Dow Breaks 15,000 for First Time

The stock market has only doubled under Obama....what the fuck is the matter with this guy?
ahoy all,

imma happy 'bout this.

the policies 'o the skipper hath really re-invigorated me holdings, and he hath ardently protected the wealth 'o the top earners in this nation by makin' sure the market continues to surge.

me Merck stock hath recovered very nicely since 2009 and i've the wind at me back.

wonderful news!

from this point on, 'tis all about knowin' when to jump ship.

- MeadHallPirate
Funny how the radical bi-polar left hates Wall Street until the stock market goes up.

no no left out "When a Democrat is President".

If it was the Bush administration handing over $85 Billion worth of toxic asset buying/bond buying to prop up the wealthiest corporations in the world - you would see that "asterisk" all over the headlines right now. is the Obama admin that is using $85,000,000,000 per month of our money propping up the system - so...move along...nothing to see...everyone go back home and be in bed by 9pm.

yeah :mad: Republicans had no hand in helping shift manufacturing jobs overseas and basing our economy on people like lloyd blankfein & people who shop at the mall :doubt: :rofl:
Dow Jones industrial average crosses 15,000 for the first time after US hiring surges: Associated Press Business News - MSN Money

This continues and Gold will do EXACTLY what it did in 1983...

The bottom will be $7-800 an ounce.

Now to Credit Obama with his Brilliance regarding the Markets.

Wasn't he kinda Anti-Stock Market?... :dunno:



Obama made one of the greatest stock market calls of all time.

Obama Says Buy Stocks Now: Good Deals There for Long-Term Investors

March 4, 2009

BY Michael Mcauliff

WASHINGTON - A bullish President Obama says the ever-sinking Dow hasn't gotten him down - in fact, this might be a smart time to buy into the stock market.

"What you're now seeing is profit-and-earning ratios are starting to get to the point where buying stocks is a potentially good deal if you've got a long-term perspective on it," Obama said Tuesday.

Obama Says Buy Stocks Now: Good Deals There for Long-Term Investors - US News and World Report

The market bottomed six days later. It has more than doubled since.

I was in New York at the time, meeting with some of the best minds on Wall Street, and most were scared out of their minds. Obama is, apparently, better at calling the markets than they are.

Of course it was bottomed out... You think Obama was the only person saying that at the time?... :lol:

Or that his Suggestion Changed the Market's direction?... :rofl:


Of course it was bottomed out... You think Obama was the only person saying that at the time?... :lol:

Pretty much, yeah.

I remember it very, very clearly, because in my career, never was sentiment so strong on one side on any other trade, and that was down. I was in New York at the time. I visited 20 or so managers then went to a conference of about 200 other managers. And never in my life did I hear so much gloom and pessimism. Literally, I heard one positive thing the whole week, and that was when one guy said "The market will be higher 10 years from now," but that was in the context of how awful things were at the time. Investors were getting eviscerated and expecting the end of the world, or at the very least, The Great Depression 2.0.

I'm sure there were one or two others saying the market was a good buy but I wasn't hearing it.

Edit - Oh, and nobody gave a shit what Obama was saying.
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Fuck off, bird brain.

Why can't you explain what it means? Why not just post this one, if you're just going to be half-assed about it?


Wouldn't this one "prove" your point even better? :dunno:
It's called inflation

Are you trying to tell us that YTD inflation is 13%? That's how much the markets have gone up. Any wonder the CONS can't elect a president? If they're not trashing 47% of the population, they're just out right lying to us, all the while claiming it's Obama that's the liar. Classic misdirection!!!
The increase is all in very low level service jobs.

This is complete bullshit.

If you want to claim this wasn't a great jobs report fine I'm right there with you, but don't just lie through your teeth when the BLS report is there for everyone to see. Engineering, accounting, legal, management, technical consulting, healthcare all increased.

What gets into people where they believe so strongly in their political position that they are comfortable manufacturing lies like this?

The stock market has only doubled under Obama....what the fuck is the matter with this guy?

So has the price of gasoline, the number of people on food stamps, and disability claims... What's your point?
Do any of you ever bother to try and understand the market or do you just parrot the bleating sheep?

the market is rising because people have no other choice but to throw their money in if they want any return at all because the fed is holding interest rates artificially low and the government has been printing money with abandon.
Do any of you ever bother to try and understand the market or do you just parrot the bleating sheep?

the market is rising because people have no other choice but to throw their money in if they want any return at all because the fed is holding interest rates artificially low and the government has been printing money with abandon.

Where is the runaway inflation?
Do any of you ever bother to try and understand the market or do you just parrot the bleating sheep?

the market is rising because people have no other choice but to throw their money in if they want any return at all because the fed is holding interest rates artificially low and the government has been printing money with abandon.

Where is the runaway inflation?

Kept in check by the high unemployment and the record low number of people in the labor market. You are actually seeing inflation in the stock market rather than the general pricing index.
The GOP has made every effort possible to sink the economy over the last 5 years. First, to deny the President a second term, and now, out of sheer revenge for the shellacking the GOP took in the election. Yet the market continues to go up. And the unemployment numbers continue to get better. Meanwhile, in Europe, where they did what the GOP was advocating to do here, things are still in bad shape.

And now, we have our 'Conservatives' trying to say that it is all a bubble. Wishing for America to be in bad economic shape simply to deny the President any kind of credit for his policies and insight. And it is so damned transparent. 2014.
Of course most people are pleased the market is back up.

We'd be much more impressed if it was up because the economy was recovered though.
Do any of you ever bother to try and understand the market or do you just parrot the bleating sheep?

the market is rising because people have no other choice but to throw their money in if they want any return at all because the fed is holding interest rates artificially low and the government has been printing money with abandon.

That is absolutely true to some extent. The market would be down ~20% without QE. But profits are also at an all time high, so there are fundamental reasons for the market being up.
Annnnnd --- this is what $85 BILLION of taxpayer funds injected into the system PER MONTH will do.
Once Burnbanke stops the endless taxpayer funded QE Infinity....we can all watch it burn.

I keep thinking of Laurence Welk and his Bubble Machine. "An-a one! An-a two!"

Okay, younger people won't get that, but all the older ones remember. [:)

WHAT a bubble. The Dow peeked over 15,000 and the S&P500 closed over 1600!

The last time we had a bubble, the housing bubble that ended in 2007, it burst with a Great Recession. I'm just saying.

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