Donald Trumps Pick For Attorney General Scares The Hell Out Of Hillary And Obama


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Once they find out who's Trump's pick for Attorney General the criminals in the WhiteHouse are going pull out all of the stops to keep Trump from becoming president. It means they may be doing some serious jail time:

BOOM: Donald Trumpā€™s Pick For Attorney Generalā€¦ Liberalsā€™ Worst Nightmare

Written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor on July 30, 2015

Whatever your feelings about presidential hopeful Donald Trump, you may just love his pick for attorney general. Maybe even as much as liberals will hate it.

Via Conservative Tribune:

Even though heā€™s just a presidential hopeful, Donald Trump has wasted no time telling America his top pick is for attorney general. And, if you were somehow involved in the Benghazi scandal or Hillary Clintonā€™s email debacle, youā€™d better watch out.

In a Tuesday tweet, Trump said that he would pick South Carolina representative and chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi Trey Gowdy as his attorney general, were he to be elected president.

ā€œ@HillaryClintonā€˜s toast. Dems had better get the ā€˜B Teamā€™ off the bench. @TGowdySC (Trey Gowdyā€™s Twitter username) for Attorney General under President Trump,ā€ Trump tweeted.

Rep. Gowdy, whose tenacious manner with liberals and Obama administration officials has earned him the nickname ā€œThe Bulldog,ā€ has been a conservative favorite for quite some time now. In fact, before the 2014 Republican sweep of Congress, political action group the Tea Party Leadership Fund endorsed Gowdy to take over John Boehnerā€™s position as speaker of the House.

While Gowdy didnā€™t get that job, it might be even more satisfying seeing the South Carolina bulldog at Eric Holderā€™s old desk, prosecuting all of those Democrats let slide during the Obama administration.

Imagine, after years of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, Trey Gowdy?! The thought of it alone just renews my hope in our nationā€™s future. As Conservative Tribune aptly suggests, the thought of Trey Gowdy as attorney general is like Christmas in July. Like a kid awaiting the arrival of Santa, I anxiously anticipate January 2017 ā€” and fervently hope thereā€™s something good under the tree for us this time!
BOOM Donald Trump s Pick For Attorney General... Liberals Worst Nightmare - Allen B. West -
Trey Gowdy has accomplished so little in his current Clinton witch hunt

Why shouldn't he be attorney General?
A Democratic Senate, a very likely possibility, (19 of the seats that are contestable are 18 GOP and 1 Dem, and the Dem only need seven), with Trey as the President's pick for AG? I would pay ticket prices to see that set of hearings in the capitol.
Excellent choice. Now if he were to pick John Bolton as secretary of state, that alone would get my vote.
Once they find out who's Trump's pick for Attorney General the criminals in the WhiteHouse are going pull out all of the stops to keep Trump from becoming president. It means they may be doing some serious jail time:

BOOM: Donald Trumpā€™s Pick For Attorney Generalā€¦ Liberalsā€™ Worst Nightmare

Written by Michelle Jesse, Associate Editor on July 30, 2015

Whatever your feelings about presidential hopeful Donald Trump, you may just love his pick for attorney general. Maybe even as much as liberals will hate it.

Via Conservative Tribune:

Even though heā€™s just a presidential hopeful, Donald Trump has wasted no time telling America his top pick is for attorney general. And, if you were somehow involved in the Benghazi scandal or Hillary Clintonā€™s email debacle, youā€™d better watch out.

In a Tuesday tweet, Trump said that he would pick South Carolina representative and chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi Trey Gowdy as his attorney general, were he to be elected president.

ā€œ@HillaryClintonā€˜s toast. Dems had better get the ā€˜B Teamā€™ off the bench. @TGowdySC (Trey Gowdyā€™s Twitter username) for Attorney General under President Trump,ā€ Trump tweeted.

Rep. Gowdy, whose tenacious manner with liberals and Obama administration officials has earned him the nickname ā€œThe Bulldog,ā€ has been a conservative favorite for quite some time now. In fact, before the 2014 Republican sweep of Congress, political action group the Tea Party Leadership Fund endorsed Gowdy to take over John Boehnerā€™s position as speaker of the House.

While Gowdy didnā€™t get that job, it might be even more satisfying seeing the South Carolina bulldog at Eric Holderā€™s old desk, prosecuting all of those Democrats let slide during the Obama administration.

Imagine, after years of Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, Trey Gowdy?! The thought of it alone just renews my hope in our nationā€™s future. As Conservative Tribune aptly suggests, the thought of Trey Gowdy as attorney general is like Christmas in July. Like a kid awaiting the arrival of Santa, I anxiously anticipate January 2017 ā€” and fervently hope thereā€™s something good under the tree for us this time!
BOOM Donald Trump s Pick For Attorney General... Liberals Worst Nightmare - Allen B. West -
This is going to be a very interesting run watching all the parties scrambling. :lol:
Once they find out who's Trump's pick for Attorney General the criminals in the WhiteHouse are going pull out all of the stops to keep Trump from becoming president.
Trump won't be picking anyone for anything. You do realize this is just Trump and his ego having a blast promoting himself, right?
A Democratic Senate, a very likely possibility, (19 of the seats that are contestable are 18 GOP and 1 Dem, and the Dem only need seven), with Trey as the President's pick for AG? I would pay ticket prices to see that set of hearings in the capitol.
Proving daily that this idiot is NOT a Republican!
Says the idiot who says things before he thinks. I believe in facts, which (1) indicates that the Senate may very well return to Democratic control, and (2) a Gowdy nomination may very well not be ratified. That is not anti-Republican, only pro-reality. I am a far better Pub than you, Vigi, for I believe in the goodness of the American people. You don't. You think the 15% or so of America that likes the TP are the true Americans.
I suspect Gowdy will be any Republican's choice for AG. The man is a pit bull...and has something Lynch and Holder lacked, integrity

He is loud and obnoxious, but I haven't seen any results from anything he has done. I guess that is all the right wing cares about. More loud mouthed clowns.
A Democratic Senate, a very likely possibility, (19 of the seats that are contestable are 18 GOP and 1 Dem, and the Dem only need seven), with Trey as the President's pick for AG? I would pay ticket prices to see that set of hearings in the capitol.
Proving daily that this idiot is NOT a Republican!
Says the idiot who says things before he thinks. I believe in facts, which (1) indicates that the Senate may very well return to Democratic control, and (2) a Gowdy nomination may very well not be ratified. That is not anti-Republican, only pro-reality. I am a far better Pub than you, Vigi, for I believe in the goodness of the American people. You don't. You think the 15% or so of America that likes the TP are the true Americans.

Yes, 15%? (Hmmmm Trump has 25%, something wrong with your math!) Using YOUR number, we 15% CONTROL whether a GOP candidate will win the presidency! You are simply the Manchurian Republican, as I've always stated!
A Democratic Senate, a very likely possibility, (19 of the seats that are contestable are 18 GOP and 1 Dem, and the Dem only need seven), with Trey as the President's pick for AG? I would pay ticket prices to see that set of hearings in the capitol.
Fake Jake isn't it about time that you admitted to the board that you never were a Republican and have always been a looney liberal Democrat to the core. .... :cool:
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Trump already threatened all of America by saying he'd put Palin in his cabinet. How can he top that threat?

I never thought of locking her in a cabinet.........I guess that could work.

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