[Dr. Ben] Carson defends his research on aborted fetuses

did you ever think you'd see so many people trying to save an abortion Butcher mill that is selling you women in the country your aborted baby parts. I had no idea we have gone down that far as a Society
DUMBEST comment I have ever seen on this board.

Clueless ignorance? I'm not surprised.
did you ever think you'd see so many people trying to save an abortion Butcher mill that is selling you women in the country your aborted baby parts. I had no idea we have gone down that far as a Society
You would think women would be mad that PP sees them as no more then "parts suppliers".

Ask women seeking an abortion for mental, physical and/or financial reasons. Women have first priority.
I think it would be appropriate to start calling Dr Carson - Dr Bengele.
Well, I wasn't going to vote for Dr. Carson before, but I see this as something that I can't overlook.

Unlike Democrats, Republicans expect their candidates to a higher standard.
Well, I wasn't going to vote for Dr. Carson before, but I see this as something that I can't overlook.

Unlike Democrats, Republicans expect their candidates to a higher standard.

HaHaHa. "Earlier this year, Mitt Romney nearly landed in a politically perilous controversy when the Huffington Post reported that in 1999 the GOP presidential candidate had been part of an investment group that invested $75 million in Stericycle, a medical-waste disposal firm that has been attacked by anti-abortion groups for disposing aborted fetuses collected from family planning clinics. Coming during the heat of the GOP primaries, as Romney tried to sell South Carolina Republicans on his pro-life bona fides, the revelation had the potential to damage the candidate's reputation among values voters already suspicious of his shifting position on abortion." Romney Invested in Medical-Waste Firm That Disposed of Aborted Fetuses Government Documents Show Mother Jones
do you see how ignorant this by CNN is?

Mr. Carson did research TO SAVE LIVES as a Doctor. What the fxxk that has to with PP shows CNN is nothing more. but the National Enquire for shit stirring and not for WE THE PEOPLE. but for the DNC and their champions of abortion along with PP
Dang, what a great title for an article.

"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Thursday defended his past use of tissue from aborted fetuses for medical research even as he continued to criticize Planned Parenthood.

The retired neurosurgeon said his research, which took place in 1992, does not conflict with his call to defund Planned Parenthood after several undercover videos surfaced that purportedly show officials with the organization working with research companies using tissue from aborted fetuses."

The best part of this? Nobody on the sanctimonious anti-abortion right cares.

Carson defends his research on aborted fetuses - CNNPolitics.com

I don't why they call you people progressives, because all you ever do is Regress. come on up to 2015. If the MAJORITY of the people in the country wants to defund their TAX DOLLARS from PP, there isn't a damn thing any of you can do about it except dig up old crap form over 20 years ago. good ole CNN that station that is so BIASED any Republican has no need to bother with them

But the MAJORITY of people in the country disagree with the wacked out right wing.
NOT according to the off year results.

Congressional job approval rate is 16.5%. That doesn't sound like the majority to me.
Romney was already known as a flip-flopper without principles.

That's why he lost the election.
do you see how ignorant this by CNN is?

Mr. Carson did research TO SAVE LIVES as a Doctor. What the fxxk that has to with PP shows CNN is nothing more. but the National Enquire for shit stirring and not for WE THE PEOPLE. but for the DNC and their champions of abortion along with PP

Is there a better example of a politician talking out of both ends"

"Asked if Planned Parenthood should cease its fetal tissue distribution, Carson demurred. He still favored de-funding the group, but would not call for the end of fetal tissue research so long as the fetal tissue was available.

"I may not be completely objective about Planned Parenthood, because I know how they started with Margaret Sanger who believed in eugenics," he said. "But it would be good for the public to understand this whole aspect of medical research."
do you see how ignorant this by CNN is?

Mr. Carson did research TO SAVE LIVES as a Doctor. What the fxxk that has to with PP shows CNN is nothing more. but the National Enquire for shit stirring and not for WE THE PEOPLE. but for the DNC and their champions of abortion along with PP
Could you put that in English please
do you see how ignorant this by CNN is?

Mr. Carson did research TO SAVE LIVES as a Doctor. What the fxxk that has to with PP shows CNN is nothing more. but the National Enquire for shit stirring and not for WE THE PEOPLE. but for the DNC and their champions of abortion along with PP

PP facilitated the transfer of donated fetal tissue to the places where people like Dr. Carson try to save lives through research.
do you see how ignorant this by CNN is?

Mr. Carson did research TO SAVE LIVES as a Doctor. What the fxxk that has to with PP shows CNN is nothing more. but the National Enquire for shit stirring and not for WE THE PEOPLE. but for the DNC and their champions of abortion along with PP

Make up your mind. Are you for that life saving medical research or not? What do you think those donated tissues are used for?
Dang, what a great title for an article.

"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Thursday defended his past use of tissue from aborted fetuses for medical research even as he continued to criticize Planned Parenthood.

The retired neurosurgeon said his research, which took place in 1992, does not conflict with his call to defund Planned Parenthood after several undercover videos surfaced that purportedly show officials with the organization working with research companies using tissue from aborted fetuses."

The best part of this? Nobody on the sanctimonious anti-abortion right cares.

Carson defends his research on aborted fetuses - CNNPolitics.com
Carson didn't buy brains or hearts or harvested organs sold by PP. He did research (he is a brilliant man by the way) on fetal tissue supplied by the university. Why should he have to defend it?
do you see how ignorant this by CNN is?

Mr. Carson did research TO SAVE LIVES as a Doctor. What the fxxk that has to with PP shows CNN is nothing more. but the National Enquire for shit stirring and not for WE THE PEOPLE. but for the DNC and their champions of abortion along with PP

Is there a better example of a politician talking out of both ends"

"Asked if Planned Parenthood should cease its fetal tissue distribution, Carson demurred. He still favored de-funding the group, but would not call for the end of fetal tissue research so long as the fetal tissue was available.

"I may not be completely objective about Planned Parenthood, because I know how they started with Margaret Sanger who believed in eugenics," he said. "But it would be good for the public to understand this whole aspect of medical research."

Yes, the RWnuts take the preposterous set of two views:

1. The Democrats are constantly pandering to the Black community with policies that will buy their votes.

2. The Democrats are trying to exterminate the Black community via abortion.

Find me the magician who can reconcile those two positions into something resembling sanity.
did you ever think you'd see so many people trying to save an abortion Butcher mill that is selling you women in the country your aborted baby parts. I had no idea we have gone down that far as a Society
You would think women would be mad that PP sees them as no more then "parts suppliers".

If that were true, I would agree with you. However, the women voluntarily donate the tissue.
Dang, what a great title for an article.

"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Thursday defended his past use of tissue from aborted fetuses for medical research even as he continued to criticize Planned Parenthood.

The retired neurosurgeon said his research, which took place in 1992, does not conflict with his call to defund Planned Parenthood after several undercover videos surfaced that purportedly show officials with the organization working with research companies using tissue from aborted fetuses."

The best part of this? Nobody on the sanctimonious anti-abortion right cares.

Carson defends his research on aborted fetuses - CNNPolitics.com
Carson didn't buy brains or hearts or harvested organs sold by PP. He did research (he is a brilliant man by the way) on fetal tissue supplied by the university. Why should he have to defend it?

Where do you think the university got the fetal tissue?
do you see how ignorant this by CNN is?

Mr. Carson did research TO SAVE LIVES as a Doctor. What the fxxk that has to with PP shows CNN is nothing more. but the National Enquire for shit stirring and not for WE THE PEOPLE. but for the DNC and their champions of abortion along with PP

You sound like a speechwriter for sarah palin
Dang, what a great title for an article.

"Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Thursday defended his past use of tissue from aborted fetuses for medical research even as he continued to criticize Planned Parenthood.

The retired neurosurgeon said his research, which took place in 1992, does not conflict with his call to defund Planned Parenthood after several undercover videos surfaced that purportedly show officials with the organization working with research companies using tissue from aborted fetuses."

The best part of this? Nobody on the sanctimonious anti-abortion right cares.

Carson defends his research on aborted fetuses - CNNPolitics.com
Carson didn't buy brains or hearts or harvested organs sold by PP. He did research (he is a brilliant man by the way) on fetal tissue supplied by the university. Why should he have to defend it?

So how will that research be done once it's made illegal?
they crawl to any low to save their sacred PP. WHICH by the way Donates millions to the Democrat party.

please wake up
they crawl to any low to save their sacred PP. WHICH by the way Donates millions to the Democrat party.

please wake up

Just to be clear. Do you think Carson's research with fetal tissue to save lives was a good thing, or a bad thing?

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