Donald Trump's Savior: Howard Schultz


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2012
Yep, just when you thought Trump was done for, the unlikely scenario of a strong independent run splitting the anti-Trump vote has materialized in the form of Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

He has not confirmed he will run, but is seriously exploring the idea. He is a Billionaire that leans sort of to the left. He won't of course be able to win, but he can tip the vote to Trump who really has no way to win without a Howard Schultz run or someone like Schultz. So why is Schultz running? Is it to save his Billionaire fortune from the tax increases that are likely when the Democrats win in 2020 or is he a really a closet Trump supporter and knows this is he only way Trump will get re-elected President?

In any event, if this Billionaire IDIOT runs, were likely in for another four years of Trump after 2020.
Why is he an idiot? Because he doesn’t support cop killings and communism?
Yep, just when you thought Trump was done for, the unlikely scenario of a strong independent run splitting the anti-Trump vote has materialized in the form of Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

He has not confirmed he will run, but is seriously exploring the idea. He is a Billionaire that leans sort of to the left. He won't of course be able to win, but he can tip the vote to Trump who really has no way to win without a Howard Schultz run or someone like Schultz. So why is Schultz running? Is it to save his Billionaire fortune from the tax increases that are likely when the Democrats win in 2020 or is he a really a closet Trump supporter and knows this is he only way Trump will get re-elected President?

In any event, if this Billionaire IDIOT runs, were likely in for another four years of Trump after 2020.
/'----/ " Trump who really has no way to win"
And you were so spot on in the 2016 election....
This guy literally turned his stores into homeless shelters, and the left hates his guts.
Go figure right....... Just goes to show that if you do anything to spoil or or continue to derail the agenda, then it's off with your head (figuratively speaking of course). :)
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Why is he an idiot? Because he doesn’t support cop killings and communism?

He either does not realize that is attempt to run for President would help re-elect Trump or he is a closet Trump supporter and is running to help Trump get re-elected.
Why is he an idiot? Because he doesn’t support cop killings and communism?

He either does not realize that is attempt to run for President would help re-elect Trump or he is a closet Trump supporter and is running to help Trump get re-elected.

If that’s true, it’s only because the Democrat Party has moved so far left that a liberal like him is considered “too for right” to run in the primaries.
Why is he an idiot? Because he doesn’t support cop killings and communism?

He either does not realize that is attempt to run for President would help re-elect Trump or he is a closet Trump supporter and is running to help Trump get re-elected.

If that’s true, it’s only because the Democrat Party has moved so far left that a liberal like him is considered “too for right” to run in the primaries.

Being a Leftists is becoming harder and harder.

Now you can't be a white male and be considered a serious candidate for President.

You must also turn towards the grave of Karl Marx and pray at least 5 times a day to George Soros.
Trump is using the stock market as a proxy for the economy. 5 million young people dont have a job... Americans are struggling! many Americans only have about 400 dollars. dont get desensitized by this. this is not normal. we're not a divided as they're making it out to be. there's a better way forward!
If the Democratic Party wasn't so bat shit insane, they wouldn't be vulnerable to this guy running for President.
Yep, just when you thought Trump was done for, the unlikely scenario of a strong independent run splitting the anti-Trump vote has materialized in the form of Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz.

He has not confirmed he will run, but is seriously exploring the idea. He is a Billionaire that leans sort of to the left. He won't of course be able to win, but he can tip the vote to Trump who really has no way to win without a Howard Schultz run or someone like Schultz. So why is Schultz running? Is it to save his Billionaire fortune from the tax increases that are likely when the Democrats win in 2020 or is he a really a closet Trump supporter and knows this is he only way Trump will get re-elected President?

In any event, if this Billionaire IDIOT runs, were likely in for another four years of Trump after 2020.
Birds of a Feather flock together if I were a Billionaire and the Option was Trump or the 70% tax on the ultra rich I think I would hedge my bet with some political activism too

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