Don't Let Republicans Lie to You About Pre-Existing Conditions


Diamond Member
Dec 21, 2016
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

Yep. only the biddable believe anything said by trump.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

I have my violin out for you moron. More typical bullshit from liberal assholes like you. McCain was half gone and should have never been aloud to vote. He was a war hero but a brain tumor effects your judgement, memory and interferes with judgement. My mother in law has a brain tumor and she forgets things, says and does crazy things and she isn’t half as bad as McCain was. Get you hanky out because when you get beaten next week you can cry and write stupid shit like this.

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There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.
i have always wondered if Maxine Waters brain damage would be classified as a pre-existing condition
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA ...

If every single one of them had voted to repeal, it would have been repealed. They failed. The truth is, they like having the federal government in charge of health care. They like raw power every bit as much as their Democrat counter-parts.

As far as PEC goes, it's utterly delusional.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

I have my violin out for you moron. More typical bullshit from liberal assholes like you. McCain was half gone and should have never been aloud to vote. He was a war hero but a brain tumor effects your judgement, memory and interferes with judgement. My mother in law has a brain tumor and she forgets things, says and does crazy things and she isn’t half as bad as McCain was. Get you hanky out because when you get beaten next week you can cry and write stupid shit like this.

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Do I learn from this thread that all brain tumors are the same?

Or that a dying man in the hospital had some time to think about all them ore existing conditions in every other room on every other floor all around him and Lord forbid them folks have to change insurance companies.
All the ACA has done is drive premiums through the roof, what good is a product the very people you plead need it can't afford it? You cannot tax society enough to cover this, its a privilege you have to pay for...
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

LOL. The only thing the Democrats have to run on is the only piece of legislation their last President accomplished in 8 years. Obamacare.


So what about the economy? Jobs? Border security and immigration? A strong military? Unfair trade deals with other countries? Easing burdensome government regulations? Energy independence? Defeating ISIS? Arresting gang members?

Oh, wait. Trump's already done those.
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?
They voted against the minority supported piece of socialist agenda BS because it was a piece of crap rammed down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it.
All the ACA has done is drive premiums through the roof, what good is a product the very people you plead need it can't afford it? You cannot tax society enough to cover this, its a privilege you have to pay for...
Actually premiums have gone up at a slower pace than before the ACA...but that's not the point
All the ACA has done is drive premiums through the roof, what good is a product the very people you plead need it can't afford it? You cannot tax society enough to cover this, its a privilege you have to pay for...
Actually premiums have gone up at a slower pace than before the ACA...but that's not the point

The market dictates price, that's how it works and that's the point...
There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.
i have always wondered if Maxine Waters brain damage would be classified as a pre-existing condition

Don’t forget Nancy Pelosi who is crazier then her

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Hey Lesh, if you like your BS you can keep your BS....for real. Obama was lying when he said it - I'm serious. :p
As you can see from the hard core Trumpers above...they HATE the ACA...they think they don't need healthcare. They think their employers will always provide it for them

They think they'll never get sick

They think they don't need the pre-existing conditions rule.

Americans know better.

VOTE to keep your healthcare people

Vote the creeps out.

You may never get another chance
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

I have my violin out for you moron. More typical bullshit from liberal assholes like you. McCain was half gone and should have never been aloud to vote. He was a war hero but a brain tumor effects your judgement, memory and interferes with judgement. My mother in law has a brain tumor and she forgets things, says and does crazy things and she isn’t half as bad as McCain was. Get you hanky out because when you get beaten next week you can cry and write stupid shit like this.

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Do I learn from this thread that all brain tumors are the same?

Or that a dying man in the hospital had some time to think about all them ore existing conditions in every other room on every other floor all around him and Lord forbid them folks have to change insurance companies.

He was out of the hospital and home before he went back. He didn’t have any problems in the military and I highly doubt that was on his mind.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As you can see from the hard core Trumpers above...they HATE the ACA...they think they don't need healthcare. They think their employers will always provide it for them

They think they'll never get sick

They think they don't need the pre-existing conditions rule.

Americans know better.

VOTE to keep your healthcare people

Vote the creeps out.

You may never get another chance
The Democrats - like Reid - admitted it was all a lie, a program designed to fail, a stepping stone to single payer.

It was built on lies...Rammed thru against the will of the majority of Ameticans...

Gruber MOCKED liberals, saying how Democrats counted on the stupidity of their supporters so they could get away with what they get away with...

It won't cost a dime, it will pay for itself, if you like your plan and your doctor you can keep your plan and doctor, it will lower the cost of premiums and health care, every American will be covered... IT WAS ALL A LIE!
Not only did every single one of these creeps vote like 70 times to repeal the ACA (and the pre-existing conditions rule is the heart of that law)...but they came within ONE Senate vote (John dead) just last year..and CeleBrATED the House repeal in the ROse Garden thinking it was a slam dunk in the Senate (again...than you John McCain)

NOW...these same creeps are claiming that pre-existing conditions are very important to them. They are LYING. They know WE care about it very much and this is a cynical plot to bullshit people.

There is a lawsuit being pushed through the court system by....yes Republicans...that would end those pre-existing requirement rules. The Trump Administration is refusing to allow the White House Counsel to defend against that law suit.

Are any of these lying Republicans saying anything about that? No? They're not urging Trump to defend PEC in that lawsuit? No kidding

They claim to have a bill in the works that would contain language dealing with pre-existing conditions. Yea...well it'll never see the light of day and it does say that insurance companies have to cover you.

The catch?


That ought to work well huh?

I'd prefer you stop lying about Republicans, the bill the house passed to replace maobamacare contained protections for preexisting conditions. But hey, no reason to let little things like facts get in the way of good propaganda, eh comrade?

As you can see from the hard core Trumpers above...they HATE the ACA...they think they don't need healthcare. They think their employers will always provide it for them

They think they'll never get sick

They think they don't need the pre-existing conditions rule.

Americans know better.

VOTE to keep your healthcare people

Vote the creeps out.

You may never get another chance

You can always tell when liberals / snowflakes are lying - it's when they try to speak for others instead of sticking to telling people what they believe...

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