Dr Fauci's last call with trump: "That f__ker Biden."


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

And evangelicals says....HE'S OUR MAN! HE IS SENT FROM GOD!" Good grief. How embarrassing for someone who claims to be a Christian to support someone as low as trump. The man has been found liable for lying about sexual abuse, he has been found guilty of fixing his books, he has been found to be taking money out of his own foundation, he has been impeached twice, and finally he has been found guilty of 34 felonies. But.....evangelicals say..


And evangelicals says....HE'S OUR MAN! HE IS SENT FROM GOD!" Good grief. How embarrassing for someone who claims to be a Christian to support someone as low as trump. The man has been found liable for lying about sexual abuse, he has been found guilty of fixing his books, he has been found to be taking money out of his own foundation, he has been impeached twice, and finally he has been found guilty of 34 felonies. But.....evangelicals say..

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Anthony Fauci told you that vaccinated people can't get or spread covid. Did you believe him?
Trump said his vaccine was one of mankind's greatest achievements.

Did you believe him?

Nope. But why didn't you answer my question? I think it's because you know you killed A LOT of people by running around thinking you were "immune" to covid after you got your magic shot. How many did you kill? 100? 1,000? 10,000?
Yeah, your NINE YEAR temper tantrum surely indicates your cult status; you're goddamn right.
Sorry. There was no temper tantrum. Trump did everything to himself while he was President...because he was incompetent and corrupt....and then lost in 2020..and then you idiots threw a four year tantrum, begun by a garden party at the Capitol. :)

And evangelicals says....HE'S OUR MAN! HE IS SENT FROM GOD!" Good grief. How embarrassing for someone who claims to be a Christian to support someone as low as trump. The man has been found liable for lying about sexual abuse, he has been found guilty of fixing his books, he has been found to be taking money out of his own foundation, he has been impeached twice, and finally he has been found guilty of 34 felonies.

They sold their soul.


And evangelicals says....HE'S OUR MAN! HE IS SENT FROM GOD!" Good grief. How embarrassing for someone who claims to be a Christian to support someone as low as trump. The man has been found liable for lying about sexual abuse, he has been found guilty of fixing his books, he has been found to be taking money out of his own foundation, he has been impeached twice, and finally he has been found guilty of 34 felonies. But.....evangelicals say..

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Apparently you know very little about how God moves across the land, Mr. secular progressive.

Moses was a stuttering shepherd who murdered an Egyptian, King David committed adultery and murder, the Apostle Peter was known for his impulsive behavior and even denied Jesus three times, Paul had previously persecuted Christians, Abraham was called into a special relationship with God, but twice lied and jeopardized the safety of his wife Sarah, Tamar played a prostitute in order to sleep with Judah, her father-in-law), and Judah had sex with her, thinking she was a harlot. In spite of their conniving, God worked through their offspring to bring forth Messiah, the Savior of the world.

Samson was a man with problems, as he’d slept with several women, and lied to his parents. Solomon practiced polygamy and had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines. Jonah had some problems with God’s grace and mercy being extended to others whom he felt deserved the Lord’s wrath. Jonah even disobeyed the Lord and fled His calling.

Elijah, after a great spiritual victory over the false prophets of Baal, became mentally overwhelmed when threatened by Jezebel, and became afraid and arose and ran for his life. Jeremiah was a prophet of the Lord who, during his time of ministry, felt overwhelmed by the pressures he’d been facing, and became severely depressed and entertained suicidal thoughts.

The apostles James and John suggested to Jesus that a Samaritan city be destroyed by fire, but Jesus turned and rebuked them for their wrong attitude. Job went bankrupt, Gideo was afraid, and Rahab was a prostitute.

And yet, like Donald J. Trump, all those people were used by God to show us His glory, his power, and his love for us. Martin Luther said it himself: "God uses crooked sticks to draw straight lines."

And evangelicals says....HE'S OUR MAN! HE IS SENT FROM GOD!" Good grief. How embarrassing for someone who claims to be a Christian to support someone as low as trump. The man has been found liable for lying about sexual abuse, he has been found guilty of fixing his books, he has been found to be taking money out of his own foundation, he has been impeached twice, and finally he has been found guilty of 34 felonies. But.....evangelicals say..

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I thought hocking the bible like a snake oil salesman should have been embarrassing enough...

OR the '2 Corinthians'...

Remember when getting caught fucking a porn star and lying about it and showing no remorse was considered a bit immoral?

They don't give a fuck, they are a member of a tribe and the tribe has spoken...

And evangelicals says....HE'S OUR MAN! HE IS SENT FROM GOD!" Good grief. How embarrassing for someone who claims to be a Christian to support someone as low as trump. The man has been found liable for lying about sexual abuse, he has been found guilty of fixing his books, he has been found to be taking money out of his own foundation, he has been impeached twice, and finally he has been found guilty of 34 felonies. But.....evangelicals say..

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Cool story bro. Reportedly.
You can SHOVE your gaslight theatre GTFOH!!!! :eusa_hand:
Tough shit, shirley. Your boy made all of his problems. Cruised on the accomplishments of his predecessor and then the moment his presidency was tested, he fell flat on his fat orange ass. Got a lot of people killed. Lost his re-election bid (because he was a shitty President), and then goaded his minions into storming the Capitol and tried to shred our Constitution. And you assholes haven't shut up about FRAUD!! ever since..even though there's ZERO proof.

That's not gaslighting princess. That's fact.
Tough shit, shirley. Your boy made all of his problems. Cruised on the accomplishments of his predecessor and then the moment his presidency was tested, he fell flat on his fat orange ass. Got a lot of people killed. Lost his re-election bid (because he was a shitty President), and then goaded his minions into storming the Capitol and tried to shred our Constitution. And you assholes haven't shut up about FRAUD!! ever since..even though there's ZERO proof.

That's not gaslighting princess. That's fact.
Your FEDSURRECTION REICHSTAG FIRE was bullshit, comrade.

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