Dr. Ben Carson: How to defeat CRT

More White people voted for the first American Black President than Black people. How do you account for that?

1. Liberal whites aren't as racist as white conservatives. That's why you can't get blacks elected. Not only won't blacks vote for them, neither will your white nationalist constituents.
2. Bush was so bad and McCain was so clueless that even white racist Republicans voted for Obama instead of McCain. We were in a great recession. White racist men were losing their jobs and homes. McCain was saying everything was fine. It was the perfect time to run a black man. I didn't think Obama would win to be honest. I thought we should have run Hillary then Obama later.

3. Blacks only make up 13% of our population and not all of them vote.
Funny, you twits are silent when Christians are attacked. Your hypocrisy makes your posts a joke.
For the record, I agree with Dr. Carson about muslims. I would never vote for a Muslim. But for him to say it says a lot about him and you guys. Hypocrites. Act like the constitution is the bible. You misinterpret it and cherry pick what is and isn't constitutional.

Carson said, "I would not advocate that we put a muslim in charge". So you would be ok with him going against Article 6 of the Constitution that explicitly demands there be no religious qualification to hold “any office or public trust in the United States,”

Hey Ben Carson. How about we don't ever let another black be in charge again? Sound good Ben?
I know doctors who are stupid. Politically anyways. Some crazy. Some total right wing lunes. Some liberal too. Just because you are a doctor doesn't mean you are voting correctly. Otherwise why don't we just let doctors only vote?

Doctors who work for big hospitals tend to want universal healthcare. They get it. Small practice doctors don't like it.

Anyways, Ben Carson is a idiot Savant. No question about it.
Because people disagree with you doesn't mean they're stupid, you fucked up moron.
1. Liberal whites aren't as racist as white conservatives. That's why you can't get blacks elected. Not only won't blacks vote for them, neither will your white nationalist constituents.
2. Bush was so bad and McCain was so clueless that even white racist Republicans voted for Obama instead of McCain. We were in a great recession. White racist men were losing their jobs and homes. McCain was saying everything was fine. It was the perfect time to run a black man. I didn't think Obama would win to be honest. I thought we should have run Hillary then Obama later.

3. Blacks only make up 13% of our population and not all of them vote.
Your theory is flawed. Trump beat Hillary. Next.
For the record, I agree with Dr. Carson about muslims. I would never vote for a Muslim. But for him to say it says a lot about him and you guys. Hypocrites. Act like the constitution is the bible. You misinterpret it and cherry pick what is and isn't constitutional.

Carson said, "I would not advocate that we put a muslim in charge". So you would be ok with him going against Article 6 of the Constitution that explicitly demands there be no religious qualification to hold “any office or public trust in the United States,”

Hey Ben Carson. How about we don't ever let another black be in charge again? Sound good Ben?
You never responded to my point that more White people than Black people voted for the first Black American President. How can that happen in a racist country?
Most democrats are white people.
That's even more true of Republicans. Like 95% of Republicans are white. What percent of Democrats is white? Keep in mind 90% of blacks vote Democratic. The majority of every minority including jews votes Democratic. Even WOMEN vote Democratic more than Republican. But Republicans get like 99% of the white man vote and 40% of the others.
So you'll never catch me calling you stupid for voting GOP. It's the party for you.

P.S. Me too if I was Greedy but I'm not. I can't forget how they were before I became rich. I'm like a Warren Buffet liberal.
Bullshit. There are more Democrat millionaires in the the House and Senate than Republicans. You really are pitifully stupid.
"Growing up poor in Detroit, if I had believed, as critical race theory (CRT) proponents claim, that my destiny was based on my race, I would not be where I am today. "

That's really all you need to read, right there. That sums up about 99% of the people in this country.
Bullshit. There are more Democrat millionaires in the the House and Senate than Republicans. You really are pitifully stupid.
You have to be rich to be a Senator. That's the sad reality of our government. Want to fix that? I do.

Show me one poor Republican. And it doesn't matter. He is probably sucking up to big business.

Besides, what is Soros or Warren Buffet's agenda? It certainly isn't as sinister as the Koch Brothers. The GOP answer to the Koch's. They answer to the Heritage Foundation. That's conservative. Overturn Roe V Wade type judges who NEVER side against mega corporate interests.
It still amuses me that people like you still exist who actually believe Democrats are somehow not as greedy as Republicans.
Lesser of the two evils. And if you would like to take money out of politics I think Democrats would agree to that. Then they wouldn't have to spend 9 out of every 10 days raising money and kissing ass of lobbyists.

The Republican party has spent the last 40 years destroying the middle class that liberals created. Unions. Pensions. Social Security. Medicare. All things Republicans hate and have chipped away at these things. All to give rich people tax breaks.

Just look at the Trump, Bush and Reagan tax breaks. They have bankrupted us and our infrastructure is now 3rd world.
"Growing up poor in Detroit, if I had believed, as critical race theory (CRT) proponents claim, that my destiny was based on my race, I would not be where I am today. "

That's really all you need to read, right there. That sums up about 99% of the people in this country.
Why is that? 49% of the people in this country are white. They should be positive about their futures. Why would that sum up 99% of us? Your numbers don't make sense. Who are you talking about?
The fact is corporations know CRT is real and true. That's why they are implementing diversity programs. What pisses me off are how women stay silent on this issue. They have and are benefiting most from diversity programs. They know blacks aren't lying because they experience the same shit themselves. But where are the USMB women here defending blacks?

Affirmative action is good because we have too many white male ceo's in America. And too many white male vice presidents. In a country as diverse as ours, why is it only white males seem to run everything? Or at least 95% of everything? Ladies? Time to speak up! If this was about feminism not blacks you'd be talking more. Why so silent?
While I forever argue that AA does not benefit white women the most, from a personal perspective and observations, I still read different accounts on what CRT would actually teach. If it teaches that whites should bear guilt for the negative aspects of black lives, I firmly disagree with it. If it teaches history without bias, as in how wrong slavery was, and all races involves, aka the truth, perhaps.
You have to be rich to be a Senator. That's the sad reality of our government. Want to fix that? I do.

Show me one poor Republican. And it doesn't matter. He is probably sucking up to big business.

Besides, what is Soros or Warren Buffet's agenda? It certainly isn't as sinister as the Koch Brothers. The GOP answer to the Koch's. They answer to the Heritage Foundation. That's conservative. Overturn Roe V Wade type judges who NEVER side against mega corporate interests.
So? You don't believe in democracy? You havEea different opinion, so live and let live.

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