DONE - GOING TO JAIL! -- Official: Some Clinton emails 'too damaging' to release'

I see the repubs are back to trusting FOX again??? Boy that was quick!!! :lol:

Fox names no sources for all of their fabrications involving this story of THEIRS and haven't named a source the past year

That's a problem, and shows they are just speculating and trying to create news, for their own partisan agenda.

The only official statement from the FBI that has been made by them was back in SEPT stating that Hillary was NOT the focus of their investigation.

Nice attempt to deflect but it's not a "fox news" story, it's direct from the Obama administration, and it has been confirmed by numerous other news outlets. APNewsBreak: US declares 22 Clinton emails 'top secret'

Bottom line is hiLIARy lied to you, again.

Feelin' the Bern yet?
That was not the part I was talking about....
Hope it happens fast Rabbi so bernie sanders can win the nomination.
Sanders is the most unelectable candidate possibly in history.
Practice that "President Cruz" thing now.

Trump is going to destroy the loserterian! Even the republican party wants someone that wants to make America great and powerful over the idea of tiny little government!!! ;) Trump is preferable within my mind too.

Bernie is beating the republican candidates by more then Hillary. So how can you say he would be weak?
The FBI said Hillary was NOT the focus of their investigation, Fox claimed the FBI WAS investigating her for espionage...and a lot of other things without a single named source.....all incognito.
This is all part of the vast right wing conspiracy out to get hiLIARy. She's done nothing wrong. She never lied. She never did anything wrong,ever.

This revelation from the OBAMA ADMIN just before the Iowa caucus is really great news for hiLIARy. Anyone who disagrees is either a nut or a slut.

She's not going to get in trouble . "Espionage" ? She was the sec of state ! Not like she was selling the info . The state department and those emailing her this info knew it was going to server.

Does anyone have a link to the criminal statute that you are accusing her of violating ?
'Top Secret' emails on Clinton server, no public release: State Dept

She is done. She committed a crime. She had top secret information on an unsecured private server. That is a violation of the law. It doesnt matter what it was marked. SHe has violated the law. She must be indicted. She must be convicted. She must be punished.
And dont think the Obama Justice Dept will not do this. The administration has been leaking this info. Why do you think the mainstream press like the NYTImes has been carrying these stories?

What law ?
Siete, you DO know that Hillary was required by law to turn over EVERY single State Department-related e-mail and document when she left the State Dept, was NOT allowed to keep any classified, and that ever e-mail containing such at the LEAST represents 1 count of 'negligence under the Espionage Act, right? Since there are over 1,000 such e-mails now that means there are possibly over 1,000 charges against Hillary....

Connect the four bolded words and you will have the answer to your own question about this imbecile.
if Clinton goes to jail, does this mean that some criminal needs to be released cause of lack of cells? whos cell? Charles Manson?
If the American people haven't figured this bitch out by now (and still vote for her worthless, criminal ass) then what does that say about us?

And, if it comes as a surprise that Barry will not allow her to be indicted, then Americans are too stupid to be breathing air.

Let's get one thing straight here. There are the "Kings and Queens" in this country - and there are the peons.

If any person looks at himself as anything OTHER than a simple peon - then you should consider a retroactive abortion on yourself.

That gutless bitch will once again be let off - and the idiots on the left will once again vote for her. It's the way of the world. The left wants the downfall of this country and she will insure it.

Problem is - she has no chance in the election. None.

What does it say about us (collectively, the United State or just liberals?). I wouldn't vote this Military-hating slore for dog-catcher. Not only will they vote for her, but they will gleefully prance around letting everyone know about it.
This is all part of the vast right wing conspiracy out to get hiLIARy. She's done nothing wrong. She never lied. She never did anything wrong,ever.

This revelation from the OBAMA ADMIN just before the Iowa caucus is really great news for hiLIARy. Anyone who disagrees is either a nut or a slut.


It is amusing though that it is coming out just before Iowa when one remembers that it was Obama's main squeeze, Vallerie Jarrett, that put the F.B.I. onto Hillary in the first place. Coincidence?
This is all part of the vast right wing conspiracy out to get hiLIARy. She's done nothing wrong. She never lied. She never did anything wrong,ever.

This revelation from the OBAMA ADMIN just before the Iowa caucus is really great news for hiLIARy. Anyone who disagrees is either a nut or a slut.


It is amusing though that it is coming out just before Iowa when one remembers that it was Obama's main squeeze, Vallerie Jarrett, that put the F.B.I. onto Hillary in the first place. Coincidence?

Nothing to see here. This is great news for hiLIARy. She is inevitable. Just ask any of the LWNJ's here.

They might bump her off the ticket, expect Bloomberg or Biden to step up to the plate. obama will pardon HillBilly though, she's too big to fail.
You're kidding yourselves if you think Hillary will be indicted, or prosecuted for any of this.

The government is corrupt beyond redemption. And the worst part? There's a lot of liberal posters who cheer that the government is so long as they're in charge.

When they're not, and one day they won't be, and the boot heel descends upon their neck, they will rue this day.
This is all part of the vast right wing conspiracy out to get hiLIARy. She's done nothing wrong. She never lied. She never did anything wrong,ever.

This revelation from the OBAMA ADMIN just before the Iowa caucus is really great news for hiLIARy. Anyone who disagrees is either a nut or a slut.

The only official stance Hillary has taken is that she did not send or receive information via email that was marked CLASSIFIED at the time she received it.

So she hasn't lied on that, at least not yet. Right wing media has made up everything else....or at best is simply speculating, accusing and then regurgitating...their own made up stories....there have been no journalistic standards in any of this, NONE.....

You want to believe them, and I can understand that, but this standard is too low, for my standards of what "reporting." The NEWS should be.
This is all part of the vast right wing conspiracy out to get hiLIARy. She's done nothing wrong. She never lied. She never did anything wrong,ever.

This revelation from the OBAMA ADMIN just before the Iowa caucus is really great news for hiLIARy. Anyone who disagrees is either a nut or a slut.

The only official stance Hillary has taken is that she did not send or receive information via email that was marked CLASSIFIED at the time she received it.

So she hasn't lied on that, at least not yet. Right wing media has made up everything else....or at best is simply speculating, accusing and then regurgitating...their own made up stories....there have been no journalistic standards in any of this, NONE.....

You want to believe them, and I can understand that, but this standard is too low, for my standards of what "reporting." The NEWS should be.
Well here's a question then. So she got all her email on a private server, against regulations, and none marked "classified"? So the secretary of state never got any classified intel huh? LOL
This is all part of the vast right wing conspiracy out to get hiLIARy. She's done nothing wrong. She never lied. She never did anything wrong,ever.

This revelation from the OBAMA ADMIN just before the Iowa caucus is really great news for hiLIARy. Anyone who disagrees is either a nut or a slut.

The only official stance Hillary has taken is that she did not send or receive information via email that was marked CLASSIFIED at the time she received it.

So she hasn't lied on that, at least not yet. Right wing media has made up everything else....or at best is simply speculating, accusing and then regurgitating...their own made up stories....there have been no journalistic standards in any of this, NONE.....

You want to believe them, and I can understand that, but this standard is too low, for my standards of what "reporting." The NEWS should be.

Sorry Care, hiLIARy is lying .It is the content of emails, not any stamped markings, that makes them secret.

The governmental designations of protected secrets are “confidential,” “secret” and “top secret” — not “classified". So of course she didn't mishandle any documents "marked classified", they don't use that designation.

Reminds me of her husband and his famous "what is is?" and "are we ever really alone?"....
For the story I posted, it is on DRUDGE.
Biggest story on Drudge.
Dominates all stories.
Other agencies reporting.
(Sorry, cant post exact link from/with phone... forgot when initially posted it)
This is all part of the vast right wing conspiracy out to get hiLIARy. She's done nothing wrong. She never lied. She never did anything wrong,ever.

This revelation from the OBAMA ADMIN just before the Iowa caucus is really great news for hiLIARy. Anyone who disagrees is either a nut or a slut.

The only official stance Hillary has taken is that she did not send or receive information via email that was marked CLASSIFIED at the time she received it.

So she hasn't lied on that, at least not yet. Right wing media has made up everything else....or at best is simply speculating, accusing and then regurgitating...their own made up stories....there have been no journalistic standards in any of this, NONE.....

You want to believe them, and I can understand that, but this standard is too low, for my standards of what "reporting." The NEWS should be.

Sorry Care, hiLIARy is lying .It is the content of emails, not any stamped markings, that makes them secret.

The governmental designations of protected secrets are “confidential,” “secret” and “top secret” — not “classified". So of course she didn't mishandle any documents "marked classified", they don't use that designation.

Reminds me of her husband and his famous "what is is?" and "are we ever really alone?"....
Not classified secret or classified top secret etc and marked as such,when she received them....

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