Don't Blame It on the Bible

What in the hell are you going on about? Nobody cares about you. We're simply countering your claim that homosexuality is not condemned in the Bible, because it is. This has nothing to do with what heterosexuals may be guilty of...and nobody pointed a finger at anyone! Responsibly? For what? And I've not "charged" anyone up, gay or otherwise.

My goodness man, are you drunk? Enjoying a bowl of paint chips?

And I say it isn' today's standards. Who is right? Pissing contest, much?
And don't ask me any questions...try looking into the nearest mirror. (in lieu of "the dozens").

Well, you can say 2 + 2 doesn't equal 4, but you'd be wrong about that too.

"Dozens"? Come on, admit it, you're drunk.

Is that your rationale for meeting opposition or resistance, suggesting that someone is "drunk"? Surely, you're "projecting". LOLOLOL it's okay...get your drink on, dude.
Poet and his perverted mindset are described perfectly in this verse from the Bible.

Romans 1:28 "And even as they refused to have God in`their' knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not right"
Yet Jesus Christ said nothing about it. That trumps the OT, and renders Paul a moot point.

Jesus said and I quote
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."
The law is the Old Testament.

And the Levitical Code is defunct and irrelevant today.
Leviticus was written to Old Testament Jews, NOT to New Testament Christians.

We know that by the context.

Leviticus 18:3 and 18:21 set the context for Leviticus 18:22. God warns Israel against the pagan gods and pagan practices of Egypt and Canaan, specifically mentioning Molech (which includes Molech's fertility goddess consort, Ashtoreth).

Leviticus 20:2-5 & 23 set the context for Leviticus 20:13. God makes the same warning against the pagan practices of Egypt and Canaan, specifically mentioning Molech.

The rules God gives in Leviticus specifically target the children of Israel. They are God's rules for Israel, living under the Law, in the land of Palestine, at a particular time in history.

1.We know these rules do not apply universally because God never told us they apply universally.

2.God Himself never applied these rules universally.

3.God never states in the New Testament that Christians must obey the Levitical Holiness Code to be in right relationship with Him.

God only applied these rules to Jews living in the land of Palestine, under the Law of Moses.
God doesn't change his mind on sin, sucking dick now is still as sinful as it was back in the old testament days.
Jesus said and I quote
"Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil."
The law is the Old Testament.

And the Levitical Code is defunct and irrelevant today.
Leviticus was written to Old Testament Jews, NOT to New Testament Christians.

We know that by the context.

Leviticus 18:3 and 18:21 set the context for Leviticus 18:22. God warns Israel against the pagan gods and pagan practices of Egypt and Canaan, specifically mentioning Molech (which includes Molech's fertility goddess consort, Ashtoreth).

Leviticus 20:2-5 & 23 set the context for Leviticus 20:13. God makes the same warning against the pagan practices of Egypt and Canaan, specifically mentioning Molech.

The rules God gives in Leviticus specifically target the children of Israel. They are God's rules for Israel, living under the Law, in the land of Palestine, at a particular time in history.

1.We know these rules do not apply universally because God never told us they apply universally.

2.God Himself never applied these rules universally.

3.God never states in the New Testament that Christians must obey the Levitical Holiness Code to be in right relationship with Him.

God only applied these rules to Jews living in the land of Palestine, under the Law of Moses.
God doesn't change his mind on sin, sucking dick now is still as sinful as it was back in the old testament days.

Well, you would know....say a Hail Mary, 5 Our Fathers, and you'll be alright.
And the Levitical Code is defunct and irrelevant today.
Leviticus was written to Old Testament Jews, NOT to New Testament Christians.

We know that by the context.

Leviticus 18:3 and 18:21 set the context for Leviticus 18:22. God warns Israel against the pagan gods and pagan practices of Egypt and Canaan, specifically mentioning Molech (which includes Molech's fertility goddess consort, Ashtoreth).

Leviticus 20:2-5 & 23 set the context for Leviticus 20:13. God makes the same warning against the pagan practices of Egypt and Canaan, specifically mentioning Molech.

The rules God gives in Leviticus specifically target the children of Israel. They are God's rules for Israel, living under the Law, in the land of Palestine, at a particular time in history.

1.We know these rules do not apply universally because God never told us they apply universally.

2.God Himself never applied these rules universally.

3.God never states in the New Testament that Christians must obey the Levitical Holiness Code to be in right relationship with Him.

God only applied these rules to Jews living in the land of Palestine, under the Law of Moses.
God doesn't change his mind on sin, sucking dick now is still as sinful as it was back in the old testament days.

Well, you would know....say a Hail Mary, 5 Our Fathers, and you'll be alright.

Bozo I'm not Catholic nor am I a Christian
And I say it isn' today's standards. Who is right? Pissing contest, much?
And don't ask me any questions...try looking into the nearest mirror. (in lieu of "the dozens").

Well, you can say 2 + 2 doesn't equal 4, but you'd be wrong about that too.

"Dozens"? Come on, admit it, you're drunk.

Is that your rationale for meeting opposition or resistance, suggesting that someone is "drunk"? Surely, you're "projecting". LOLOLOL it's okay...get your drink on, dude.

One does not rationalize opposition or 'today's standards' of course.

I'm going with paint chips. Good luck with that.
Poet and his perverted mindset are described perfectly in this verse from the Bible.

Romans 1:28 "And even as they refused to have God in`their' knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not right"
Yep and in the last days the gay life style will be widely accepted
Poet and his perverted mindset are described perfectly in this verse from the Bible.

Romans 1:28 "And even as they refused to have God in`their' knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not right"
Yep and in the last days the gay life style will be widely accepted

The gay "lifestyle" (whatever the fuck that is) is a non-issue. The heterosexual lifestyle which consists of rape, child molestation, fornication, kinky sex, spousal abuse, etc....will equally be "widely accepted". #stupidretort.
Well, you can say 2 + 2 doesn't equal 4, but you'd be wrong about that too.

"Dozens"? Come on, admit it, you're drunk.

Is that your rationale for meeting opposition or resistance, suggesting that someone is "drunk"? Surely, you're "projecting". LOLOLOL it's okay...get your drink on, dude.

One does not rationalize opposition or 'today's standards' of course.

I'm going with paint chips. Good luck with that.

Do white people, in general "eat paint chips"? Because I know of no minorities that do. Racist.
Poet and his perverted mindset are described perfectly in this verse from the Bible.

Romans 1:28 "And even as they refused to have God in`their' knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not right"
Yep and in the last days the gay life style will be widely accepted

The gay "lifestyle" (whatever the fuck that is) is a non-issue. The heterosexual lifestyle which consists of rape, child molestation, fornication, kinky sex, spousal abuse, etc....will equally be "widely accepted". #stupidretort.

Too you it's a non issue, but after all this is Gods Book we're discussing, and it is an issue.
Yep and in the last days the gay life style will be widely accepted

The gay "lifestyle" (whatever the fuck that is) is a non-issue. The heterosexual lifestyle which consists of rape, child molestation, fornication, kinky sex, spousal abuse, etc....will equally be "widely accepted". #stupidretort.

Too you it's a non issue, but after all this is Gods Book we're discussing, and it is an issue.

Right. And important to Bible Abusers who use it to serve their demagoguery and their particular Puritan view of right and wrong, while being the biggest hypocrites around. God's Book, only when it's convenient. Otherwise your playground , and justification for discrimination, hate and oppression. You ain't the Pope...and neither is He.
The gay "lifestyle" (whatever the fuck that is) is a non-issue. The heterosexual lifestyle which consists of rape, child molestation, fornication, kinky sex, spousal abuse, etc....will equally be "widely accepted". #stupidretort.

Too you it's a non issue, but after all this is Gods Book we're discussing, and it is an issue.

Right. And important to Bible Abusers who use it to serve their demagoguery and their particular Puritan view of right and wrong, while being the biggest hypocrites around. God's Book, only when it's convenient. Otherwise your playground , and justification for discrimination, hate and oppression. You ain't the Pope...and neither is He.

The topic is homosexuality in the bible, it's there stop acting butt hurt about the truth.
Too you it's a non issue, but after all this is Gods Book we're discussing, and it is an issue.

Right. And important to Bible Abusers who use it to serve their demagoguery and their particular Puritan view of right and wrong, while being the biggest hypocrites around. God's Book, only when it's convenient. Otherwise your playground , and justification for discrimination, hate and oppression. You ain't the Pope...and neither is He.

The topic is homosexuality in the bible, it's there stop acting butt hurt about the truth.

Don't confuse "your stuff" ( opinions, judgments, beliefs, justifications, etc), with "the truth". "Butt hurt"....seems you have a gay erotica fixation and trying to be way familiar with me. I'm sorry but I'm spoken for, and I don't dyke.
Fuck you...I don't need you to discern scripture for me...I'm clearly in my right mind and there is nothing wrong with my comprehension. I said the Bible is "unclear", on many topics. That is why there is need for discernment....clearly, which you do not have.
Oh, holier than me.

You know, the only person being "holier than thou" is you. stop accusing others of your flaws.

There you go....judging. Go read the Desiderata....which says, I don't have to live up to your expectations, and you don't have to live up to mine. My flaws, rare though they are, are few and far between. Thank you.

Rare. That's a riot.

BTW you're the one who thinks judging is wrong. I believe the scriptures and think we are commanded to judge. You think you are superior for "not judging" despite the fact that you're the one who is judging. Like I said, stop trying to deflect your flaws on to others.

Oh and please stop lying about what's in the Bible. You don't have to agree with it. But you can't change what it actually says. And since you are the one who opposes judging, stop being a freakin hypocrite.

Then again, I doubt you oppose judging because you actually dont believe in it. You just dont like people accurating describing your sins.
Poet and his perverted mindset are described perfectly in this verse from the Bible.

Romans 1:28 "And even as they refused to have God in`their' knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not right"
Yep and in the last days the gay life style will be widely accepted

The gay "lifestyle" (whatever the fuck that is) is a non-issue. The heterosexual lifestyle which consists of rape, child molestation, fornication, kinky sex, spousal abuse, etc....will equally be "widely accepted". #stupidretort.

Well, you have one thing right, that is a stupid retort.
The gay "lifestyle" (whatever the fuck that is) is a non-issue. The heterosexual lifestyle which consists of rape, child molestation, fornication, kinky sex, spousal abuse, etc....will equally be "widely accepted". #stupidretort.

Too you it's a non issue, but after all this is Gods Book we're discussing, and it is an issue.

Right. And important to Bible Abusers who use it to serve their demagoguery and their particular Puritan view of right and wrong, while being the biggest hypocrites around. God's Book, only when it's convenient. Otherwise your playground , and justification for discrimination, hate and oppression. You ain't the Pope...and neither is He.

Projecting again? You're the one who believes the Bible when convenient. When it says something that is clearly against your point of view, it doesn't matter. Odd how you keep accusing people of things you're doing.
Oh please. Is it really that difficult to interpret the Bible? It clearly calls sex outside of marriage "fornication" and a sin. So, whether you are fornicating with the opposite sex or same sex, no difference. It spells it out as sin. Why not just accept that the Bible says what it says? If you choose to disagree with it or don't believe it, then fine. Nobody has to believe it. But to pretend it says something OTHER than what it clearly says is just a lot of baloney.

I thought it was pretty clear. But people dont like having sins pointed out because it makes them feel guilty. And rightly so. However, instead of repenting and using the atonement to align their life with the commandments of God, they choose to find way to justify why violating the commandments is good for them.

Unfortunately, as long as we are in rebellion to God and refusing to repent, we are not able to recieve the happiness and joy that could otherwise be ours.

instead of repenting and using the atonement to align their life with the commandments of God ...

there are no Commandments to the expelled from God but a single Commandment ... Remission, to the Everlasting - or perish.
Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., Ph.D.: Don't Blame It on the Bible

"But does the Bible really condemn homosexuality? Ironically it never answers that question conclusively. In fact, the biblical basis for the demonization of homosexuality is very thin and, ultimately, not at all decisive. Oddly enough, the notions of homosexuality that are so deeply rooted in American culture and law are based upon a surprisingly small number of biblical passages.......First, it is important to recognize that the peoples of biblical antiquity had no idea of homosexuality as identity, orientation or lifestyle. The term "homosexuality" was not even coined until the latter half of the 19th century. In fact, the first use of "homosexual" or its cognate in any biblical translation in any language did not occur until 1946 with the Revised Standard Version......
In that none of these marital arrangements are condemned or even treated as exceptional in the Bible, they contradict the notion that there is one particular "traditional" type of biblical marriage. There is, of course, cultural notions of traditional marriage that hold sway in many societies, including our own, but they are just that: cultural traditions, not biblical traditions.

So does the Bible really condemn homosexuality -- and gay marriage by extension -- as sinful? As we have seen, the evidence is far too ambiguous and open to dispute for anyone to claim with integrity that it does. That is why the Bible cannot and must not be used to deny to gay citizens the full measure of the constitutional rights enjoyed by other American citizens. To do so is not only unconstitutional. It is a real biblical sin.

Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., author of 'The Universe Bends Toward Justice: Radical Reflections on the Bible, the Church and the Body Politic' (Orbis, 2012)

So, there!

We've been over this before. And yes, I think the bible does condemn homosexuality, just as it condemns children who disrespect their parents...
Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., Ph.D.: Don't Blame It on the Bible

"But does the Bible really condemn homosexuality? Ironically it never answers that question conclusively. In fact, the biblical basis for the demonization of homosexuality is very thin and, ultimately, not at all decisive. Oddly enough, the notions of homosexuality that are so deeply rooted in American culture and law are based upon a surprisingly small number of biblical passages.......First, it is important to recognize that the peoples of biblical antiquity had no idea of homosexuality as identity, orientation or lifestyle. The term "homosexuality" was not even coined until the latter half of the 19th century. In fact, the first use of "homosexual" or its cognate in any biblical translation in any language did not occur until 1946 with the Revised Standard Version......
In that none of these marital arrangements are condemned or even treated as exceptional in the Bible, they contradict the notion that there is one particular "traditional" type of biblical marriage. There is, of course, cultural notions of traditional marriage that hold sway in many societies, including our own, but they are just that: cultural traditions, not biblical traditions.

So does the Bible really condemn homosexuality -- and gay marriage by extension -- as sinful? As we have seen, the evidence is far too ambiguous and open to dispute for anyone to claim with integrity that it does. That is why the Bible cannot and must not be used to deny to gay citizens the full measure of the constitutional rights enjoyed by other American citizens. To do so is not only unconstitutional. It is a real biblical sin.

Obery M. Hendricks, Jr., author of 'The Universe Bends Toward Justice: Radical Reflections on the Bible, the Church and the Body Politic' (Orbis, 2012)

So, there!

We've been over this before. And yes, I think the bible does condemn homosexuality, just as it condemns children who disrespect their parents...

he's moved the goal post several times since the op.

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