Don't complain about the rich.

It would be different if we lived in a zero-sum economy where every dollar that a rich person gets is a dollar that someone else doesn't, but that is not the case.
True. "Dollars" buy stuff, then return to the general economy, and 'right soon' at that.
Anyone can navigate all that and prosper. I did, without a college degree or a highly skilled job, using patience and prudence (the twin sisters of success). :biggrin:

I don't have a high school diploma ... uneducated construction laborer ... it's more of a lost skill on how to operate a shovel ... my main insight was starting a business right away, age 22, and running all my income through that business ... and go looking for opportunity ...

Yeah, I knew it was the right time and the right place ... just had to be there ... and now I'm Rich ... and only worked 12-14 hours a day for the summer, more like 4-6 hours a day the other four months ... doesn't everyone get four months paid vacation? ...
I don't have a high school diploma ... uneducated construction laborer ... it's more of a lost skill on how to operate a shovel ... my main insight was starting a business right away, age 22, and running all my income through that business ... and go looking for opportunity ...

Yeah, I knew it was the right time and the right place ... just had to be there ... and now I'm Rich ... and only worked 12-14 hours a day for the summer, more like 4-6 hours a day the other four months ... doesn't everyone get four months paid vacation? ...
Love it! Shows what is possible here. I'm not rich but I am a millionaire (takes over 2 $million to be considered rich these days).

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Corporate greed produces employment and production; government greed produces handouts to unproductive people in exchange for votes.
Corporate greed produces poverty by a number of different means including offshoring and underpaying workers. This contributes to diminishing the tax base and costing the government extra funds because they have to pay the workers so they can afford enough to eat.
... they have to pay the workers so they can afford enough to eat.

They're a bunch of fat pigs ... Lord have mercy but obesity in epidemic across the lands ...

Gaza Palestinian women have shown a 4.0 fertility rate during the 21st Century ... they don't eat better, they just have more kids ... half the population are children ... that's bad, like Sahel bad ...
You have a point. Losers are bothered by the success of others, and don't want to hear about it.

Those who support hereditary privileges are losers who hate their own Daddies for not getting rich and spoiling them, setting them up halfway to the finish line, and getting them out of fighting for their country. What Preppy-lovers call "jealous" is really JUSTICE.
No, not really. Greed is the real motivator.
They Have No Right to the Positions the Rulers Give Them

Inferior people in management forces them to seek Low-Wage foreigners because they're too incompetent to run a business that pays the wages Americans deserve. "Greed" is a coverup of a terminal system based on birth and brown-nosing, not worth. And the Yuppy brown-noses will be the next to be replaced by automation, outsourcing, and insourcing of "educated" foreigners.
Define rich
Whoever Controls Language Controls Thought

A meaningless term unless you distinguish between earned wealth, inherited wealth, wealth earned only because of being set up by Daddy's Money, wealth earned by bootlicking the heiristocracy, and wealth through luck. That leaves little left for wealth that is actually earned and deserved.
Losers complain about the rich.
But they would love to be rich.
The Democrat Party exploits dumb losers.


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