Doubles standards

All people have double standards to an extent: Christians, Muslims, atheists.

They just hate having them pointed out is all.

So, you show your double standard "Muslims can do what they want but Christians should do what YOU want them to do"<paraphrased>; now everybody has double standards?

Yeah, I know you hated having that pointed out since you claimed to have slapped me down, etc.
Jake is obviously a loser and his "slapped ___ down" is obviously a metaphor for his "taking it up the ass" (forgive my vulgarity, but here it is poignantly appropriate). Anyway, don't take him seriously, no one else does. He is obviously a sad, lonely and self-righteous prick who has little else to do.
Amelia is pwnd again and whining. :lol: Meathead does not have a clue how to act on a Board.

But he will be schooled. :lol:
Amelia is pwnd again and whining. :lol: Meathead does not have a clue how to act on a Board.

But he will be schooled. :lol:
You are not a child Jake. At some point you have accept that you are a loser. You are obviously one of the least respected persons on this site, and I suspect this is so in whatever excuse you have for a private life.

There are certain things that are obvious to others, and no attempt of diversion or denial is going to make a rat's ass of difference. To put it as simply as possible, you are what you are and no one can help you as long as continue to deny it.

Good luck, and I mean that!
Meathead, accept that you have lost, and have no respect from the wiser and better members of the Board.

Reactionaries like you and some of the libertarians are the mere sweepings of humanity: just what it is, fizz.

No amount of reactionary drivel is going to make any soda pop for you, son.

I will help you here as I will Amelia and TNHarley and CaliforniaGirl and some others. I owe it to you.

No need to thank me: just the kind of guy I am.
So do I. Christians need to be secure in their own faith and not worry about others, particularly in posting silly material.

As secure as non-believers are in their atheism that they feel the need to start thread ad-naseum bashing Christians????


How is this bashing Christians.....


Funny when there are threads started here bashing Muhammad I see no Christian running to the aid of Muslims yet I highlight a double standard and I am bashing. Funny, when its Islam its ok, but if its highlighting something about Christian hypocrisy then I am bashing?

This isn't an example, really.
But it is the norm, around these parts, for an atheist to post a thread with the sole purpose of ridiculing 'believers'......Christians are just the most common target.

Now, I said earlier that it was the Jewish cultural norm to young teens to wed.
You've since pointed out that it was also the Islamic cultural norm for younger brides.
Fair enough, in my opinion.

I don't like for someone to knock my culture or heritage.
It's only fair that I refrain from the same

Ok so Joseph step father of Jesus never had sex with his 14 year old wife after his birth? I suppose you think he didnt have sex with her right?

As far as highlighting things in Islamic history then I suppose you dont mind if I mention how Christianity post-Jesus Christ endorsed the crusades, holocaust, U.S slavery, Trans-Atlantic slave trade, the killings of medical doctors of abortion clinics, Westboro Baptist Church....shall I continue?

Catholics say Mary remained virgin. I don't buy it.

We are guessing at her age though. However, even if true. It's not a double standard to object to sex with a prepubescent girl, and not have a problem with a post-pubescent who was marriage age in the culture.

Nor is there any evidence when he would have consummated the relationship with his wife.

There is no double standard here. But let's just give everyone the benefit of the doubt anyway.
Sure, just remember that those who go to war in Christ's name are going against Christ's teachings. Those who go to war in Mohammed's name are following Mohammed's teachings.

I don't see a problem with the crusades, per se. It's the atrocious acts some of them did as crusaders that's the problem. But the crusades themselves were designed to defend Europe and liberate the Holy Land.
I don’t think it’s necessarily fair to judge by our standards. However, such behavior as the endangering of a child, sexual relations with a child, the ethnic cleansing of Yathrib, the tacit permission for the companions to rape war captives, the permission of sexual slavery (or slavery at all), the assassination of political rivals, the practice of banditry and caravan raids, etc., are behaviors that historically have been retrograde.

Now, understand that all of these things were perfectly acceptable in the zeitgeist of Muhammad’s day. But the only reason these occurrences are even a part of the historical record is because the early Muslims recording these events were perfectly fine with the ideas of sexual slavery, genocide and piracy. They were not morally objectionable to them, and so they were dutifully written down in the effort of preserving the Sunnah of mohammud as an example for all later Muslims.

But the standard for judgment are different if, rather than judging Muhammad as a 7th century Arab warlord, we instead are judging him as a “Prophet of God, for all times.” From that perspective, these events and this behavior is irreconcilable with either a good man or a god worthy of worship.

Ok so Joseph step father of Jesus never had sex with his 14 year old wife after his birth? I suppose you think he didnt have sex with her right?

As far as highlighting things in Islamic history then I suppose you dont mind if I mention how Christianity post-Jesus Christ endorsed the crusades, holocaust, U.S slavery, Trans-Atlantic slave trade, the killings of medical doctors of abortion clinics, Westboro Baptist Church....shall I continue?

Sure, just remember that those who go to war in Christ's name are going against Christ's teachings. Those who go to war in Mohammed's name are following Mohammed's teachings.

Yet there are peaceful muslims who dont go to war and feel they are following the teachings of God
Sure, just remember that those who go to war in Christ's name are going against Christ's teachings. Those who go to war in Mohammed's name are following Mohammed's teachings.

I don't see a problem with the crusades, per se. It's the atrocious acts some of them did as crusaders that's the problem. But the crusades themselves were designed to defend Europe and liberate the Holy Land.

You dont see a problem with going to war over dust and rubble?
Very simple. Why do people discount Muhammad's relationship with a younger girl by labeling him a pedophile and not Joseph? Joseph was said to be in his 30's and and Mary (mother of Jesus) to be 13-14. Why do you guys talk about Muhammad and not Joseph who was such a desperate Jew he could only get a female that was between 13 and 14 years of age?

simple answer...people need reasons to justify their hatred of islam.

as for mary, i believe it would be god who is the pedophile in her case.

also, when did that methusalah cat quit begattin' anyway...200 years old?

maybe people will figure out someday that maybe, just maybe, measurung a person's age in a time when the ol' sun was orbiting around the earth might not be that accurate.

lets work on the abraham was a pimp and coward, sarah was a hoor, and i ain't dancin' at lughnassa no more.
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Sure, just remember that those who go to war in Christ's name are going against Christ's teachings. Those who go to war in Mohammed's name are following Mohammed's teachings.

I don't see a problem with the crusades, per se. It's the atrocious acts some of them did as crusaders that's the problem. But the crusades themselves were designed to defend Europe and liberate the Holy Land.

You dont see a problem with going to war over dust and rubble?

Hardly an accurate description of the crusades.
Knock yourselves out:

Qur'an, Hadith and Scholars:Aisha - WikiIslam

Pretty disgusting stuff. It is reminiscent of those Jim Jones-type preachers who tell their flock that God instructed them to copulate with the daughters of their congregation. But then I can't remember any of them doing 9 year-olds.

I wondered who was responsible for that website, Meathead.

It's all about Islam, and it is supposed to be an authoritative source, right?

So given that, what nation do you suppose this site comes from?

Some Islamic country, right?

After all, the scholars of Islam probably hale from an Islamic nation, right?

WRONG in this case

Registrant Contact:

Katz Global Domain Name Trust

Privacy Protected Domain Name Domain Proxy Center ([email protected])

32 Maxwell Road #03-07 c/o

SC, Singapore, sg 069115

P: +65.67228356 F: +65.67258021

Administrative Contact:

Katz Global Domain Name Trust

Privacy Protected Domain Name Domain Proxy Center ([email protected])

32 Maxwell Road #03-07 c/o

SC, Singapore, sg 069115

P: +65.67228356 F: +65.67258021

Technical Contact:

Katz Global Domain Name Trust

Privacy Protected Domain Name Domain Proxy Center ([email protected])

32 Maxwell Road #03-07 c/o

SC, Singapore, sg 069115

P: +65.67228356 F: +65.67258021

Billing Contact:

Katz Global Domain Name Trust

Privacy Protected Domain Name Domain Proxy Center ([email protected])

32 Maxwell Road #03-07 c/o

SC, Singapore, sg 069115

P: +65.67228356 F: +65.67258021'll excuse me if I have some doubts about the authenticity of this source, right?

Now let's explore this mystery a bit further, shall we?

Origin of the name KATZ

Katz is a common German surname. It is also one of the oldest and most common Ashkenazi Jewish surnames.

Germans with the last name Katz may originate in the Rhine River region of Germany, where the Katz Castle is located. (The name of the castle does not derive from Katze, cat, but from Katzenelnbogen, going back to Latin Cattimelibocus, consisting of the ancient Germanic tribal name of the Chatti and Melibokus.)
Katzman, deriving from the German Katz, is a Slavic name meaning high priest or king. It is believed the Katzman surname originates from Germany and has roots from there as well.
As a Jewish surname, Katz is an abbreviation formed from the Hebrew initials of the term Kohen Tzedeq (Hebrew: &#1499;&#1468;&#1524;&#1509;*), meaning "priest of justice"/"authentic priest" or Kohen Tzadok meaning the name-bearer is of patrilineal descent of the Kohanim sons of Zadok. It has been used since the seventeenth century, or perhaps somewhat earlier, as an epithet of the descendants of Aaron. The collocation is most likely derived from Melchizedek ("king of righteousness"), who is called the priest ("kohen") of the most high God (Genesis xiv. 18), or perhaps from Psalm cxxxii. 9: Let thy priests be clothed with righteousness ("tzedeq"). The use of the abbreviated and Germanicized "Katz" likely coincided with the imposition of German names on Jews in Germany in the 18th or 19th centuries.
If the reading is correct, this abbreviation occurs on a tombstone, dated 1536, in the cemetery of Prague (Hock, Die Familien Prag's, p. 175); it is found also on a tombstone of the year 1618 in Frankfurt (M. Horowitz (Moses Horowitz?), Die Inschriften des Alten Friedhofes der Israelitischen Gemeinde zu Frankfurt-am-Main 1901, p. 63), in the books of the Soncino family of Prague of the seventeenth century (Zunz, Z.G. p. 262), and in one of the prefaces to Shabbethai ben Meïr ha-Kohen's notes on the Choshen Mishpat (Amsterdam, 1663).

Do you find it kind of strange that Islamic scholars would use a Jewish agency in Singapore to spread the truth about Islam?

I know I sure as hell do.
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I don't see a problem with the crusades, per se. It's the atrocious acts some of them did as crusaders that's the problem. But the crusades themselves were designed to defend Europe and liberate the Holy Land.

You dont see a problem with going to war over dust and rubble?

Hardly an accurate description of the crusades.

The crusades were to expand commercial activity to the Orient and conquer the Holy Land.
You spent a lot of time to come up with yet another Jewish conspiracy theory. If you spent a fraction of that time you could have found several sources with the exact same quote. Now, if this is something like a hobby, you can track down all of them and see if you're on to something.Btw, you'll need more than a Jewish name. I'll get you started:

Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement
You spent a lot of time to come up with yet another Jewish conspiracy theory. If you spent a fraction of that time you could have found several sources with the exact same quote. Now, if this is something like a hobby, you can track down all of them and see if you're on to something.Btw, you'll need more than a Jewish name. I'll get you started:

Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement

There's nothing theoretical about my doubts, sport.

The facts speak for themselves.

They lead me to doubt your source's sincerity and credibility.
You spent a lot of time to come up with yet another Jewish conspiracy theory. If you spent a fraction of that time you could have found several sources with the exact same quote. Now, if this is something like a hobby, you can track down all of them and see if you're on to something.Btw, you'll need more than a Jewish name. I'll get you started:

Center for Muslim-Jewish Engagement

There's nothing theoretical about my doubts, sport.

The facts speak for themselves.

They lead me to doubt your source's sincerity and credibility.
My source is google, and through it sources like the Hadith. I'm sure that the Hadith is a Jewish conspiracy theory too.:cuckoo:
Very simple. Why do people discount Muhammad's relationship with a younger girl by labeling him a pedophile and not Joseph? Joseph was said to be in his 30's and and Mary (mother of Jesus) to be 13-14. Why do you guys talk about Muhammad and not Joseph who was such a desperate Jew he could only get a female that was between 13 and 14 years of age?

simple answer...people need reasons to justify their hatred of islam.

as for mary, i believe it would be god who is the pedophile in her case.j

also, when did that methusalah cat quit begattin' anyway...200 years old?

maybe people will figure out someday that maybe, just maybe, measurung a person's age in a time when the ol' sun was orbiting around the earth might not be that accurate.

lets work on the abraham was a pimp and coward, sarah was a hoor, and i ain't dancin' at lughnassa no more.

I dont know if the God is a pedophile statement was sarcasm or serious but I pretend that it is. God's morality supercedes our own, actually any non human cannot be held accountable for actinh on their own morality (if such exist to species outside earth).

Would you call an alien a pedophile for impregnating a 5 year old child?

Secondly I agree people need something to justify their hate but I just see a major double standard when Christians argue against Islam yet they say nothing about Mary and Joseph.

Both arabd and jews are a semitic people and marrying younger girls was common because the lifespan was shorter.But enough of that non sequitor stuff.

My main issue is whether Joseph had sex post Jesus' birth is not the point. No man whether Jewish or Arab has no business being in his early 30's with someone of middle school age. Many Cathedrals drpict Mary as a woman, and in reality she wasn't. I highly doubt Mary acted like an autonomous woman, rather like the typical Jewish girls of her time.
I don't see a problem with the crusades, per se. It's the atrocious acts some of them did as crusaders that's the problem. But the crusades themselves were designed to defend Europe and liberate the Holy Land.

You dont see a problem with going to war over dust and rubble?

Hardly an accurate description of the crusades.

I guess you're not familiar with the campaign of Richard "The Lionheart" of England ot the Knights Templars ruthless acts. Or when Jerusalem were occupied by Christians the many innocent Jewish and Muslim occupants. If you have counter evidrnce please share it. I hardly call the crusades the will of God.

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