Dr Martin Luther King saved this country

I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

I'm 31 years old...

Go to sleep....

Your hippie ilk does nothing more than surr-up old memories then use them against us younger guys...

Fuck You!!!!!

Were you drunk when you typed this? because that response made no sense.:confused:
I grew up in the 60's and saw most of the Civil Rights movement. Like most Americans, I was outraged at the assasination of Dr King. When we talked about giving him a national holiday ten years later, I looked at it as a form of appeasement for outraged blacks.....a way of giving them their own holiday to quiet them down.

In reading about the Civil Rights movement in subsequent years, I realized what a great American Dr King was. Black Americans came back after WWII to find that despite fighting and dying in defense of their country, they were still treated like lesser Americans. They found they were not allowed to mingle with whites, were not welcome in much of the country they had fought for. Blacks were considered to be dirty, diseased and sub human. Some whites were outraged at the thought of eating with blacks, using the same restrooms, riding on public transportation with them.

As black Americans began to protest their treatment in their own country they were met with harsh resistance from both white militants and governments who swore to support inequal treatment. Blacks were denied the right to vote, to freely associate, rights to a fair trial. Those who resisted were met with terrorist attacks. Lynchings, bombings, arrest and assasination of their leaders.

Most of us faced with such horrific treatment in our own homeland would fight violence with violence. How would you react if someone spat on your child for trying to go to school?

When the courts did not protect blacks, armed conflict would seem a reasonable response. Dr King knew violence would only result in more violence against you. He modeled the Civil Rights movement around Gandhis peaceful resistance theories. By using cameras to document the treatment of peaceful protestors he saved this country from an armed violent protest that would have destroyed this country.

America returned from WWII as an economic and military superpower. But a country that does not treat its citizens with respect is not a moral superpower. By changing the way we treat our citizens, Dr King, more importantly, saved our soul. By forcing us to look in a mirror and see who we really are, he enabled us to become a truly great country.

On this Martin Luther King day I hope everyone can reflect on what a great American he was and how much better off we all are

I'm 31 years old...

Go to sleep....

Your hippie ilk does nothing more than surr-up old memories then use them against us younger guys...

Fuck You!!!!!

Were you drunk when you typed this? because that response made no sense.:confused:

It makes perfect sense..

My point is/was that I'm too damn young to have to have anything to do with the oppression of blacks and that parroting what occurred before I was born and laying the burden of it on me and those of my generation is absolutely wrong.

As far as blacks are concerned they need to just get over it...

They act like they were the only race that was ever enslaved...

The reality is that 99.999% of those living today of any race, creed or religion are the descendants of slaves...

I don't know what makes the slavery of blacks any more important than the enslavement of anyone else.
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I'm 31 years old...

Go to sleep....

Your hippie ilk does nothing more than surr-up old memories then use them against us younger guys...

Fuck You!!!!!

Were you drunk when you typed this? because that response made no sense.:confused:

It makes perfect sense..

My point is/was that I'm too damn young to have to have anything to do with the oppression of blacks and that parroting what occurred before I was born and laying the burden of it on me and those of my generation is absolutely wrong.

As far as blacks are concerned they need to just get over it...

They act like they were the only race that was ever enslaved...

The reality is that 99.999% of those living today of any race, creed or religion are the descendants of slaves...

I don't know what makes the slavery of blacks any more important than the enslavement of anyone else.

Your age is irrelevant to what this man did for Blacks and Americans in general, and you telling Blacks to "just get over it" is just plaine ignorant, no wonder race relations are so fucked in this country.:doubt:
I'm 31 years old...

Go to sleep....

Your hippie ilk does nothing more than surr-up old memories then use them against us younger guys...

Fuck You!!!!!

Were you drunk when you typed this? because that response made no sense.:confused:

It makes perfect sense..

My point is/was that I'm too damn young to have to have anything to do with the oppression of blacks and that parroting what occurred before I was born and laying the burden of it on me and those of my generation is absolutely wrong.

As far as blacks are concerned they need to just get over it...

They act like they were the only race that was ever enslaved...

The reality is that 99.999% of those living today of any race, creed or religion are the descendants of slaves...

I don't know what makes the slavery of blacks any more important than the enslavement of anyone else.

Who is blaming you?

What happened in the civil rights movement was a keystone of our history. Anyone who values freedom and liberty, as you say you do, would recognize civil rights fighters as true American patriots.
They were fighting for liberty. They were fighting a government that stacked the rules against them. They were beaten, lynched and imprisoned. They never fired a shot and yet they won

I would think a libertarian would be impressed by that
Were you drunk when you typed this? because that response made no sense.:confused:

It makes perfect sense..

My point is/was that I'm too damn young to have to have anything to do with the oppression of blacks and that parroting what occurred before I was born and laying the burden of it on me and those of my generation is absolutely wrong.

As far as blacks are concerned they need to just get over it...

They act like they were the only race that was ever enslaved...

The reality is that 99.999% of those living today of any race, creed or religion are the descendants of slaves...

I don't know what makes the slavery of blacks any more important than the enslavement of anyone else.

Your age is irrelevant to what this man did for Blacks and Americans in general, and you telling Blacks to "just get over it" is just plaine ignorant, no wonder race relations are so fucked in this country.:doubt:

Get over it....

Sicilians fled the oppression in Sicily to arrive here, get off the boat only to face more oppression..

Oh and lets not forget how the Moors (blacks) just took Sicily and raped and stole from the peasant people of Sicily...

Us Sicilians got over all that but it seems the poor poor blacks want to keep slavery alive and well..

I don't have anything bad to say about MLK and I support his message and ideas 100%, however I believe if the man was alive today he would say the same damn thing I have been saying "get over it."

Mission accomplished - blacks are not slaves and they aren't oppressed - at least not anymore than anyone else is.
It makes perfect sense..

My point is/was that I'm too damn young to have to have anything to do with the oppression of blacks and that parroting what occurred before I was born and laying the burden of it on me and those of my generation is absolutely wrong.

As far as blacks are concerned they need to just get over it...

They act like they were the only race that was ever enslaved...

The reality is that 99.999% of those living today of any race, creed or religion are the descendants of slaves...

I don't know what makes the slavery of blacks any more important than the enslavement of anyone else.

Your age is irrelevant to what this man did for Blacks and Americans in general, and you telling Blacks to "just get over it" is just plaine ignorant, no wonder race relations are so fucked in this country.:doubt:

Get over it....

Sicilians fled the oppression in Sicily to arrive here, get off the boat only to face more oppression..

Oh and lets not forget how the Moors (blacks) just took Sicily and raped and stole from the peasant people of Sicily...

Us Sicilians got over all that but it seems the poor poor blacks want to keep slavery alive and well..

I don't have anything bad to say about MLK and I support his message and ideas 100%, however I believe if the man was alive today he would say the same damn thing I have been saying "get over it."

Mission accomplished - blacks are not slaves and they aren't oppressed - at least not anymore than anyone else is.

The ignorance of people like you truly astounds me. Sicilians did go through their problems in this country sure but to try and compare their troubles to that of Blacks is just ignorant and dumb, Sicilians were not brought here as slaves and than terrorized and lynched for just trying to exercise their rights as normal human beings. You just showed yourself to be an ignorant dumb fuck, lets just leave it at that.
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Were you drunk when you typed this? because that response made no sense.:confused:

It makes perfect sense..

My point is/was that I'm too damn young to have to have anything to do with the oppression of blacks and that parroting what occurred before I was born and laying the burden of it on me and those of my generation is absolutely wrong.

As far as blacks are concerned they need to just get over it...

They act like they were the only race that was ever enslaved...

The reality is that 99.999% of those living today of any race, creed or religion are the descendants of slaves...

I don't know what makes the slavery of blacks any more important than the enslavement of anyone else.

Who is blaming you?

What happened in the civil rights movement was a keystone of our history. Anyone who values freedom and liberty, as you say you do, would recognize civil rights fighters as true American patriots.
They were fighting for liberty. They were fighting a government that stacked the rules against them. They were beaten, lynched and imprisoned. They never fired a shot and yet they won

I would think a libertarian would be impressed by that

Of course I value civil rights and I appreciate MLK, however all this race based bullshit needs to stop in our present time of 2012.

In present times race is nothing more than an excuse... "I didn't succeed at _________ because I'm black and everyone is a racist."

I cant even criticize a black person I don't agree with without being labeled a "racist."

As if the whole notion of disagreement has something to do with someones race instead of their ideas.

Hell, if you listen to the MSM op-ed political shows - especially the left wing shows - everyone who opposes Obama only does so because hes "black."

Then you have Obama's DOJ and the only thing I can say about that is "the chickens have come home to roost."
Your age is irrelevant to what this man did for Blacks and Americans in general, and you telling Blacks to "just get over it" is just plaine ignorant, no wonder race relations are so fucked in this country.:doubt:

Get over it....

Sicilians fled the oppression in Sicily to arrive here, get off the boat only to face more oppression..

Oh and lets not forget how the Moors (blacks) just took Sicily and raped and stole from the peasant people of Sicily...

Us Sicilians got over all that but it seems the poor poor blacks want to keep slavery alive and well..

I don't have anything bad to say about MLK and I support his message and ideas 100%, however I believe if the man was alive today he would say the same damn thing I have been saying "get over it."

Mission accomplished - blacks are not slaves and they aren't oppressed - at least not anymore than anyone else is.

The ignorance of people like you truly astounds me. Sicilians did go through their problems in this country sure but to try and compare their troubles to that of Blacks is just ignorant and dumb, Sicilians were not brought here as slaves and than terrorized and lynched for just trying to exercise their rights as normal human beings. You just showed yourself to be an ignorant dumb fuck, lets just leave it at that.

The hell they weren't. The largest mass lynching in the US was that of Sicilians in New Orleans...

Also, do you realize that those slaves were sold to the Dutch and Spanish by - DING DING DING - Black slave owners...

Why does no one ever mention that???

Why don't blacks point fingers to the "motherland"

Lets also not forget that the first slaves in the US were NOT black but WHITE, and that lasted for a good 100 years..

What about the slavery in South America??? the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous populace to mine silver...

I can go on and on about slavery...

What makes blacks so special given the history of slavery -- especially by their own brothas and sistas in Africa -- where slavery is still being practiced..

Get over it - everyone else has...

You're not a victim of anything but your own imagination...
Get over it....

Sicilians fled the oppression in Sicily to arrive here, get off the boat only to face more oppression..

Oh and lets not forget how the Moors (blacks) just took Sicily and raped and stole from the peasant people of Sicily...

Us Sicilians got over all that but it seems the poor poor blacks want to keep slavery alive and well..

I don't have anything bad to say about MLK and I support his message and ideas 100%, however I believe if the man was alive today he would say the same damn thing I have been saying "get over it."

Mission accomplished - blacks are not slaves and they aren't oppressed - at least not anymore than anyone else is.

The ignorance of people like you truly astounds me. Sicilians did go through their problems in this country sure but to try and compare their troubles to that of Blacks is just ignorant and dumb, Sicilians were not brought here as slaves and than terrorized and lynched for just trying to exercise their rights as normal human beings. You just showed yourself to be an ignorant dumb fuck, lets just leave it at that.

The hell they weren't. The largest mass lynching in the US was that of Sicilians in New Orleans...

Also, do you realize that those slaves were sold to the Dutch and Spanish by - DING DING DING - Black slave owners...

Why does no one ever mention that???

Why don't blacks point fingers to the "motherland"

Lets also not forget that the first slaves in the US were NOT black but WHITE, and that lasted for a good 100 years..

What about the slavery in South America??? the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous populace to mine silver...

I can go on and on about slavery...

What makes blacks so special given the history of slavery -- especially by their own brothas and sistas in Africa -- where slavery is still being practiced..

Get over it - everyone else has...

You're not a victim of anything but your own imagination...

Hey Nick, your spite is showing.
Get over it....

Sicilians fled the oppression in Sicily to arrive here, get off the boat only to face more oppression..

Oh and lets not forget how the Moors (blacks) just took Sicily and raped and stole from the peasant people of Sicily...

Us Sicilians got over all that but it seems the poor poor blacks want to keep slavery alive and well..

I don't have anything bad to say about MLK and I support his message and ideas 100%, however I believe if the man was alive today he would say the same damn thing I have been saying "get over it."

Mission accomplished - blacks are not slaves and they aren't oppressed - at least not anymore than anyone else is.

The ignorance of people like you truly astounds me. Sicilians did go through their problems in this country sure but to try and compare their troubles to that of Blacks is just ignorant and dumb, Sicilians were not brought here as slaves and than terrorized and lynched for just trying to exercise their rights as normal human beings. You just showed yourself to be an ignorant dumb fuck, lets just leave it at that.

The hell they weren't. The largest mass lynching in the US was that of Sicilians in New Orleans...

Also, do you realize that those slaves were sold to the Dutch and Spanish by - DING DING DING - Black slave owners...

Why does no one ever mention that???

Why don't blacks point fingers to the "motherland"

Lets also not forget that the first slaves in the US were NOT black but WHITE, and that lasted for a good 100 years..

What about the slavery in South America??? the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous populace to mine silver...

I can go on and on about slavery...

What makes blacks so special given the history of slavery -- especially by their own brothas and sistas in Africa -- where slavery is still being practiced..

Get over it - everyone else has...

You're not a victim of anything but your own imagination...

I first want to say my bad for cussing at you, but you have to understand this is a delicate subject for Black Americans. As far as the largest lynching being that of Sicilians, I am sorry to hear that and I didn't know, if thats true I am surprised you don't have empathy for Blacks. I remember hearing alot of whites say they don't consider Sicilians really white because of their mixed ancestry, the reason MLK day is imporant is because it shows young people especially Blacks how far this country has come, and I think is important for any American regardless of color. You have to understand when a Black person hears a white person tell them to just get over slavery, its not going to go over well, thats like a Muslim telling an American to just get over 9/11, or for an American to tell an Iraqi to just get over the Iraqi invasion.
The ignorance of people like you truly astounds me. Sicilians did go through their problems in this country sure but to try and compare their troubles to that of Blacks is just ignorant and dumb, Sicilians were not brought here as slaves and than terrorized and lynched for just trying to exercise their rights as normal human beings. You just showed yourself to be an ignorant dumb fuck, lets just leave it at that.

The hell they weren't. The largest mass lynching in the US was that of Sicilians in New Orleans...

Also, do you realize that those slaves were sold to the Dutch and Spanish by - DING DING DING - Black slave owners...

Why does no one ever mention that???

Why don't blacks point fingers to the "motherland"

Lets also not forget that the first slaves in the US were NOT black but WHITE, and that lasted for a good 100 years..

What about the slavery in South America??? the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous populace to mine silver...

I can go on and on about slavery...

What makes blacks so special given the history of slavery -- especially by their own brothas and sistas in Africa -- where slavery is still being practiced..

Get over it - everyone else has...

You're not a victim of anything but your own imagination...

Hey Nick, your spite is showing.

I was just mocking how black US citizens refer to their motherland relatives - the same ones that sold them to slave traders..

I only spite those who play the race card and paint themselves as victims of just about everything.
The hell they weren't. The largest mass lynching in the US was that of Sicilians in New Orleans...

Also, do you realize that those slaves were sold to the Dutch and Spanish by - DING DING DING - Black slave owners...

Why does no one ever mention that???

Why don't blacks point fingers to the "motherland"

Lets also not forget that the first slaves in the US were NOT black but WHITE, and that lasted for a good 100 years..

What about the slavery in South America??? the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous populace to mine silver...

I can go on and on about slavery...

What makes blacks so special given the history of slavery -- especially by their own brothas and sistas in Africa -- where slavery is still being practiced..

Get over it - everyone else has...

You're not a victim of anything but your own imagination...

Hey Nick, your spite is showing.

I was just mocking how black US citizens refer to their motherland relatives - the same ones that sold them to slave traders..

I only spite those who play the race card and paint themselves as victims of just about everything.

Yes, you were mocking it.
The ignorance of people like you truly astounds me. Sicilians did go through their problems in this country sure but to try and compare their troubles to that of Blacks is just ignorant and dumb, Sicilians were not brought here as slaves and than terrorized and lynched for just trying to exercise their rights as normal human beings. You just showed yourself to be an ignorant dumb fuck, lets just leave it at that.

The hell they weren't. The largest mass lynching in the US was that of Sicilians in New Orleans...

Also, do you realize that those slaves were sold to the Dutch and Spanish by - DING DING DING - Black slave owners...

Why does no one ever mention that???

Why don't blacks point fingers to the "motherland"

Lets also not forget that the first slaves in the US were NOT black but WHITE, and that lasted for a good 100 years..

What about the slavery in South America??? the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous populace to mine silver...

I can go on and on about slavery...

What makes blacks so special given the history of slavery -- especially by their own brothas and sistas in Africa -- where slavery is still being practiced..

Get over it - everyone else has...

You're not a victim of anything but your own imagination...

I first want to say my bad for cussing at you, but you have to understand this is a delicate subject for Black Americans. As far as the largest lynching being that of Sicilians, I am sorry to hear that and I didn't know, if thats true I am surprised you don't have empathy for Blacks. I remember hearing alot of whites say they don't consider Sicilians really white because of their mixed ancestry, the reason MLK day is imporant is because it shows young people especially Blacks how far this country has come, and I think is important for any American regardless of color. You have to understand when a Black person hears a white person tell them to just get over slavery, its not going to go over well, thats like a Muslim telling an American to just get over 9/11, or for an American to tell an Iraqi to just get over the Iraqi invasion.

I don't have a problem with anyone of any race. As an individualist I understand that there are good and bad people. I'm just don't care for those who play the race card - especially those who are my age and have never faced true oppression.

Honestly, the most humble black folks I have ever met were the elderly that did face oppression... You'd think if anyone would be pissed it would be them but they're not.

Slavery was and is wrong, oppressing people because they're of another race is wrong, but in order to move on and be successful they can't keep what happened in the past play a role in their present day lives.

Yes, even to this day northern Italians (at least the older ones) view Sicilians as savages.

Do you think I really care?? nope...

Look at WWII as well while were on the subject. FDR threw Japanese, Italians/Sicilian and Nazis in camps...

I suppose my point is that it wasn't only blacks that were oppressed and it kinda shakes me the wrong way that black slavery is somehow more important then the oppression others faced..

Not to mention the slavery in South America by the Spaniards circa 16th and 17th century was way more brutal than what happened here in the states with blacks.

It's amazing how that is overlooked...
The hell they weren't. The largest mass lynching in the US was that of Sicilians in New Orleans...

Also, do you realize that those slaves were sold to the Dutch and Spanish by - DING DING DING - Black slave owners...

Why does no one ever mention that???

Why don't blacks point fingers to the "motherland"

Lets also not forget that the first slaves in the US were NOT black but WHITE, and that lasted for a good 100 years..

What about the slavery in South America??? the Spaniards enslaved the indigenous populace to mine silver...

I can go on and on about slavery...

What makes blacks so special given the history of slavery -- especially by their own brothas and sistas in Africa -- where slavery is still being practiced..

Get over it - everyone else has...

You're not a victim of anything but your own imagination...

I first want to say my bad for cussing at you, but you have to understand this is a delicate subject for Black Americans. As far as the largest lynching being that of Sicilians, I am sorry to hear that and I didn't know, if thats true I am surprised you don't have empathy for Blacks. I remember hearing alot of whites say they don't consider Sicilians really white because of their mixed ancestry, the reason MLK day is imporant is because it shows young people especially Blacks how far this country has come, and I think is important for any American regardless of color. You have to understand when a Black person hears a white person tell them to just get over slavery, its not going to go over well, thats like a Muslim telling an American to just get over 9/11, or for an American to tell an Iraqi to just get over the Iraqi invasion.

I don't have a problem with anyone of any race. As an individualist I understand that there are good and bad people. I'm just don't care for those who play the race card - especially those who are my age and have never faced true oppression.

Honestly, the most humble black folks I have ever met were the elderly that did face oppression... You'd think if anyone would be pissed it would be them but they're not.

Slavery was and is wrong, oppressing people because they're of another race is wrong, but in order to move on and be successful they can't keep what happened in the past play a role in their present day lives.

Yes, even to this day northern Italians (at least the older ones) view Sicilians as savages.

Do you think I really care?? nope...

Look at WWII as well while were on the subject. FDR threw Japanese, Italians/Sicilian and Nazis in camps...

I suppose my point is that it wasn't only blacks that were oppressed and it kinda shakes me the wrong way that black slavery is somehow more important then the oppression others faced..

Not to mention the slavery in South America by the Spaniards circa 16th and 17th century was way more brutal than what happened here in the states with blacks.

It's amazing how that is overlooked...

I wouldn't say that slavery in South America or other countries is overlooked, I am pretty sure they teach it in their schools there, as far as I know Brazil was the last country in the Western Hemisphere to outlaw slavery, and Brazil has the largest Black population in the America's if I'm not mistaken. I agree with pretty much everything you said, I just get burned when people say to just get over and forget slavery.
Hey Nick, your spite is showing.

I was just mocking how black US citizens refer to their motherland relatives - the same ones that sold them to slave traders..

I only spite those who play the race card and paint themselves as victims of just about everything.

Yes, you were mocking it.

Do you find something wrong with that?

I also mock phonetic spellers..

I suppose "brothas and sistas" is phonetic spelling... At least I used an "s" instead of a "z."
I first want to say my bad for cussing at you, but you have to understand this is a delicate subject for Black Americans. As far as the largest lynching being that of Sicilians, I am sorry to hear that and I didn't know, if thats true I am surprised you don't have empathy for Blacks. I remember hearing alot of whites say they don't consider Sicilians really white because of their mixed ancestry, the reason MLK day is imporant is because it shows young people especially Blacks how far this country has come, and I think is important for any American regardless of color. You have to understand when a Black person hears a white person tell them to just get over slavery, its not going to go over well, thats like a Muslim telling an American to just get over 9/11, or for an American to tell an Iraqi to just get over the Iraqi invasion.

I don't have a problem with anyone of any race. As an individualist I understand that there are good and bad people. I'm just don't care for those who play the race card - especially those who are my age and have never faced true oppression.

Honestly, the most humble black folks I have ever met were the elderly that did face oppression... You'd think if anyone would be pissed it would be them but they're not.

Slavery was and is wrong, oppressing people because they're of another race is wrong, but in order to move on and be successful they can't keep what happened in the past play a role in their present day lives.

Yes, even to this day northern Italians (at least the older ones) view Sicilians as savages.

Do you think I really care?? nope...

Look at WWII as well while were on the subject. FDR threw Japanese, Italians/Sicilian and Nazis in camps...

I suppose my point is that it wasn't only blacks that were oppressed and it kinda shakes me the wrong way that black slavery is somehow more important then the oppression others faced..

Not to mention the slavery in South America by the Spaniards circa 16th and 17th century was way more brutal than what happened here in the states with blacks.

It's amazing how that is overlooked...

I wouldn't say that slavery in South America or other countries is overlooked, I am pretty sure they teach it in their schools there, as far as I know Brazil was the last country in the Western Hemisphere to outlaw slavery, and Brazil has the largest Black population in the America's if I'm not mistaken. I agree with pretty much everything you said, I just get burned when people say to just get over and forget slavery.

You're correct about Brazil...

The black population in Brazil are descendants of slaves the Spaniards brought over..

It seems the Spaniards always get a free pass when American slavery is discussed..

75% of African slaves ended up in South America mining silver - hence Brazil and its demographics.

When people talk about slavery the first thing they will think of is North American slavery. Most people don't even know that the majority of African slaves ended up in South America..

People should be knowledgeable about their roots, however they shouldn't let their past play a role in their present day lives.

"Slavery" and "racism" are nothing more than excuses in 2012..

What happened 50 years ago plays no role in what is happening today, especially if you were born 1970 or after..

Slavery is part of American history - its part of every nations history - however its history and thats where it belongs - in history books.
King was a womanizer as a matter of fact. Hoover was sexually ambiguous as a matter of liberal myth.

Why do you keep mentioning that? this is the like the 500th time I have seen you mention that MLK was a womanizer? why is his sex life such a big concern for you?

Well, I could bring up his embezlement from the Ebenezer Baptist Church to fund his legendary parties, or that he was a severe alcoholic. Or even that he plagiarized much of what he wrote, and others wrote the rest for him. But, in the above instance I was responding to someone else and was therefore constrained by what they said.

We make heroes where we need them and ignore everything that doesn't prove heroism. Had MLK lived, he would not have been the father of the civil rights movement. He would not have been a hero. He would not have a statue to his greatness. His greatest contribution to civil rights was in being assassinated. He was a true martyr. In death his gigantic flaws are ignored. Not even forgiven, ignored. Only the myth remains.

Not content with that, liberals have to make up other myths like the ones about J. Edgar Hoover. Not a shred of evidence but lots of mythic conjecture.
King was a womanizer as a matter of fact. Hoover was sexually ambiguous as a matter of liberal myth.

Why do you keep mentioning that? this is the like the 500th time I have seen you mention that MLK was a womanizer? why is his sex life such a big concern for you?

Well, I could bring up his embezlement from the Ebenezer Baptist Church to fund his legendary parties, or that he was a severe alcoholic. Or even that he plagiarized much of what he wrote, and others wrote the rest for him. But, in the above instance I was responding to someone else and was therefore constrained by what they said.

We make heroes where we need them and ignore everything that doesn't prove heroism. Had MLK lived, he would not have been the father of the civil rights movement. He would not have been a hero. He would not have a statue to his greatness. His greatest contribution to civil rights was in being assassinated. He was a true martyr. In death his gigantic flaws are ignored. Not even forgiven, ignored. Only the myth remains.

Not content with that, liberals have to make up other myths like the ones about J. Edgar Hoover. Not a shred of evidence but lots of mythic conjecture.

You have no proof of any of your accusations, put the vodka bottle down.:eusa_hand:
I don't have a problem with anyone of any race. As an individualist I understand that there are good and bad people. I'm just don't care for those who play the race card - especially those who are my age and have never faced true oppression.

Honestly, the most humble black folks I have ever met were the elderly that did face oppression... You'd think if anyone would be pissed it would be them but they're not.

Slavery was and is wrong, oppressing people because they're of another race is wrong, but in order to move on and be successful they can't keep what happened in the past play a role in their present day lives.

Yes, even to this day northern Italians (at least the older ones) view Sicilians as savages.

Do you think I really care?? nope...

Look at WWII as well while were on the subject. FDR threw Japanese, Italians/Sicilian and Nazis in camps...

I suppose my point is that it wasn't only blacks that were oppressed and it kinda shakes me the wrong way that black slavery is somehow more important then the oppression others faced..

Not to mention the slavery in South America by the Spaniards circa 16th and 17th century was way more brutal than what happened here in the states with blacks.

It's amazing how that is overlooked...

I wouldn't say that slavery in South America or other countries is overlooked, I am pretty sure they teach it in their schools there, as far as I know Brazil was the last country in the Western Hemisphere to outlaw slavery, and Brazil has the largest Black population in the America's if I'm not mistaken. I agree with pretty much everything you said, I just get burned when people say to just get over and forget slavery.

You're correct about Brazil...

The black population in Brazil are descendants of slaves the Spaniards brought over..

It seems the Spaniards always get a free pass when American slavery is discussed..

75% of African slaves ended up in South America mining silver - hence Brazil and its demographics.

When people talk about slavery the first thing they will think of is North American slavery. Most people don't even know that the majority of African slaves ended up in South America..

People should be knowledgeable about their roots, however they shouldn't let their past play a role in their present day lives.

"Slavery" and "racism" are nothing more than excuses in 2012..

What happened 50 years ago plays no role in what is happening today, especially if you were born 1970 or after..

Slavery is part of American history - its part of every nations history - however its history and thats where it belongs - in history books.

Hmm I don't know too much about Brazil's history, did the blacks there have to endure Jim Crow type laws and have a civil rights movement of their own? it would be interesting to read about.
Why do you keep mentioning that? this is the like the 500th time I have seen you mention that MLK was a womanizer? why is his sex life such a big concern for you?

Well, I could bring up his embezlement from the Ebenezer Baptist Church to fund his legendary parties, or that he was a severe alcoholic. Or even that he plagiarized much of what he wrote, and others wrote the rest for him. But, in the above instance I was responding to someone else and was therefore constrained by what they said.

We make heroes where we need them and ignore everything that doesn't prove heroism. Had MLK lived, he would not have been the father of the civil rights movement. He would not have been a hero. He would not have a statue to his greatness. His greatest contribution to civil rights was in being assassinated. He was a true martyr. In death his gigantic flaws are ignored. Not even forgiven, ignored. Only the myth remains.

Not content with that, liberals have to make up other myths like the ones about J. Edgar Hoover. Not a shred of evidence but lots of mythic conjecture.

You have no proof of any of your accusations, put the vodka bottle down.:eusa_hand:

It's not like the information isn't out there. If you wanted to, you would find out for yourself.

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