Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

What the fuck are you talking about??

I have freedom to do like and dislike who I want. I'm not even a racist - I do stand for freedom and freedom is bitter and sweet.

I would find it illogical that one would not serve a black - however if they didn't want to then oh well.

You can't force an individual to do something they don't want to do - THAT IS NOT FREEDOM..

Hell, If I wanted too I could open up a business and only serve people who wear silly hats - its no different than a dress code which MANY bars, restaurants and clubs impose.

Individuals can serve whoever the fuck they want... Buying a fucking sandwich or getting served ISN'T A RIGHT...

I'm not talking about blacks, I'm talking about an owner who does not want his restrooms soiled by filthy Sicilians. I'm talking about an owner who will pay Sicilians less than regular workers because they are not as bright.
If a community does not want to allow Sicilians in their neighborhood because they bring down real estate values.....why should they?

Well I wouldn't live in a community that doesn't want my "ilk."

I would choose a community that would appreciate me.

Come on Nick...we are talking about Sicilians.

What community would want Sicilians? Besides being violent they breed too much and increase your crime rate.

We really need separate communities where if they kill each other, nobody cares
I'm not talking about blacks, I'm talking about an owner who does not want his restrooms soiled by filthy Sicilians. I'm talking about an owner who will pay Sicilians less than regular workers because they are not as bright.
If a community does not want to allow Sicilians in their neighborhood because they bring down real estate values.....why should they?

Well I wouldn't live in a community that doesn't want my "ilk."

I would choose a community that would appreciate me.

Come on Nick...we are talking about Sicilians.

What community would want Sicilians? Besides being violent they breed too much and increase your crime rate.

We really need separate communities where if they kill each other, nobody cares

WOW, Taylor Street in Chicago wouldn't mind me...

How about were I currently live???

Ever think about that??

I suppose I kinda blend in with the Mexicans - one assumes one of my tint is a Mexican - how racist is that??

I don't care tho..
Market forces would eliminate racism? The market used Blacks as slaves and did rather well for better than a century. The market used Black labor at a reduced cost for another century after slavery was abolished by war and legal enforcement, at least as far as slavery went. Legal enforcement of any civil rights concern just did not exist for Black Americans.

States should resreve the right to treat citizens as second class citizens due to their complexion? Were states rights insititued to enforce injustice? States had legislated descrimination. Legislated voter suppression. Legislated two levels of property rights guarantees.

And how much longer were you going to allow any American to say to any other American "You cannot be served due to your complexion. We do not wish to associate ourselves with the likes of you."

What does 'land of the free' mean to you? Why shouldn't citizens look to the protection of federal law while their state laws continue to repress citizens for immutable circumstances?

This country was founded on a code of laws written by delegates in Philadelphia and ratified by state elected legislators. It was founded to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Where should people seek justice, tranquility and the blessings of liberty? The whole of the constitution must be respected and citizens rely on the code of law to enforce justice throughout the land.

You are spot on but it seems like many Americans who are not Black don't really care for any of this and are ready to shred up the civil rights act and live back like we are in 1948 Alabama. This ignorance and niatevity of some people just kills me.

The only ignorance that is going on is by those who pretend they know something.

Tell me how 10% of the population builds a country and an economy while the other 90% sit around and do nothing (allegedly)...

Blacks didn't do much of anything except pick cotton and tobacco on plantations. Of course some were servants who were treated quite nicely BTW as the majority of slaves were treated quite nicely...

Why the fuck you think they never left the south???

Most stuck around and continued to work for their "masters" because they were not bad people and in many cases treated their "slaves" as family members...

The plantation owners were the brutal ones who would whip slaves and degrade them...

Most slaves were treated kindly and that is why they never left the south - they never needed to or didn't want to...
I just wanted to stop by long enough to quote this screed for posterity's sake.

Sweet Jesus, Nick - it's 2012! Leave the 1912 justifications in that century where they belong.
You know absolutely nothing about economy...

Sorry I cannot debate your fucking ignorant view on economics... It makes no goddamn sense.

You keep on saying "the markets" and I have absolutely no fucking idea as to what you mean by "the markets."

Oh, and I couldn't give a shit if another individual does not want to serve another individual...

Who the fuck are you to say someone has to do something they don't want to do???

Ya fucking Nazi..

That's the biggest problem with you progressives - you just seem to think you can force people to do shit...

Fucking Nazi's...
Is this further proof that you know more about history than I?

The markets included slavery. The markets included lunch counters that discriminated. The markets used Black labor after slavery at reduced costs. The markets discriminated against Black families who wanted to buy a home in a previously white neighborhood.

The markets, dear stupid Nick, permitted discrimination and enslavement. The LAW countermanded this discrimination. It was not Authoritarian. It was JUSTICE.

And justice is codified by law. The markets are only there to make a buck, not provide legal protections from discrimination.

Left to their own devices, "Free Markets" would still be the last place American citizens can find equality.

Well under my "markets" which how you ignorantly put it - It would be illogical to turn down a paying customer.

What you're talking about is microeconomics - not "markets."

Lol...seriously. Just stop before you make yourself look even more like an ignorant fuck.

Tell me Nick, what does microeconomics study? Hint: Markets. The interactions of firms and households.
The sainted Dr. King. We have a holiday honoring an alcoholic whoremaster. Somehow it seems fitting for today's people. If King had not been assassinated, he would have spent the civil rights movement in prison for embezzling money from the Ebenezer Baptist Church to fund his legendary booze and whore parties. Oh yes I remember the civil rights movement. I especially remember how he ordered black children in front of Bull Connor's fire hoses because it looked good on camera. Anything for the cause, right?

you have a link to this?.....pretty serious accusations....
Some of the opinions in this thread really show how far we have to go in race relations, and the Civil Rights Act DEFINENTLY does not need to go anywhere, because obviously people cannot be trusted to do the right thing.
One black man saved it (MLK)and another one is ruining it (OBAMA)

King was as loathed back then by many conservatives as President Barack Obama is now. But you watch..he will be claimed at some future time for embracing conservative "values".

lots of Democrats loathed the guy too Sallow.....i know....you just overlooked that....

Can you believe there were actually Democratic Conservatives back then?
Some of the opinions in this thread really show how far we have to go in race relations, and the Civil Rights Act DEFINENTLY does not need to go anywhere, because obviously people cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

I think the biggest problem is complacency. We are not like that anymore so we don't need the Civil Rights bill. The idea that social pressures against bigoted business owners would have accomplished the same thing just because you could not get away with that today.

And Nick?

Nick lives in his own twisted world
Some of the opinions in this thread really show how far we have to go in race relations, and the Civil Rights Act DEFINENTLY does not need to go anywhere, because obviously people cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

I think the biggest problem is complacency. We are not like that anymore so we don't need the Civil Rights bill. The idea that social pressures against bigoted business owners would have accomplished the same thing just because you could not get away with that today.

And Nick?

Nick lives in his own twisted world

I think people are just quick to dismiss and piss on things and parts of history they don't understand or care about, Nick is a classic example of this. Its easy for ignorant people to say oh the civil rights era was so long ago it doesn't matter and MLK was a dick head blah blah blah blah blah. That kind of ignorance astounds me.
Some of the opinions in this thread really show how far we have to go in race relations, and the Civil Rights Act DEFINENTLY does not need to go anywhere, because obviously people cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

What's "the right thing"? Honor and worship of the black equivalent of Jim Baker?
Some of the opinions in this thread really show how far we have to go in race relations, and the Civil Rights Act DEFINENTLY does not need to go anywhere, because obviously people cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

What's "the right thing"? Honor and worship of the black equivalent of Jim Baker?

The "right thing" is to treat everyone equally you stupid bigoted fuck.
Some of the opinions in this thread really show how far we have to go in race relations, and the Civil Rights Act DEFINENTLY does not need to go anywhere, because obviously people cannot be trusted to do the right thing.

What's "the right thing"? Honor and worship of the black equivalent of Jim Baker?

The "right thing" is to treat everyone equally you stupid bigoted fuck.

That is what I propose! Haven't you got that part yet? What you want is equality with a nudge. There are certain things we should just sort of ignore because the person is black and deserves a leg up. Who should get a pass on their behavior because of the color of their skin? Who? If Martin Luther King was white, and did exactly the same things, do you think this white guy deserves statues in his honor, a day named after him, every major city to have a street named after him, parades and the level of hero worship?

By all means, lets have a little equality here.
When you get right down to it, anyone who does believe in equality is automatically a racist.
What's "the right thing"? Honor and worship of the black equivalent of Jim Baker?

The "right thing" is to treat everyone equally you stupid bigoted fuck.

That is what I propose! Haven't you got that part yet? What you want is equality with a nudge. There are certain things we should just sort of ignore because the person is black and deserves a leg up. Who should get a pass on their behavior because of the color of their skin? Who? If Martin Luther King was white, and did exactly the same things, do you think this white guy deserves statues in his honor, a day named after him, every major city to have a street named after him, parades and the level of hero worship?

By all means, lets have a little equality here.

I could really give a fuck less what color Martin Luther King was, but you obviously do.
What's "the right thing"? Honor and worship of the black equivalent of Jim Baker?

The "right thing" is to treat everyone equally you stupid bigoted fuck.

That is what I propose! Haven't you got that part yet? What you want is equality with a nudge. There are certain things we should just sort of ignore because the person is black and deserves a leg up. Who should get a pass on their behavior because of the color of their skin? Who? If Martin Luther King was white, and did exactly the same things, do you think this white guy deserves statues in his honor, a day named after him, every major city to have a street named after him, parades and the level of hero worship?

By all means, lets have a little equality here.

Hey...it worked for Lincoln
The "right thing" is to treat everyone equally you stupid bigoted fuck.

That is what I propose! Haven't you got that part yet? What you want is equality with a nudge. There are certain things we should just sort of ignore because the person is black and deserves a leg up. Who should get a pass on their behavior because of the color of their skin? Who? If Martin Luther King was white, and did exactly the same things, do you think this white guy deserves statues in his honor, a day named after him, every major city to have a street named after him, parades and the level of hero worship?

By all means, lets have a little equality here.

Hey...it worked for Lincoln

Evidently its ok for a white man to have a holiday, parade and streets named after him, but a black man cannot.:doubt:
The "right thing" is to treat everyone equally you stupid bigoted fuck.

That is what I propose! Haven't you got that part yet? What you want is equality with a nudge. There are certain things we should just sort of ignore because the person is black and deserves a leg up. Who should get a pass on their behavior because of the color of their skin? Who? If Martin Luther King was white, and did exactly the same things, do you think this white guy deserves statues in his honor, a day named after him, every major city to have a street named after him, parades and the level of hero worship?

By all means, lets have a little equality here.

I could really give a fuck less what color Martin Luther King was, but you obviously do.

Making him into the mythic figure that has been done is wrong no matter what color he is.
If you look at it realistically without needing the crutch of racism, Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas were demonized for doing far less than King ever did. Where the hell were the black people when Herman Cain's political career was being railroaded into the gutter? Why didn't they step up and say "Knock this shit off"? Where were the black protests when Clarence Thomas was undergoing his own high tech lynching?

What happened? White liberals didn't give their permission?
That is what I propose! Haven't you got that part yet? What you want is equality with a nudge. There are certain things we should just sort of ignore because the person is black and deserves a leg up. Who should get a pass on their behavior because of the color of their skin? Who? If Martin Luther King was white, and did exactly the same things, do you think this white guy deserves statues in his honor, a day named after him, every major city to have a street named after him, parades and the level of hero worship?

By all means, lets have a little equality here.

I could really give a fuck less what color Martin Luther King was, but you obviously do.

Making him into the mythic figure that has been done is wrong no matter what color he is.
If you look at it realistically without needing the crutch of racism, Herman Cain and Clarence Thomas were demonized for doing far less than King ever did. Where the hell were the black people when Herman Cain's political career was being railroaded into the gutter? Why didn't they step up and say "Knock this shit off"? Where were the black protests when Clarence Thomas was undergoing his own high tech lynching?

What happened? White liberals didn't give their permission?

Your racism stinks.:doubt:

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