for the Stupid vote:

Donald T. Rump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

He's correct...Trump clashed with Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday night over the part of his immigration plan that would take away citizenship from the children of ILLEGAL ALIENS.... the 14th amendment was NEVER meant for that, it was all about slavery, PERIOD! Because some scumbag liberal judges decided that the 14th took in sexual perversion as well as undocumented DemocRATS, and there is NO FIGHTBACK from feckless Republicans, it will take an E.O. by President Trump to fix it. Since the Mulatto Prince has decided he can waiver prosecution of our laws, the Donald can also waiver a SCOTUS decision.... and who could challenge him? Who has the power of the MILITARY and Justice Dept. under his thumb...SCOTUS, Congress?..... Perhaps a group of FAGS and ILLEGALS could RIOT... but unlike Ferguson and Baltimore, the police would be taking orders to put down the insurrection! Think about that!

Also think about the FACT that The Donald is EFFECTIVELY KILLING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS... if not so, why does his polls continue to rise? It's NOT the man, it's the RETAKING our culture, traditions, and civil society!

That's not the point--everyone knows that Donald Trump is killing political correctness--BUT the point of this thread is--is he a TROJAN HORSE that could very well give us Hillary Clinton as the POTUS.

Yes, the entertainment is great--but are you willing to take that risk--by voting for him in your caucus or primary? And you using your brain or your emotions to cast a vote for Donald Trump?

If he were really a Trojan Horse dem he wouldn't be attacking Hilary every chance he gets. Take your tin foil hat off.

Well, If during the telephone conversation between Bill & Donald i am certain they may have discussed that the very worst give-a-way to this plan would be for Donald to be nice and polite to Hillary. So to convince the masse's and you he's got to be real tough on Hillary--stating things like "she's the worst Secretary of State ever"---while they're behind closed doors laughing it up and drinking their cocktails.

It's up to you--but there is definitely a prior well known long time relationship between the Clinton's and the Trump's. Their daughters are even BEST FRIENDS.
Political odd couple: Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton -
Can't make this here stuff up..... just when you thought Rump couldn't go any harder for the Stupid vote:

Donald T. Rump Says 14th Amendment is Unconstitutional

He's correct...Trump clashed with Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday night over the part of his immigration plan that would take away citizenship from the children of ILLEGAL ALIENS.... the 14th amendment was NEVER meant for that, it was all about slavery, PERIOD! Because some scumbag liberal judges decided that the 14th took in sexual perversion as well as undocumented DemocRATS, and there is NO FIGHTBACK from feckless Republicans, it will take an E.O. by President Trump to fix it. Since the Mulatto Prince has decided he can waiver prosecution of our laws, the Donald can also waiver a SCOTUS decision.... and who could challenge him? Who has the power of the MILITARY and Justice Dept. under his thumb...SCOTUS, Congress?..... Perhaps a group of FAGS and ILLEGALS could RIOT... but unlike Ferguson and Baltimore, the police would be taking orders to put down the insurrection! Think about that!

Also think about the FACT that The Donald is EFFECTIVELY KILLING POLITICAL CORRECTNESS... if not so, why does his polls continue to rise? It's NOT the man, it's the RETAKING our culture, traditions, and civil society!

That's not the point--everyone knows that Donald Trump is killing political correctness--BUT the point of this thread is--is he a TROJAN HORSE that could very well give us Hillary Clinton as the POTUS.

Yes, the entertainment is great--but are you willing to take that risk--by voting for him in your caucus or primary? And you using your brain or your emotions to cast a vote for Donald Trump?

Well, this MIGHT be of interest to you, as I certainly WILL take the risk... the back up is as good as the ORIGINAL!

Cruz, Trump in Secret Talks

Donald Trump and Ted Cruz’s mutual admiration is turning into a conservative bromance—one that could have a huge strategic payoff for the Texas senator’s presidential campaign.

Behind the scenes, Cruz has been methodologically developing Trump’s support. The two candidates have met in person at least five times and talk by phone occasionally. And in the future, they may even hold events together.

The two campaigns privately discussed a possible joint event this year in Washington, D.C., and Cruz was invited to join Trump’s infamous trip to the Mexico border, though a scheduling problem prevented him from attending, sources told The Daily Beast.

“In terms of Trump’s civility, if you’re nice to him, he’ll be nice to you. And Cruz has been nice. Cruz is playing the long game and hopes that if he survives and Trump doesn’t, the billionaire will swing to him. He’s the second choice for a lot of Trump voters,” said a source familiar with the inner workings of the Trump campaign.

“Cruz has been cultivating Donald for some time, declining to criticize him after the immigration flap or the McCain controversy, sending messages through operatives, dropping by Trump Tower when in New York,” the source continued.

So much more, but I can see a VP slot for Cruz, would THAT satisfy those who think The Donald isn't conservative enough???
He's taking on BOTH political parties AND the media...of course they want to smear, slander, spread disinformation and try to scare people out of voting ....

He's a successful businessman with a big ego who is NOT used to "failing". He isn't in this to make himself look ridiculous so the democrats can win....
I'm pretty sure he means it.
In addition to that he is running on a platform that voters have wanted but other politicians have been to afraid to bring up. You stay ahead in the poles when you listen to the people and put America first.

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