Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.

Is that considered TREASON? If not - it should be. Trump sounds like a third world dictator.
so now its treason to investigate and jail a traitor?
This coming from someone that scalps people for just wandering onto the reservation without an invitation?
She committed treason, she should be hung. All of her supporters should also be investigation for the same.

I get that *you* believe that. But to the rest of the electorate, that sounds insane. Full tilt, batshit crazy.

Its why Trump's campaign is circling the bowl.
If Trump becomes president Hillary will be retried and prosecuted and plenty of politicians will go down also. Including obama.

And the fringe right loves the idea of imprisoning, even killing their political opponents.

But to the rest of us that sounds insane too. Do you see the pattern yet?

Oh, Rly?

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.

Yes, really. Trump insists that he'd imprison his political opponents if elected......and the alt right cheers. Check out this thread. There are calls for Clinton to be charged with treason and *hung*. For Obama and other democrats to be thrown in prison if Trump won.

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that sounds, how full tilt, batshit crazy that seems to anyone outside the Right Wing echo chamber?
Oh my I just heard what he said. He said that he would get a special prosecutor to investigate. He didn't say he would personally throw her in jail. You are a liar.
On the contrary, it motivates most people, those who have healthy mentalities. That fear and pain are your main motivators says something dire about your mental health.

Interesting. I know very few people motivated by respect whereas I know very few people who are not motivated by a broken arm, or the threat of one.
Which Libertarians have been saying for at least half a century now.

How's that worked out?
Better than sticking with Democrats and Republicans has done. Why do you thikn the ranks of Independents has grown so much over the past 25+ years? Why do you think interest in a third party has risen so much over the past 16 years? Part of it is the "business as usual" aspect in DC:

Another part is that more and more people are recognizing the wisdom in the definition of insanity being doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.

New Gallup Poll: 46 percent of Americans don't identify as either Democrat or Republican

Another part is the view that both traditional political parties are catering more to their extreme members and have moved away from the "common sense" middle.

I get that *you* believe that. But to the rest of the electorate, that sounds insane. Full tilt, batshit crazy.

Its why Trump's campaign is circling the bowl.
If Trump becomes president Hillary will be retried and prosecuted and plenty of politicians will go down also. Including obama.

And the fringe right loves the idea of imprisoning, even killing their political opponents.

But to the rest of us that sounds insane too. Do you see the pattern yet?

Oh, Rly?

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.

Yes, really. Trump insists that he'd imprison his political opponents if elected......and the alt right cheers. Check out this thread. There are calls for Clinton to be charged with treason and *hung*. For Obama and other democrats to be thrown in prison if Trump won.

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that sounds, how full tilt, batshit crazy that seems to anyone outside the Right Wing echo chamber?
Oh my I just heard what he said. He said that he would get a special prosecutor to investigate. He didn't say he would personally throw her in jail. You are a liar.

So 'you'd be in jail' doesn't mean Hillary would be in jail, huh?

That's what you wanna go with? Laughing....holy shit, dude. Really?
Bill Clinton meeting with the attorney general and all of a sudden inquiries went away is more of a threat to democracy.
If Trump becomes president Hillary will be retried and prosecuted and plenty of politicians will go down also. Including obama.

And the fringe right loves the idea of imprisoning, even killing their political opponents.

But to the rest of us that sounds insane too. Do you see the pattern yet?

Oh, Rly?

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.

Yes, really. Trump insists that he'd imprison his political opponents if elected......and the alt right cheers. Check out this thread. There are calls for Clinton to be charged with treason and *hung*. For Obama and other democrats to be thrown in prison if Trump won.

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that sounds, how full tilt, batshit crazy that seems to anyone outside the Right Wing echo chamber?

Trump said he would open an investigation, and got a "you would be in Jail" zinger in.

So far the only side that seems to want its opponents in camps is the left.

Laughing....who do you think you're trying to bullshit? Me or yourself? 'Lock her up' is a common chant at Trump rallies, with Trump straight up saying that Hillary would be in jail if he were president.

And you're still trying to convince us that that wasn't what he 'really meant'. Marty......its not yourself you have to convince. Its everyone else. And Trump's tsunami of authoritarian horseshit, bigotry and misogyny is just too overwhelming to try and explain away.

Trump pissed away his last chance last night......and did what he always does: appeal to the fringe right while ignoring pretty much everyone else.

My interest in Trump has more to do with what he does to people like you than with what he would do as President. As I fall more and more into the "we have to burn it before we fix it camp", I am torn between a Trump Presidency that would cast everything into Chaos, and a Clinton Presidency which would see the same failed policies continued, and new, even stupider policies be started, leading to the "burn" eventually.
No it requires research and gaining some knowledge about it.

It's about the elitists in both parties who think they are all above the law and control both parties, rather than the people of this nation.

A Vote for Hillary will be to keep the corruption and lawlessness ,same old same old of both parties.

Many of our millinals are starting to see it and get it.

if you say so. :cuckoo:

Says the millions of this nation who are in both parties who have educated themselves on the issue.

Bernie supporters are leaning toward Clinton by about 2/3rds. With 64% favoring her.

But hey, keep those eyes screwed shut. Its not gonna matter much at this point. Trump just pissed away his last chance to turn his campaign around.

You got a crystal ball as to how many will stay home and refuse to vote?

Just the same perception of the obvious the former RNC chairman has when he admitted that the Trump campaign is over.

There's no more chances left for the Donald. And give that he's ignoring every American but the most fringe right, it wouldn't matter if there were. Trump doesn't have it in him to think his way through problems. He reacts emotionally and incompetently.

Conservatives of this nation are not going to go away no matter how much the left wants it to.
They are already taking over much of the local gov., it's called working from the bottom up, just like the far left did in the 60's and 70's.
I get that *you* believe that. But to the rest of the electorate, that sounds insane. Full tilt, batshit crazy.

Its why Trump's campaign is circling the bowl.
If Trump becomes president Hillary will be retried and prosecuted and plenty of politicians will go down also. Including obama.

And the fringe right loves the idea of imprisoning, even killing their political opponents.

But to the rest of us that sounds insane too. Do you see the pattern yet?

Oh, Rly?

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.

Yes, really. Trump insists that he'd imprison his political opponents if elected......and the alt right cheers. Check out this thread. There are calls for Clinton to be charged with treason and *hung*. For Obama and other democrats to be thrown in prison if Trump won.

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that sounds, how full tilt, batshit crazy that seems to anyone outside the Right Wing echo chamber?
Oh my I just heard what he said. He said that he would get a special prosecutor to investigate. He didn't say he would personally throw her in jail. You are a liar.
An honest special prosecutor would throw her in jail.
She is special and doesn't have to use the same email servers that everyone at State was using.
Bill Clinton meeting with the attorney general and all of a sudden inquiries went away is more of a threat to democracy.

'All of a sudden'? Dude, the FBI completed their investigation and found no evidence of criminal wrong doing.

But hey, imagine yet another conspiracy theory. I mean, its always worked for Trump, right?
If Trump becomes president Hillary will be retried and prosecuted and plenty of politicians will go down also. Including obama.

And the fringe right loves the idea of imprisoning, even killing their political opponents.

But to the rest of us that sounds insane too. Do you see the pattern yet?

Oh, Rly?

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.

Yes, really. Trump insists that he'd imprison his political opponents if elected......and the alt right cheers. Check out this thread. There are calls for Clinton to be charged with treason and *hung*. For Obama and other democrats to be thrown in prison if Trump won.

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that sounds, how full tilt, batshit crazy that seems to anyone outside the Right Wing echo chamber?
Oh my I just heard what he said. He said that he would get a special prosecutor to investigate. He didn't say he would personally throw her in jail. You are a liar.

So 'you'd be in jail' doesn't mean Hillary would be in jail, huh?

That's what you wanna go with? Laughing....holy shit, dude. Really?
Yes, if it was anyone else. They would be in jail. Quit lying, he said he would get a special prosecutor. So shut the fuck up.
If Trump becomes president Hillary will be retried and prosecuted and plenty of politicians will go down also. Including obama.

And the fringe right loves the idea of imprisoning, even killing their political opponents.

But to the rest of us that sounds insane too. Do you see the pattern yet?

Oh, Rly?

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.

Yes, really. Trump insists that he'd imprison his political opponents if elected......and the alt right cheers. Check out this thread. There are calls for Clinton to be charged with treason and *hung*. For Obama and other democrats to be thrown in prison if Trump won.

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that sounds, how full tilt, batshit crazy that seems to anyone outside the Right Wing echo chamber?
Oh my I just heard what he said. He said that he would get a special prosecutor to investigate. He didn't say he would personally throw her in jail. You are a liar.
An honest special prosecutor would throw her in jail.

Ah, the old 'No True Scotsman' fallacy. Where 'honesty' is defined by their agreement with you.

How's that working out for you?
Bill Clinton meeting with the attorney general and all of a sudden inquiries went away is more of a threat to democracy.

'All of a sudden'? Dude, the FBI completed their investigation and found no evidence of criminal wrong doing.

But hey, imagine yet another conspiracy theory. I mean, its always worked for Trump, right?
She committed treason, she should be hung.
And the fringe right loves the idea of imprisoning, even killing their political opponents.

But to the rest of us that sounds insane too. Do you see the pattern yet?

Oh, Rly?

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.

Yes, really. Trump insists that he'd imprison his political opponents if elected......and the alt right cheers. Check out this thread. There are calls for Clinton to be charged with treason and *hung*. For Obama and other democrats to be thrown in prison if Trump won.

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that sounds, how full tilt, batshit crazy that seems to anyone outside the Right Wing echo chamber?
Oh my I just heard what he said. He said that he would get a special prosecutor to investigate. He didn't say he would personally throw her in jail. You are a liar.

So 'you'd be in jail' doesn't mean Hillary would be in jail, huh?

That's what you wanna go with? Laughing....holy shit, dude. Really?
Yes, if it was anyone else. They would be in jail. Quit lying, he said he would get a special prosecutor. So shut the fuck up.

As Powell and Rice are in prison for using unsecure emails as well?

Laughing....nope. Your imagination means jack shit to the rest of us, Fringy. You can make up whatever conspiracy horseshit you'd like. But no one outside the right wing echo chamber cares.

Its why Trump is having his ass handed to him: all he's got left are conspiracy theories.
His threat was to get a special prosecutor to look into it. The only thing that is a threat to is Hillarys freedom.
That combined with .....If I were president you would be in jail

Pure abuse of power

Trump is the first candidate in modern American history that insists that he'll imprison his political opponents if victorious.

And the Alt-Right cheers.....
Trump is the first candidate in modern American history to have an opponent that is a POS traitor.
Stands to reason he would be the first to imprison his opponent
And the fringe right loves the idea of imprisoning, even killing their political opponents.

But to the rest of us that sounds insane too. Do you see the pattern yet?

Oh, Rly?

US Attorney General: 'We May Prosecute Climate Change Deniers'.

Yes, really. Trump insists that he'd imprison his political opponents if elected......and the alt right cheers. Check out this thread. There are calls for Clinton to be charged with treason and *hung*. For Obama and other democrats to be thrown in prison if Trump won.

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that sounds, how full tilt, batshit crazy that seems to anyone outside the Right Wing echo chamber?
Oh my I just heard what he said. He said that he would get a special prosecutor to investigate. He didn't say he would personally throw her in jail. You are a liar.
An honest special prosecutor would throw her in jail.

Ah, the old 'No True Scotsman' fallacy. Where 'honesty' is defined by their agreement with you.

How's that working out for you?
In this forum you have proved to be a liar.
Bill Clinton meeting with the attorney general and all of a sudden inquiries went away is more of a threat to democracy.

'All of a sudden'? Dude, the FBI completed their investigation and found no evidence of criminal wrong doing.

But hey, imagine yet another conspiracy theory. I mean, its always worked for Trump, right?
She committed treason, she should be hung.

And to the rest of us, that's just full tilt, batshit crazy. Again, doubling down on the most insane narratives of the fringe right isn't going to win over the moderates, independents and undecided voters Trump desperately needs.

But disgust them.
Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy
by Zack Beauchamp
October 9, 2016
There is no way to sugarcoat this: At Sunday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump threatened to throw Hillary Clinton in jail if he wins the presidency. This — threatening to jail one’s political opponents — is how democratic norms die.

The exchange happened during a discussion of the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s private email server. Trump began by decrying Clinton’s conduct — which, according to the FBI, was quite bad but not illegal. He then proposed appointing a special prosecutor to investigate her, and warned Clinton that, if he were president now, “you’d be in jail”:

TRUMP: I'll tell you what. I didn't think I'd say this, and I'm going to say it, and hate to say it: If I win, I'm going to instruct the attorney general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there's never been so many lies, so much deception … A very expensive process, so we're going to get a special prosecutor because people have been, their lives have been destroyed for doing one-fifth of what you've done. And it's a disgrace, and honestly, you ought to be ashamed.


In democracies, we respect people’s rights to disagree with each other. When one candidate wins a presidential election, the loser returns to private life or another government position. In some cases, former rivals become close friends. George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton, who defeated Bush in the 1992 election, travel together and have spent decades jointly raising money to aid the victims of natural disasters.

They don’t get sent to jail, because we believe that political disagreement should be legal.

read more: Donald Trump’s threat to imprison Hillary Clinton is a threat to democracy

Trump is nothing more then thug.
He believes that nobody is above the law. Hillary thinks she is.

Yes, really. Trump insists that he'd imprison his political opponents if elected......and the alt right cheers. Check out this thread. There are calls for Clinton to be charged with treason and *hung*. For Obama and other democrats to be thrown in prison if Trump won.

Do you have any idea how fucking insane that sounds, how full tilt, batshit crazy that seems to anyone outside the Right Wing echo chamber?
Oh my I just heard what he said. He said that he would get a special prosecutor to investigate. He didn't say he would personally throw her in jail. You are a liar.
An honest special prosecutor would throw her in jail.

Ah, the old 'No True Scotsman' fallacy. Where 'honesty' is defined by their agreement with you.

How's that working out for you?
In this forum you have proved to be a liar.

In this forum I've been proven right, again and again. And come November 8th, I'll add yet another 'I told you so' to my list.

Reality is the ultimate conspiracy-buster, Johnny. And all the batshit crazy nonsense you tell yourself isn't going to prevent Trump's predictable, inevitable defeat.

The only real question you have left is your choice of batshit conspiracies for why Trump lost.

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