dont let a tragedy go to waste. sandy hook details

And parents murder more children every year than are killed in firearm accidents

So what do you think we should do about that?
they are staging lies to use this to come after guns. you.....will NEVER admit that its not "coming out after guns"........rather, its coming out against SOME guns whose ONLY purpose is to kill as many people as possible in the shortest number of minutes.

But, remain the ignorant moron you are now.....I don't really give a crap.
sorry. can you define SOME GUNS?
Liberals are not that smart. They want to ban guns because they hate the right and know this is something that would annoy us. Yes liberal assholes ARE that petty. This is why rational arguments against gun control don't work on them, their stated reason for gun control is not the true reason, they just want to ban them.

What "brilliant" insight by the above nitwit.......NO, NO we believe that EVERYONE over the age of 6 should carry around a military-style rifle......after all, what the fuck could possibly go wrong?
and since NO NE has suggested armi g 6 year olds, THIS IS WHY commn sense isnt possible.

6 year olds.

Go google the wounds caused by an AR15.

Those parents had to identify children by their clothing because their faces and bodies were obliterated.

What do you think a bomb would do, you fucking retard.
And crickets....chirp chirp
damn woman i go to sleep at night.

chill tge fuck out.

:chillpill: :chillpill::chillpill::chillpill: :chillpill:

I was speaking about Bodeca's question; if SSRI's are to blame for school shootings (as the physicians at the NRA have determined), why aren't girls going off half cocked.
my apologies then - ignoring people makes strange conversation flows at times.

and that is a very good question i don't have a good answer for. thought about it, sure and it has to factor into this somehow. off the cuff answers to me simply won't be good enough and it will take some research.

however, THIS is what i think we need to be focusing on.

in the 80s and before - our high schools had truck in the parking lot with shotguns and rifles in the back window. never an issue.

something in our culture changed along the way and i don't think it's just 1 thing. video games? nope. we had them too. not as fancy but hey - pac man could tear it up when he wanted to. we did start coddling kids more through the 90s and beyond. participation trophies, not allowing them to "fail" per se and generally while good intentioned, in my mind a tone was set that told the kids "you will always get your way"

life just ain't like that. a bulk of the shooters have been kids like that but not all. vegas dude was getting on up there i believe. but he was on meds. as far as i know most if not all of the shooters have been on meds. then again my nephew is on meds and he's one of the most mellow kids i know. great heart and doing fantastic in his professional career.

so it has to be a combination of things in my mind to trigger this response and i do believe in some form the drugs are huge in this. i've heard too many stories of violent kids that when taken off the meds, became "normal" kids and the anger just left them. they could see where someone under that influence would get triggered violence.

as for girls not shooting - go look and see who did the shooting that made australia go nuts on their gun control. certainly rare but it does happen.

so instead of saying "we're coming for only the dangerous guns" of which can now be defined as a shotgun and .38 special revolver, we need to realize guns are just a tool but not the problem. take away guns, the violence and instability won't go with it.

do you think it would or do you think they'd just lash out in other ways?
Do you think taking away medication will have a net positive or negative effect?
sorry. can you define SOME GUNS?

Nitwit, you know damn well which guns law enforcement agencies want to ban.......I'm not here to play your little fucked up game.

Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings

Here's What You Need To Know About The Weapons Of War Used In ...
With AR-15s, Mass Shooters Attack With the Rifle Firepower Typically ...
and what was used in the last shooting?

as long as your only answer is BAN you will keep coming. for whatever is used next.
And crickets....chirp chirp
damn woman i go to sleep at night.

chill tge fuck out.

:chillpill: :chillpill::chillpill::chillpill: :chillpill:

I was speaking about Bodeca's question; if SSRI's are to blame for school shootings (as the physicians at the NRA have determined), why aren't girls going off half cocked.
my apologies then - ignoring people makes strange conversation flows at times.

and that is a very good question i don't have a good answer for. thought about it, sure and it has to factor into this somehow. off the cuff answers to me simply won't be good enough and it will take some research.

however, THIS is what i think we need to be focusing on.

in the 80s and before - our high schools had truck in the parking lot with shotguns and rifles in the back window. never an issue.

something in our culture changed along the way and i don't think it's just 1 thing. video games? nope. we had them too. not as fancy but hey - pac man could tear it up when he wanted to. we did start coddling kids more through the 90s and beyond. participation trophies, not allowing them to "fail" per se and generally while good intentioned, in my mind a tone was set that told the kids "you will always get your way"

life just ain't like that. a bulk of the shooters have been kids like that but not all. vegas dude was getting on up there i believe. but he was on meds. as far as i know most if not all of the shooters have been on meds. then again my nephew is on meds and he's one of the most mellow kids i know. great heart and doing fantastic in his professional career.

so it has to be a combination of things in my mind to trigger this response and i do believe in some form the drugs are huge in this. i've heard too many stories of violent kids that when taken off the meds, became "normal" kids and the anger just left them. they could see where someone under that influence would get triggered violence.

as for girls not shooting - go look and see who did the shooting that made australia go nuts on their gun control. certainly rare but it does happen.

so instead of saying "we're coming for only the dangerous guns" of which can now be defined as a shotgun and .38 special revolver, we need to realize guns are just a tool but not the problem. take away guns, the violence and instability won't go with it.

do you think it would or do you think they'd just lash out in other ways?
Do you think taking away medication will have a net positive or negative effect?
i thunk we need to dive in and look to see if this is a driving factor.
sorry. can you define SOME GUNS?

Nitwit, you know damn well which guns law enforcement agencies want to ban.......I'm not here to play your little fucked up game.

Why the AR-15 keeps appearing at America's deadliest mass shootings

Here's What You Need To Know About The Weapons Of War Used In ...
With AR-15s, Mass Shooters Attack With the Rifle Firepower Typically ...
and what was used in the last shooting?

as long as your only answer is BAN you will keep coming. for whatever is used next.

For nat4900.....

The AR-15 is not a weapon of war, it is not an assault weapon, it has never been used by the military....

Since it fires the same way as all other semi automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns, and technically want to ban the AR-15 because you can then use it's banning to demand all other semi auto weapons be banned...

We know what you want...your buddies have told us loud and clear......

And besides, twit....the AR-15 civilian rifle is protected by the 2nd Amendment by name.......

This is where Scalia names the AR-15 rifles and all other weapons like it as weapons protected by the 2nd Amendment...

Lastly, the Seventh Circuit considered “whether lawabiding citizens retain adequate means of self-defense,” and reasoned that the City’s ban was permissible because “f criminals can find substitutes for banned assault weapons, then so can law-abiding homeowners.” 784 F. 3d, at 410, 411. Although the court recognized that “Heller held that the availability of long guns does not save a ban on handgun ownership,” it thought that “Heller did not foreclose the possibility that allowing the use of most long guns plus pistols and revolvers . . . gives householders adequate means of defense.” Id., at 411.

That analysis misreads Heller. The question under Heller is not whether citizens have adequate alternatives available for self-defense. Rather, Heller asks whether the law bans types of firearms commonly used for a lawful purpose—regardless of whether alternatives exist. 554 U. S., at 627–629. And Heller draws a distinction between such firearms and weapons specially adapted to unlawful uses and not in common use, such as sawed-off shotguns. Id., at 624–625.

The City’s ban is thus highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes.

Roughly five million Americans own AR-style semiautomatic rifles. See 784 F. 3d, at 415, n. 3. The overwhelming majority of citizens who own and use such rifles do so for lawful purposes, including self-defense and target shooting. See ibid. Under our precedents, that is all that is needed for citizens to have a right under the Second Amendment to keep such weapons. See McDonald, 561 U. S., at 767–768; Heller, supra, at 628–629.
For nat4900.....

The AR-15 is not a weapon of war, it is not an assault weapon, it has never been used by the military..

Spin it ANY WAY your little heart desires........But the AR-15 is designed to shoot (and KILL.)

It is a semi-automatic version of the United States military M16 rifle. Colt's Manufacturing Company currently uses the AR-15 trademark for its line of semi-automatic AR-15 rifles that are marketed to civilian and law-enforcement customers.
in the 80s and before - our high schools had truck in the parking lot with shotguns and rifles in the back window. never an issue.

Uh, guy, I went to High School in the 1970's. and ever saw a gun in someone's back window.

Probably would have been a big deal, back then.
So what about any other semiautomatic rifle that doesn't look like an M 16 but fires the exact same round?

You want to ban those too right?

What about semiautomatic rifles that fire more powerful rounds than the AR 15 does?

You want to ban those too right?

Now that you've shown your "terrific" knowledge of weapons, just make sure to express your :thoughts and prayers" next time some 6 years old get buried by their parents in pieces of 3 and 4s.

What you fail to realize is that 99.999% of people who own the semiautomatic rifles you want to ban will never kill anyone.

And you didn't answer my questions but then again you never do
in the 80s and before - our high schools had truck in the parking lot with shotguns and rifles in the back window. never an issue.

Uh, guy, I went to High School in the 1970's. and ever saw a gun in someone's back window.

Probably would have been a big deal, back then.
It depends on where you went to school

I used to take my .22 to school and leave it locked in my trunk
REVEALED: Obama WH Emails Plotting Strategy Two Days After Sandy Hook

yea. no politicizing it at all.

no intentional misleading at all.

Ever hear of “Kate’s Law “? You really want to throw these stones ?

But I guess obama should do nothing to respond to a preventable national tradgety .

Kates Law - lawless filth liberals giving sanctuary to foreigners who rape and kill Americans.

Sandy Hook - filth liberals trying to exploit a tragedy to undermine the US Constitution.

One lady accidentally shot by a homeless illegal who stole a gun that a careless owner didn’t secure ..... “we must change FED Immigration law! “

A bunch of 5 year olds turned to hamburger by a gun nut .... “ahhhh , what can u do?”
I know you think you can prevent them. idiot
Rahm Emanuel. He's an evil demon, along the lines of the Podesta Brothers. Pure evil. But hey, you're not supposed to question Government/Corporate Media narratives. You're just supposed to shut up and accept all lies.

So much about Sandy Hook is still a mystery. But we do know one thing, Hussein did try to exploit the tragedy to the fullest extent. It was shameful.
in the 80s and before - our high schools had truck in the parking lot with shotguns and rifles in the back window. never an issue.

Uh, guy, I went to High School in the 1970's. and ever saw a gun in someone's back window.

Probably would have been a big deal, back then.
guess not. they were there n easy to see.
RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?
Guns kill more than cars!

No...they don't.....not accidentally, and not with intent to murder...

Apples to apples....accidental death..

Fatal Injury Data | WISQARS | Injury Center | CDC




Now, with intentional gun murder tossed in...

Gun murder.....2016


Expanded Homicide Data Table 4

So no, guns do not kill more people than guns do.

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