Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

You're telling me something I already know...

BTW, I'm a great student of history....

Republicans have generally held the same position for the last 200 + years. RINO's are a different story, they're just as bad as progressives, but hardly racist.

Republicans were never racist - EVER...

We call ourselves conservatives because the party line has not changed since republicans were called Democratic-Republicans.

I suppose in modern times you could refer to me as a libertarian, however I'm really a Democratic-Republican or classical liberal..

BTW, I can assure you that I know way more about history than you do...

And yet Republican Ron Paul is running on a platform that he would have voted NO on the Civil Rights act

What a patriot

Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.
Market forces would eliminate racism? The market used Blacks as slaves and did rather well for better than a century. The market used Black labor at a reduced cost for another century after slavery was abolished by war and legal enforcement, at least as far as slavery went. Legal enforcement of any civil rights concern just did not exist for Black Americans.

States should resreve the right to treat citizens as second class citizens due to their complexion? Were states rights insititued to enforce injustice? States had legislated descrimination. Legislated voter suppression. Legislated two levels of property rights guarantees.

And how much longer were you going to allow any American to say to any other American "You cannot be served due to your complexion. We do not wish to associate ourselves with the likes of you."

What does 'land of the free' mean to you? Why shouldn't citizens look to the protection of federal law while their state laws continue to repress citizens for immutable circumstances?

This country was founded on a code of laws written by delegates in Philadelphia and ratified by state elected legislators. It was founded to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Where should people seek justice, tranquility and the blessings of liberty? The whole of the constitution must be respected and citizens rely on the code of law to enforce justice throughout the land.
It's not like the information isn't out there. If you wanted to, you would find out for yourself.

Yeah right, you just hate Blacks and its becoming more and more obvious each time you post.:eusa_hand:

I don't hate them. I have learned over many years to be extremely wary of them. I never know which one is going to just wig out or when or over what reason. I suppose that one might conclude I hate black people because I recognize that they do sometimes just rage for no good reason. To me that's just ordinary prudence. I have observed that you seem to be a reasonable person, most of the time. Have you ever asked youself seriously in a moment of self-reflection how much you need racism? I don't want an answer myself. It's a question you should be asking yourself. For instance has part of you never questioned that racism in a particular instance is necessary to avoid unpleasant facts?

I do hate manufactured greatness. I remember Martin Luther King, Jr., I certainly was around when he was marching and speaking. It's hard for me to accept the claptrap when I know better. King's true greatness came about as a by-product of his assassination. Had it not been for that, coming at that precise time, the entire civil rights movement may have collapsed changing the entire course of history.

There were plenty of black leaders of the day that didn't like King. Today it's heresy, but at the time, he had leadership that objected to his drinking, womanizing and the costs. Where did the money come from to support the massive parties? Donations to the cause, and the Ebenzer Baptist Church. Some of those leaders were active in building a case against King to discredit him and perhaps snatch the mantle of leadership themselves. Ralph Abernathy to mention just one. Coretta King, the grieving and devoted widow was ready to divorce him over his love of white, blonde prostitutes. Had King not been assassinated and been elevated to a mythic figure these things would have happened. It would have been all over.

One of the things that bothers me the most is sending little black girls to face off against Bull Connor's firehoses when it wasn't necessary. Connor was insane. Everyone knew it. The days of segregation in Alabama were over. Connor had lost the election. Wallace was limping to the end of his term. They both had become caracitures of the angry white segregationist without support of the people. King was told not to send those girls to stand against the crazy man who was going to be gone in a few days anyway. He chose to send those little girls in knowing they were going to be firehosed because it would be good publicity and donations were going to pour in.

No. I don't like people who do that. I don't. He should have gone in himself, led those girls, stood in front of them. Not sent in children to make a few bucks to spend on more booze binges.

Are you capable of discussing Martin Luther King, Jr., and his mythology without the need to find racism?

I like to think you are, but I remain wary that you are not.

See there you go again with the womanizing, drinking, sex parties etc. I don't really care if Martin Luther King did all that, nobody said the man was a saint. Malcolm X was also a thief, a liar, a hustler and messed around with white women. You seem eager to point these things out because you want to tear this man down and you have a low opinion of black people.:doubt:
And yet Republican Ron Paul is running on a platform that he would have voted NO on the Civil Rights act

What a patriot

Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.

The Civil rights act was useless? wow, just wow.:eek:

Explain to me why the civil rights act was needed???
And yet Republican Ron Paul is running on a platform that he would have voted NO on the Civil Rights act

What a patriot

Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.
Market forces would eliminate racism? The market used Blacks as slaves and did rather well for better than a century. The market used Black labor at a reduced cost for another century after slavery was abolished by war and legal enforcement, at least as far as slavery went. Legal enforcement of any civil rights concern just did not exist for Black Americans.

States should resreve the right to treat citizens as second class citizens due to their complexion? Were states rights insititued to enforce injustice? States had legislated descrimination. Legislated voter suppression. Legislated two levels of property rights guarantees.

And how much longer were you going to allow any American to say to any other American "You cannot be served due to your complexion. We do not wish to associate ourselves with the likes of you."

What does 'land of the free' mean to you? Why shouldn't citizens look to the protection of federal law while their state laws continue to repress citizens for immutable circumstances?

This country was founded on a code of laws written by delegates in Philadelphia and ratified by state elected legislators. It was founded to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Where should people seek justice, tranquility and the blessings of liberty? The whole of the constitution must be respected and citizens rely on the code of law to enforce justice throughout the land.

You are spot on but it seems like many Americans who are not Black don't really care for any of this and are ready to shred up the civil rights act and live back like we are in 1948 Alabama. This ignorance and niatevity of some people just kills me.
Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.

The Civil rights act was useless? wow, just wow.:eek:

Explain to me why the civil rights act was needed???

Are you fucking serious? until it was enacted Black people were treated as second class citizens and could not vote or exercise many of their rights as citizens, you have to be joking asking a Black person this question.:eusa_hand:
You're telling me something I already know...

BTW, I'm a great student of history....

Republicans have generally held the same position for the last 200 + years. RINO's are a different story, they're just as bad as progressives, but hardly racist.

Republicans were never racist - EVER...

We call ourselves conservatives because the party line has not changed since republicans were called Democratic-Republicans.

I suppose in modern times you could refer to me as a libertarian, however I'm really a Democratic-Republican or classical liberal..

BTW, I can assure you that I know way more about history than you do...

And yet Republican Ron Paul is running on a platform that he would have voted NO on the Civil Rights act

What a patriot

Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.

Amazing stuff for 2012 America

All the more reason why we shouldn't elect libertarians
And yet Republican Ron Paul is running on a platform that he would have voted NO on the Civil Rights act

What a patriot

Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.

Amazing stuff for 2012 America

All the more reason why we shouldn't elect libertarians

Yeah no shit, this is some scary stuff.:eek:
Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.

The Civil rights act was useless? wow, just wow.:eek:

Explain to me why the civil rights act was needed???

Read the thread and read the responses

It is needed more now than ever
And yet Republican Ron Paul is running on a platform that he would have voted NO on the Civil Rights act

What a patriot

Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.
Market forces would eliminate racism? The market used Blacks as slaves and did rather well for better than a century. The market used Black labor at a reduced cost for another century after slavery was abolished by war and legal enforcement, at least as far as slavery went. Legal enforcement of any civil rights concern just did not exist for Black Americans.

States should resreve the right to treat citizens as second class citizens due to their complexion? Were states rights insititued to enforce injustice? States had legislated descrimination. Legislated voter suppression. Legislated two levels of property rights guarantees.

And how much longer were you going to allow any American to say to any other American "You cannot be served due to your complexion. We do not wish to associate ourselves with the likes of you."

What does 'land of the free' mean to you? Why shouldn't citizens look to the protection of federal law while their state laws continue to repress citizens for immutable circumstances?

This country was founded on a code of laws written by delegates in Philadelphia and ratified by state elected legislators. It was founded to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Where should people seek justice, tranquility and the blessings of liberty? The whole of the constitution must be respected and citizens rely on the code of law to enforce justice throughout the land.

Are you not aware that presently blacks only makeup 13% of the population???

What do you think it was 200 years ago???

You may as well say that blacks did all the work while 80% of whites did nothing..

Furthermore there is absolutely NOTHING that states blacks are, or ever were LEGALLY able to be abused or oppressed.

Jim Crow laws were tyrannical because those laws violated the Bill of Rights up and down.

Slaves on the other-hand were PROPERTY and treated as such....

After the Emancipation Proclamation slaves were no longer property - hence the Bill of Rights applied to them as much as it did to a white man.

Hence there was never a need for a civil rights act...
Last edited:
The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Pub.L. 88-352, 78 Stat. 241, enacted July 2, 1964) was a landmark piece of legislation in the United States[1] that outlawed major forms of discrimination against African Americans and women, including racial segregation. It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public ("public accommodations").

Powers given to enforce the act were initially weak, but were supplemented during later years. Congress asserted its authority to legislate under several different parts of the United States Constitution, principally its power to regulate interstate commerce under Article One (section 8), its duty to guarantee all citizens equal protection of the laws under the Fourteenth Amendment and its duty to protect voting rights under the Fifteenth Amendment. The Act was signed into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson, who would later sign the landmark Voting Rights Act into law.

Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.
Market forces would eliminate racism? The market used Blacks as slaves and did rather well for better than a century. The market used Black labor at a reduced cost for another century after slavery was abolished by war and legal enforcement, at least as far as slavery went. Legal enforcement of any civil rights concern just did not exist for Black Americans.

States should resreve the right to treat citizens as second class citizens due to their complexion? Were states rights insititued to enforce injustice? States had legislated descrimination. Legislated voter suppression. Legislated two levels of property rights guarantees.

And how much longer were you going to allow any American to say to any other American "You cannot be served due to your complexion. We do not wish to associate ourselves with the likes of you."

What does 'land of the free' mean to you? Why shouldn't citizens look to the protection of federal law while their state laws continue to repress citizens for immutable circumstances?

This country was founded on a code of laws written by delegates in Philadelphia and ratified by state elected legislators. It was founded to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Where should people seek justice, tranquility and the blessings of liberty? The whole of the constitution must be respected and citizens rely on the code of law to enforce justice throughout the land.

Are you not aware that presently blacks only makeup 13% of the population???

What do you think it was 200 years ago???

You may as well say that blacks did all the work while 80% of whites did nothing..

Furthermore there is absolutely NOTHING that states blacks are, or ever were LEGALLY able to be abused or oppressed.

Jim Crow laws were tyrannical because those laws violated the Bill of Rights up and down.

Slaves on the other-hand were PROPERTY and treated as such....

After the Emancipation Proclamation slaves were no longer property - hence the Bill of Rights applied to them as much as it did to a white man.

Hence there was never a need for a civil rights act...

No thats bullshit, there was a need for the civil rights act because white people at the time were not treating Blacks as equal citizens and put systems in place like the Jim Crow laws that kept Blacks down and stopped them from being equal, you cannot be this ignorant to not know this, you didn't go to history class in school or do you just hate Black people this much?:confused:
Just the fact that theres someone in here saying there the civil rights act was not needed makes me shake my damn head, maybe the rest of the world is correct Americans are fucking stupid.
Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.
Market forces would eliminate racism? The market used Blacks as slaves and did rather well for better than a century. The market used Black labor at a reduced cost for another century after slavery was abolished by war and legal enforcement, at least as far as slavery went. Legal enforcement of any civil rights concern just did not exist for Black Americans.

States should resreve the right to treat citizens as second class citizens due to their complexion? Were states rights insititued to enforce injustice? States had legislated descrimination. Legislated voter suppression. Legislated two levels of property rights guarantees.

And how much longer were you going to allow any American to say to any other American "You cannot be served due to your complexion. We do not wish to associate ourselves with the likes of you."

What does 'land of the free' mean to you? Why shouldn't citizens look to the protection of federal law while their state laws continue to repress citizens for immutable circumstances?

This country was founded on a code of laws written by delegates in Philadelphia and ratified by state elected legislators. It was founded to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Where should people seek justice, tranquility and the blessings of liberty? The whole of the constitution must be respected and citizens rely on the code of law to enforce justice throughout the land.

Are you not aware that presently blacks only makeup 13% of the population???

What do you think it was 200 years ago???

You may as well say that blacks did all the work while 80% of whites did nothing..

Furthermore there is absolutely NOTHING that states blacks are, or ever were LEGALLY able to be abused or oppressed.

Jim Crow laws were tyrannical because those laws violated the Bill of Rights up and down.

Slaves on the other-hand were PROPERTY and treated as such....

After the Emancipation Proclamation slaves were no longer property - hence the Bill of Rights applied to them as much as it did to a white man.

Hence there was never a need for a civil rights act...
So if only minorities are repressed by state law, that's okay? Each and every American is not due the protections of law? Stopping a Black student at the school house door simply because that student is Black is not cause for legal intervention to guarantee civil rights?

The south defended it's oppression by playing the 'state's rights' card over and over. Should not the rule of law speak clearly in defending the civil rights of all American citizens? Should a Civil Rights code of law not be established so such repression is no longer legal in what we so lovingly call the Land of the Free?

The Bill of Rights does not protect a customer at a lunch counter. It fails to protect a student entering school. It does not protect the rights of a person to ride a bus from Montgomery Alabama to Atlanta Georgia. It fails to protect a family moving into a new neighborhood from discrimination because they look different from the current inhabitants.

All these injustices were done even under the aegis of state's rights within my lifetime. Thank God there is a Civil Rights Act so this sort of injustice can no longer stain our nation.
Yeah right, you just hate Blacks and its becoming more and more obvious each time you post.:eusa_hand:

I don't hate them. I have learned over many years to be extremely wary of them. I never know which one is going to just wig out or when or over what reason. I suppose that one might conclude I hate black people because I recognize that they do sometimes just rage for no good reason. To me that's just ordinary prudence. I have observed that you seem to be a reasonable person, most of the time. Have you ever asked youself seriously in a moment of self-reflection how much you need racism? I don't want an answer myself. It's a question you should be asking yourself. For instance has part of you never questioned that racism in a particular instance is necessary to avoid unpleasant facts?

I do hate manufactured greatness. I remember Martin Luther King, Jr., I certainly was around when he was marching and speaking. It's hard for me to accept the claptrap when I know better. King's true greatness came about as a by-product of his assassination. Had it not been for that, coming at that precise time, the entire civil rights movement may have collapsed changing the entire course of history.

There were plenty of black leaders of the day that didn't like King. Today it's heresy, but at the time, he had leadership that objected to his drinking, womanizing and the costs. Where did the money come from to support the massive parties? Donations to the cause, and the Ebenzer Baptist Church. Some of those leaders were active in building a case against King to discredit him and perhaps snatch the mantle of leadership themselves. Ralph Abernathy to mention just one. Coretta King, the grieving and devoted widow was ready to divorce him over his love of white, blonde prostitutes. Had King not been assassinated and been elevated to a mythic figure these things would have happened. It would have been all over.

One of the things that bothers me the most is sending little black girls to face off against Bull Connor's firehoses when it wasn't necessary. Connor was insane. Everyone knew it. The days of segregation in Alabama were over. Connor had lost the election. Wallace was limping to the end of his term. They both had become caracitures of the angry white segregationist without support of the people. King was told not to send those girls to stand against the crazy man who was going to be gone in a few days anyway. He chose to send those little girls in knowing they were going to be firehosed because it would be good publicity and donations were going to pour in.

No. I don't like people who do that. I don't. He should have gone in himself, led those girls, stood in front of them. Not sent in children to make a few bucks to spend on more booze binges.

Are you capable of discussing Martin Luther King, Jr., and his mythology without the need to find racism?

I like to think you are, but I remain wary that you are not.

See there you go again with the womanizing, drinking, sex parties etc. I don't really care if Martin Luther King did all that, nobody said the man was a saint. Malcolm X was also a thief, a liar, a hustler and messed around with white women. You seem eager to point these things out because you want to tear this man down and you have a low opinion of black people.:doubt:

I have a low opinion of prevaricators. Malcolm X was way different. Malcolm X was a redeemed soul. Malcolm X was a liar, hustler, liked white women AND men, he was bisexual, who became an intense racist when he became a black muslim and gave up his past evil ways. He once said of his mixed heritage, that if he could, he would take a knife and carve out the part of him that was white. However, he went on a pilgrimage to Mecca that changed his outlook. He came back very near a pacifist. There was a suspicion at one time that Malcolm X had King on a hit list!

Now I ask you, IF I were exposing the wrong doing by Jerry Falwell or Jim Baker would that make me an anti-white racist? I mean I can dish a lot of dirt on these guys. Start a topic.

Martin Luther King Jr. is unworthy of the myth of greatness. He would be unworthy of the myth of greatness if he were white. It has nothing to do with his color, it has to do with an unwarranted mantle of heroism.
Sometimes ideas are good but not constitutional.

The Constitution needs to be respected.

Besides, the civil rights act is redundant.

There is nothing in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights that blocks anyone from equality.

The civil rights act is a useless piece of legislation...

As a matter of fact Amendments XI-XXVII serve no purpose other than to give more power to the federal government.
Market forces would eliminate racism? The market used Blacks as slaves and did rather well for better than a century. The market used Black labor at a reduced cost for another century after slavery was abolished by war and legal enforcement, at least as far as slavery went. Legal enforcement of any civil rights concern just did not exist for Black Americans.

States should resreve the right to treat citizens as second class citizens due to their complexion? Were states rights insititued to enforce injustice? States had legislated descrimination. Legislated voter suppression. Legislated two levels of property rights guarantees.

And how much longer were you going to allow any American to say to any other American "You cannot be served due to your complexion. We do not wish to associate ourselves with the likes of you."

What does 'land of the free' mean to you? Why shouldn't citizens look to the protection of federal law while their state laws continue to repress citizens for immutable circumstances?

This country was founded on a code of laws written by delegates in Philadelphia and ratified by state elected legislators. It was founded to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Where should people seek justice, tranquility and the blessings of liberty? The whole of the constitution must be respected and citizens rely on the code of law to enforce justice throughout the land.

You are spot on but it seems like many Americans who are not Black don't really care for any of this and are ready to shred up the civil rights act and live back like we are in 1948 Alabama. This ignorance and niatevity of some people just kills me.

The only ignorance that is going on is by those who pretend they know something.

Tell me how 10% of the population builds a country and an economy while the other 90% sit around and do nothing (allegedly)...

Blacks didn't do much of anything except pick cotton and tobacco on plantations. Of course some were servants who were treated quite nicely BTW as the majority of slaves were treated quite nicely...

Why the fuck you think they never left the south???

Most stuck around and continued to work for their "masters" because they were not bad people and in many cases treated their "slaves" as family members...

The plantation owners were the brutal ones who would whip slaves and degrade them...

Most slaves were treated kindly and that is why they never left the south - they never needed to or didn't want to...
Market forces would eliminate racism? The market used Blacks as slaves and did rather well for better than a century. The market used Black labor at a reduced cost for another century after slavery was abolished by war and legal enforcement, at least as far as slavery went. Legal enforcement of any civil rights concern just did not exist for Black Americans.

States should resreve the right to treat citizens as second class citizens due to their complexion? Were states rights insititued to enforce injustice? States had legislated descrimination. Legislated voter suppression. Legislated two levels of property rights guarantees.

And how much longer were you going to allow any American to say to any other American "You cannot be served due to your complexion. We do not wish to associate ourselves with the likes of you."

What does 'land of the free' mean to you? Why shouldn't citizens look to the protection of federal law while their state laws continue to repress citizens for immutable circumstances?

This country was founded on a code of laws written by delegates in Philadelphia and ratified by state elected legislators. It was founded to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Where should people seek justice, tranquility and the blessings of liberty? The whole of the constitution must be respected and citizens rely on the code of law to enforce justice throughout the land.

You are spot on but it seems like many Americans who are not Black don't really care for any of this and are ready to shred up the civil rights act and live back like we are in 1948 Alabama. This ignorance and niatevity of some people just kills me.

The only ignorance that is going on is by those who pretend they know something.

Tell me how 10% of the population builds a country and an economy while the other 90% sit around and do nothing (allegedly)...

Blacks didn't do much of anything except pick cotton and tobacco on plantations. Of course some were servants who were treated quite nicely BTW as the majority of slaves were treated quite nicely...

Why the fuck you think they never left the south???

Most stuck around and continued to work for their "masters" because they were not bad people and in many cases treated their "slaves" as family members...

The plantation owners were the brutal ones who would whip slaves and degrade them...

Most slaves were treated kindly and that is why they never left the south - they never needed to or didn't want to...

yeah! you're a great student of history!
Market forces would eliminate racism? The market used Blacks as slaves and did rather well for better than a century. The market used Black labor at a reduced cost for another century after slavery was abolished by war and legal enforcement, at least as far as slavery went. Legal enforcement of any civil rights concern just did not exist for Black Americans.

States should resreve the right to treat citizens as second class citizens due to their complexion? Were states rights insititued to enforce injustice? States had legislated descrimination. Legislated voter suppression. Legislated two levels of property rights guarantees.

And how much longer were you going to allow any American to say to any other American "You cannot be served due to your complexion. We do not wish to associate ourselves with the likes of you."

What does 'land of the free' mean to you? Why shouldn't citizens look to the protection of federal law while their state laws continue to repress citizens for immutable circumstances?

This country was founded on a code of laws written by delegates in Philadelphia and ratified by state elected legislators. It was founded to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.

Where should people seek justice, tranquility and the blessings of liberty? The whole of the constitution must be respected and citizens rely on the code of law to enforce justice throughout the land.

You are spot on but it seems like many Americans who are not Black don't really care for any of this and are ready to shred up the civil rights act and live back like we are in 1948 Alabama. This ignorance and niatevity of some people just kills me.

The only ignorance that is going on is by those who pretend they know something.

Tell me how 10% of the population builds a country and an economy while the other 90% sit around and do nothing (allegedly)...

Blacks didn't do much of anything except pick cotton and tobacco on plantations. Of course some were servants who were treated quite nicely BTW as the majority of slaves were treated quite nicely...

Why the fuck you think they never left the south???

Most stuck around and continued to work for their "masters" because they were not bad people and in many cases treated their "slaves" as family members...

The plantation owners were the brutal ones who would whip slaves and degrade them...

Most slaves were treated kindly and that is why they never left the south - they never needed to or didn't want to...

Wow your ignorance is just off the charts, its obvious you just dislike Black people and enjoy pissing on their history.:eusa_hand:
I don't hate them. I have learned over many years to be extremely wary of them. I never know which one is going to just wig out or when or over what reason. I suppose that one might conclude I hate black people because I recognize that they do sometimes just rage for no good reason. To me that's just ordinary prudence. I have observed that you seem to be a reasonable person, most of the time. Have you ever asked youself seriously in a moment of self-reflection how much you need racism? I don't want an answer myself. It's a question you should be asking yourself. For instance has part of you never questioned that racism in a particular instance is necessary to avoid unpleasant facts?

I do hate manufactured greatness. I remember Martin Luther King, Jr., I certainly was around when he was marching and speaking. It's hard for me to accept the claptrap when I know better. King's true greatness came about as a by-product of his assassination. Had it not been for that, coming at that precise time, the entire civil rights movement may have collapsed changing the entire course of history.

There were plenty of black leaders of the day that didn't like King. Today it's heresy, but at the time, he had leadership that objected to his drinking, womanizing and the costs. Where did the money come from to support the massive parties? Donations to the cause, and the Ebenzer Baptist Church. Some of those leaders were active in building a case against King to discredit him and perhaps snatch the mantle of leadership themselves. Ralph Abernathy to mention just one. Coretta King, the grieving and devoted widow was ready to divorce him over his love of white, blonde prostitutes. Had King not been assassinated and been elevated to a mythic figure these things would have happened. It would have been all over.

One of the things that bothers me the most is sending little black girls to face off against Bull Connor's firehoses when it wasn't necessary. Connor was insane. Everyone knew it. The days of segregation in Alabama were over. Connor had lost the election. Wallace was limping to the end of his term. They both had become caracitures of the angry white segregationist without support of the people. King was told not to send those girls to stand against the crazy man who was going to be gone in a few days anyway. He chose to send those little girls in knowing they were going to be firehosed because it would be good publicity and donations were going to pour in.

No. I don't like people who do that. I don't. He should have gone in himself, led those girls, stood in front of them. Not sent in children to make a few bucks to spend on more booze binges.

Are you capable of discussing Martin Luther King, Jr., and his mythology without the need to find racism?

I like to think you are, but I remain wary that you are not.

See there you go again with the womanizing, drinking, sex parties etc. I don't really care if Martin Luther King did all that, nobody said the man was a saint. Malcolm X was also a thief, a liar, a hustler and messed around with white women. You seem eager to point these things out because you want to tear this man down and you have a low opinion of black people.:doubt:

I have a low opinion of prevaricators. Malcolm X was way different. Malcolm X was a redeemed soul. Malcolm X was a liar, hustler, liked white women AND men, he was bisexual, who became an intense racist when he became a black muslim and gave up his past evil ways. He once said of his mixed heritage, that if he could, he would take a knife and carve out the part of him that was white. However, he went on a pilgrimage to Mecca that changed his outlook. He came back very near a pacifist. There was a suspicion at one time that Malcolm X had King on a hit list!

Now I ask you, IF I were exposing the wrong doing by Jerry Falwell or Jim Baker would that make me an anti-white racist? I mean I can dish a lot of dirt on these guys. Start a topic.

Martin Luther King Jr. is unworthy of the myth of greatness. He would be unworthy of the myth of greatness if he were white. It has nothing to do with his color, it has to do with an unwarranted mantle of heroism.

Right, so lets see you tear down some white people? George Washington was a fucking joke and a loser right?:eusa_hand:

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