Doom and Gloom Prophecies

It is a sad fact we have fallen a long way from Reagan's cheery optimism and heavy hitting ideas to the modern day pack of whiners and pessimists dominating the right wing rhetoric.

Whining and moaning is not an attractive quality that is going to bring in a lot of recruits.

Superior ideas will, not bitching about how many rounds of golf a guy plays.

If you are out of ideas and do nothing now but resort to attacking the other guy's ideas and making personal attacks on his wife and bashing minorities at every opportunity, you are a zombie party.

They believe all they have to be is "Anti" and that's enough to win. Then when you ask what would you do? That's when its revealed they have nothing.

So much nothing that NOW they are saying the old system was great except people remember it...and remembers it wasnt
America used to let PRIVATE CITIZENS do big things. Not government.

Now days, the Democrat motto is "You can't do any of that because someone else built that for you!"

last thing private citizens did that was big, we had banks collapse our economy.
So the real answer isnt government is flawed, its Man is flawed.

See there folks?
It is ill informed, intellectually benign opinions like this is why we are screwed.
For someone to think that it was private industry that collapsed the system...holy shit.
It is a sad fact we have fallen a long way from Reagan's cheery optimism and heavy hitting ideas to the modern day pack of whiners and pessimists dominating the right wing rhetoric.

Whining and moaning is not an attractive quality that is going to bring in a lot of recruits.

Superior ideas will, not bitching about how many rounds of golf a guy plays.

If you are out of ideas and do nothing now but resort to attacking the other guy's ideas and making personal attacks on his wife and bashing minorities at every opportunity, you are a zombie party.

Democrats took back Congress and the White House with the exact tactics you described.

Oh, when they did it (and still do) it was cool.
Anyone who has watched civilians take over jobs that military personnel used to do know that is bovine feces.

How are those private prisons working out?

If your experience with this is limited to "civilians taking over jobs that military personnel used to do" then you need to STFU.
It is hysterical that libs can scream about $50 hammers and $120 toilets and then tell us gov't does things more efficiently.
How efficient has the Obamacare website been?

No, that was just one example, but it is a valid one.

You bitch about a $50 hammer but don't blink at a $20 aspirin your "private" insurance pays for?

I bitch plenty but I understand the $20 aspirin is such because it has to subsidize the "free" aspirin that is reimbursed by Medicare/Medicaid.
One example is not proof. Of anything. And in your case is most likely a lie, as you are a proven liar.

Anyone who has worked in both knows that the private sector as a rule is much more efficient than the public sector.

Anyone who has watched civilians take over jobs that military personnel used to do know that is bovine feces.

How are those private prisons working out?

Not just that. But the private companies that support the military. In Iraq, Americans were being electrocuted from showers in substandard housing. The there were the carcinogenic trailers the government bought to give to Katrina survives. Then the airlines were giving away free tickets. Someone today started a thread on buggy computer games. The list is endless.
If your experience with this is limited to "civilians taking over jobs that military personnel used to do" then you need to STFU.
It is hysterical that libs can scream about $50 hammers and $120 toilets and then tell us gov't does things more efficiently.
How efficient has the Obamacare website been?

No, that was just one example, but it is a valid one.

You bitch about a $50 hammer but don't blink at a $20 aspirin your "private" insurance pays for?

I bitch plenty but I understand the $20 aspirin is such because it has to subsidize the "free" aspirin that is reimbursed by Medicare/Medicaid.
One example is not proof. Of anything. And in your case is most likely a lie, as you are a proven liar.

The $54 aspirin pays for the those of us insured. Inefficient.

The $50 hammer likely pays for some secret torture facility in another country.
It is a sad fact we have fallen a long way from Reagan's cheery optimism and heavy hitting ideas to the modern day pack of whiners and pessimists dominating the right wing rhetoric.

Whining and moaning is not an attractive quality that is going to bring in a lot of recruits.

Superior ideas will, not bitching about how many rounds of golf a guy plays.

If you are out of ideas and do nothing now but resort to attacking the other guy's ideas and making personal attacks on his wife and bashing minorities at every opportunity, you are a zombie party.

They believe all they have to be is "Anti" and that's enough to win. Then when you ask what would you do? That's when its revealed they have nothing.

So much nothing that NOW they are saying the old system was great except people remember it...and remembers it wasnt
With the exception of all the police state garbage rammed through after 9/11 and the '07-'08 bailouts, which liberals love no matter who is in charge, you just described the first six years of Bush 43.

Funny how blind partisanship works that way.
No, that was just one example, but it is a valid one.

You bitch about a $50 hammer but don't blink at a $20 aspirin your "private" insurance pays for?

I bitch plenty but I understand the $20 aspirin is such because it has to subsidize the "free" aspirin that is reimbursed by Medicare/Medicaid.
One example is not proof. Of anything. And in your case is most likely a lie, as you are a proven liar.

The $54 aspirin pays for the those of us insured. Inefficient.

The $50 hammer likely pays for some secret torture facility in another country.


How bout an itemized list.

Don't be surprised if part of the $700 billion Obama stole from Medicare went to that.
America used to let PRIVATE CITIZENS do big things. Not government.

Now days, the Democrat motto is "You can't do any of that because someone else built that for you!"

I wonder how many people posting are alive today because their grandparents took advantage of programs like the TVA or the WPA?

I wonder what color the sky is on your planet.
I wonder how many people posting are alive today because their grandparents took advantage of programs like the TVA or the WPA?

I wonder has much more efficiently and less costly they would have been run by the private sector?
Because the private sector worked so well in the late 20's?

Exactly. I hate to break it to you - actually, that's a lie; I LOVE destroying the halfwitted daydreams fools like you believe to be true - but the Great Depression wasn't caused by the private sector; it was caused by your precious, beloved government.
I wonder how many people posting are alive today because their grandparents took advantage of programs like the TVA or the WPA?

I wonder has much more efficiently and less costly they would have been run by the private sector?


Mythbusters: “The private sector is more efficient than the public sector”

Mythbusters? Seriously? Why don't you just cite Wikipedia, while you're at it?

I don't even have to click that link, since you just forfeited this argument AND the next two arguments you have on any subject simply by posting it. You might as well have "I surrender!" tattooed on your forehead.


Obama's America, ladies and gentlemen: a nation where leftists actually develop antibodies against brain cells.
I wonder how many people posting are alive today because their grandparents took advantage of programs like the TVA or the WPA?

I wonder has much more efficiently and less costly they would have been run by the private sector?
Because the private sector worked so well in the late 20's?
It did in fact work very well. That's why the Roaring 20s roared.

Hoover's and the Fed's tinkering and meddling turned a correction into a recession into a depression.
I wonder has much more efficiently and less costly they would have been run by the private sector?
Because the private sector worked so well in the late 20's?
It did in fact work very well. That's why the Roaring 20s roared.

Hoover's and the Fed's tinkering and meddling turned a correction into a recession into a depression.
that's the Rothbard explanation but Popper, Schumpeter and other Minarchal Austrians were strong advocates of wealth effects prior to Friedman's proof of their existence. The major problem was that the Chaotic, complex and fractal proofs of the non-existence of general equilibrium were not available until the 1960s.

Hoover, FDR and the Fed made things worse, that is provable. But that does not mean that competent action could have gotten the economy significantly better. The British lost decades of 1921-39 or more recently in Japan could have happened here in the US in the 1930s even with all the right moves.
Because the private sector worked so well in the late 20's?
It did in fact work very well. That's why the Roaring 20s roared.

Hoover's and the Fed's tinkering and meddling turned a correction into a recession into a depression.
that's the Rothbard explanation but Popper, Schumpeter and other Minarchal Austrians were strong advocates of wealth effects prior to Friedman's proof of their existence. The major problem was that the Chaotic, complex and fractal proofs of the non-existence of general equilibrium were not available until the 1960s.

Hoover, FDR and the Fed made things worse, that is provable. But that does not mean that competent action could have gotten the economy significantly better. The British lost decades of 1921-39 or more recently in Japan could have happened here in the US in the 1930s even with all the right moves.
The only competent action required from a central bank is to maintain the value of the currency. Anything outside that role brings them into the political sphere, which pretty much precludes economic competence.

You know what I mean? :)

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