Don't complain about the rich.

Corporate greed produces poverty by a number of different means including offshoring and underpaying workers. This contributes to diminishing the tax base and costing the government extra funds because they have to pay the workers so they can afford enough to eat.
Most underpaid workers are in low-skilled or entry level jobs, meanwhile skilled jobs go unfilled. There's a laziness and sense of entitlement in today's youth that doesn't bode well for the future.
They're a bunch of fat pigs ... Lord have mercy but obesity in epidemic across the lands ...

Gaza Palestinian women have shown a 4.0 fertility rate during the 21st Century ... they don't eat better, they just have more kids ... half the population are children ... that's bad, like Sahel bad ...
WTF does that have to do with anything?
We'd do well trading notes on livin' the dream Reiny! ~S~

Honest and fair dealings with Rich people ... they like that ... and a rather wide spectrum of construction skills and a clear notion of great workmanship ... the Rich like that too ...

The Rich gossip ... always always always treat the woman of the house as you would the man ... Rich Women LOVE that ... shamelessly pandering to her sense of taste, right there in front of my customer ... the Rich like that too ...
Honest and fair dealings with Rich people ... they like that ... and a rather wide spectrum of construction skills and a clear notion of great workmanship ... the Rich like that too ...

The Rich gossip ... always always always treat the woman of the house as you would the man ... Rich Women LOVE that ... shamelessly pandering to her sense of taste, right there in front of my customer ... the Rich like that too ...
Yes i've worked for enough of them Reiny....~S~
Das Capital was and still is brown, especially after the destruction of the USSR, when the bargainers believed that their millennial reich had arrived. For the aryans, as planned by the fathers of fascism, imperial gloss, for the rest wild violence, death, open-air concentration camps and the prohibition of rainwater harvesting.

Wherever capital meets resistance to its plunder, it has not hesitated to engage in the kind of sophisticated terror that is on a par with the atrocities of the german nazis. In addition, since the end of the 20th century, Capital has been plundering the descendants of earthlings, thus guaranteeing future wars of annihilation
skilled jobs go unfilled. There's a laziness and sense of entitlement in today's youth that doesn't bode well for the future.
If Students Aren't Paid, Corporations Get What They Paid For

What's so "lazy" about refusing to sacrifice four years of your life in college, living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up. That's what the Scrooges require to get skills, but the plutocrats don't require any sacrifice from their sons (and recently their daughters, doubling the dominance of the real "entitled" youth).
If Students Aren't Paid, Corporations Get What They Paid For

What's so "lazy" about refusing to sacrifice four years of your life in college, living like a teenager who's afraid to grow up. That's what the Scrooges require to get skills, but the plutocrats don't require any sacrifice from their sons (and recently their daughters, doubling the dominance of the real "entitled" youth).
It's the lazy ones who go to college, to escape actual work. They want a 'position' not a 'job'.
Das Capital was and still is brown, especially after the destruction of the USSR, when the bargainers believed that their millennial reich had arrived. For the aryans, as planned by the fathers of fascism, imperial gloss, for the rest wild violence, death, open-air concentration camps and the prohibition of rainwater harvesting.

Wherever capital meets resistance to its plunder, it has not hesitated to engage in the kind of sophisticated terror that is on a par with the atrocities of the german nazis. In addition, since the end of the 20th century, Capital has been plundering the descendants of earthlings, thus guaranteeing future wars of annihilation
Equity Is Iniquity

The plutocrats throw money at an activity and claim that they created it. Businesses should be financed only through bank loans, not by the parasites in the stock market.

Their Liberal agents intentionally associate equity with equality in order to give it a fake democratic flavor. Since the Preppy Progressives are financed from stock holdings in their trust funds, they want to make people think they are just getting what everyone deserves.
It's the lazy ones who go to college, to escape actual work. They want a 'position' not a 'job'.
Degrees of Separation From Reality

A college diploma under this obsolete educational system, inherited from the aristocratic tyranny that made people emigrate to America, has the same toxic effect as a Communist Party membership card had in the defunct Soviet Union, with the same economic results.
Degrees of Separation From Reality

A college diploma under this obsolete educational system, inherited from the aristocratic tyranny that made people emigrate to America, has the same toxic effect as a Communist Party membership card had in the defunct Soviet Union, with the same economic results.
The biggest economic mistake we've made is to import cheap immigrant labor.
You made them wealthy by buying their stuff (I'm guilty as well but I'm not complaining). ;)
For instance, these Leftest idiots bitch about the CEOs making so much money but then they buy things from the corporations that pay the salaries they are so envious about.
Most underpaid workers are in low-skilled or entry level jobs, meanwhile skilled jobs go unfilled. There's a laziness and sense of entitlement in today's youth that doesn't bode well for the future.
They get worthless degrees, taught in college by stupid Marxist professors, didn't learn a damn thing useful and then get butt hurt if they aren't offered $100K a year for a work at home job.
Yeah! Rich can afford it:
In the capitalist world, 152 out of 192 countries are categorized as low or impoverished. This is 84% of the entities where 86% of the population lives.
If capitalism is so beautiful and natural to human nature, as its proponents claim, why doesn't it work everywhere?
- Because in the places where it does work, it works at the expense of the places where it doesn't.

For example, in the African country of Côte d'Ivoire, also known as the Ivory Coast, which produces two-thirds of the world's cocoa beans used to make chocolate, the almost slave labor of plantation workers is paid in the neighborhood of $20 per season.
This is the price for which people from the countries of "proper" capitalism gobble their cheap chocolate.
In the capitalist world, 152 out of 192 countries are categorized as low or impoverished. This is 84% of the entities where 86% of the population lives.
If capitalism is so beautiful and natural to human nature, as its proponents claim, why doesn't it work everywhere?
- Because in the places where it does work, it works at the expense of the places where it doesn't.

For example, in the African country of Côte d'Ivoire, also known as the Ivory Coast, which produces two-thirds of the world's cocoa beans used to make chocolate, the almost slave labor of plantation workers is paid in the neighborhood of $20 per season.
This is the price for which people from the countries of "proper" capitalism gobble their cheap chocolate.
You really have to examine their overall economic condition before capitalism arrived. Perhaps it was worse.

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