Don’t let the right tell you gun control does not work because it does.

Lol and how do police chiefs ultimately control that? Certainly no gun control is passed by them. See I think you would find police chiefs ineffective in any other context but because you're trying to make a weak argument about mayors you pretend they are somehow pivotal in controlling gun crime. It’s so stupid lol
Keep crying.

We'll keep....our guns.


These "Democratic Socialists" (which is LITERALLY the definition of communist) are DESPARATE for our guns.

No commie revolution can ever even come CLOSE to being successful until we are disarmed.




The moment they try, it's time for people to die.
Keep crying.

We'll keep....our guns.


Yes, I understand you consider them a extent of your masculinity. Long ago you were emasculated and you haven’t been able to move on so you turn to guns in a desperate attempt to feel validated and tough when you feel so weak internally. Bless your heart!
Yes, I understand you consider them a extent of your masculinity. Long ago you were emasculated and you haven’t been able to move on so you turn to guns in a desperate attempt to feel validated and tough when you feel so weak internally. Bless your heart!
Note the tactic: questioning the manhood of anyone in possession of a firearm.

Save it, commie. I am immune to your repetitive bullshit.

It's better if you just cry.




Dems never talk about banning all guns. You just pretend we do because the nuance of gun control policy is too complicated I guess lol
Nonsense. You folks know this is a long, bitter, evil process. It's like every demented liberal scheme, chip away a bit at a time. It's been a constant attack, but it never ends. You morons pretend that this is 'sensible' gun control, yet that's not it. Not one gun grabbing asshole has ever said, "Just do these simple things and you'll never hear from us again."
Note the tactic: questioning the manhood of anyone in possession of a firearm.

Save it, commie. I am immune to your repetitive bullshit.

It's better if you just cry.




Lol I definitely don’t make this assumption about anyone who owns a gun. Just idiots like you who are fucking obsessed with them and have this fantasy assumption people are coming to your house to take them from you. I get it. The idea of that sounds appealing. You would shoot them gun grabbers! You’re a badass like that! Derp, derp, derp!
Lol and how do police chiefs ultimately control that? Certainly no gun control is passed by them. See I think you would find police chiefs ineffective in any other context but because you're trying to make a weak argument about mayors you pretend they are somehow pivotal in controlling gun crime. It’s so stupid lol

Police chiefs in your shithole cities are the ones ordering their officers to stand down while the daily slaughter happens. They're the ones ordering their officers to kick in doors of law-abiding citizens who didn't wear a mask, while the gangbangers kill innocent people in the streets. Mobs of scumbags swarm stores, rob people in the streets, and play the "knockout game" while your cops and politicians look the other way. This is what you vote for, this is what you want, and this is your fault.
Nonsense. You folks know this is a long, bitter, evil process. It's like every demented liberal scheme, chip away a bit at a time. It's been a constant attack, but it never ends. You morons pretend that this is 'sensible' gun control, yet that's not it. Not one gun grabbing asshole has ever said, "Just do these simple things and you'll never hear from us again."
I might consider attempting to believe these kuuunts if they hadn't tried to get the SCOTUS to "interpret" away the individual right.

YOU KNOW GODDAMN WELL that was their intent so they could confiscate.

Let them keep lying. NEVER believe them.


Billy000 is a cocksucking liar.

Push for a complete repeal of all gun laws, federal, state, and local. Take away ANYTHING they had before. It's the only way to spank these children and teach them a lesson.

Machine guns or Valhalla.
Lol I definitely don’t make this assumption about anyone who owns a gun. Just idiots like you who are fucking obsessed with them and have this fantasy assumption people are coming to your house to take them from you. I get it. The idea of that sounds appealing. You would shoot them gun grabbers! You’re a badass like that! Derp, derp, derp!
They have done so in Europe and Canada. We are just reminding you we are not Europe or Canada
Lol I definitely don’t make this assumption about anyone who owns a gun. Just idiots like you who are fucking obsessed with them and have this fantasy assumption people are coming to your house to take them from you. I get it. The idea of that sounds appealing. You would shoot them gun grabbers! You’re a badass like that! Derp, derp, derp!
More man shaming....yawn

Zero gun laws.

That is our objective. And you can cry about it.

California has many problems, But NO city in California made the list for the top gun deaths by city's in USA.
Let's recognize the Repubs are going to be very careful about what they go along with regarding gun control measures. If they agree to too much they leave themselves exposed to criticism for standing with the NRA all these years if there is a measurable decline in gun violence.
Lol and how do police chiefs ultimately control that? Certainly no gun control is passed by them. See I think you would find police chiefs ineffective in any other context but because you're trying to make a weak argument about mayors you pretend they are somehow pivotal in controlling gun crime. It’s so stupid lol
Why is the police chief responsible? Using your "logic" it's is all on the cop on the street.

Can't hold those making policy responsible, right?:cuckoo:
Kalifornia has the strictest gun laws in the country.

Kalifornia has the SECOND MOST gun deaths in the country.

Criminals love an unarmed populace.
And the Democrats call Californication a smashing success.

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