'don't Impose Your Values' Argument Is Bigotry In Disguise

rtwngAvngr said:
What are you suggesting then? You've denied alot. You seem to think it's intolerant for anyone to believe you're going to hell. You want nothing short of thoughtcontrol.

Other than that you seem to be obsessed with my personal life. That's a not a valid point either.

I suggested 2 things: First, that kids who want to offer a morning prayer ought to do so before they go to school. And second, that you appear to have a different interpretation of the bible than others when it comes to the "accept JC or you'll go to hell" belief. Most say that it is a certainty, but you implied it is only a possibility.

I've never said that anyone isn't free to think or believe whatever they wish, only that in my opinion that it is intolerant to believe that those of a different belief than your own are all doomed to hell.

I've never asked you one detail about your personal life. Your accusation is just another smokescreen of avoidance. Ya know what they say..."If ya can't stand the heat..."
MissileMan said:
I suggested 2 things: First, that kids who want to offer a morning prayer ought to do so before they go to school. And second, that you appear to have a different interpretation of the bible than others when it comes to the "accept JC or you'll go to hell" belief. Most say that it is a certainty, but you implied it is only a possibility.

I've never said that anyone isn't free to think or believe whatever they wish, only that in my opinion that it is intolerant to believe that those of a different belief than your own are all doomed to hell.

Do you realize you had a full conversation with yourself?
are you done?
I've never asked you one detail about your personal life. Your accusation is just another smokescreen of avoidance. Ya know what they say..."If ya can't stand the heat..."

You seemed to think me and my kids and their habits and my faith and my beliefs were crucial to the argument for how many posts? Six was it?

Look at you, all puffed up. You're cute when you're angry.
Intolerant is telling people to "keep your religion in your church and don't ugly up our public square with your ignorant lies."
rtwngAvngr said:
Do you realize you had a full conversation with yourself?
are you done?

You seemed to think me and my kids and their habits and my faith and my beliefs were crucial to the arugument for how many posts? Six was it?

Look at you, all puffed up. You're cute when you're angry.

I'm not angry, I'm LMAO. :dance: :dance: :dance:
You oughta take this show on the road...you'd make a fortune.
MissileMan said:
I'm not angry, I'm LMAO. :dance: :dance: :dance:
You oughta take this show on the road...you'd make a fortune.

And you should seek sensitivity training for your Christophobia!

Maybe That's where the money is. "Sensitivity Training Sytems, LLC". Also know as "I'll Just Have To Kick Your Ass Then, INC."
rtwngAvngr said:
And you should seek sensitivity training for your Christophobia!

Maybe That's where the money is. "Sensitivity Training Sytems, LLC". Also know as "I'll Just Have To Kick Your Ass Then, INC."

Thouroughly entertaining!
MissileMan said:
Thouroughly entertaining!

I mean, welcome to our site missileman, and I know you're conservative in other ways, but damn bro?!
MissileMan said:
No! But don't christians believe that only those who have accepted JC as their savior will be allowed into heaven, and that everyone else will go to hell? Or is it everyone else might go to hell?

I was never taught that!
MissileMan said:
No! But don't christians believe that only those who have accepted JC as their savior will be allowed into heaven, and that everyone else will go to hell? Or is it everyone else might go to hell?

The Bible teaches that those who do not believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell.
MissileMan said:
Name one christian relief organization working overseas in areas not traditionally christian that doesn't offer help with one hand and conversion to christianity in the other.

Why are you so afraid of Christians telling others about their beliefs? The relief organizations that you are talking about won't deny people aid if they refuse to believe.

Change the word secular to christian and you are describing yourself. I formed my beliefs on my own, unlike the sheep of christianity. Makes ya wonder why Jesus called his followers a flock.

Boy, that's original :rolleyes: Did it ever occur to you that each Christian made a conscious decision to believe the way they do?

So the 4,000,000,000 other people on the planet are all wrong and you are the only ones who are right...how dare YOU?

If God were to state that there was only one correct religion (as He has), then your question might be better directed at Him.
gop_jeff said:
The Bible teaches that those who do not believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell.

So Ghandi is sharing a room in hell with Hitler? Does anyone else think that sounds at least a little ludicrous?
MissileMan said:
So Ghandi is sharing a room in hell with Hitler? Does anyone else think that sounds at least a little ludicrous?

Ghandi, for all his great deeds on this earth, won't be in heaven if he didn't accept Christ. That's because God doesn't judge you based on your works. If He did, none of us would be able to pass. Our sins will always outweigh our good deeds, and so none of us can ever hope to gain salvation through our deeds. That's the whole point behind faith. God accepts those who believe in Jesus as the Christ and offers eternal life to anyone who believes in Him. The playing field is level for all of us.
gop_jeff said:
If God were to state that there was only one correct religion (as He has), then your question might be better directed at Him.

So you're saying that there's nothing in the bible covering righteous people of other religions. Does hinduism and bhuddism have such provisions, or is it just islam and chritianity?
gop_jeff said:
Ghandi, for all his great deeds on this earth, won't be in heaven if he didn't accept Christ. That's because God doesn't judge you based on your works. If He did, none of us would be able to pass. Our sins will always outweigh our good deeds, and so none of us can ever hope to gain salvation through our deeds. That's the whole point behind faith. God accepts those who believe in Jesus as the Christ and offers eternal life to anyone who believes in Him. The playing field is level for all of us.

Ok, I understand what you're saying. I don't agree with it or believe it, but I understand. It is concepts such as those that make absolutely no sense to me that led me to atheism.
gop_jeff said:
The Bible teaches that those who do not believe in Jesus Christ will go to hell.

Why? So jealous and petty a god is far too human to be worthy of such adoration. Come to think of it, it was people who wrote the various books of the Bible, so it is bound to reflect their ignorance, their prejudices, their misconceptions and, in some measure, their wisdom or lack thereof.
gop_jeff said:
Why are you so afraid of Christians telling others about their beliefs? The relief organizations that you are talking about won't deny people aid if they refuse to believe.

The only thing to fear is slavish adherence to dogma, and that only for the harm it does to its followers. I hear many people talk about the teachings of Christ, but the only ones I care to listen to are the ones who walk it like they talk it.
Originally Posted by gop_jeff
If God were to state that there was only one correct religion (as He has)

Let me get this straight ... God told X (X = Someone, somepeople, everyone) that Christianity is the right religion. Well tell that to the Muslems. They may not agree with your view of what God may have said. In fact, Allah told Y (Y = Mohamed) that Mohamed is the last prophet and that Jesus may have been a prophet, but Mohamed is absolutely positively the last true bonifide prophet ... ever. So what makes you so special ?!

I'm Jewish, and I'm respectful of your beliefes, but you asked for it. Here is the Jewish point of view on the subject. Why would I believe that God would send a middleman for me to pray to ?! I'm all about nepotism, but this takes it a bit far. We don't pay retail ... you think we are going through a middleman ?! I go directly to the China of dieties, why would I buy at Bloomies ?! Trust me, she can handle the volume. Besides, how do you explain the fact that the gospels don't recount many of the same stories of Jesus' adventures, yet they all hung out together ... I saw the painting* ... a passover dinner you understand. The few stories that are alike do not synch. He lived in Bethlehem .. he came to Bethlehem from Nazareth, etc etc. So let's show a little respect for other people's beliefes oh eater of blood and body de Christ. Bon apetite
MissileMan said:
So you're saying that there's nothing in the bible covering righteous people of other religions. Does hinduism and bhuddism have such provisions, or is it just islam and chritianity?

There is a passage in the Old Testament that I remember reading at one time, God spoke to the Israelites about his disappointment. He pointed to another group of people and spoke how they followed his laws without having the direct benefit of his direction. He called them "more blessed" than the Israelites. I will see if I can find the passage....
DaTroof said:
Originally Posted by gop_jeff
If God were to state that there was only one correct religion (as He has)

Let me get this straight ... God told X (X = Someone, somepeople, everyone) that Christianity is the right religion. Well tell that to the Muslems. They may not agree with your view of what God may have said. In fact, Allah told Y (Y = Mohamed) that Mohamed is the last prophet and that Jesus may have been a prophet, but Mohamed is absolutely positively the last true bonifide prophet ... ever. So what makes you so special ?!

I'm Jewish, and I'm respectful of your beliefes, but you asked for it. Here is the Jewish point of view on the subject. Why would I believe that God would send a middleman for me to pray to ?! I'm all about nepotism, but this takes it a bit far. We don't pay retail ... you think we are going through a middleman ?! I go directly to the China of dieties, why would I buy at Bloomies ?! Trust me, she can handle the volume. Besides, how do you explain the fact that the gospels don't recount many of the same stories of Jesus' adventures, yet they all hung out together ... I saw the painting* ... a passover dinner you understand. The few stories that are alike do not synch. He lived in Bethlehem .. he came to Bethlehem from Nazareth, etc etc. So let's show a little respect for other people's beliefes oh eater of blood and body de Christ. Bon apetite

I am a Buddhist that grew up in a strict Pentacostal Household. I respect all people's beliefs. There were a few minor mistakes in your previous post however.

He didn't live in Bethlehem, he was born there. There was a census taking place and the law required his Parents to travel to Bethlehem.

He lived in Nazareth, hence the reason he came from Nazareth.

Those are not the stories that do not synch in the Bible.

Oh, and according to the Bible, JC is God himself and therefore it isn't a middle-man. God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Bullypulpit said:
Why? So jealous and petty a god is far too human to be worthy of such adoration. Come to think of it, it was people who wrote the various books of the Bible, so it is bound to reflect their ignorance, their prejudices, their misconceptions and, in some measure, their wisdom or lack thereof.

See, here's one of the biggest misconceptions of Christianity. God doesn't send you to Hell. You're Hellbound from the moment you can comprehend sin, and the way you avoid Hell is to accept God's gift of salvation. It's like if you're in the hospital and the only way you can live is if the doctor gives you a dose of some medicine, but you refuse the medicine. The doctor didn't kill you. It's not the doctor's fault at all. It's your fault for refusing the medicine.

It is the same way with God. We're not good enough to get into Heaven, but God offers us a way. He's not going to force it on us, meaning, if you refuse, you'll go to Hell.

You may still not believe in God, but at least now you may see that, according to Christianity, God doesn't *send* people to Hell. We're doing a good job of that, anyway. God offers a way to not go to Hell, and many people simply decide they don't want it.

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