Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

How many "investigations" does it take to determine there was no crime?

We saw this during Bill Clinton's term. Seven years of Whitewater investigations, investigating a blowjob, accusations of murdering Vince Foster...

Doesn't take actual facts just constant investigation

The issue is that the people doing the investigating are members of the same club as the investigated.

Republicans investigated Whitewater for seven years before admitting there was nothing there. They investigated Obamas birth certificate for seven years before finally declaring there is nothing there

Investigating is what Repunlicans do. They don't need actual facts and ignore any fact that says....nothing to see here

They investigate to maintain the appearance of a crime without a crime actually being committed

There was a congressional investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate? going Birther now, Marty?

never was. I am asking Rightwinger if there was ever an Congressional Investigation into the issue. We were talking about Congressional inquiries, and he went with the Birther angle, not me.

Why in the fuck would there be a congressional investigation into Obama's birth certificate?
The issue is that the people doing the investigating are members of the same club as the investigated.

Republicans investigated Whitewater for seven years before admitting there was nothing there. They investigated Obamas birth certificate for seven years before finally declaring there is nothing there

Investigating is what Repunlicans do. They don't need actual facts and ignore any fact that says....nothing to see here

They investigate to maintain the appearance of a crime without a crime actually being committed

There was a congressional investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate? going Birther now, Marty?

never was. I am asking Rightwinger if there was ever an Congressional Investigation into the issue. We were talking about Congressional inquiries, and he went with the Birther angle, not me.

Why in the fuck would there be a congressional investigation into Obama's birth certificate?

My question exactly.
We're the other eight investigations treason?

Only Treason is treason. Much like bigotry, progressives are trying to render the word meaningless.
How many "investigations" does it take to determine there was no crime?

We saw this during Bill Clinton's term. Seven years of Whitewater investigations, investigating a blowjob, accusations of murdering Vince Foster...

Doesn't take actual facts just constant investigation

The issue is that the people doing the investigating are members of the same club as the investigated.

Republicans investigated Whitewater for seven years before admitting there was nothing there. They investigated Obamas birth certificate for seven years before finally declaring there is nothing there

Investigating is what Repunlicans do. They don't need actual facts and ignore any fact that says....nothing to see here

They investigate to maintain the appearance of a crime without a crime actually being committed

There was a congressional investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate?

Nope, just a stupid Sheriff from Arizona.

There was legislation proposed by Republican lawmakers that would require Presidential Candidates to produce their birth certificates.
Republicans investigated Whitewater for seven years before admitting there was nothing there. They investigated Obamas birth certificate for seven years before finally declaring there is nothing there

Investigating is what Repunlicans do. They don't need actual facts and ignore any fact that says....nothing to see here

They investigate to maintain the appearance of a crime without a crime actually being committed

There was a congressional investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate? going Birther now, Marty?

never was. I am asking Rightwinger if there was ever an Congressional Investigation into the issue. We were talking about Congressional inquiries, and he went with the Birther angle, not me.

Why in the fuck would there be a congressional investigation into Obama's birth certificate?

My question exactly.
Do you have an actual point? Or is this just you chasing your tail again?
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.

She sold her SecState position to the highest foreign bidder, she's a criminal, a disgrace and a traitor
How many "investigations" does it take to determine there was no crime?

We saw this during Bill Clinton's term. Seven years of Whitewater investigations, investigating a blowjob, accusations of murdering Vince Foster...

Doesn't take actual facts just constant investigation

The issue is that the people doing the investigating are members of the same club as the investigated.

Republicans investigated Whitewater for seven years before admitting there was nothing there. They investigated Obamas birth certificate for seven years before finally declaring there is nothing there

Investigating is what Repunlicans do. They don't need actual facts and ignore any fact that says....nothing to see here

They investigate to maintain the appearance of a crime without a crime actually being committed

There was a congressional investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate? going Birther now, Marty?

never was. I am asking Rightwinger if there was ever an Congressional Investigation into the issue. We were talking about Congressional inquiries, and he went with the Birther angle, not me.

He didn't say congressional inquiry, you did. He said investigations.
There was a congressional investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate? going Birther now, Marty?

never was. I am asking Rightwinger if there was ever an Congressional Investigation into the issue. We were talking about Congressional inquiries, and he went with the Birther angle, not me.

Why in the fuck would there be a congressional investigation into Obama's birth certificate?

My question exactly.
Do you have an actual point? Or is this just you chasing your tail again?

I was asking rightwinger why he added the birther stuff to a discussion on congressional investigations. He decided to add it to the conversation, and I am simply calling him out to verify his statement.
Voting is not going to change anything.

Our system is way too corrupt now for elections to fix.

If voting changed anything, the powers-that-be would not let us vote.
Agreed in part. Voting for the top of the pyramid (national offices) won't change much for the reasons you mentioned.

OTOH, the "powers-that-be" are sitting on top of that pyramid. If we take away the base of that pyramid, they have nothing to sit upon. It's not easy and it's not quick, but voting for good people in local and state elections will change the base of the pyramid.
The issue is that the people doing the investigating are members of the same club as the investigated.

Republicans investigated Whitewater for seven years before admitting there was nothing there. They investigated Obamas birth certificate for seven years before finally declaring there is nothing there

Investigating is what Repunlicans do. They don't need actual facts and ignore any fact that says....nothing to see here

They investigate to maintain the appearance of a crime without a crime actually being committed

There was a congressional investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate? going Birther now, Marty?

never was. I am asking Rightwinger if there was ever an Congressional Investigation into the issue. We were talking about Congressional inquiries, and he went with the Birther angle, not me.

He didn't say congressional inquiry, you did. He said investigations.

Whitewater was an actual investigation. The gist of the original discussion on this topic was "Waste of taxpayers money" due to congressional investigations. Thus lumping together whitewater and the birther crap is disingenuous at best.
Why would I give a shit what Martha Stewart had to say on Hillary's email use? Why would I ignore Comey, the head of the FBI, on whether Hillary broke a law?

Explain it to me.......without batshit conspiracy theories.
$20 says you'd give a shit if Martha said Trump groped her tits and pussy back in 2005. guys are nuts........the FBI is now a clown car working for the democrats and protecting Hilary......and you are worried he will appoint someone to actually investigate her crimes at the State Department and with her criminal charity foundation...
Republicans investigated Whitewater for seven years before admitting there was nothing there. They investigated Obamas birth certificate for seven years before finally declaring there is nothing there

Investigating is what Repunlicans do. They don't need actual facts and ignore any fact that says....nothing to see here

They investigate to maintain the appearance of a crime without a crime actually being committed

There was a congressional investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate? going Birther now, Marty?

never was. I am asking Rightwinger if there was ever an Congressional Investigation into the issue. We were talking about Congressional inquiries, and he went with the Birther angle, not me.

He didn't say congressional inquiry, you did. He said investigations.

Whitewater was an actual investigation. The gist of the original discussion on this topic was "Waste of taxpayers money" due to congressional investigations. Thus lumping together whitewater and the birther crap is disingenuous at best.

Not when the GOP is now the birther party. And King Birther is vying for the presidency.

Your ilk own the birther conspiracy now. Its an albatross around the GOP's neck for the next generation or so.
Why would I give a shit what Martha Stewart had to say on Hillary's email use? Why would I ignore Comey, the head of the FBI, on whether Hillary broke a law?

Explain it to me.......without batshit conspiracy theories.
$20 says you'd give a shit if Martha said Trump groped her tits and pussy back in 2005.

Wow. You're just straight up fleeing from the topic, aren't you? I guess you couldn't think of a rational reason to ignore FBI Director Comey either.

Keep running.
And the one who have actually used 3rd world tactics....once again...the clintons.

The first thing they did when he got into office...they ordered the FBI to hand over over 1000 files on political opponents...and then they fired all of the U.S. Attorneys including the ones looking at Clinton crimes in Arkansas........and they replaced all of them with their own stooges.... smear Trump with lies....and the clintons actually did what you accuse Trump of wanting to do.... guys are nuts........the FBI is now a clown car working for the democrats and protecting Hilary......and you are worried he will appoint someone to actually investigate her crimes at the State Department and with her criminal charity foundation...
Sorry, dude, but disagreed. Sure, political appointees are always suspect, but the FBI has about 35,000 Americans as employees. My experience is that the vast majority of them are loyal American patriots doing their damndest to do the best job they can in serving their nation.

If there were improprieties in the FBI, evidence would be leaked out.
Why would I give a shit what Martha Stewart had to say on Hillary's email use? Why would I ignore Comey, the head of the FBI, on whether Hillary broke a law?

Explain it to me.......without batshit conspiracy theories.
$20 says you'd give a shit if Martha said Trump groped her tits and pussy back in 2005.

Comey confirmed she lied to Congress.

If she did nothing wrong, why did she lie about it to Congress?
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.

Actually, that comment scored points for Trump.

Americans are tired of the unaccountability in Washington on terms of corruption. Even Nixon served no jail time when everyone understands he should have.

Today, they don't even bother impeaching, or when they do, like Bill Clinton, they don't finish the job by removing them.
There was a congressional investigation into Obama's Birth Certificate? going Birther now, Marty?

never was. I am asking Rightwinger if there was ever an Congressional Investigation into the issue. We were talking about Congressional inquiries, and he went with the Birther angle, not me.

He didn't say congressional inquiry, you did. He said investigations.

Whitewater was an actual investigation. The gist of the original discussion on this topic was "Waste of taxpayers money" due to congressional investigations. Thus lumping together whitewater and the birther crap is disingenuous at best.

Not when the GOP is now the birther party. And King Birther is vying for the presidency.

Your ilk own the birther conspiracy now. Its an albatross around the GOP's neck for the next generation or so.

Well he now says he was wrong, kind of like Hillary being against gay marriage before she was for it (which we all know is bullshit).
Wow. You're just straight up fleeing from the topic, aren't you? I guess you couldn't think of a rational reason to ignore FBI Director Comey either.

Keep running.
Bullshit. You go straight for a lie? I support the FBI investigation. That doesn't mean I think Hillary is ethical or honest. Only that she is negligent and incompetent as Comey noted in his report. Additionally, given her track record, I believe Hillary to be unethical. She knows where the line is drawn, but has no problem going right up to that line. IMHO, that's unethical. A prime example is her choice to use a private email server to avoid leaving a "paper trail" of her actions.

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System
Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information

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